Are the majority of Trump supporters racists? - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Are Trump supporters inherently racists?

Yes, they are hardcore racists.
No, they are not racists.
Maybe, they are subconscious racists.
They might be angry at mainstream polticians, and Trump is not.
Other(please explain)
I will first admit I didn’t read most of your posts because you stated your incorrect perceptions from the start. You say the liberal programs from the 60’s have failed, but the reality around us says that is simply not true. All you have to do is look at the increased number of minorities in every facet of society to know their policies succeeded. You are trying to keep the past alive to justify your ideology just like the liberals are doing. We are no longer the racist society of the 50’s. You have had to sensationalize every event you can find to convince us nothing has changed, but a rational person should be able to see everything has changed.
‘White Supremacist’ are virtually extinct, but you argue as if they are a major factor. Your arguments are based upon lies and all they accomplish is to bring ‘white supremacist’ back from the dead because you give all conservatives no where else to go. We either whole heartedly endorse all liberal policies, or we are racists. It is your lack of tolerance that is widening the gap between races and cultures that was being healed.
Liberals today have abandoned the liberalism of the 60’s. They have replaced ‘individual equality’ with ‘group identity’. The first was successful. The latter destroys the intent of the 60’s liberals and divides people intentionally.
You are pursuing the very opposite of what you profess. The liberal policies of the 60’s didn’t fail, you abandoned them.
The Trigger wrote:I think if people stopped listing to the lefts lying new casrs and looked into his past hes done a lot for mimortys in grands and donations and been hornored by said groups
Can you say this in English so we can understand you? :?:
That's your thing.

Take some time, please, to check what you are writing. People will understand you more clearly, and you will appear more intelligent, than if you post without punctuation, grammar and poor spelling/vocabulary. If you look back at your previous statement, you'll see that it's rather difficult to understand.. for someone else. I am sure that you understand what you're writing, but you're writing for other people to understand your thoughts.
Last edited by Godstud on 23 May 2019 02:26, edited 1 time in total.
Well it looks like the poll results are IN. And it looks like the majority of people here on PoFo feel that Trump supporters are hardcore racists. How does that make Trump supporters feel to be viewed this way? Are they OK with the majority of people at least here on PoFo seeing them that way?
Politics_Observer wrote:Well it looks like the poll results are IN. And it looks like the majority of people here on PoFo feel that Trump supporters are hardcore racists. How does that make Trump supporters feel to be viewed this way? Are they OK with the majority of people at least here on PoFo seeing them that way?

I would guess they do not care at all. I think 10 years ago, people took the charge of "racism" more seriously. Now, it basically means "not a Democrat." Hell, they even call Candace Owens a "white supremacist." The concept has lost its meaning.
The term racist has not lost its meaning. That just what racists like to think. It helps them deal with their racism.

Republicans are not "racist" by definition. That's bullshit peddled by the people who want to excuse their racism, so they just make it out that people are attacking all Republicans as racist, which is patently false.
Godstud wrote:The term racist has not lost its meaning. That just what racists like to think. It helps them deal with their racism.

People don't have trouble dealing with their beliefs. The reason they don't take the term seriously anymore is that the term is used to manipulate people. People are hip to that stuff now. People are also hip to October surprises before elections. They anticipate it now.

Godstud wrote:Republicans are not "racist" by definition. That's bullshit peddled by the people who want to excuse their racism, so they just make it out that people are attacking all Republicans as racist, which is patently false.

The thread is about whether or not the majority of Trump supporters are racist. Trump received 60M votes. So the assertion is that more than 30M of them are racist. It is next to impossible to even establish and defend such a position, because you do not know each of those 30M+ people and their individual views. Trump supporters view such an operation as "if you don't want to be thought of as a racist, don't support Trump." Trump supporters just don't care anymore, because the operation of the mainstream media and the Democratic party is to slander and libel not just politicians with whom they disagree, but with entire blocs of voters. The probable rationale for such an operation is that to date there really haven't been any class action libel or slander suits. So the media is free to tar blocs of voters without fear of legal consequences.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself if signing up to the SJW cult is a smart move for a cis-gendered white male who has used his privilege to culturally appropriate a POC woman and exploit POC workers. You are a turkey voting for Christmas.

