If President Trump wins re-election in 2020, will his enemies accept the results? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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If President Trump wins re-election in 2020, will his enemies accept the results?

yes, they will
No, they will not

@annatar1914, And can you give me some basic evidence that there is a god?

Experience is the best judge of things. I actually rather loathe ''proofs'' of God's existence for spiritual and philosophical reasons, although the Ontological argument is quite solid.

And since I am a Materialist-Theist, one would engage me in vain from that angle of Philosophical Idealism, and it is actually a difference between myself and Victoribus Spolia.

And there is nothing incorrect about "antitheism."

''Against'' says that there is a God, with Whom one is at enmity. ''Atheism'' says that God as a concept does not exist.

btw Antitheism is a movement and an aspect within atheism.

One may think that, and many Antitheists collect ideas on God's ''non-existence'' to attack Him and His followers, but I explained the difference rather well.
annatar1914 wrote:[''Against'' says that there is a God, with Whom one is at enmity. ''Atheism'' says that God as a concept does not exist.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
(Psalm 14:1 KJV)

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
(James 4:4 KJV)

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
(Romans 8:7 KJV)

enmity, noun - The quality of being an enemy; the opposite of friendship; ill will; hatred; unfriendly dispositions; malevolence.
SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, No, antitheism goes against the belief of a god. Meaning not only it is atheist, but it goes against the belief. In other words, it is more hostile towards religion.

Antitheism doesn't go against the existence of a god because there is no god. It goes against the Belief of a god.

Big difference.

You're engaging in semantics, and really logically you cannot be against what you have yet to un-prove (one would have to be God to know God doesn't exist). Atheism is the belief that one knows there is no God, while Antitheism is against God whether He would be shown to exist or not.

This actually is related to the whole ''Trump Derangement Syndrome'', in my opinion.
@annatar1914, There is no god to go against because there is no god.

That's not logic, but opinion.

One, like myself, can go against a BELIEF of a deity that doesn't exist.

One can go against anything they want, but proving or disproving it's existence is another matter requiring other tools to examine, not opinions but logic for one.

"one would have to be God to know God doesn't exist" You're deluded as fuck.

If you knew the definition of terms logically, one would have to conclude exactly as I have stated. Your opinion of my statement is not a logical rebuttal but an emotional feeling expressed in language, vulgar at that. You don't know me, so don't assume anything.
SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, There is no god to go against because there is no god. One, like myself, can go against a BELIEF of a deity that doesn't exist.

"one would have to be God to know God doesn't exist" You're deluded as fuck.

One would have to know how DNA was created to know that God did not do it. Just saying it created itself by evolution isn't good enough. That is the mind of a fool.
Praise the Lord.
SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, You're saying that "it's not logic but opinion" so you can say that "you need proof that there is no god, and opinions are not proof."

Your manipulative tactics are useless. I don't need to know you.

Those comments are reality based points that people used to accept in common as deductive truths.

There's no ''manipulation'' but simply a determination to point out that things logically are what they are, and neither more nor less. Reality isn't what you make it, it isn't contingent upon your thoughts and feelings. This is btw, why I posted this thread in the first place, because people no longer know how to think, literally. It's all feelings with them.
SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, Well you have no proof so there is no point on debating what you personally believe because it won't get you anywhere.

You did read where I said I have proof but because it is personally experiential it cannot be conveyed in the manner you are (''hoping?'') expecting it to be conveyed to you?

But I also mentioned the Ontological proofs, and you missed that. Anyway, thank you for reinforcing my basic concepts publicly on this matter, and do have a good evening.
SSDR wrote:@Hindsite, Well how do you know that a god did create DNA?

Common sense and faith in the Holy Bible.

Genesis !:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (atoms) (subatomic particles) (DNA)

DNA - God's amazing programming; evidence for his existence

SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, No you don't have any proof that a god does exist. So it is not a proven fact.

And no, I didn't miss your useless manipulation, because if I did, then I wouldn't of said what I just said.

We're talking past each other at this point, and you're bound to want to have the last word as you deny basic logic and want to engage in Logorrhea instead... I'll just end my part here.

As I said, I made this very thread predicated on this sort of disabilty, so there we go.
SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, Yeah, because you believe in things that you have NO PROOF for.

Apparently you are drawn like a moth to a flame to this conversation, when i've already stated that the best proof is personal and experiential, and that isn't good enough for you.

Probably because you don't do ''personal and experiential'' well, like most young people.

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