The Canadian War Crimes Petition of 2008 - Politics | PoFo

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WGPOC The Canadian War Crimes Petition: to reform the government of Canada

Dear citizen please KNOW this is a legal document intended for reading before the International Courts. Upon ratification by 75% of the registered voters of Canada and the Inuit Territory this document is binding... and not one elitists of Canada or some foreign land can change it. We The People have been slaves for too long to let these sociopaths create wars and commit the genocide of weaker nations or cultures. The four major political parties of Canada are controlled by one elite secret society group... and this document is thier epitaph as WAR CRIMINALS. Make no mistake dear brothers and sisters..these parasites intend to wipe out 90% of the surface population..Act now or very soon there won't be a future for your family.

02-11-2008 :

The Petition before the Queen's Agent in Canada to Dissolve Parliament For War Crimes

Hear-Ye, Hear Me!

The petition to Her Majesty's Representative to vacate the office of Governor General Michelle Jean will Commence upon completion of the signature of the majority. The people proclaim as follows under the Crown Council and across the bench to the honorable Governor General of Canada:*This Record Alone Shall Be Valid as the Petition before Her Majesty's charter of the Commonwealth*The citizens of Canada in good and clear conscience state by our majority as follows.....

"WE THE PEOPLE declare the right of all citizens to live in accordance with thier faith, government state and sovereign rights to Self Determination. WE THE PEOPLE seek redress the dumping of Canadian nuclear and unknown toxins and waste upon the lands of foreign nations and our own lands to further private interests. By this act of failure in governance the Conservative Party Fund of Canada, through it's agents, party officers, advisors, contractors, senators, judicial appointments and leader in assembly are hereby suspended from service. We the people assert the will of the MAGNA CARTA CHARTER as signed in the year 1215 of the modern era.

WE THE PEOPLE express legislative and tort necessity upon the Crown Council of England to immediately cease actions in contravention with international treaties and regulations, et al. WE THE PEOPLE will by this petition secure into the dominion TREASURY recovered public wealth through this oversight of capital wealth and fiat diversions by ex-party foreign interests in furtherance to a WAR CRIMES consideration; or charge by barrister in the International Court Supreme Justice at rostrum. In specific to elucidate the charge of the people is the LACK OF OVERSIGHT by legal penalty of NON-Governmental agencies as yet to be determined fully by name or number so created, as alleged in this petition of GROSS NEGLIGENCE by current government officers.
We The People we call Canada choose by our actions of peaceful legislative and public assembly to exercise this right of SELF-DETERMINATION under the guidance of the Magna Carta Charter. As specified but not limited to the founding charter of the Commonwealth WE THE PEOPLE of Canada respect and exchange loyal due procedure in both bilateral and bilingual arbitration between the Crown of England Authority and HER MAJESTY Queen Elizabeth the Second.

WE THE PEOPLE of Canada recognize and respect the office and fair mediation by the council of Governor General Michelle Jean in residence at Rideau Hall in the chosen capitol city of Ottawa. Ontario, Canada; at the discretion and good will abiding to Her Excellency the Governor General. Upon such gathering and remittance of a singular majority of SEVENTY-FIVE PLUS ONE for a sum of seventy-six percent of the Canadian Census of the electorate THIS PETITION SHALL BE LEGALLY BINDING both in spirit and under penalty of the founding charter of the Commonwealth and International Court.

The reformation of the union and federation of provincial authority shall be said "complete" and binding to the Council of First Nations of Canada and settlements to treaty First Nations and prior illegal or suspicious territorial dispersion of so-call 'Indian' funds as outlined by the audit and economic process of the popular and elected Citizens Advocate. The peoples expertise and consultation will be ex-party in this process to the World Government Party of Canada; who by this attachment is an agent to the Citizens Advocate and not default party leader of this constituency. Upon such certification of agency on behalf of this petition a suggestion of seven citizen representatives and six as representing the arbitration of the Crown Counsel of England will be presented to the Governor General in furtherance of the stability of our nation and the brothers and cherished alliances in heart and spirit with the United States and The united Kingdom.

Errors or omissions of script shall not bind or limit the right of the Canadian citizens to negotiate in a free and new assembly over thier Charter of Rights as specific to the structure of management of capitol resources and foreign diplomatic offices..... (read petition forward to page 2)(The Petition: continued from page 1)This reformation procedure will be completed by this petition of rights upon disclosure of assets and affiliations of current or new elected officials to the satisfaction of the Citizens Advocacy council and the judicial process of appoint of citizens to offices of trust. This document is intended to exercise one hundred percent patriotism in Canada as a value and also as applied to the control of nuclear or other unspecified weapons of mass destruction within the Commonwealth; as determined in accord with United Nations definition, per say.

"We THE PEOPLE of Canada declare our Franchise by this declaration of good faith and rights to protect the environment and a controlled balance of centrist-liberal policies as a non-partisan platform throughout this civilian referendum procedure.After dissolution of parliament and audit of Treasury funds the Citizens Advocate shall present both the elected and a second civilian oversight officer as witness and the chosen leader of the union to present this petition in full and registered thereby as such into Archive. Upon satisfaction of the Citizens Advocate the agent of the petition will drop the writ to register an election and parliament as established within the Canada Elections Act of 2007....

Whosoever will sign this petition must be of legal voting age and verified in the registry by the chief of electoral commissions in Ottawa City Canada. This due process is recognized to be subject to the civilian auditing committee appointed to the Clerk of the Privy Council Office in representation of the administration of Canada; and the elections commissioner appointed by the international court, at rostrum.In Summation to the petition as email paper it is not valid as proof until printed for the record and delivered via registration or postal courier to the electoral commission office." End Petition

Q: Who AMONG YOU will second this clear and concise motion by the pen and lay your honor on the line before her noble Majesty?