I am assuming you are a Trump supporter. I view Trump as like one of those narcissistic cult leaders like David Koresh for example except in the case of Trump, his cult is not a religious cult but rather a political cult. Trump garners support through crafty manipulation like most religious cult leaders do. Trump's manipulation centers around appealing to the fears and prejudices of others. Once he has their support he seeks to keep that support in any way he can as a means to serve only himself. And like most religious cult leaders he will seek to weaponize his followers if necessary.

Many cult leaders like David Koresh for example weaponized his followers against society and the law with disastrous results. Religious and political cult leaders like David Koresh or Joseph Stalin are dangerous and fall into the category of dangerous personalities. These narcissistic and sociopathic personalities usually appear as dictators, religious cult leaders and sometimes climb the corporate ladder very fast to become corporate leaders. They can be ruthlessly efficient in the corporate world but ruthless and backstabbing nonetheless. Not people of good character or qualities and very dangerous personalities to have to deal with if you have to deal with them. And they are very intelligent, smart and manipulative. That's what makes them, dangerous personalities.
Godstud wrote::lol: Stop trolling. If you have an argument make.

I made it already. It was just some friendly advice. Some jews probably thought they could appease Hitler by repeating his talking points about "judenrats" and whatnot. That didn't work out so well though. Don't repeat that mistake because we need all the cis-gendered white males like yourself that we can get to help preserve the patriarchy.
Politics Observer wrote:I am assuming you are a Trump supporter.

I am in opposition to the neoconservatives and neoliberals: the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama. In this race, that pits me against Biden. Otherwise, I do not care who wins as long as it isn't Biden. Personally, I would prefer Trump. However, who loses is much more important to me these days than who wins.

Politics Observer wrote:I view Trump as like one of those narcissistic cult leaders like David Koresh for example except in the case of Trump, his cult is not a religious cult but rather a political cult.

Trump hammered two issues that the establishment ignored for 30 years: illegal immigration and free trade. If your analysis doesn't include that, you do not understand Trump or his supporters or why he will very likely win again. Pro-Trump views are hammered in the press, and even here on PoFo. The moderators here locked down my thread beginning with Trump entering the 2016 presidential race back in 2015: Trump Calls It Like It Is; The Establishment Can't Take It Read my first and second posts there from July of 2015. You can disagree with me all you want, but the character attacks on Donald Trump failed and so have the character attacks on his supporters. So whether your analysis has any merit at all, it has zero ability to persuade. This is true on much bigger platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Censorship will not deliver victory to the establishment, because the electorate has lost confidence in the establishment. Most of Trump's detractors here have been utterly wrong in their political prognostications and you are set to join them.

What your analysis also fails to consider is that "Trumpism" if you can call it that has gone global now. Watch what happens in the EU elections over the next week. Establishment politicians are hated. Look at the UK for example. The Conservatives: what do they conserve? Absolutely fucking nothing. They aren't conservative. Labour: how do their policies help the blue collar, working class? They don't. It's a fraud. The electorate throughout Western democracies see this now. What do the establishment call UKIP/Brexit party voters? Racists. What do they call the Gilets Jaunes? Racists. What do they call Matteo Salvini's supporters? Racists. Geert Wilders? Same. What difference did it make killing off Joerg Haider? None. Austria's right wing is strong. Europeans used to think "racist" meant Americans. Now it means them, too.

