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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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By One Degree
Decentralization will absolutely require pain, but refusing because of fear of the pain only leads to worse suffering in the future. The Brits have my admiration in being brave enough to take one of the first steps in stopping world Oligarchy. Brexit is a major historical moment which will help decide the world’s future. Are we to end up with an unelected equivalent of the U.N. making all our decisions or will we fight to make our own?
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By JohnRawls
One Degree wrote:Decentralization will absolutely require pain, but refusing because of fear of the pain only leads to worse suffering in the future. The Brits have my admiration in being brave enough to take one of the first steps in stopping world Oligarchy. Brexit is a major historical moment which will help decide the world’s future. Are we to end up with an unelected equivalent of the U.N. making all our decisions or will we fight to make our own?

What are you talking about? Just about any politician you ask about Britain after Hard Brexit answers that the UK will have to go the heavy trickle down economics, low taxation, axe public services route. :|

Oh such a horrible policy for world Oligarchy....
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By One Degree
JohnRawls wrote:What are you talking about? Just about any politician you ask about Britain after Hard Brexit answers that the UK will have to go the heavy trickle down economics, low taxation, axe public services route. :|

Oh such a horrible policy for world Oligarchy....

I hope I don’t understand your post. Are you saying we should accept world Oligarchy if it allows us to keep our benefits temporarily?
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By JohnRawls
One Degree wrote:I hope I don’t understand your post. Are you saying we should accept world Oligarchy if it allows us to keep our benefits temporarily?

I will accept world Oligarchy if there is no better alternative for now :eh:
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By Kaiserschmarrn
Rugoz wrote:The DUP rejects border controls in general, which is not realistic.

Where do you get that from?

The DUP's red line is border controls between NI and Great Britain as proposed by the EU. There are even speculations that they secretly want a hard border with the Republic of Ireland. The DUP and their voters will prioritise the union over an invisible border with RoI if they have to make a choice between the two.

Note that Irish politicians also claim that there will be no hard border in case of a no-deal Brexit. Whether that's realistic or not, these kind of statements have been made by all sides.
By Rugoz
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Where do you get that from?

Ok, I guess my source was wrong, I thought the DUP wants no lander border either, though that would obviously be the position of the nationalists.
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By Kaiserschmarrn
Rugoz wrote:Ok, I guess my source was wrong, I thought the DUP wants no lander border either, though that would obviously be the position of the nationalists.

I'm sure they would like no border checks, but then everybody has that aspiration. And as I said, all parties have confirmed that there won't be any even in a no-deal scenario. Not that any of this makes much sense.


Edit: I thought Yes Minister was satire. :lol:
By Baff
If you have a look at customs in Rotterdam, Europe's biggest trade border...

You can see that customs checks take place up to 20 miles inland at assorted facilities.

The Irish border isn't a problem.
The politicians using it as a pretext for continued rule are.

And this in microcosm explains the whole thing.

There are no actual problems.
Everyone trades and interacts with each other today.
We all know how to do it and are able to do it.

Systems are in place. People have the knowledge and the connections.
Supply and demands exist and are being met.

But a layer of people wish to be in control of this.
To place themselves as rulers over this and take a skim of the business.

In order for them to succeed they must convince you that none of this is possible without them.
And this is what they are attempting.

Vote for me and you will be rich. Vote against me and you will be poor.

But the truth is they are not needed.
If they ever were, they no longer are as those systems and connections have been established.

And their rule is rejected and they will find out the hard way that they are surplus to needs.
Threshing and crying like a dying pig. They panic.

But the harsh reality is upon them. They are not needed or wanted or believed.

Day after Brexit will be the same as the day before Brexit.
Same supply, same people, same demand.

Only some unwanted wankers will be unemployed. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
They made laws to control us, laws that if we abide by, we must do their bidding or fail.

Those laws will now be ignored. The only failure to come of it, will be theirs.
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By Seeker8
The European Union’s move to end tax avoiding practices within its member states clashes all too conveniently with Britain’s decision to leave the EU.

