Feinstein Refers Kavanaugh to FBI for Alleged Sexual Assault 30 years ago - Page 41 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Finfinder wrote:With all due respect to you being a young shy single lady how could you easily relate to Kavanaugh's life. "The real critical thinker" would they ascribe to this bigotry, identity labeling, and personal attacks to anybody who dare support Trump in any small manner? I get it to a degree, its forum fodder, but many are serious about it. How is it critical thinking and rational to write off and label 50% of the population based on how they vote, or comment on a current event,makes no sense. Just curios you mentioned in another thread about dating, if a guy mentioned something positive about the current economy would that exclude him from your interest?

And here is a clear example of diversion. People have the right to voice opposition against those who they feel are unqualified to represent them. That she would come forward despite her fear, shows that she tried to do right to stand up for herself and other women in America. She wanted to remain anonymous but the media wanted to find out her identity and so they did. She can't even go home because of the death threats she has been getting. She has a reputation and a family, why would she lie about Kavanaugh to put herself and her family in danger? Is she freaking stupid? I doubt it.

I don't need to relate to Kavanaugh. I have a right to an opinion and since I learned about his past spending habits and about the allegations, red flags popped up.

If a guy wants to talk about the economy, I wouldn't care. If he showed signs of being an alcoholic, addict or smoker, then he would be off my radar. I don't condone unhealthy practices in my life.

@blackjack21 Are you saying that Kavanaugh kept a diary of all his deeds in his life? This we have to see.

Dear diary, today I was not at a party. My friend Mark went and felt up willing and drunk bitches. I am glad I stayed home to shop for pricey hockey tickets instead!

Finfinder wrote:Not only that Mitchell (who was brilliant in her questioning) catches her on how many people she spoke to about this, it's starts at about 35 min mark of the video. The other thought I had was the FBI has done a favor to Miss Ford by not interviewing her. I agree with comments you made on previous posts that they would Flynn her in about 15 minutes of the first interview.

They could. I think they are being nice about it, but they could get considerably more nasty if the FBI weren't so rife with Democrat partisans. I think they will eventually let this go, but it will depend upon how things shake out in the mid-terms.

Finfinder wrote:Missing the good old days with Comey and Stzrok ? :D

Oh, I think their despondence is deeper than that. Remember, Reagan didn't always have a Republican senate. So he had some more middle-of-the-road types like Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy. So the court never had a 5-4 majority of conservatives. I don't think we can say it quite has that majority now, as I don't think John Roberts is that reliable and it remains to be seen if Kavanaugh will be. Gorsuch: so far so good.

I will bet Trump gets another one though. Did you see Ruth Bader Ginsberg at the ceremony? She was wearing mittens. I'm guessing her blood pressure or metabolism are low and her extremities get cold. She doesn't look all that well. Breyer is getting up there too. Thomas could stick around for another 10 years, but he might hang it up if Trump gets a second term.

There have been a number of articles touting the sea change.

Casualty Lists from the Kavanaugh Battle
Patrick J. Buchanan wrote:After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism — perhaps for decades.

The shrieks from the gallery of the Senate chamber as the vote came in on Saturday, and the sight of that bawling mob clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court as the new justice took his oath, confirm it.

The Democratic Party has sustained a historic defeat.

And the triumph is President Trump’s.

This is why evangelicals voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton. This is why they ignored "grab 'em by the pussy" and Stormy Daniels. Trump did not let his evangelical base down. They will not forget Trump for that. Bush would have put Harriet Myers on the court if the conservatives hadn't put the kibosh on it.

Pants-of-dog wrote: no one seems to care about Kavanaugh's belief that the POTUS can pardon himself.

Correct. Nobody cares. The president can be impeached and removed by 2/3 majority of the Senate, and he cannot pardon himself out of that situation. The constitution is clear on that. So the constitution protects the president from soft coups emanating from the DoJ.
MistyTiger wrote:And here is a clear example of diversion. People have the right to voice opposition against those who they feel are unqualified to represent them. That she would come forward despite her fear, shows that she tried to do right to stand up for herself and other women in America. She wanted to remain anonymous but the media wanted to find out her identity and so they did. She can't even go home because of the death threats she has been getting. She has a reputation and a family, why would she lie about Kavanaugh to put herself and her family in danger? Is she freaking stupid? I doubt it.

I don't need to relate to Kavanaugh. I have a right to an opinion and since I learned about his past spending habits and about the allegations, red flags popped up.

