South Africa 'draws up a list of almost 200 farms it will seize from white farmers' as ANC head says - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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I’m sure all the Americans who are supporting this are going to hand over their house to an Indian and fuck off?

If we decide people can be taxed or oppressed to correct historical actions from generations ago them there there is plenty to be done. I guarantee every single person will become a hypocrite when it comes to themselves.

Except pod of course. I’m pretty sure he gives everything he earns in remittances.
Beren wrote:As I said, they just have to leave. If they don't, then they are "asked" to leave sooner or later, I guess.

I think you've embarrassed yourself pretty thoroughly as it is, but what do these soon to be displaced people do about how there aren't any countries that have expressed a willingness to take in the millions of white South Africans who may be displaced by this? You say they just have to leave but what happens if they have nowhere to go?

Case in point, western Europe will take in millions of obviously faux refugees who aren't white, but when actual white Europeans get displaced there is nowhere for them to go. I guess the white liberals running these countries want other people to pay penance for colonialism for them.
Hong Wu wrote:there aren't any countries that have expressed a willingness to take in the millions of white South Africans who may be displaced by this?

I wonder if millions will have to be taken, we talk about 200 farms right now. Maybe they don't even have to leave South Africa, they just have to leave their farms.
Decky wrote:Maybe the Boers should just go back to Holland?

Maybe the Bantu should go back to central Africa. By any natural justice South Africa should belong to temperate-climate people not alien invading imperialist tropical people like the Bantu.
This points out the absurdity of trying to justify racist behavior to correct racist behavior. At some point we have to put a line in history and say, "before this point, what happened has little or no bearing on what is happening today".

Native Americans fought wars over territory long before whites arrived in this continent. Because we (in a racist way) consider all Native Americans as the same 'race' we ignore this and concentrate on the winners. At what point do we do the right thing and condemn all racism?

I am not certain that Mandela, who has been nearly deified by the world, would have any problem with these confiscations. Certainly he had no problem before. He could have prevented it but instead actively participated in the disenfranchisement of whites. I am not criticizing him for that. It was a necessity if the South African state was to succeed. Nevertheless we should see this as what it really is...the taking of property based on race and nothing else.

The comparison with reparations in the US is weak.
layman wrote:I’m sure all the Americans who are supporting this are going to hand over their house to an Indian and fuck off?

If we decide people can be taxed or oppressed to correct historical actions from generations ago them there there is plenty to be done. I guarantee every single person will become a hypocrite when it comes to themselves.

Except pod of course. I’m pretty sure he gives everything he earns in remittances.

Yes, I agree that everyone supporting this should, because of consistency, also support the return of North American lands to their actual owners.

What I disagree with is the idea that this is a reaction to “historical actions from generations ago”.

Colonialism in South Africa, like colonialism in North America is an ongoing and present problem. It never ended. At most, you could argue that the current plan to take land away from white farmers and return these lands to the original communities is a part of the ending of colonialism.

@Drlee uses the example of indigenous communities attacking each other and taking each others land, and points out that we no longer address this, so why should we address European settlers who took the land of indigenous people?

And the answer is because the latter is still an ongoing and real problem while the former ended centuries ago.
Code Rood wrote:Why? They were there earlier than a lot of these black tribes that came down from the north.

Firstly that isn't true, the British kicked the Dutch off of the land by the cape so they went north to conquer new land from people who were already there, there were blacks on the land currently occupied by the Boers long before they were there.

Secondly it is bad enough we have to tolerate the Dutch in Holland. I don't want them all over the rest of the world too. You came to the cape, the British came to clear you out, you came to New Amsterdam, the British came to clear you out, you came to Ceylon, the British came to clear you out.

Maybe it is time you chaps just accepted that you failed as a colonial power (and generally as a nation) and took the Boers back to the swamps where they belong? ;)

P.S. White south Africans, (real whites, ones of British decent I mean) have a saying about the Boers. "They are just blacks with white skin." :lol:
Rugoz wrote:So you claim to be a "Sozialdemokrat"? :lol:

But you can rejoice, looks like whites are leaving anyway:

I'm not sure how Social Democrats should care about whites in South Africa that much, after the Apartheid especially. They're just remnants of colonialism there, basically.

I'm not rejoicing, though, it's just a fact of life whites seem to realise themselves too.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Social democrats hate white people

It's always kind of weird when racists, Zionists, or other haters accuse people of hatred. It must be because they are people without empathy, so in judging others, the points of departure are always themselves.
Last edited by Beren on 19 Aug 2018 20:05, edited 1 time in total.
Beren wrote:It's always kind of weird when racists, Zionists, or other haters accuse people of hatred. It must be because they are people without empathy, so in judging others, the points of departure are always themselves.
I'm sorry there are people that do not hate themselves Beren.
Last edited by Albert on 19 Aug 2018 20:26, edited 1 time in total.
Social democrats feel like they need to apologize and let blacks privileges

I dont believe that white people need to apologize or be ashamed of something

Blacks are the most whiny group of people they always cry about racism while at the same time they are lazy as fuck and prefer to live on welfare or doing crimes
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Social democrats feel like they need to apologize and let blacks privileges

I dont believe that white people need to apologize or be ashamed of something

Blacks are the most whiny group of people they always cry about racism while at the same time they are lazy as fuck and prefer to live on welfare or doing crimes

Is Bernie Madoff black? :?:
@Zionist Nationalist
It is just people who hate themselves ZN. They are self-destructive in their disposition, thus they destroy everything around them, their own people, nations, cities and communities. Without promises of economic benefits that these people offer for their depravity in turn, no one would support them, this is what seduces people to support their camp. Without such enticements people would see them for who they are.

It is the fault of the right themselves though, this whole libertarians, anarcho-capitalist, social-Darwinism that conservatives and other rightist indulge in is what has allowed this to happen. Greed and arrogance corrupted them and this the "left" had taken advantage off.
Last edited by Albert on 19 Aug 2018 20:25, edited 2 times in total.
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