Nobody cares about the term "racism" anymore, because it no longer means having a class-based political and economic system predicated on a person's race.

blackjack21 wrote:Trump hammered two issues that the establishment ignored for 30 years: illegal immigration and free trade. If your analysis doesn't include that, you do not understand Trump or his supporters or why he will very likely win again. Pro-Trump views are hammered in the press, and even here on PoFo. The moderators here locked down my thread beginning with Trump entering the 2016 presidential race back in 2015: Trump Calls It Like It Is; The Establishment Can't Take It Read my first and second posts there from July of 2015. You can disagree with me all you want, but the character attacks on Donald Trump failed and so have the character attacks on his supporters. So whether your analysis has any merit at all, it has zero ability to persuade. This is true on much bigger platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Censorship will not deliver victory to the establishment, because the electorate has lost confidence in the establishment. Most of Trump's detractors here have been utterly wrong in their political prognostications and you are set to join them.

What your analysis also fails to consider is that "Trumpism" if you can call it that has gone global now. Watch what happens in the EU elections over the next week. Establishment politicians are hated. Look at the UK for example. The Conservatives: what do they conserve? Absolutely fucking nothing. They aren't conservative. Labour: how do their policies help the blue collar, working class? They don't. It's a fraud. The electorate throughout Western democracies see this now. What do the establishment call UKIP/Brexit party voters? Racists. What do they call the Gilets Jaunes? Racists. What do they call Matteo Salvini's supporters? Racists. Geert Wilders? Same. What difference did it make killing off Joerg Haider? None. Austria's right wing is strong. Europeans used to think "racist" meant Americans. Now it means them, too.

Free trade is important and Obama did an excellent job of leading the country. The strong economy we are enjoying right now that Trump is currently destroying with trade wars was the result of Obama's economic policies. However, the electorate wants INSTANT economic results and because those economic results didn't INSTANTLY appear after Obama was elected, some got tired of waiting for results. So, Trump supporters were partly motivated by getting tired of waiting for results and were more susceptible to manipulation when Trump appealed to what has always been there all along: racism. Just wasn't always out in the open.

Another reason why Trump was elected is because, the US is a white supremacist country and was founded on white supremacy. Thus, when Obama was elected, a lot of working class and wealthy whites found Obama, the first African American President to be elected, as a threat to their dominant more privileged status; given that the country has always catered to whites and given whites a dominant position in American society. This source is from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: that backs up my claim.

I would like to quote part of this study that was conducted:

Diana C. Mutz of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America wrote:One way to understand the surprising public acceptance of openly disrespectful statements about women, minorities, and foreigners is as manifestations of preexisting racist and sexist views; in other words, the 2016 election raised the salience of people’s preexisting views on these topics, so that they mattered more to presidential vote choice in 2016 (5). However, as with the economic hardship thesis, the timing of Trump’s rise to power is curious. How is it that the same American public that elected an African American to two terms as US President subsequently elected a president known to have publicly made what many consider to be racist and sexist statements?

A possible explanation is dominant group status threat. When members of a dominant group feel threatened, several well-established reactions help these groups regain a sense of dominance and wellbeing. First, perceived threat makes status quo, hierarchical social and political arrangements more attractive (18). Thus, conservatism surges along with a nostalgia for the stable hierarchies of the past. Perceived threat also triggers defense of the dominant ingroup, a greater emphasis on the importance of conformity to group norms, and increased outgroup negativity (19, 20). It is psychologically valuable to see one’s self as part of a dominant group; therefore, when group members feel threatened, this prompts defensive reactions. It is precisely this form of group threat that may have motivated Trump supporters (21).

Another reason why Trump was elected is because free trade is important; BUT free trade agreements have ignored working class people. Essentially, a lot of these free trade agreements ignored working class people while benefiting wealthy people. This is a global phenomenon and not just a US phenomenon as the working class world wide have been ignored in free trade agreements. Yet, these free trade agreements are key and very important to economic success. Thus, what is needed are free trade agreements that DO NOT ignore the working class and permit the working class to share in the increased wealth and prosperity that are generated with these free trade agreements.