If a guy wants to talk about the economy, I wouldn't care. If he showed signs of being an alcoholic, addict or smoker, then he would be off my radar. I don't condone unhealthy practices in my life.

@blackjack21 Are you saying that Kavanaugh kept a diary of all his deeds in his life? This we have to see.

Dear diary, today I was not at a party. My friend Mark went and felt up willing and drunk bitches. I am glad I stayed home to shop for pricey hockey tickets instead!


I fully agree people have the rights to voice their opinions I was responding to the fact you said those opinions that differed from yours were not critical thinkers.

I thinks it might be debatable that she wanted to keep it anonymous she is smart enough to make the calculation weather it would stay that way. She told the media and trusted them ? I agree she was brave to go in front of congress was forced to basically.

I was referring to relating to having a family and the type of career Kavanaugh has and the pressure leading up to it. There isn't any evidence that is his normal behavior.
Just in the interest of logic and reason, I do need to push back against notions that I've heard suggesting his spending habits don't make sense on a $200 k some odd federal judge's salary.

Kavanaugh is from a rich family. Hence the private school, Yale, etc. So, he likely inherited a lot of money from his parents, and likely had a trust fund. Just saying.
The last 3 presidents have appointed 1 judge per term. If the Democrats manage to get the triple lock, as the Republicans have now, they should just appoint justices to match Trumps rate, increasing the size of the supreme court as necessary.
Suntzu wrote:Hasn't packing the Supreme Court been tried before?

The Supreme Court is likely to stay at nine member. It will be down to 8 soon when Ruth dies and by 2024 someone else might depart. 8)

As I explained to another here, you can imagine life as a series of games. Maybe use Monopoly as an example.
As each game ends you must start another until you die.
OK, you are playing Monopoly and the opponent decides that he gets $2000 instead of $200 each time he passes GO.
You can't leave in a huff. So, you try to talk him out of it. He says I'm going to do this. Now you have 2 choices.
You can resign yourself to losing every game until you die or you can "cheat" back.

Yes, FDR tried to pack the SC. But, the Republicans had not cheated at that time. FDR was just frustrated.
This time the Repuds did cheat. At least the Dems can make a case for this. The American people will decide in the long run.
I can see it going like this. The Dems take control of the House next year. They start a series of investigations into Kavamaugh.
If they uncover convincing proof that he lied under oath, they can send a Bill of impeachment to the Senate. If the Senate does not "convict" and remove him from office, then (as soon as they control the Gov.) they can pass a simple law to add justices to the SC. This is totally Constitutional. It is cheating in the same sense that holding a nominee in limbo for 14 months and later jamming a liar through without investigating the lies after you have eliminated the filibuster for justices is cheating.

It would be up to the American people to decide.
Last edited by Steve_American on 11 Oct 2018 12:11, edited 1 time in total.
My view, entirely. He'said lied about trivial, easy to check stuff, he's lied about serious stuff. Lies come as easily to Kavanaugh as they do to Trump. That's it, game set and match. I think Ford is on the level, but even if she's not, Kavanaugh has no place in any court.
Stormsmith wrote:My view, entirely. He'said lied about trivial, easy to check stuff, he's lied about serious stuff. Lies come as easily to Kavanaugh as they do to Trump. That's it, game set and match. I think Ford is on the level, but even if she's not, Kavanaugh has no place in any court.

As far as I know Kavanaugh hasn't lied about anything.

Stack up Ford's and Kavanaugh lives so far and judge which is more credible. Ford seems to have a history of mental illness/instability.

Kavanaugh will be a SCOTUS justice for a looong time. I hope he has a long memory and is a little vindictive. ;) ;)
MistyTiger wrote:I think that an intelligent, rational man with 20 plus years of jurisprudence experience should react in a calmer and more levelheaded manner. To say that people are ruining his life is what any young, melodramatic teenager might say to his mother. He should be able to formulate a case for why he is innocent. But how shocking that he was not able to, even after all that legal training and experience. He was trying to discredit the women as was his chum, Trump. Why use the no credibility tactic? Hmmm, maybe because he cannot build a strong case of innocence? Can you say, distraction or diversion? If what he says is true, why try to make others look like liars? Can you see the logic?

