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By Noelnada
What can we do to rid the world of religion?

We could all embrace one religion, stick to it and make like if there were no more religion. How does my plan sounds?
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By MB.
Sounds pretty counter productive.

So basicaly I should gather that you people don't think it is possible to rid the world of religion?

Does everyone here believe there will still be catholics and sunnis and hebrews and mahayana 10,000 years from now?
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By Dr House
I think religion will eventually go away on its own. It's already starting to fade in people's minds. If I remember correctly, only about 5% of Americans are atheist/agnostics, but as many as 30% are non-religious or don't care.
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By amanamuse
MB wrote:So basicaly I should gather that you people don't think it is possible to rid the world of religion?

Does everyone here believe there will still be catholics and sunnis and hebrews and mahayana 10,000 years from now?

To answer your first question, no, I don't think it's possible.

To answer your second question, I have no f*cking clue. Just think about this what Voltaire said, "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.". Some people need "religion" (whatever that word actually means) to make themselves feel better. Some people just want an air of respectability that lets them rape children and conquer civilizations.

Anyway, we just need to limit the influence of religion over non-believers. Most of the people who are really into their religion aren't that interesting anyway. It's better that they spend most of their time at sermons and youth group meetings, not at my park or my bar.
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By MB.
But think about how many of your political leaders are religious or openly avow religion.

Certainly you don't believe that they actually make policy decisions in a fair and impartial manner without letting religion become a factor?
By Lensky1917
What can we do to rid the world of religion?

The best step would be to place atheists in all postitions of power, and systematically destroy it through the educational system. I would also recommend the removal of the Bible to swear on in court cases.

Certainly you don't believe that they actually make policy decisions in a fair and impartial manner without letting religion become a factor?

Who would believe that? Beliefs will always influence how people act.
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By Rancid
But think about how many of your political leaders are religious or openly avow religion.

They only do that because it gets them votes.

In the end we're going to have to kill religion in the mainstream.
By JFaulkner
Get rid of people.

On a serious note, religion isn't going anywhere soon. There were something like 1bn Muslims by the yr 2000 alone. Religion is an integral part of life for many societies. It may even be the social glue that helps to bond people together. If you want to influence people to give it up, the best way is to get your arguments out to the religious folk. But don't expect quick change.

The problem I see with religion is that it takes the ideas too literally. Get rid of all the literal crap and keep some of the morals. That's the way forward.
By sploop!
^ Yeah, that really worked for the Romans...

The enemy of religion is education. Educate people so they are not stupid enough to believe in the tooth-fairy, and religion will be gone. We could also ensure that it has no place in our schools, and that we do nothing to protect it and fund it.

The trouble with trying to crush this sort of stupidity is that people then get all messianic on you, and deliberately choose the stupidity as a life style. The trick is not to do anything to crush it, but just ensure it is not fed, and that people do not feel they want or need to drink from its poisoned chalice.

Eventually it will wither and die.
By JFaulkner
^ How do you ensure religion is "not fed"? A lot of religions promote the ascetic lifestyle, so adherents are not going to give it up just because of economic or social neglect. If you leave it alone, it's going to continue to get its fair share of followers due to the freedom in democracies, and due to people who need to cling onto some hope and order in more troubled countries.

I'd agree with getting rid of faith schools. It's OK to teach religion from a neutral standpoint, and then let people make up their own minds, but indoctrination is not a sensible way forward.
Last edited by JFaulkner on 13 Apr 2008 01:06, edited 1 time in total.
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By FallenRaptor
Religion is a symptom of human suffering. Eliminate the causes of suffering, and religion will die out with it.
By JFaulkner
FallenRaptor wrote:Religion is a symptom of human suffering. Eliminate the causes of suffering, and religion will die out with it.

I'd say human suffering is an important factor in people subscribing to a religion, but I think there are also other factors. For example, some people might want a greater meaning to life, or may become religious out of a family or social duty.

And it also depends on what one means by "suffering". A non-materialistic person may "suffer" in capitalism and thus turn to Buddhism. Is it possible to get rid of all the causes of suffering for everyone on Earth? I doubt it.
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By FallenRaptor
You do have a point. Seeing that suffering can be caused by an infinite amount of things, it's impossible to abolish all it's causes.

Educating people would also be necessary to loosen religion's control over them.
By Lensky1917
Educating people would also be necessary to loosen religion's control over them.

I wrote:
The best step would be to place atheists in all postitions of power, and systematically destroy it through the educational system.

Why do people reiterate what I say? :(

By the way, I do not only wish to attack Catholocism. I am perfectly happy with the destruction of other religious architecture. ;)

I might even have the Vatican rebuilt without the religious stigma attached. :hmm:
By stalker
A good injection of scientific socialism should do it. Now pull you pants down and lie down, it'll be quick.
By Lensky1917

I see my post was deleted. Congratulations MB, it appears that you have created somewhat of a controversial thread.

I would just like to mention to the dissenters of this thread that, "you can't shoot an idea with a gun"-Thomas E. Dewey.

Plus, how is this any worse than what religious people did to atheists? At the most; we are talking about the removal of physical objects, not the execution of religious people themselves.
By Meistro1
At the most; we are talking about the removal of physical objects, not the execution of religious people themselves.

Except for me but I'm like that :lol:

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