Is Political Correctness and the SJW Plague Late Communism? - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Hmmm. :hmm:

Well Solar Cross.

First you often refer to communists as "murderers". The irony is that you have in your sig, the execution of a woman in China; a country that is, in may ways, more capitalist than the US. Certainly one that is communist in name only.

Capitalism has one natural enemy. Democracy. Because I am a ardent supporter of democracy I accept the inevitable drift towards socialism as preferable to the alternative drift towards totalitarianism. Doctrinaire capitalism, as imagined in the definition you posted.....

... an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

is naturally doomed in a democracy because of its inevitable concentration of wealth in the few. Absent controls that constrain the kind of economy you are advocating capitalism will ultimately fail. Indeed capitalism requires government intervention to remain viable in the long haul except in an increasingly repressive society.

You mention Social Justice Warriors with disdain. Really? Some of our most ardent capitalists fit the description. Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet who, through capitalism have acquired between them
roughly the GDP of New Zealand and way more than Iraq, are good examples. Both embrace the principles of the good SJW.

Tell me though. What is it, that your SJW supports, that you do not? Equal rights for women? Equal rights for minorities? The right of people to petition their government for redress of grievances? Tel me what these people do that blows up your skirt?
SolarCross wrote:That was a narrative they used at the time, they use different narratives now that are just as false.

Marxism is still a useful tool to analyze capitalist society and some contemporary marxists critique the postmodern outlook because it supports the neoliberal order.
They try to inherit the western enlightenment values they think the bourgeois and postmodern intellectuals fail to defend.
Capitalism pretends to be rational, but it's not.
Reichstraten wrote:Marxism is still a useful tool to analyze capitalist society and some contemporary marxists critique the postmodern outlook because it supports the neoliberal order.
They try to inherit the western enlightenment values they think the bourgeois and postmodern intellectuals fail to defend.
Capitalism pretends to be rational, but it's not.

No it isn't because no marxist, including marx himself, cares a hoot for the facts or the truth what they care about is trying to trick people into murdering each other. All their "analysis" is really just agitation.
Political Correctness is about lying. It originated in the insane world of thirties Soviet Union. It was used originally ironically. Political correctness was counter-posed to factual correctness. So six million Ukrainians might have starved to death in one of the greatest famines of the modern era, but it was politically correct to say it was a good harvest. The price of factual correctness in the Soviet Union was a long stretch in a concentration camp, or in many cases death.

What is remarkable is the extent the modern left has created a new totalitarian political correctness, without the Cheka and the Gulag Archipelago. In Britain Muslims have been raping and prostituting in our children on an industrial scale. This was a factually correct reality. But in the politically correct reality none of this was happening. We knew that Cultural Marxism had long ago conquered, the universities, social services and the BBC, but what was terrifying was to find out that it had conquered the police force.
Rich wrote:We knew that Cultural Marxism had long ago conquered, the universities, social services and the BBC, but what was terrifying was to find out that it had conquered the police force.

Perhaps I am being naive but my hope is that the police are just being tactically soft on Islam, rather than being ideologically hijacked; that they don't know what else to do about it because it such a really big problem as it goes, in scale, way beyond even the kind of organised crime seen in people like the Krays. It is pretty understandable to not want to pick a fight with a gang larger and more feisty than your gang.
SolarCross wrote:No it isn't because no marxist, including marx himself, cares a hoot for the facts or the truth what they care about is trying to trick people into murdering each other. All their "analysis" is really just agitation.

Please note that you have yet to engage in analysis of any kind in this thread up to this point.

I would appreciate an answer to Drlee’s question:

Drlee wrote:Tell me though. What is it, that your SJW supports, that you do not? Equal rights for women? Equal rights for minorities? The right of people to petition their government for redress of grievances? Tel me what these people do that blows up your skirt?

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