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SpecialOlympian wrote:Dude, you think the news reporting on politicians criticizing Trump is a plot. Anything less than putting your lips on Trump's dick is plotting to you, Trump humper.

You mean the media that Bill Clinton handed to the establishment on a silver platter? I wonder why I would think they might be pro Clinton?
SpecialOlympian wrote:Wow that was dumber than I thought it would be.

Hmmmm. I see ! So Clinton obviously Planted Stormy Daniels too … Slipped Trump some Spanish-fly to get him talking on that bus … Yes, it all makes sense … One Degree has cracked the case !


Zam :hmm:
SO is apparently jealous that Scott Adams is both funnier than him and in much better physical condition despite being an old man.

The Gowdy and Ryan defections are interesting but it's basically opinions vs. documented evidence at this point. The FBI et al. do need to justify the things they do, that's how it works.
Lmfao if anything you're jealous of me for being able to succeed in California based on your posting history of attempting to prove that the state is about to collapse at any second.

But yes, it is opinions vs. evidence at this point. The FBI documented their reasons for investigating very thoroughly and it's the opinion of Trump that nobody should ever criticize or do anything that makes him look bad ever. Basically Goon's usual stuff about how this is reality vs. the opinions of the frailest subspecies of the frailest beings to ever walk the earth: Trump supporting conservatives.
Hong Wu wrote:The Gowdy and Ryan defections are interesting but it's basically opinions vs. documented evidence at this point. The FBI et al. do need to justify the things they do, that's how it works.

We're still waiting for "documented evidence" from Donald and Rudi on their "spygate" bullshit.

Donald, it seems, does not need to document his lies …. that's how it works in Donald Land.

Hey have you seen the picture of Bill Clinton punking Obama in the ass? It's true. Donald said so and is demanding an investigation. :eek:

Gowdy and Ryan "defecations"? Defections from what? The endless diet of lies for simpletons?
As you recall, Power was caught using her security clearance as a U.N. ambassador to review private conversations by U.S. citizens. According to official records, she requested the unmasking of these private citizens over 260 times in 2016 (this was an election year). She was brought before the House Intelligence Committee to explain her actions.

Her defense? It wasn't me. Someone else in the Obama White House did this, using her security clearance.

There are two possibilities: that she is telling the truth, in which case someone else in the Obama administration is lying. Or she is lying herself.

Let's consider the implications if she's lying. Power, a supposed human rights activist and darling of the left, came into her office every day – Monday through Friday, 52 weeks a year – and did some reading. But instead of the New York Times, or her favorite blog, she was reading the transcripts of private conversations of her fellow Americans, wiretapped by federal agents. And not only that, but she made a request each day on average to unmask a U.S. citizen in those transcripts.

Why are our supposed human rights activists not horrified? Why is this not a daily banner headline in every major newspaper in the country? I could see the MSM attempting to hide this damning evidence of Obama administration malfeasance, but why are the conservative news outlets not clamoring for answers?

Perhaps 2017 just saw too many revelations of government abuse? But this one does not deserve to be forgotten. And if we don't act soon, it will go down the memory hole.

Here's how Power's Wiki page spins it: "On May 31, 2017, Power's testimony and relevant records were subpoenaed by the House Intelligence Committee as part of its investigation into the unmasking of Americans whose conversations were inadvertently captured during intelligence surveillance."

There is nothing "inadvertent" about a White House official making over 260 unmasking requests during an election year. And lying about it.

No one, it seems, is asking even the most basic questions: who was this mysterious, nameless Obama administration official? Why would he use Samantha Power's security clearance to unmask U.S. citizens? What did he have to hide? And if he was researching something that was purely legal, why the necessity for such subterfuge and deceit?

The only answer that makes sense is that this official was using Power's security clearance for reasons that would not stand up to legal scrutiny, most likely for political or possibly illegal ends – such as spying on the Trump campaign.

A final thought: Why is Samantha Power herself so seemingly unconcerned about this violation of public trust? Wouldn't you expect this brave journalist, the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the champion of the people, to be at least a little bit curious as to exactly who it was in the Obama administration who stole her passwords and used her security clearance in such a blatantly undemocratic and unlawful manner?

And wouldn't you expect her to speak up about it?