A: If you call yourself Canadian of any religion or noble persuasion of loyalty you have the free choice now to speak or forever hold your tongue. Solution: I suggest without malice or coercion that you reading this should Mail YOUR COPY OF THE PETITION without fear of reprisal to the Governor General and secondly to your local federal riding association manager.

cc:cjh/wgpoc The World Government Party of Canada Founded: 0900-02-11-2008

The World Government Party Of Canada -

Founding statement
0900 hours 2/11/2008 -
"All citizens have a right to live under protection of constitutional and common law. All souls are equal and

the duty of Administrators of the Democratic Federation of Incorporated districts of the peoples of

Planet Earth and her exopolitical boundaries is to provide the means and sustenance to cherish all Human

life; nor cause such life to be extinguished by direct action or lack of duty. By this declaration the precedent and case law established within the International Criminal code of Ethics and Conduct is recognized by convention in Geneva in the year 1879 and inclusive to this founding document for Human Rights.

The balanced administrative, judicial and legislative branches of the World Government Party of Canada shall be represented inside the party structure by "citizen's Advocates' Quorums as elected in standing separate and accountable to the Revenue and Currency Act of Canada.

The Solemn oath of World Government Party of Canada Federal, Provicincial and municipal candidates or public service officials will encompass but not be limited to represent the sovereign nation of Canada. WGPOC Candidates will swear by documented proof of actions prior to endorsement of office to protect the sovereignty and judicial integrity all existing jurisdictions, treaties and covenants in effect which are in accord with this Deceleration of constitutional acceptance of the rules and traditions of the rule and spirit of the Common Law.

All administration officials, representatives and persons related within direct or sub-contractual relationship with the World Government Party of Canada and the electoral districts represented through the electoral process shall both sign and notarize a declaration of non-partisanship and non-bias to secular ideologies that will include but not be limited to the official and non-recognized religions, societies, peerage councils and other consortium be that private, corporate or Sovereign. A party member failing to disclose any and all persons or affiliated organizations shall be terminated immediately upon dismissal of the oath of 'Honorable and Loyal' representation of; and; for the franchise rights of voters and citizens who chose non-involvement in the political process; or those who are unable to participate for any reason.

A WGPOC officer, candidate , spokesperson, member in good standing or workers associated in any capacity shall abide with respect and loyalty to the spirit of laws which, by singular interpretation, may be in contravention with the Centrist-Liberal platform that all citizens of all nations have a right to live and to be addressed through thier established government body.

A WGPOC officer, candidate, spokesperson, affiliate or 'arms-length' associate will cease to be a member retroactively or proactively as the merits of a situation might determine that member to be conspiring, planning or persisting in an adventure upon foreign sovereign lands such as defined as terrorism, subversion or collusion in physical, legislative or through influence of economic policy upon another country, nation, Treaty enclave, Export Processing Zone or other unstated 'space' in which a cherished citizen of the world does live.

A WGPOC officer, candidate, affiliate, counsel, executive, affiliate, worker or spokesperson will submit to bonding and indemnification processes in accord with the International police Commission and also the incumbent laws of Canada; or the sovereign laws of the legal jurisdiction served by Party offices in lands where citizens would not describe thier persons as Canadian.

A WGPOC officer, candidate or person so inferred as connected by any legal or personal means with the operations, management or public association will forfeit status or be removed by the Citizens' Advocate immediately upon the commission of a criminal infraction against the sovereign rights of another citizen both within and beyond the legal jurisdiction of Canada.

A WGPOC Policy guideline to be established in Constitutional Conference within the framework of the Canadian Constitution will not be defined by previous or ongoing practices of collusion or conspiracy to commit war, genocide, ethnic cleansing or the current practices beyond the scope of law which allow for the distribution of radioactive or toxic waster on a foreign sovereign state.

The WGPOC recognizes the International Standards of moral and documented legal precedent to expose, declare and assist in the legal removal of citizens involved in any financial or personal actions that may or may not at this time quantify as a Crime Against Humanity. the current treaties and statutory engagements of the Canadian Government and affiliated corporations to dispense controlled nuclear waste materials into the sovereign lands of other nations is a War Crime.

WGPOC candidates who denounce this charge or who wish to continue using aerosols and radioactive waste to commit the murder of lands or citizens shall, by definition, be thereby considered a war criminal and subject to immediate termination and redress through the judicial process of the International Court of Human Rights. Further indemnification of elected officials.

The WGPOC accounting and administration procedures as established in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission and this charter declaration shall be open for public review in accordance and separate from the current regulations and intent for open-book accounting, auditing and review.

Civilian Oversight committee approval and recommendation to the civilian oversight officer of each indemnified man and women citizen will be the procedure guideline for committee removal or placement of a person of any capacity within or into the WGPOC membership. So said Person or incorporated representative of an office of trust within elected or administrative service to the World Government Party of Canada or within the employment of a party member shall not by affiliation be scrutiny for criminal affiliations or past associations of wealth or influence that may constitute a breach of ethics or a violation of Human Rights as identified by the existing framework of the United Nations Charter and applicable treaties thereof.

The WGPOC recognizes sovereign states, cultural, environmental, geopolitical or expolitical zones, boundaries and territories of or within the solar system as valid in accordance with existing law. World Government Party Records, transcripts and audited financial statements shall be subjected to both state and federal auditing and double-entry accounting systems in Accordance with the 'open book' policy statements of the party and the applicable taxation acts of the authority having jurisdiction.

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