Equal rights: public Topless +18!!! - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Where men can be with a bare torso - topless. There, and women can be with a bare torso.

If a man can be on the street, in a park, on the beach or even in a store. In all these places and with the same regularity, there can be a woman topless.

In hot weather, topless is a common thing. For example, in Finland in hot weather I see topless guys in shops and on the streets and everywhere. For a couple of days I can see 30 men topless if it's hot. And on the beaches where they bathe and for 1 minute I can see 30 topless men.

However, how many topless in Finland do I see women?
Well, for this summer, the video is ZERO. ZERO and nothing else. Here are such equal rights in Finland. Women do not have topless on the streets, not in parks, not on all beaches. not in stores

Another thing in Spain, right on the beach topless girls go, walk, play beach games with guys (volleyball and other games) or just walk around in the company of guys and no one thinks that this is perversion or something is wrong.

So why in all Europe topless is only in some kind of there is Spain and Bulgaria? It is necessary that it was everywhere!


Europe isn't as puritanical as USA. Violence is OK, but not sexuality.

I was lucky enough to stay at a resort in Mexico where they didn't book Americans. Topless sunbathing was common and after a short time, you don't even notice it. It was readily accepted, as most people there were European.

It's not so much about right for women to go topless, but about the culture. In the USA, it's a cultural taboo, whereas in Europe, it's not.

Topless sunbathing isn't illegal in Thailand, but it's rarely done by the locals, just because of their culture/customs, which are remarkably modest.
Violence in Europe is greater?

In the United States, 15,000 people are killed each year. With a population of 300 million people.

I honestly did not find how much in the whole European Union. But for example in Germany, 690 people are killed with 82 million people.

Three times less people than in the United States and more than 17 times less than murders than in the US. Where is the violence more? in the US or Europe?

But if we talk about topless in the US. then as far as I know the movement Go Topless reclaimed the right of women to be topless in almost all states. and on the Internet there is a bunch of photos and with a time park and New York park and so on





Welcome to New York? )))
No, but I can see how you misconstrued what I said. USA sees violence as OK, but not nudity/sexuality. They're puritanical in the sense of sexuality. Europe isn't afraid of sex.
I speculate it as an effort to further reveal that the female body isn’t inherently sexual/provocative when nude, but is a projection of desire onto the body due to its mystique in always being covered (one is only able to be naked because wearing clothes is normall). The decoupling of nudity from sexual contexts and making the human form more of a ‘normal’ rather than inherently sexual thing would displace the legitimacy of some views practically towards women. But how effective such a campaign is I don’t know, hopefully they’re supporting nude optional policies in places and not just getting their tits out.
Much ado about nothing here in the US.

People should be allowed to wear whatever they wish. Will exposure to a boob or two damage children? It was the first thing they ever saw FGS.

It is about time we confined indecent exposure to things indecent.

Penises are another thing altogether. They are ugly. The mere sight of one damages children irreparably. Helmet or anteater? Helmet for the win.
Godstud wrote:Topless sunbathing isn't illegal in Thailand, but it's rarely done by the locals, just because of their culture/customs, which are remarkably modest.

Modest? Yeah that's a nice term for misogynistic bigotry. Thailand is another example of what happens when your religion is founded by a misogynistic homosexual. However it must be said that, although Thailand hasn't suffered as badly as India from Muslim invasion and infiltration, its culture has certainly been distorted for the worse by Islam.

As for Europe and the America, its time to reject the disgusting misogynistic Judaic attitudes towards women's bodies, that Christianity brought into European culture.
layman wrote:Should we be able to go bottomless too?

Fact is women have sexy bits there and men don’t.

The perfect is the enemy of the good. We don't have to come up with a perfect social /cultural/ moral / justice/ legal system before we make improvements / reforms. Particularly as the perfect system doesn't even exist in theory, let alone in practice. So equality on toplessness should be introduced immediately. A women should be able to walk topless through the streets of Bradford England without fear of rape, assault, intimidation or insult. And if we have to cleanse our country and continent of anti social elements to ensure women's basic rights so be it.

As to complete nudity, non-sexual naked sunbathing for both sexes should certainly be allowed on all beaches, in public parks and off the beaten track in the countryside. However while there is nothing intrinsically wrong with full nudity, caution and discretion must be applied particularly to male nudity. Men are prone to both consciously and unconsciously cross sexual boundaries. Most women have at some point been the victims of inappropriate and wrongful male sexuality, from being made uncomfortable, through inappropriate exposure, inappropriate touching, to sexual assault, physical assault and rape. So it is right that men should take this into account even when their nudity is completely "innocent".

It should be also be noted that what I said about girls and women also applies to heterosexual boys and men in relation to homosexuals.
layman wrote:Society isn’t ready for women to show their lovely’s in public. I don’t have strong feelings against it but we know it would be a disaster.

Designated places like beaches is fine of course.

Say it for Spain girls and boys :)
They feel simple to be topless.

German people go a lot to mixed sauna where they naked with man and woman together and kids.

Who are not ready?
New York park

Women have been legally allowed to go topless in public in New York City since 1992.

pretty.dark wrote:German people go a lot to mixed sauna where they naked with man and woman together and kids.

I remember reading, I think it was back in the eighties that German lad were jumping naked off bridges, swimming down stream, climbing out and catching the bus back upstream. When asked for the fare they responded that they had no where to store their money. Many Germans were outraged that these lads should seek to avoid the designated fare in this manner.
Rich wrote:Modest? Yeah that's a nice term for misogynistic bigotry. Thailand is another example of what happens when your religion is founded by a misogynistic homosexual. However it must be said that, although Thailand hasn't suffered as badly as India from Muslim invasion and infiltration, its culture has certainly been distorted for the worse by Islam.
:roll: See as you know fuck, and all, about Thailand, you should probably shut your trap. You're just another American know-it-all who thinks they know something about somewhere because you read it in a blog. :knife:

Your colossal ignorance is duly noted.
Texas has no legal drinking age either. As long as you are home you can drink at any age.

Texas is our most progressive state. It must be the Mexicans.
So it turns out that the The Sun's infamous page 3 was "progressive" after all!

Don't give the progressives credit for this. I have been a conservative for sixty years and to my certain knowledge republicans and other conservatives highly approve of breasts and always have.

Alright. Some ladies like Lindsey Graham and Mike Pence do not but they are outliers.
You know how to make three pounds of fat attractive?
Put a nipple on it.

I remember going on a beach in Europe after spending a couple of years in Bangladesh.
Suddenly I saw bare-breasted women in public. OK, no big deal but it was a bit surprising at first.

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