How did White Privilege Enter Marxism-Leninism? - Politics | PoFo

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In the USSR and the Warsaw Pact states there were no narratives of the 'white' Slavic working classes and non-whites. There was no discourse on systemic privilege of Russians in the Soviet Union.

But it seems Western commies in Anglosphere actively embraced such an idea. However in early sources from the 20th century I never see such references to white privilege.

How and when did white privilege theory and idea of white bourgeois over class enter into mainstream Western communism? And why not the same in the eastern communist countries?
I was hoping for a concrete example but taken the assertion as true my speculation would be that there probably wasn’t the same civil righs movement historically which were inspired by liberation movements of the times to have objectified themselves partially in such a society as the soviet union.

Added also that liberalisation of Russia seems to have been a delayed process rather than something based in its foundations like with the US.

But im not sure modern marxist reify whiteness too much except to the extent that racial and gendered relations are subsumed in class relations in their own way but that dont take precedence, only help to make clearer the picture of the state of things.

It was my inpression though in not putting class on an equal level as simply a matter of identification on par with racial and gender segregation making their categories significant, marcist types often accused of class reductionism which some likely are, but aren’t necessarily always.

So they might talk of whites having higher status based in the economic stratification along racial or gendered lines. But I dont think white privilege is too strong a concept relative to it being but a part of a broader conceptual scope.
@Political Interest

Because eastern Europeans don't have the same heritage of colonialism.

Post-Colonialist studies argues that the plight of foreigners was due to imperial exploitation as states expanded for the sake of capitalism.

Hence, whites benefited economically from imperialism, colonialism, and slavery at the expense of the colored peoples of the world and cannot existentially understand their plight and history due to their historical privelage as the dominating and oppressor culture.

This is also why it is by definition impossible to be racist against white people, because racism can only come from power + prejudice, it is a faculty of the oppressor, never the oppressed.

This also why white nationalism must be racist and supremacist by definition but other nationalisms like black nationalism are not. non-white nationalism are attempts to rectify and liberate a historically oppressed people; white nationalism is merely the assertion of whiteness which is by definition oppressive because of its historical context.

Get it?
Anti-colonialism was the main pillar of the Soviet Union's propaganda campaign to spread communism to Africa. The Soviet Union was the biggest benefactor of the African National Congress (ANC) and the apartheid system ended through Soviet efforts to fight against the racist regime. But Russians were oppressing Eastern Europeans, who should not get the wrong idea of national liberation in Eastern Europe. Probably the media and school textbooks were censored to prevent the rise of nationalism in the region.

No discussion about South Africa’s struggle against the tyranny of apartheid can be complete without mentioning the role of the Soviet Union. On April 30, 1999, Mandela, on a state visit to Moscow, was awarded two honorary doctorates from the Russian Academy of Sciences. As he accepted the honors, Mandela said: “I would interpret your action also as a tribute to the intellectuals of our country, of all colors and backgrounds, who have followed their calling to fashion the complex experience and aspirations of our diverse society into a single, realizable vision of a society at peace with itself.”

Although apartheid formally ended after the fall of the Soviet Union, Soviet ideology was influential in the ideas that led to the end of the system. The Soviet Union was at the forefront of the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid movements and the Soviet Union was the biggest benefactor of the African National Congress (ANC).

From the 1960s until the early 1990s, the Soviet Union trained thousands of cadres of MK, the armed wing of the ANC to fight against the racist regime. According to the website South African History Online, “The Soviets helped the ANC maintain structures that came under enormous pressure, especially through the slump in the 1970s. After that, MK cadres trained in the USSR launched devastating attacks that added to the pressure bringing apartheid leaders to the negotiating table.”

It is easy for critics of Mandela to label him a communist and downplay Russia’s intentions in ending state-sponsored racism in South Africa. Mandela refuted these claims in his autobiography, The Long Walk to Freedom. He wrote, with a tinge of humor, “There will always be those who say that the Communists were using us. But who is to say that we were not using them?” ... 32329.html
It began in 1910 with Hilferding's Finance Capital. Through the filthy lies of the Marxist theory of imperialism, Hilferding followed by Bukharin and Lenin turned history on its head. The truth is the worlds peoples owe a huge debt to White Europeans. Because of us, there are more non Europeans, living longer lives at higher standards of living. This even applies to so called Native Americans.

The early European expansion focused on the production / extraction trade of Gold, Silver, spices and sugar, followed by tobacco, furs and fish. None of these things were necessary for industrial take off. But Communist hate propagandists have sought to steal our achievements.

From the late 1950s the Soviet Union championed African nationalism, Arab nationalism, Latin American nationalism. The Chinese Communists demented policies led to genocidal starvation. They sought to blame their failures on the West. From the 1960's the western communist parties became more and more middle class. The western Communist parties with full support from Moscow and Beijing shifted their more and more to failing ethnic /racial minorities. As the deranged Communist and third world nationalist regimes starved and butchered their peoples by the millions, by the tens of millions, hypocritical middle class Communist party members obsessed about South Africa, Ireland and increasingly Palestine.
White privilege has no relationship to Marxist-Leninism at all and never did. It is something Liberals babble on about, Marxists don't care what colour you are, they care weather you are Proletarian or Bourgeois. I expect it was the capitalists who invented the idea in the first place as a way of trying to make workers fight one another over irreverent bollocks like skin colour and ignore the thieving scummy capitalists of all colours robbing them blind.
ThirdTerm wrote:Anti-colonialism was the main pillar of the Soviet Union's propaganda campaign to spread communism to Africa. The Soviet Union was the biggest benefactor of the African National Congress (ANC) and the apartheid system ended through Soviet efforts to fight against the racist regime. But Russians were oppressing Eastern Europeans, who should not get the wrong idea of national liberation in Eastern Europe. Probably the media and school textbooks were censored to prevent the rise of nationalism in the region.
Was there not an "anti-Russian chauvinism" campaign during Communism enforced by Political Correctness?

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