South Africa 'draws up a list of almost 200 farms it will seize from white farmers' as ANC head says - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Albert wrote:I'm sorry there are people that to do not hate themselves Beren.

Are you really one of them?

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Social democrats feel like they need to apologize and let blacks privileges

I dont believe that white people need to apologize or be ashamed of something

I don't need to apologise anyone. And this is not a racial issue to me, there's just a racial aspect to it. It's also another issue whether who the privileged ones usually are.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Social democrats feel like they need to apologize and let blacks privileges

I dont believe that white people need to apologize or be ashamed of something

Blacks are the most whiny group of people they always cry about racism while at the same time they are lazy as fuck and prefer to live on welfare or doing crimes

^^Look at this clusterfuck. Yet these people want to remind us ad nauseum about their persecution based on the very intolerance the poor Zionist is rambling on about above. Your ignorant stereotypes are exactly the same as Jews being referred to as Kikes when entering America. You people just don’t learn, do you? What an absolute embarrassment and walking dichotomy you are. It’s no wonder that Israel and its hostile, intolerant nation is increasingly being seen as an international pariah and a bunch of the biggest hypocrites on planet earth.
We should not cry so much at this news. From I have heard there is a possiblity that Boers could get the chance to settle in Southern Russia.

It would be a mutually beneficial situation. The South Africans will be able to get their land and the Boers can go to a new country where they will live well.
Decky wrote:It's hardly fair on the Russians is it? God knows they have already had enough hardships in their history without having them forced onto them.

I wonder what alternative you would propose?

I am sure the Russians would not mind. Afterall they have a history of accepting European immigrants.
Stavropol is ready to settle up to 50 Boer families, according to the region’s Deputy Commissioner for human rights Vladimir Poluboyarenko. He told RT exclusively there is already a plan for settlement of roughly 500 families with their own cattle near Stavropol. The official also said that out of the four million Boers, representing eight percent of South Africa’s population, fifteen thousand Boers want to move to Russia.

A Russian delegation is due to come to South Africa to work out a more detailed resettlement plan with the Boer community. ... ettlement/

There is a serious offer to resettle 500 Boer families with their own cattle near Stavropol and up to 15,000 Boers would emigrate to Russia in the long run. I thought Australia would take in tens of thousands of South African refugees but the resettlement plan was dropped by Peter Dutton's department. White South African farmers will not get any special treatment when they apply for protection visas, despite Peter Dutton's claims earlier this year that they deserve "special attention".
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 19 Aug 2018 22:30, edited 4 times in total.
Decky wrote:The obvious alternative of course PI, the Dutch have a country already, why do they need to squat in someone elses?


Decky, obviously the Netherlands is a very good choice. But no one is forcing the Boers onto Russia. The Russians will allow them in or they will not allow them in.

A person has a right to settle wherever they want to settle provided the host nation accepts them. But equally the host nation has the right to determine how many they allow in and under what conditions.

And Boer migration to Russia can never be a mass migration. It would not influence Russian demography in any major way.
Beren wrote:I wonder if millions will have to be taken, we talk about 200 farms right now. Maybe they don't even have to leave South Africa, they just have to leave their farms.

Even though you've outed yourself as a belligerent, brain dead racist n- with the historical perspective of a gold fish...

We can agree at least that they hopefully won't extend it past 200 farms. But once they go through the trouble of amending their constitution and seizing land without compensation, even though this was a disaster for a neighboring country, can we really trust them to exercise restraint in the manner in which they physically disenfranchise productive people without compensation? Are you seriously going to start posting "It's only 400 farms... it's only 10% of the population" and so-on, justifying each new wave of stupid shit and then when they start running out of food, I'm certain by now that you're still going to blame colonialism.
Hong Wu wrote:Even though you've outed yourself as a belligerent, brain dead racist n- with the historical perspective of a gold fish...

