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jimjam wrote:I just came across this and wanted to rush it to your attention my friend :) .

A series of NBC News/Marist polls released late in July confirmed what Democrats are seeing on the ground ― even if officials in both parties say they believe the surveys overstated the Democratic advantage. In Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, Trump’s approval rating stood below 40 percent.

2018 Ohio Special Election Results
These are the polls that matter... 8)
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By Albert
Business executives come back to Trump a year after Charlottesville

Business executives who distanced themselves from President Donald Trump a year ago in the wake of the deadly clashes in Charlottesville are back to finding common cause with the administration.

The guest list for a Tuesday night dinner at the president’s Bedminster, New Jersey, country club includes 15 top executives of some of the country’s largest companies. Of the guests, one publicly resigned from a Trump outside advisory council after the president's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-Nazis. And two others were reportedly close to stepping down from another advisory council before Trump abruptly dissolved the councils himself amid the backlash.

The dinner offers Trump a high-profile opportunity to show his critics that at least some in the business community have set aside their previous criticism of him.

“They feel that they can associate with [Trump] now because his policies have been such an amazing success,” said Stephen Moore, an economic adviser to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Moore added that he was surprised the president, infamous for blocking those he believes have betrayed him, invited some executives back into the fold: “I don’t understand why President Trump would invite anyone who ran for the high grass when there was the first signs of trouble.”

One of the attendees slated to attend Tuesday’s dinner, Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky, released a statement last year criticizing Trump and announcing his decision to step down from Trump’s advisory council on manufacturing.

Though Gorsky had initially insisted he would remain on the council, he changed his mind after Trump gave a press conference at Trump Tower in which he drew an equivalence between white supremacists and the protesters who rallied in Charlottesville against their racist views. “[T]he president’s remarks yesterday — equating those who are motivated by race-based hate with those who stand up against hatred — were unacceptable,” Gorsky said in the statement at the time. A Johnson & Johnson spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment about why Gorsky decided to attend the Bedminster dinner.

At least two other attendees – PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi and Ernst & Young CEO Mark Weinberger – were reportedly weighing stepping down from a separate outside policy advisory group before the president announced that he was disbanding the councils.

Several Trump loyalists are also among the invitees to the dinner, including Continental Resources CEO Harold Hamm, Red Apple Group CEO John Catsimatidis and LeFrak CEO Richard LeFrak. Hamm, a vocal defender of Trump who has advised him on energy policy, donated $25,000 in May to a legal defense fund created for the benefit of White House aides.

Another attendee, FedEx CEO Fred Smith, also has close ties to Trump, even though he has criticized Trump’s trade policies. Smith was among the business executives who attended a "Pledge to America's Workers" event last month at the White House, where he received repeated shoutouts from Trump.

Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg, who will also attend the dinner, has also courted Trump since he took office and regularly speaks with the president.

Though Nooyi was among the executives who were angry about Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville, she also has close ties to the White House. Ivanka Trump, Trump’s daughter and adviser, called Nooyi a “mentor” to her in a tweet Tuesday morning amid news that Nooyi would step down as Pepsi’s CEO.

International Paper CEO Mark Sutton, another of the participants scheduled to attend Tuesday’s dinner, condemned the violence that took place in Charlottesville in a statement at the time, but said he was remaining on Trump’s manufacturing council.

Other attendees scheduled to attend Tuesday’s dinner include Fiat Chrysler CEO Michael Manley, Mastercard CEO Ajaypal Banga, Boston Beer Company chairman Jim Koch, Honeywell CEO Darius Adamczyk, Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy and DocuSign chairman Keith Krach.

The dinner comes during Trump’s working vacation in Bedminster, which White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Monday is taking place while the “White House undergoes needed renovations to the Oval Office and other areas in the West Wing.”

White House aides have organized several meetings with the president throughout the week.

Also it was Mueller's birthday yesterday, happy birthday Mr. Mueller.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:2018 Ohio Special Election Results
These are the polls that matter... 8)

$5,000,000 and desperation appearances by The Great Man and Mike "The Dud" Pence got you a 1700 vote win? I wouldn't get too happy about that.

This should have been a Republican cakewalk. The district hadn’t been represented by a Democrat in more than three decades. The Republican incumbent, whose retirement is why the special election was necessary, won in 2016 by more than 35 points. In that same year’s presidential election, Trump won the district by 11.

And he and Republicans pulled out all the stops to help Balderson. The president swept into town for a big rally on Saturday night. Vice President Mike Pence made his own trip. And Republican groups from outside the district pumped millions into the race, hugely outspending their Democratic counterparts.

