Catholic church rape scandal 2018 - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Zagadka wrote:It is kinda funny that you are mixing some of the most conservative populations with the most "liberal" (homosexuality itself has no ties to social thought other than being homosexual)

By your logic, putting girls into male heterosexual couples would be supremely safe.

Oh, you want stats.

For the record, the Kinsey institute has already absolutely destroyed the "projection" stats that you are encompassing. This following article will outline your thought assumptions. It is long so I won't quote it in full. I'm not fully invested in the text, it is just what showed up on a quick search (as I say below, the Kinsey studies aren't available ATM) ... ation.html

Unfortunately, the Kinsey site is having technical errors, so I can't link to direct studies from it.

Easy there killer. I didn't say that homosexuals were more likely to molest kids, if so maybe I would hesistate letting my homosexual brother from hanging with my kids, but I don't because I already know those statistics.

That is not what I was inquiring about, I was asking whether or not being a kid in the Roman church increases your chances of being molested because of the per capita percentage of molesters among the clergy. That is all.

I only mentioned homosexuality in passing with incels and others as the sorts attracted to clerical celibacy....and no doubt some heterosexuals and asexuals and whatever do as well, my point was that people are often attracted to a job that requires celibacy in order to hide something they view as negative, like being gay in catholic family, or not being able to get laid/married etc.

That is all.

Don't get all triggered over something I didn't even argue.

If you want to argue stats, try providing some for your claim that molestation in the catholic church is incidental and not indicative.

Then we will have a conversation.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:I only mentioned homosexuality in passing with incels and others as the sorts attracted to clerical celibacy....and no doubt some heterosexuals and asexuals and whatever do as well, my point was that people are often attracted to a job that requires celibacy in order to hide something they view as negative, like being gay in catholic family, or not being able to get laid/married etc.

That may explain part of it but I wonder if it might be a cycle of abuse where kids that were abused by priests then become priests who abuse. Most priests are raised in the church so it seems likely that a perpetual victim–perpetrator cycle of abuse is occurring.
Lets remember that Christainty was founded or at least, a major part of its fabrication was by a homosexual Jew, so called "Saint Paul." Proto Christians before Paul believed that Jesus had been sacrificed in the lower heavens. It seems highly likely that it was Paul that invented the crucifixion, although note this crucifixion still took place in the lower heavens, not on Earth. It was only later that Jesus was euhemerised like so many deities before him and given an earthly biography.

Paul emphasises the humiliation, not the suffering of Jesus's death. There would have been no loin cloth in Paul's fantasy. Paul reinvents his lack interest in women as a superior spiritual celibacy. [Zag Edit: Rule 3]

MadMonk wrote:What the Catholic Church has done is not protecting child molesters, it has been protecting themselves. Stupid and immoral pieces of garbage, the upper echelons of their hierarchy should all be shot for crimes against humanity. The Pope, the Cardinals and the Vatican should all burn.

Has there ever existed a more evil organisation? None that has survived for as long anyways... Judgement will be cast on the "righteous and virtues", that I do pray for...
Indeed they are protecting themselves more so. Why is my question? Fear of retribution, protecting their image? I do not get it. Are they pedophiles themselves?

In the end of it all they are just continuing the suffering and this nonsense.

Last edited by Albert on 15 Aug 2018 18:03, edited 1 time in total.
Albert wrote:When is this going to stop honestly. When will the church learn that as soon as there is abuse these people needs to be prosecuted.

The undeniable facts are the Catholic Church always had predators and rarely made them pay for their crimes. On another hand, they seem to be the only ones that take some sort of action against their own.
On another note, there's a cabal war going on, a political and economical war and that inevitably brings Churches, Mosques and Synagogues to the center of it. Evangelicals and Protestants are in for a power change and that implicates making Catholicism weaker. The Pope is enraging everyone, basically.
Albert wrote:I do not get it.