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/20 ... z5I0YJdIhI
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Hopefully they are sitting on this Samantha Powers thing until the right time. I don't see how she can say "someone else used my security clearance" for 260 unmaskings and no one follows up.
Russia probe is appropriate. All the Democrat’s failings are blamed on Russia. Russia takes it in the ass for Democrat’s corruption.
http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/395776 ... p-campaign

We already know from FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok’s now-infamous text messages with his fellow agent and reported lover, Lisa Page, that Strzok — the man driving that Russia collusion investigation — disdained Donald Trump and expressed willingness to use his law enforcement powers to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

The question that lingers, unanswered: Did those sentiments affect official actions?

Memos the FBI is now producing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general and multiple Senate and House committees offer what sources involved in the production, review or investigation describe to me as “damning” or “troubling” evidence.

They show Strzok and his counterintelligence team rushing in the fall of 2016 to find “derogatory” information from informants or a “pretext” to accelerate the probe and get a surveillance warrant on figures tied to the future president.

One of those figures was Carter Page, an academic and an energy consultant from New York; he was briefly a volunteer foreign policy adviser for the GOP nominee’s campaign and visited Moscow the summer before the election.

The memos show Strzok, Lisa Page and others in counterintelligence monitored news articles in September 2016 that quoted a law enforcement source as saying the FBI was investigating Carter Page’s travel to Moscow.

The FBI team pounced on what it saw as an opportunity as soon as Page wrote a letter to then-FBI Director James Comey complaining about the “completely false” leak.

“At a minimum, the letter provides us a pretext to interview,” Strzok wrote to Lisa Page on Sept. 26, 2016.


Unfortunately that Awan guy plead out to a single count of wire fraud or something which is probably bad since the server used as evidence physically disappeared; so that's probably one scandal covered up while this other one is still ongoing.
Peter Strzok testifies defiantly to congress, actually plays the Putin card, although he also admits that Bruce Ohr was paid to give the dossier to the FBI which helps complete the circle of corruption.

So like, to go in and admit this while also claiming no bias and calling his detractors pawns of Putin is probably going to piss someone off. My guess is that we'll be seeing even more leaks about Strzok in the future, I think the odds of him getting away with sneering at congress about how they're Russian pawns are probably low.
Hong Wu wrote:Peter Strzok testifies defiantly to congress,

Well, defiant to some unprofessional asshole republicans. I gather he got quite a bit of support from democrats. Who at one point interrupted the questioning when republicans tried to prevent Strzork from consulting the official FBI counsel about what he was allowed and not allowed to discuss.

claiming no bias and calling his detractors pawns of Putin is probably going to piss someone off. My guess is that we'll be seeing even more leaks about Strzok in the future, I think the odds of him getting away with sneering at congress about how they're Russian pawns are probably low.

Asshole republicans asked these questions, all he did was answer. I don't know what you think anyone can accuse him of … if hating Trump is Treason, your going to have to hang most of America. What exactly do you think he's getting away with ? I expect to see him retire from the FBI and run for office.

Zam 8)
https://www.google.com.tw/amp/s/www.cbs ... e-updates/

It says that the FBI got documents and material from Bruce Ohr, the guy who said it was the Russia dossier materials may have been jumping to conclusions but at this point it's like, do we expect new evidence to appear this late in the game? So it seems likely for these and chronological reasons that it was the dossier or things related to the dossier.
The gulf between "the FBI got documents and material from Bruce Ohr" (who is a DOJ official, so there's no surprise that he did work with the FBI) and "Strzok admits that Bruce Ohr was paid to give the dossier to the FBI" is Mexico-like. Because the latter was a lie.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:The gulf between "the FBI got documents and material from Bruce Ohr" (who is a DOJ official, so there's no surprise that he did work with the FBI) and "Strzok admits that Bruce Ohr was paid to give the dossier to the FBI" is Mexico-like. Because the latter was a lie.

If the documents in question were the dossier, or led to the dossier, then not really. I guess I may be adding some spin by saying he was paid to do it (technically of course he was paid, but it makes it sound worse since this may have just been within his job description).
Have you heard...…………? The Republican sub committee on committees has claimed that the Mueller team is soaking their garbage in formaldehyde prior to disposal. Rudi "The Entertainer" Giuliani is expected to preside over the run out of Formaldehydegate.

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