The directive, which was presented by the Commission on 28th January 2016 and was adopted on June 20th of the same year, follows the Conservative-led Brexit process with surprising accuracy.

One month after the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive was presented David Cameron announced a referendum on Britain’s relationship with the EU, and three days after it was adopted the vote to Leave had been cast.

Far from it been at the heart of the British public’s motives to leave the EU, it was undoubtedly at the forefront of the minds of those who were driving the movement.

Executive officials of the pro-Brexit press are all noted tax avoiders, with Rupert Murdoch of News Corp, the Barclay brothers of the Telegraph and Lord Rothermere enjoying non-domicile status in the UK.

Also, to what rugoz said. The DUP want a hard border between N.Ireland and the Republic. Their primary, in fact only, concern is stopping a united Ireland.

Also the U.K goverment know that if N.Ireland get to stay in the customs union then there will be no valid argument why Scotland can't do the same, seeing as apparently we are a "union of equal nations" :lol:, and Scotland is the most pro EU of the UK nations.

And we are in the ridiculous position where anything positive that happens to Scotland and it's economy must be avoided or played down by the British establishment in case it is linked to the case for independence. So the boost Scotland's economy would get from staying in the SM and CU will not be allowed. Scottish Tory MP's who were pro E.U are even threatening to resign if this happens.

Threatening to resign if you're country isn't forced into a hard brexit that you yourself (Ruth Davidson) have said would be disastrous. Can you fucking believe this? :lol:
Last edited by Seeker8 on 18 Oct 2018 13:18, edited 1 time in total.
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By Potemkin
Also the U.K goverment know that if N.Ireland get to stay in the customs union then there will be no valid argument why Scotland can't do the same, seeing as apparently we are a "union of equal nations" :lol:, and Scotland is the most pro EU of the UK nations.

In fact, allowing Scotland to remain in the customs union may be the only way the UK can prevent the SNP from holding another Indy Ref, which they would probably win this time around. Brexit could easily lead to the breakup of the UK, and London had better start thinking up creative ways of preventing it right now.... :lol:
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By One Degree
Potemkin wrote:In fact, allowing Scotland to remain in the customs union may be the only way the UK can prevent the SNP from holding another Indy Ref, which they would probably win this time around. Brexit could easily lead to the breakup of the UK, and London had better start thinking up creative ways of preventing it right now.... :lol:

Insightful, but we should plan for it rather than fight it. The near future is destined to be decentralization. The path is already set. Polarization could not be more obvious. Distrust in centralized authority is the norm.
By Baff
According to the SNP a butterfly flexing it's wings in Australia could easily lead to the break up of the UK.

The EU has actively been trying to break up the UK from day one. That isn't going to end with or without Brexit.
Same is true of the IRA and the SNP.

But we've had two referendums and the SNP lost both.

There is no dominant will to break up the UK inside the UK. Just the usual wannabe's whinging.
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By JohnRawls
Baff wrote:According to the SNP a butterfly flexing it's wings in Australia could easily lead to the break up of the UK.

The EU has actively been trying to break up the UK from day one. That isn't going to end with or without Brexit.

Fake news. Why would we want to break up the UK? What possible benefit could we get from disrupting trade relations and renegotiating EU status with 2-3-4 states instead of 1?
By Baff
Who is "we" please?

The EU has an active policy of de nationalisation.

Rename the English Channel was the famous one they wanted to do. Much to the glee of Daily Mail editors.

They are seeking to make the EU a single country. Ever closer union.
To do that they have to break the existing countries nationalities so that they can supplant them with their own.
The idea is not to negotiate with 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28 states instead of one.

The EU doesn't give a shit about trade relations. Trade relations are the carrot that moves the donkey, but not the end goal and destination.

Now if they threaten to break the UK, then UK has to blink and stay in the EU.
Or.. if it breaks, they can have Scotland and Northern Ireland in the EU.

Which serves a dual purpose. A bigger more powerful EU and an object lesson in EU power to all else who seek to leave.
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By JohnRawls
Baff wrote:Who is "we" please?