I'd say that Kavanaugh's opponents used the "no credibility tactic" a lot more than he did. In fact, Ford was treated very well, considering that none of her named witnesses to the event could back her up and so her recollection was the only relevant piece of evidence. As far as I know, nobody went back to see if she ever made any juvenile jokes, and neither did it count against her that all her online presences were apparently scrubbed before she came forward. Add to this that her lawyers have refused to produce evidence she referred to during the hearing and that her story changed more than once with respect to when the alleged incident happened, how many people were there, the layout of the house, etc.

The problem with your logic here is that you seem to expect the impossible. How do you suppose he could build a stronger case than he has in the face of very old, vague and changing allegations that have no corroboration? Note that Ford's three witnesses either cannot remember the party at all or contradict her account. Furthermore, plenty of people who have known Kavanaugh for a long time, including women and a former girlfriend, have vouched for his good character. That must surely work in his favour, yet we are supposed to ignore this and concentrate on yearbook entries and ice throwing.

Zagadka wrote:Do you really believe that Devil's Triangle is a drinking game and "Renette Alumnius" isn't a bang list...

Unless you believe the name "devil's triangle" originates with Kavanaugh and his friends, it was probably a drinking game.

i.e. he claimed in his yearbook that he was the "founder of the name".

"Renate alumnius" is the most contentious of the lot in my opinion. If we are charitable it could just mean having been on a date with her. It also looks like she was a kind of fallback option for them:

Not nice, but then teenagers/young adults aren't always nice.

Overall, the fact that we are talking about obscure inside jokes by a group of friends from over three decades ago just shows how weak the case against Kavanaugh is.
Suntzu wrote:Do you? We are talking about a high school (prep school) kid who graduated top of his class, a kid who claimed to be a virgin until his college years. If he really did all that shit he is Superman. :roll:

Or he's a liar. His classmates seem to believe the latter. Either or.
Kavanaugh's a liar, and at the very least isn't stable enough to be on the SCOTUS. I am pretty sure any other person would have responded in a much different manner than emotional out-burts when recalling inconsequential things.

The Sam Harris video is bang-on.

Devil's Triangle for the naive people here who think it's a drinking game. :roll:

Devils Triangle
A threesome with 1 woman and 2 men. It is important to remember that straight men do not make eye contact while in the act. Doing so will question their sexuality.
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define. ... 20Triangle

Note: This is not a new definition. I used this term as a youth and Kavanaugh's only 2 years older, then me.
Godstud wrote:Devil's Triangle for the naive people here who think it's a drinking game. :roll:

You're right, it not a drinking game. It is in fact a move/rule in the Drinking Game called Beer Pong...

The rule is also called the Bermuda Triangle Rule, Beer Pong Triangle Rule(the Vanilla name) and the Threesome Triangle Rule(lol... For obvious reasons).

As usual, guys named a drinking game manouver or scoring shot after something sexually obscene... lol.

Who's Naieve now? Men drink.... Men play drinking games.... Men name stuff in Drinking games after rude shit..... Men are immature...

http://beerpongall-stars.com/2015/08/15 ... er-pong-2/
http://beerpongall-stars.com/2015/10/21 ... r-pong-10/

Just two other examples of names of Beer Pong rules....

Mr Kavanaugh loved his beer too you know. You can't have this both ways.
Apparently people have been editing urban dictionary to try and attack Kavanaugh. We all know that teenage slang was stable and defined on the internet in 1982 and that teenagers these days use terms like "devil's triangle" in our mostly post-Christian society. No, it was fake and the urban dictionary thing didn't go anywhere with older people because they know better.

Also, watching anyone take the serial gang bang thing seriously is a new low for PoFo. God I'm so glad that I've moved to a place that has more activities, I was living out in the boondocks before. Just in time apparently...
To be honest with you, if they had of attacked him for playing immature drunk drinking games with crude rule names I think they might have actually had more success finding something that stuck....

Or not:

.... Became the President.

Kavanagh isn't the first American to love beer.... Won't be the last.
Godstud wrote:You have a vote, for a President. You do not have a vote for a SCOTUS. Stupid comparison.

So a President that loves Beer and Beer Games(because he also played Beer Pong most likely) isn't a bad thing, but somehow if it's a SCOTUS appointee he is disqualified for liking the exact same shit the former Presidents (including Bill who also famously loved both Beer and McDonalds) liked.

Funny enough they didn't actually argue this, guess they knew it wouldn't cut mustard after Bill and George. Not surprised you didn't point out the obvious fact both Brett and George are Republicans, you've chosen the less successful "try and appear non-partisan and say he did sex crimes instead" attack.
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