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skinster wrote: displaying liberal "neutrality" dogshit politics

I'm not neutral, I think the Venezuelans should rise up and kill Maduro and Guaido and all their cronies and then start over.
Your idealism is cute but in the real world that's not how things will work no matter how much you wishfully think them. I could add my own wishful thinking but that'd be pointless and ignoring reality.
skinster wrote:in the real world that's not how things will work

In the real world corrupt pigs run the show and ridiculous partisans back them no matter what as long as the pigs claim to be playing for their team. The real world is a fucking joke.

In the real world power is the only enemy, it doesn't matter if it claims to be socialist or capitalist, all power is corrupt and anyone who's not attacking power is just pulling pud.
skinster wrote:Yawn.

Back on topic.

There was no coup skinsterina. The Civil disobedience and conflict is still going on though. Guiado is still interim president while Lopez is free now. Rulers who rely on the military to stay in power will eventually fall when they loose the support of the said military.
Lopez is hiding in the Spanish embassy and will be back in prison soon I hope, for violating his house arrest and serving an outside state. The coup looks like its failed. Maybe the next U.S. move will be to kill useless Guaido to justify military intervention but...who knows...maybe the U.S. will give up and realize it can't coup like it used to anymore. :D
skinster wrote:Lopez is hiding in the Spanish embassy and will be back in prison soon I hope, for violating his house arrest and serving an outside state. The coup looks like its failed. Maybe the next U.S. move will be to kill useless Guaido to justify military intervention but...who knows...maybe the U.S. will give up and realize it can't coup like it used to anymore. :D

Right, if Guiado dies then a civil war will probably start. Maduro is not that stupid. US won't kill him because Guiado is an ally of the US. :eh:
Zionist Nationalist wrote:the Venezuelan people deserve better than a lunatic bus driver as their leader

Except for the fact that I was a bus driver for some time during my studies, let me remind you that your immediate past Minister of Defence was a bouncer in a nightclub.
The secret service and DC cops turned off the power at the Venezuelan embassy in DC, obviously in an attempt to make the Embassy Protection Collective leave. But they say they're not moving since they were invited in the embassy by the Venezuelan govt.

Ben Norton wrote:Sivad is such a clown, he's one of those idiots that actually believe their own bullshit.

Agreed. :D
No really, the guy is a nitwit. He thinks support for Chavismo is the same as support for Madurro, he claims a guy like Guaido who has the support of a supermajority in the national assembly and can mobilize tens of thousands of protestors has "no influence". My favorite tweet by that twit is the one where he tries to play gotcha with Landers when he writes "Landers admits he only represents a small collective" like that proves Landers is a fringe character or something. :knife:

Norton is just a ridiculous partisan hack, he's the poor man's Blumenthal. :lol:
Oh another good one is the one where he tries to claim that because Guaido couldn't gain the support of the military he's a joke. The reality is Maduro has cut the military in on the action so heavy that it's not surprising the corrupt generals don't want that gravy train to end. Maduro has made those military officers so fat and happy that they would never give him up. They all got millions and millions of dollars from graft and corruption stashed offshore courtesy of the Madurro regime and they control all food distribution in the country nd they take a healthy percentage off the profits from that, Bolivar himself couldn't pry them off that teat.
Sivad wrote:He thinks support for Chavismo is the same as support for Madurro

Chavez was the one who initiated unsustainable economic policies and concentrated power in the executive. The Maduro regime is the logical consequence of Chavismo. Chavez was lucky to have tons of charisma and to die before the shit hit the fan.
Failed ‘Coup’ a Fake Corporate News Story Designed to Trick Venezuelan Soldiers and US Public
Dave Lindorff examines media coverage during the April 30 failed military putsch.

After days of breathless reporting in the US media about public and military support for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro collapsing, and about an April 30 coup by presidential poseur Juan Guaidó, we now know the truth: The whole thing was a fraud, staged at the instigation of Washington in hopes that the Venezuelan people and rank-and-file troops would fall for the trick and think an actual coup was underway.

Sivad wrote:The reality is Maduro has cut the military in on the action so heavy that it's not surprising the corrupt generals don't want that gravy train to end. Maduro has made those military officers so fat and happy that they would never give him up. They all got millions and millions of dollars from graft and corruption stashed offshore courtesy of the Madurro regime and they control all food distribution in the country nd they take a healthy percentage off the profits from that, Bolivar himself couldn't pry them off that teat.

Citation needed for the Venezuelan military controlling "all food distribution in the country" and them getting "millions and millions of dollars" from...anywhere.
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