Look at it from the Catholic Church's perspective. Its all about heaven and hell. Eternal hell, or eternal paradise. How do you get to heaven and avoid hell? By obedience to the Church and the request for forgiveness by God. The suffering of the children is so inconsequential compared to the eternal life stakes, and beside all children are born drenched in sin so thoroughly deserve everything that happens to them. Good Catholics should welcome the opportunity to suffer.

The exposure of these scandals will lead numerous people to abandon the Catholic faith. Their souls will be assigned to eternal torment and all because a few selfish so called victims have gone running to the press and the police. In the old days Christians were prepared to be ripped apart and eaten alive by lions for their faith.

In Catholic doctrine all are sinful but some are more sinful than others. Women and children are seen as particularly sinful, so its generally assumed by catholic bigots that the children or the many women that have sexual relationships with priests, led the priests on. I've heard Muslims and lefties use the same arguments about Ayeesha. She was begging for it. She loved it.
Don't get me wrong. This is horrible, and religion is stupid. HOwever, at least they're calling this shit out. Jehova's witnesses on the other hand, are still hiding all their abuses.
I personally believe this is predominantly a Catholic church issue. Pedophiles are actively seeking out priesthood positions there: Church leadership failed to handle this situation properly, failed by staggering measures, on levels of stupidity hardly seen. I do not know exact reasons why they did what they did and what exactly they were thinking, I suspect it has something to do more with saving face and not letting this taint the Catholic church image; instead they did worse, by trying to cover it up. They failed on so many levels as judging by their actions, they basically, I suspect unwittingly, pretty much ran a pedophile ring within the church.

I'm sure other denominations have their issues as well, but if it was on the same level as within Catholicism we will be hearing about it, as victims like in this case would be coming out sooner or later.

At this point there needs to be not just prosecution of the perpetrators but also of people in authority within the church who attempted to cover this up and did not deal with this properly. They basically sheltered the perpetrators.
Man-haters will find any opportunity to bash men, even if it means arbitrary taking advantage of instances like in this thread. They of coarse do not see it that way, as it seems they actually wholeheartedly believe their own nonsense.
skinster wrote:Ugh.

We need to talk about men. But as usual we won't.

#notallmen since there are victims on this board that need a pre-emptive strike in hashtag-form.

Honestly, I am willing to have an honest, hard discussion about the facts of this.

I am totally willing to recognize that crime, in general, is very disproportionately caused by men. It's an absolute & total fact. And these sorts of heinous crimes that we read of right here are almost universally committed by men -- upwards of 95%, right? Probably even higher than that...

So, Skinster, I will gladly put my ideology on the cutting board of statistics & expect everything to be assessed in terms of that.

Will you?

Like... Does your ideology account for bad numbers that you don't want to talk about, or are those bad numbers just not supposed to be discussed?
The problem isn't that there is pedophilia and sexual abuse in the Church. People like that are drawn to jobs where trust is given easily and readily. Their response to it is what makes them amoral.

They conceal and downplay it, and that is unconscionable! >:
Rancid wrote: religion is stupid.

Religion is mostly stupid but that's only because most people are stupid. People make everything stupid. Religion itself isn't the problem, some religions are quite enlightened, it's people that are the problem.

The development of religion was important to our survival. I think in todays global culture, it's still needed, but eventually we will evolve away from it. The need religion originally filled is diminishing.
Pope cries out; "Evil has been done, will behave differently, you are all suckers!"

"Pope Francis has publicly acknowledged the failures of the Roman Catholic church in dealing with sexual abuse by priests, attacking a “culture of death” and deferential “clericalism” that helps perpetuate evil."

We need to protect ourselves first and foremost, let me be the one to fully commit to damage control now the cat is out of the bag.

"The letter opens with an acknowledgement of suffering endured by children and abuse of power. Francis admits the church has failed to “act in a timely manner” and promises zero tolerance and sanctions. “We have realised that these wounds never disappear and that they require us forcefully to condemn these atrocities and join forces in uprooting this culture of death,” he said."