The EU has an active policy of de nationalisation.

Rename the English Channel was the famous one they wanted to do. Much to the glee of Daily Mail editors.

They are seeking to make the EU a single country. Ever closer union.
To do that they have to break the existing countries nationalities so that they can supplant them with their own.
The idea is not to negotiate with 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28 states instead of one.

The EU doesn't give a shit about trade relations. Trade relations are the carrot that moves the donkey, but not the end goal and destination.

Now if they threaten to break the UK, then UK has to blink and stay in the EU.
Or.. if it breaks, they can have Scotland and Northern Ireland in the EU.

Which serves a dual purpose. A bigger more powerful EU and an object lesson in EU power to all else who seek to leave.

We as Europe or continental Europeans.

As for the rest of your post, well fake news. :knife: You are brainwashed. If we wanted to break up contries within the EU then we would have done so already. There were plenty chances in Spain and Italy being the more prime examples where the EU didn't support the local independance movements and stayed neutral. Shielding the basque leader from arrest and prosecution was perhaps the only moment where we have "Chosen a side" momentarily.

As for break up of UK. It is a self-inflicted wound. We didn't ask you to leave the EU, you decided it. We didn't ask you to draw red lines, you decided it. We didn't ask you to ignore the Scots and NI people, you decided it.

The EU didn't even take part in the referendum because Cameron asked us not to campaign at all.

Yet we are at fault for everything.
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By JohnRawls
Merkel just said we should prepare for a No-Deal scenario. Well, what now UK?
By Baff
JohnRawls wrote:We as Europe or continental Europeans.

As for the rest of your post, well fake news. :knife: You are brainwashed. If we wanted to break up contries within the EU then we would have done so already. There were plenty chances in Spain and Italy being the more prime examples where the EU didn't support the local independance movements and stayed neutral. Shielding the basque leader from arrest and prosecution was perhaps the only moment where we have "Chosen a side" momentarily.

As for break up of UK. It is a self-inflicted wound. We didn't ask you to leave the EU, you decided it. We didn't ask you to draw red lines, you decided it. We didn't ask you to ignore the Scots and NI people, you decided it.

The EU didn't even take part in the referendum because Cameron asked us not to campaign at all.

Yet we are at fault for everything.

You didn't ask us to join the EU either mate.
We had no say in that, and now you have no say in us leaving.
You offered Cameron a deal for us to stay in. He put it to us, and we have rejected it.

We haven't ignored anyone, every one in the country has had an equal say.
Decision has been taken as a collective.

All is well.

Yes we will be leaving without a deal which is what the country voted for and the same people who anti democratically joined us to the EU are trying their hardest to keep us anti democratically joined to the EU.
And failing as you rightly note.

Which as polling shows is in direct alignment with the will of the people.
No deals with the EU.

Europe and Continental Europe have nothing to do with this. We don't accept that the EU speaks on their behalf any more than we accept that they speak on ours.

You think you can break up our country, LMAO.
Sure you can mate.
You are sooooo mighty.
We are all scared of your imba power.

There is no wound. UK hasn't broken up, your dream of our destruction for rejecting your leadership has not occured.
It's very telling that you so badly want it to.
Now that EU supporters have seen your true colours many have turned against you.

Play the victim if you like mate.
You tried and you have failed, we don't "blame you" for breaking up the UK because you have not.
If however there is ever any danger of this occurring in our minds, you will know because we will have declared war on you.

And while your ability to break up our country is the stuff of fantasy, our ability to break up yours is both legendary and real.
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By ingliz
Baff wrote:All is well.

Are you sure?

It has been widely reported that UK police chiefs will be calling on the military to help them deal with the no-deal Brexit chaos (food shortages, riots, looting ...).

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By Potemkin
Beren wrote:And the Moggers too. She should be the British Merkel somehow.

The British Angela Merkel was Margaret Thatcher. Lol.

As for the Moggers, they aren't going away any time soon. They are a huge faction within the Tory party, and May has to placate them somehow. So did Cameron; why do you think he held the Brexit referendum in the first place? ;)
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