Should We Put All the Totalitarians in Gulags? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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I think as the human population grew exponentially over the last few centuries there just wasn't quite enough human and higher animal souls for all the human bodies being produced so some ant souls got prematurely bumped up into human bodies to fill the gap.

Explain this better.

Why has there been an over production of human bodies? And why were there not enough human souls to fill them?
ness31 wrote:Explain this better.

Why has there been an over production of human bodies? And why were there not enough human souls to fill them?


Have you seen this graph before? Humans are pretty smart, there are lots of smart animals on this planet, but humans have just that magic extra bit of computational grunt needed to do some pretty wild feats of intelligence. These feats of intelligence increase our power and our power enables us to keep more of our species alive over what death takes from us and so our population tends to grow but with increasing population growth you also get more smart people doing more smart things which cumulatively increases our power and thus feeds into further increasing our population growth and so you get a self-reinforcing feedback loop. More smarts = more people, more people = more smarts over and over getting bigger and bigger with each iteration. Around by the time of the industrial revolution that growth curve hit exponentials and so you get the graph above. That is why there was the explosion in human pop.

Okay so that is your first question answered. The second question is harder and the answer must be wildly speculative but here goes anyway:

It is of course debatable if souls even exist and what they are exactly even if they do but it may be they are in some sense recycled just like matter is. Matter and energy are transformed rather than created or destroyed, therefore more biological humans means less of something else be it mud or whatever and something similar might go for souls. My intuition is that is exactly what happens and that most of the time like tends to reincarnate into like (soul recycling is identical to reincarnation); so a soul that has been in a cat will probably tend to go into a cat next time too and so it goes for humans and ants but they can migrate around too if there is demand. So when you look at the flat part of the population chart above mostly this will be humans recycling into humans as each dead human body is replaced by not much more than one new human body. However when the curve hits the uptick there are vastly more human bodies being produced than being destroyed and so the souls must come from other sources. Given the character of totalitarians it seems likely to me that some ant souls filled in for the shortage of human souls.
Last edited by SolarCross on 12 Feb 2019 04:18, edited 2 times in total.
Ok. And yes, this is all just speculative...

But why did humans create realestate they didn’t need? That’s my fundamental question to you. Your response seems to be, ‘because they could’. When in fact it has devalued the human body and opened the door to world wars.

Humans aren’t smart. They’re weak vessels that get inhabited by smart things that work counter to their own interests :hmm:
ness31 wrote:Ok. And yes, this is all just speculative...

But why did humans create realestate they didn’t need? That’s my fundamental question to you. Your response seems to be, ‘because they could’. When in fact it has devalued the human body and opened the door to world wars.

I am not sure what you mean by "real estate"? Do you mean that literally as land property?

ness31 wrote:Humans aren’t smart.

Compared with all the creatures we can see on our earth we are geniuses. Homo Sapiens means man the thinker and that is a fitting name indeed. You have to believe in gods to rate us so relatively low.

ness31 wrote:They’re weak vessels that get inhabited by smart things that work counter to their own interests :hmm:

Ah it seems you do. Well I may believe in the gods too but on a day to day level I don't see them much and they are probably so aloof and uninterested in us that we may as well ignore them. Our fellow earthly bioforms are both more obviously real and more obviously less intelligent. However even the dumbest bug is smarter than a rock, so even then I wouldn't say any lifeform is really stupid, least of all humans.
I am not sure what you mean by "real estate"? Do you mean that literally as land property?

As in our bodies are real estate. Our bodies are like a houses :) Temples even, but more and more like trailers thanks to them being devalued :hmm:

Compared with all the creatures we can see on our earth we are geniuses. Homo Sapiens means man the thinker and that is a fitting name indeed. You have to believe in gods to rate us so relatively low.

Then why are we destroying our environment? That isn’t clever or genius. It bears the hallmarks of a species that has been hyjacked to its detriment :hmm:

Ah it seems you do. Well I may believe in the gods too but on a day to day level I don't see them much and they are probably so aloof and uninterested in us that we may as well ignore them. Our fellow earthly bioforms are both more obviously real and more obviously less intelligent. However even the dumbest bug is smarter than a rock, so even then I wouldn't say any lifeform is really stupid, least of all humans.

Perhaps you aren’t perceiving the gods correctly. If you are that way inclined you will see them everywhere in nature. That is how we connect :)
And don’t underestimate rocks. They’re the strong and silent type ;)
Are there a fixed number of human souls? And a fixed number of ant souls?

Do other animals have souls? Can they also switch species?

Can dinosaur souls be alive in our bodies right now?

Also, if a totalitarian told you that their gender was an ant, would you accept their trans-speciesism?
Are there a fixed number of human souls?

I would like the answer to that too :lol:

Do other animals have souls? Can they also switch species?

I think this might happen but I couldn’t say what the animating soul is exactly :hmm:

Can dinosaur souls be alive in our bodies right now?

What an excellent question, even if you did mean it in jest.

Also, if a totalitarian told you that their gender was an ant, would you accept their trans-speciesism?

I think we’ve established that the ants are going to the gulag. And I’m fine with that if it gets them out of my kitchen.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Are there a fixed number of human souls? And a fixed number of ant souls?

