Has Anti-Racism Become as Harmful as Racism in the USA? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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blackjack21 wrote:Generally, anti-racism IS racism.

I don't know about that, most structural racism has been eradicated over the last 60 years but the groups that had been systematically oppressed up until only very recently are still suffering the generational trauma of that abuse so it makes sense to implement social policies that would help these groups repair the damage and develop healthy prosperous cultures. The problem is the liberals have been implementing policies that target a problem that no longer exists and in the process are neglecting the actual problems that are perpetuating the trauma and dysfunction.
Professional class liberals use anti-racism as a cover for their systematic exploitation of the poor and working class. The way liberal anti-racism is used to maintain a permanent underclass is far more pernicious than overt racism.
Sivad wrote:Professional class liberals use anti-racism as a cover for their systematic exploitation of the poor and working class. The way liberal anti-racism is used to maintain a permanent underclass is far more pernicious than overt racism.

This seems doubtful.

Do you have evidence of this?
Pants-of-dog wrote:This seems doubtful.

It's obvious, liberal elites use diversity as a substitute for economic enfranchisement. They'll let a few blacks into upper management but they won't give them postal banking or a living wage. They'll rail against structural racism but they won't end the war on drugs. They'll let mexican immigrants into the country to work as their domestic labor but they won't end their neoliberal foreign policy that's driving immigration. Liberals are worse than racists, at least racists are honest.
Sivad wrote:Liberals are worse than racists, at least racists are honest.
That's one of the dumbest statements of the year, and you've made a few! There's some tight competition, but I think this puts you in the lead. @blackjack21 is going to have to up his game if he's gonna take the trophy.
Sivad wrote:It's obvious, liberal elites use diversity as a substitute for economic enfranchisement. They'll let a few blacks into upper management but they won't give them postal banking or a living wage. They'll rail against structural racism but they won't end the war on drugs. They'll let mexican immigrants into the country to work as their domestic labor but they won't end their neoliberal foreign policy that's driving immigration. Liberals are worse than racists, at least racists are honest.

Define “liberals”, thanks.

It seems you are saying that anti-racism activists are responsible for who gets hired into uppper managment, and that they legislate drug policy, and control how economics affects US foreign policy.

When I think “anti-racism activist”, I think of the young men and women who helped spearhead Black Lives Matter. You seem to think that it means people like H.W. Bush.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Define “liberals”, thanks.


It seems you are saying that anti-racism activists are responsible for who gets hired into uppper managment, and that they legislate drug policy, and control how economics affects US foreign policy.

I'm saying the liberal establishment that champions anti-racism is responsible for those things.

When I think “anti-racism activist”, I think of the young men and women who helped spearhead Black Lives Matter.

Those people are just idiots barking up the wrong tree but the liberal elites who provide financial backing and media access to those idiots know exactly what the game is.

You seem to think that it means people like H.W. Bush.

Sivad wrote:Image

So this applies only to certain high level politicians in the Democrat party, and not anti-racism activists in general?

I'm saying the liberal establishment that champions anti-racism is responsible for those things.

So this applies only to certain high level politicians in the Democrat party, and not anti-racism activists in general.

Those people are just idiots barking up the wrong tree but the liberal elites who provide financial backing and media access to those idiots know exactly what the game is.

Your insults are not an argument, so I will assume that your claims do not pertain to mist anti-racism activists.


He seems to fit the bill of those you describing: paying lip service to certain notions of equality, while simultaneously supporting those systems that perpetuate racism.
XogGyux wrote:Has Anti-Murder become as harmful as murder?
Thats pretty much how stupid your question sounds.

Faulty comparison. Murder applies to everyone equally. Racism divides us into recognizable groups to be targeted.
Racists are not a "group to be targeted", so your false association is even a sillier.

One Degree wrote:Racism divides us into recognizable groups to be targeted.
:roll: YES, and the people who target those people are called RACISTS.

Brilliant deductive reasoning! Now, can you put 2 and 2 together to come up with a reasonable logical conclusion?
Godstud wrote:Racists are not a "group to be targeted", so your false association is even a sillier.

:roll: YES, and the people who target those people are called RACISTS.

Brilliant deductive reasoning! Now, can you put 2 and 2 together to come up with a reasonable logical conclusion?

Do you really need walked through it? Someone has to label them racists. These people could be labeled anti racists. Their methods and intent are identical. The only difference is there are a lot more anti racists and they are actively and publically perpetuating their discrimination of others. This makes them much worse.
Ta-Nehisi Coates is the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle
Cornel West

any analysis or vision of our world that omits the centrality of Wall Street power, US military policies, and the complex dynamics of class, gender, and sexuality in black America is too narrow and dangerously misleading. So it is with Ta-Nehisi Coates’ worldview.

In short, Coates fetishizes white supremacy. He makes it almighty, magical and unremovable.

It generates crocodile tears of neoliberals who have no intention of sharing power or giving up privilege.

When he honestly asks: “How do you defy a power that insists on claiming you?”, the answer should be clear: they claim you because you are silent on what is a threat to their order (especially Wall Street and war). You defy them when you threaten that order.

Note that his perception of white people is tribal and his conception of freedom is neoliberal. Racial groups are homogeneous and freedom is individualistic in his world. Classes don’t exist and empires are nonexistent.

Coates praises Obama as a “deeply moral human being” while remaining silent on the 563 drone strikes, the assassination of US citizens with no trial, the 26,171 bombs dropped on five Muslim-majority countries in 2016 and the 550 Palestinian children killed with US supported planes in 51 days, etc. He calls Obama “one of the greatest presidents in American history,” who for “eight years ... walked on ice and never fell.”

It is clear that his narrow racial tribalism and myopic political neoliberalism has no place for keeping track of Wall Street greed, US imperial crimes or black elite indifference to poverty.

I stand with those like Robin DG Kelley, Gerald Horne, Imani Perry and Barbara Ransby who represent the radical wing of the black freedom struggle. We refuse to disconnect white supremacy from the realities of class, empire, and other forms of domination

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... ornel-west

Anti-racism is a fig leaf for liberal depravity.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So this applies only to certain high level politicians in the Democrat party, and not anti-racism activists in general?

:knife: It applies to the entire liberal establishment. That's politicians, media, academics, philanthropists and foundations, all of the douchebags that that are cynically exploiting race as a distraction from the real issues.

He seems to fit the bill of those you describing: paying lip service to certain notions of equality, while simultaneously supporting those systems that perpetuate racism.

Barack Obama would be a better example.
One Degree wrote:Do you really need walked through it? Someone has to label them racists. These people could be labeled anti racists. Their methods and intent are identical. The only difference is there are a lot more anti racists and they are actively and publically perpetuating their discrimination of others. This makes them much worse.
Apparently, I asked too much of you.

People don't get labelled racists, unless they do and say things that are racist. Your argument somehow hinges on this label being applied to people who don't act and say things racist. That's a flawed argument.

Sivad wrote:Anti-racism is a fig leaf for liberal depravity.
:lol: :lol: :lol: A moronic assertion. Maybe if you said it in bolder and larger letters it would be even MORE melodramatic
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