I think I'm a Fabian today - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
Tomorrow I may change.
Been looking for a forum with a little breadth..The fixation with he who shall not be named seems to have driven the rest of the planet into the darkest corners of the Universe..there is a world outside of Washinton after all.

Nice Forum

I enjoy political history as much as the the day to day rumbles, Interests from Greece to the ME, the USA and beyond...knowledge is broad rather than deep..feel free to correct my ignorance..I'll feel free to ask for a cite :)
Hi, Welcome to the forum.

I think that most folks prefer a little more depth, than width to their breadth of knowledge, but, whatever makes you tick I suppose.
If 'shallowness' is your forte, then I am sure that the BBC or newsprint would more than satisfy most folks.

Even people who 'think' more deeply, concur with the simplistic 'solutions' to rectify society's ills, such as 'Socialism', until you look at what those purporting to be 'Socialist' political parties have actually done for the people that elect them.

'Socialist' think that every problem is merely a matter of pumping more money at it, it's NOT a 'solution', it's a sticking plaster that comes unstuck as soon as the party loses power.

The lesson to learn since Labour lost power in 2010, is that the Tories hit the ground running when elected.

They immediately attacked those on benefits, via the master plan, called 'Welfare Reform' AKA 'Austerity'.
Then cuts & caps on pensions or pay in the public sector.

Then more cuts to local services, structurally weakening the local governance & democracy in this country.

The irony of course, is that the need for all of this, is because of the unfettered migration to the U.K, increasing our population by 10% in just a few years, BUT , NOT becoming any wealthier proportionately, because both Labour & the Tories have in the face of the austerity, distributed the savings in the form of tax cuts\breaks to the wealthy & better-off.

The post-war construction of the Welfare State was always going to fail, because the 'benefits' could always be reduced or taken away from people that receive them, as the Tories have done, whereas the tax cuts(of which only the crumbs land on the tables of those on low pay-if at all)beneficiaries, in the main, are the rich\better-off & any party that says it will raise taxes following a period in which they have been reduced for a few, will not get elected.

It seems that the many, of whom get a few crumbs in cash terms from tax cuts, are pretty stupid when they fail to realise that their retirement age has rocketed or the NHS is not providing them with necessary treatment or they end up paying higher spending & stealth taxes as a DIRECT result of their income tax cuts.

The political power, lies, NOT in 10 Downing St, BUT in number 11 Downing St, yet Labour has a shadow Chancellor who knows NOTHING about how the system is fixed against the majority in favour of the rich & better-off.

Neither does he realistically know how to fix it, although I would happily 'educate' him for that task.
Welcome @Bouboulina
I too am the master of nothing and revel in the superior view it gives me. :)
Welcome. I am your grandfather, Luke.......
Welcome ! Been here almost 2 years, a great platform with fair moderation. It's whatever you want to make of it. You may get a few "get off my lawn" signals at first, don't pay any attention there is plenty of room.

If you are buying the first round I'll take a Black and Tan. :D
Bouboulina wrote:Hi,
Been looking for a forum with a little breadth..The fixation with he who shall not be named seems to have driven the rest of the planet into the darkest corners of the Universe..there is a world outside of Washinton after all.


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