No but there is a fixed quantity of soul stuff which at any time can either be in one thing or another. What is going on is a reflexive imprinting between soul and flesh. The experience of being a cat imprints cattiness on the soul even as the soul moves the flesh to its will. The soul moves the flesh but also is shaped by it. So a soul that inhabits an ant body for many generations gets imprinted with an ant experience which carries over to some extent even when it reincarnates into a different form. You can think of it as spiritual inertia. Or another way to look at it is that the soul is like the pilot and the body is like the vehicle. The pilot is the chooser and director of the vehicle but the vehicle has its own nature, facilities, limitations and feedbacks which in turn shape the pilot. Let's say you are a cyclist for many, many years so the experience of the particularities of that vehicle will shape you a certain way, the vehicle is light and small so you never worry about parking but you do worry about collisions. Then you switch to a car in which the experience is very different, probably you worry more about finding a place to park than collisions, and it takes a while before its particularities shape the pilot into a different way. So if your soul is in an ant for many generations it becomes an ant soul but then if it subsequently get boosted into a human form it will take a while maybe many generations before that new experience will shape that soul into a human soul and in the meantime that soul will retain by inertia an ant like character.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Do other animals have souls? Can they also switch species?

Yes and yes.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Can dinosaur souls be alive in our bodies right now?

Yes but they died out so long ago that the imprinting will have been completely eroded by more recent experiences. These ant people I am speaking of will eventually lose their ant like character over many reincarnations too.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Also, if a totalitarian told you that their gender was an ant, would you accept their trans-speciesism?

Well they wouldn't be a biological ant, just a spiritual one.
ness31 wrote:It sounds to me like Solar Cross is trying to be pre-emptive in a well meaning way :)

So are the gulagists. None of the retards have figured out that you can't gulag your way out of this predicament. Shit's fucking stupid and the retard solution is always let's make it extra fucking stupid.
ness31 wrote:Why has there been an over production of human bodies? And why were there not enough human souls to fill them?

A Canadian university came out saying that the UN's estimate of a population of 9.4 Billion is totally wrong. According to this University, the world population will be in decline by 2050. Their claim is that the UN is failing to account for women being better educated (among other things), even in the 3rd world. Thus, people around the globe are getting smarter about not having a bunch of kids.

IF the world pop. will be in decline. I wonder what this means for the global capitalist mode of production. The thing about capitalism is that is basically requires a sustained amount of unsustainable growth. That won't happen with a shrinking population.
Rancid wrote:IF the world pop. will be in decline. I wonder what this means for the global capitalist mode of production. The thing about capitalism is that is basically requires a sustained amount of unsustainable growth. That won't happen with a shrinking population.

Capitalism is just private enterprise, it will do just fine regardless of whether pops are growing or shrinking. A population drop might be bad for science and technology though because less people means less specialisation, but a lot of people are pretty useless so there is a lot of slack.
SolarCross wrote:
Capitalism is just private enterprise, it will do just fine regardless of whether pops are growing or shrinking. A population drop might be bad for science and technology though because less people means less specialisation, but a lot of people are pretty useless so there is a lot of slack.

Maybe, but there will at a minimum be a period of pain as wall street and the business elites have to adjust to the new world that they can't grow as rich as they have in the past. Unless, they start eating the middle class and poor, however, at that point, there will be social upheaval. If they are smart, they wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't put it past dirty capitalist to want to eat the middle class.
Rancid wrote:Maybe, but there will at a minimum be a period of pain as wall street and the business elites have to adjust to the new world that they can't grow as rich as they have in the past. Unless, they start eating the middle class and poor, however, at that point, there will be social upheaval. If they are smart, they wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't put it past dirty capitalist to want to eat the middle class.

Oh well if you are talking about finance guys they are already eating the middle class and poor through various money printing scams. That isn't capitalism in the general sense though, just legalised counterfeiting.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Totalitarian Ant Souls seeking Gulag.

Real shit. There have alwas been those people who can't handle liberty, they need an authority to impose a regemented order with a rigid orthodoxy. They can't live with the inherent risk and uncertainty of life, they crave assurance and structure. They are just frightened little ant souls, their feeble little psyches can't cope with the vast and intricate mystery of the world so they retreat into idiotic little reality bubbles crafted by some deluded and corrupt priesthood or other.
Sivad wrote:
Real shit. There have alwas been those people who can't handle liberty, they need an authority to impose a regemented order with a rigid orthodoxy. They can't live with the inherent risk and uncertainty of life, they crave assurance and structure. They are just frightened little ant souls, their feeble little psyches can't cope with the vast and intricate mystery of the world so they retreat into idiotic little reality bubbles crafted by some deluded and corrupt priesthood or other.

I enjoy being a slave society.
Rancid wrote:I enjoy being a slave society.

well whatever but most of the sophisticated ironic post modern scientistic types seem to think they've evolved beyond religion and the religious impulse when all they've really done is secularize it.
Sivad wrote:well whatever but most of the sophisticated ironic post modern scientistic types seem to think they've evolved beyond religion and the religious impulse when all they've really done is secularize it.

My religion is science.
If anyone wonders why leftists have a tendency to deny individuality exists even while they flat out worship some leader figure in a cult of personality and also why they make out that matriarchy is the way to go despite it being wildly atypical for humans, the answer is here:

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