Even so, Balderson seemed to be barely squeezing out a victory. It’s a terrible sign for Republicans, a promising one for Democrats and a fascinating, revelatory turn of events on a night when the country’s mood in general — and voters’ attitudes about Trump in particular — came into slightly sharper focus.

I sense a greater energy on the Democrat side this time around. Recently past elections have seen them going forward lackadaisically on automatic pilot with the predictable results. Donald's insults and divide and conquer tactics appear to be reaping what they sow.
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By Beren
CNN wrote:Washington (CNN) - Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that President Donald Trump's legal team has responded to the special counsel, the latest effort in ongoing negotiations over a possible interview.

"We have now given him an answer. Obviously, he should take a few days to consider it, but we should get this resolved," Giuliani said during an interview on the radio show of fellow Trump attorney Jay Sekulow.

"We do not want to run into the November elections. So back up from that, this should be over by September 1," Giuliani said.

I wonder if we'll have Trump obstruct justice tremendously. :D
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By jimjam
Sivad wrote:

"The Real News" is obviously fake news :lol: . Why else would they name themselves "Real"?


President Trump’s lawyers rejected the special counsel’s latest terms for an interview in the Russia investigation, countering on Wednesday with an offer that suggested a narrow path for answering questions, people familiar with the matter said. "People familiar with the matter" suggest that the interview be restricted to discussion of the weather and recipes for pizza sauce.

Rudolph W. Giuliani said, “We’re restating what we have been saying for months: It is time for the Office of Special Counsel to conclude its inquiry without further delay.” Oh, O.K. Rudi. Whatever you say. Definitely without further "delay" :lol: .
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By Beren

The basic problem may be that lying is more natural to Trump than telling the truth is. That's what being a pathological liar means, isn't it? Is it even possible that whatever he happens to say in public, or even private, is free of lies? Lying is a must because the truth always has to be covered up. It seems literally impossible that he won't lie to Mueller if he asks him about more than his own name and the weather perhaps.
Beren wrote:The basic problem may be that lying is more natural to Trump than telling the truth is. That's what being a pathological liar means, isn't it? Is it even possible that whatever he happens to say in public, or even private, is free of lies? Lying is a must because the truth always has to be covered up. It seems literally impossible that he won't lie to Mueller if he asks him about more than his own name and the weather perhaps.

I'll say the same thing I said on Bill re Monica when the press ganged up on him: Saying "No comment" is an option.
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By Godstud
:lol: @Sivad You set a good example of 'Invincible Ignorance'.
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By jimjam
South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who golfed with Trump last weekend and had dinner with Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, told an event hosted by the Greenville County Republican Party and radio station WGTK that the president brought up ending the Mueller probe “about 20 times.” Graham added: “I told the president, ‘I know you don’t like it. I know you feel put upon. You just got to ride it out.'” :lol:

The Mueller probe is worth every single red cent if all it does is get that obnoxious money worshiping piece of shit pissed off over and over. Poor Donald ….. he can't sue, bankrupt or fire his way out of this one. He is reaping exactly what he needs and what he sows.
jimjam wrote:The Mueller probe is worth every single red cent if all it does is get that obnoxious money worshiping piece of shit pissed off over and over.

I just wish you'd use DNC funds on this sort of thing. The nice thing about Mueller's scorched Earth campaign is that the Earth he's scorched is the deep state's stamping grounds. FWIW, the FBI decided to fire Peter Strzok today for his anti-Trump text messages.

Since you seem to think it is worth every red cent, you can always donate to Peter Strzok now.

:excited: :D
blackjack21 wrote:I just wish you'd use DNC funds on this sort of thing. The nice thing about Mueller's scorched Earth campaign is that the Earth he's scorched is the deep state's stamping grounds. FWIW, the FBI decided to fire Peter Strzok today for his anti-Trump text messages.

Since you seem to think it is worth every red cent, you can always donate to Peter Strzok now.

:excited: :D

Good to see that creepy catamite go. But there's more swamp to drain, the very idea of representative democracy itself.
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By Hong Wu
Nunes has made some pretty bombshell claims and I've noticed that, so far at least, there's no headlines going on about how audaciously wrong he is. Perhaps that didn't work out too well for them last time? I also have a feeling that having been fired may be the least of Peter Strzok's worries. He's the most obvious fall guy if this advances and other people need a scapegoat.
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By Crantag
Hong Wu wrote:Nunes has made some pretty bombshell claims and I've noticed that, so far at least, there's no headlines going on about how audaciously wrong he is. Perhaps that didn't work out too well for them last time? I also have a feeling that having been fired may be the least of Peter Strzok's worries. He's the most obvious fall guy if this advances and other people need a scapegoat.

That's a pretty useless post without any details. Not that I lend any credibility to co-conspirator Nunes. But it'd be decent courteous to at least describe some of the claims you refer to.
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