Timely manner for a religious spokesperson meaning decades, even centuries.

"He added: “It is essential that we, as a church, be able to acknowledge and condemn, with sorrow and shame, the atrocities perpetrated by consecrated persons, clerics, and all those entrusted with the mission of watching over and caring for those most vulnerable. Let us beg forgiveness for our own sins and the sins of others.”"

Ahhh, the arbiters of divine forgiveness must now ask the meak for redemption. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

"The church has been engulfed in a wave of sexual abuse scandals this year, including in the US, Chile and Australia. Many relate to the cover-up of crimes by archbishops, bishops and other senior figures."

Another year, another scandal. One country, two countries, perhaps even every country?

"More than 140 Catholic theologians, educators and lay leaders in the US issued a statement calling for all American bishops to resign following the Pennsylvania report."

Finally someone is talking some sense.

"He added: “With shame and repentance, we acknowledge as an ecclesial community that we were not where we should have been, that we did not act in a timely manner, realising the magnitude and the gravity of the damage done to so many lives. We showed no care for the little ones; we abandoned them.”

Yes yes, minor details. We both know what is really important, don't we Popey? Unless you are willing to fall on your sword and donate the Vatican Bank to real charities? No? Did not think so.

And to everyone making this into a solely Catholic thing, this happens in every religious cult. It happens in secular life as well but the abuse of power demonstrated here is unprecedented.
Albert wrote:I personally believe this is predominantly a Catholic church issue. Pedophiles are actively seeking out priesthood positions there: Church leadership failed to handle this situation properly, failed by staggering measures, on levels of stupidity hardly seen. I do not know exact reasons why they did what they did and what exactly they were thinking, I suspect it has something to do more with saving face and not letting this taint the Catholic church image; instead they did worse, by trying to cover it up. They failed on so many levels as judging by their actions, they basically, I suspect unwittingly, pretty much ran a pedophile ring within the church.

I'm sure other denominations have their issues as well, but if it was on the same level as within Catholicism we will be hearing about it, as victims like in this case would be coming out sooner or later.

At this point there needs to be not just prosecution of the perpetrators but also of people in authority within the church who attempted to cover this up and did not deal with this properly. They basically sheltered the perpetrators.

See, I am an Orthodox believer, so I believe Priests should be allowed to marry, and that those Priests which are celibate should be monks, and should probably spend a decade or two in prayer sequestered in a monastery in the desert or mountains prior to being brought to the cities & towns. Not because all of them need to be treated like they have the potential to hurt people, but because some of them might, and it is generally just better to have them defeat their demons in the wild until they are age 40 and they are very secure in their celibacy to deal with people.

Man either needs an outlet or they need a monastery tucked far away from people until they can totally conquer it, right.

So I think it honestly is a factor that Priests do not have these outlets... Perhaps it isn't even the biggest factor, though.

I think that the fact that there were cover ups is what makes people actually go crazy about these stories... And the fact that people hate religion, and that Protestants hate Catholics, and a fair amount of Orthodox hate them too.

But I honestly think that it will be harder to find these sorts of stories even just 2, 3 years from now -- of course, the rage will be recycled ad infinitum, but I even feel that this round of outrage even feels a bit weak. But IDK.

Rancid wrote:Sure.

The development of religion was important to our survival. I think in todays global culture, it's still needed, but eventually we will evolve away from it. The need religion originally filled is diminishing.

But in the societies where religion diminishes, we often see plummeting birth rates, increased mental health issues, substance abuse, etc. Like the postmodern society isn't some paradise, right.

I do not see it even in terms of something "diminishing."

This all already starts from a materialist perspective where everything is to be evaluated in terms of utility to the world. Things should rather be evaluated in terms of their truth values.

The world does not make sense without a God.

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