We can agree at least that they hopefully won't extend it past 200 farms. But once they go through the trouble of amending their constitution and seizing land without compensation, even though this was a disaster for a neighboring country, can we really trust them to exercise restraint in the manner in which they physically disenfranchise productive people without compensation? Are you seriously going to start posting "It's only 400 farms... it's only 10% of the population" and so-on, justifying each new wave of stupid shit and then when they start running out of food, I'm certain by now that you're still going to blame colonialism.
Indeed, it is interesting to see people rationalize or ignore a blatant racist prejudicial actions by the state of South Africa towards white South Africans. Yet these people are self proclaimed anti-racist. Who's whole life mission is to show the injustices of prejudice and hate.

Where is the "international" community boycotting the South African government, where is an outcry?
Colonialism in South Africa, like colonialism in North America is an ongoing and present problem

I don't think this is true. It certainly isn't in North America. If all the whites in the US and Canada were to leave there is no way that Native Americans would be better off.

There may have been a time when one could make the case that Native Americans could reoccupy their country but it is simply not true now.

The fact is that whites protect and fund the autonomy that Native Americans have now. Without us they would not survive as they do now. Further. Without us someone else would pick this low hanging fruit.

Your theory fails POD. It is popular in some circles but very shortsighted.

South Africa is another thing entirely in this regard. If black South Africans want to embrace racism, there is little anyone can do about it. We just have to remember that it is revenge, not justice.
Drlee wrote:I don't think this is true. It certainly isn't in North America. If all the whites in the US and Canada were to leave there is no way that Native Americans would be better off.

There may have been a time when one could make the case that Native Americans could reoccupy their country but it is simply not true now.

1. If you think that it is not true when I claim that colonialism is still a thing in North America, then please tell me when colonialism ended. As far as I can tell, the relationship between Washington, or Ottawa, and the indigenous nations residing in North America is a colonial relationship.

There is still exploitation in terms of land seizures, if nothing else.

There is still an unequal relationship that is based on profiting the colonialist nation at the expense of the colonised.

If you disagree with this, please explain when Washington and Ottawa started a non-colonial relationship with indigenous communities.

2. If all the whites left North America, the indigenous people would get their land back. It is obvious that if all the whites in the US and Canada were to leave, indigenous people in North America would be better off by virtue of getting back their land and the chance to self-govern.

3. No one is discussing re-occupying North America. I am not even sure what that means. I am discussing, instead, the end of colonialism in North America and South Africa.

The fact is that whites protect and fund the autonomy that Native Americans have now. Without us they would not survive as they do now. Further. Without us someone else would pick this low hanging fruit.

Your theory fails POD. It is popular in some circles but very shortsighted.

The first paragraph here does not contradict the claim that the current relationship is colonial. In fact, it seems to say that the relationship is actually colonial, and that indigenous people should simply be grateful.

How is this different from the argument of white mans burden?

South Africa is another thing entirely in this regard. If black South Africans want to embrace racism, there is little anyone can do about it. We just have to remember that it is revenge, not justice.

These seem to be emotional words focused on morality.

“revenge” “racism” “justice”

They help us to understand howmyou feel about it, but they are not useful for analysis.

For example, this position of yours seems to ignore the history of colonialism and racism that is still a part of SA culture.
Pants-of-dog wrote:As far as I can tell, the relationship between Washington, or Ottawa, and the indigenous nations residing in North America is a colonial relationship.

Bullshit. Natives have full citizenship rights.

If all the whites left North America, the indigenous people would get their land back.

It was never their land. They never had any right to exclude anyone from settling here.

Citizenship =/= No more colonialism!

If Iran or China somehow took over the US, gave all of its land to Iranians, kicked Americans off of their land and into small areas where they are out of sight and out of mind, put as much as possible into making it hard for Americans to live and own land, BUT gave them citizenship, would that suddenly no longer be a colonial relationship?

Based on your logic, no one has a right to any land.
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