However, that's not what's been happening. Instead what has been happening is the working class has been working longer hours while suffering wage stagnation (meaning their earnings are not going up even in the face of inflation). This wage stagnation also forces the working class to work more jobs to make ends meet which means a declining quality of life and life expectancy. On the same token, while the working class has been suffering from having to work more jobs due to wage stagnation and no shared prosperity in these free trade agreements, the rich have become fabulously far more wealthier than ever before in these free trade agreements.

So, why have the working class been ignored in crafting these free trade agreements? Well, I think the answer is simple: too much big money in politics. That's why REAL campaign finance reform (and NOT fake campaign finance reform) is needed to combat the undemocratic forces of big money in politics. Trump is your classic dangerous personality that is narcissistic and can see things like this and move in to fill the void and manipulate people to vote for him by appealing to their fears and prejudices and we can see that given the evidence I have provided above in my source. Nobody can rationally and logically deny the evidence. They can be irrational about it, then they wouldn't have a leg to stand on when they deny the obvious presented above.


Mutz, Diana C. "Status Threat, Not Economic Hardship, Explains the 2016 Presidential Vote." PNAS, Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 8 May 2018, Accessed 24 May 2019.
Politics_Observer wrote:Free trade is important and Obama did an excellent job of leading the country.

That's kind of a disjointed sentence, and it isn't clear what you are trying to say. Free trade has created massive economic dislocation in the Midwest over the last 30+ years. It has spanned many administrations. It is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue. It was bi-partisan and at its inception saw a revolt led by Ross Perot and the Reform party. However, the Democrats and Republicans prevailed and continued the process of globalization and neo-conservative/neoliberal wars.

Politics_Observer wrote:The strong economy we are enjoying right now that Trump is currently destroying with trade wars was the result of Obama's economic policies.

The stock market rally has been almost exclusively the result of Trump and the Republicans bringing US corporate tax rates down to the average rates of the rest of the industrialized world. Trump's deregulation has also been very helpful for small-to-medium sized business where half of all job creation starts. Obama did a fine job for very large multi-national organizations, and an exemplary job for government workers. His policies were generally harmful to small businesses. That is why job growth and wage growth lagged.

The repatriation of corporate funds to the United States has significant economic effects, but are non-obvious to the average person. When those deposits sit in American banks, American banks are able to loan money. It's a significant amount of money, approaching a trillion dollars.

Politics_Observer wrote:However, the electorate wants INSTANT economic results and because those economic results didn't INSTANTLY appear after Obama was elected, some got tired of waiting for results.

The electorate would have been fine with big businesses headed for bankruptcy courts. The Obama administration bailed out lots of corrupt financial institutions and even GM at taxpayer's expense. Then, he implemented ObamaCare at the nadir of the economic cycle, rather than near its apogee. The bailouts angered the electorate, because taxpayers did not get bailed out. They had to pay for the very wealthy to get bailed out, while they still got six figure bonuses.

I have to ask: do you even live in America? You seem almost completely oblivious to the last ten to fifteen years.

Politics_Observer wrote:Another reason why Trump was elected is because, the US is a white supremacist country and was founded on white supremacy.

You must be very young. College age? The US was founded by people mostly of British ancestry. They weren't even particularly interested in Southern Europeans. The idea that they thought "white" people were superior is profoundly misguided. At that time, the US was entirely on the Eastern seaboard. Asians were not a factor. Both African populations and Native Americans were tribal societies without significant permanent settlements, urbanization, etc. They didn't have written languages, etc. So they were understandably considered quite primitive.

Politics_Observer wrote:Thus, when Obama was elected, a lot of working class and wealthy whites found Obama, the first African American President to be elected, as a threat to their dominant more privileged status; given that the country has always catered to whites and given whites a dominant position in American society.

Obama didn't really stir the racial pot until his second term. He intended to, but he screwed up very early with his defense of Skip Gates being disorderly with the Cambridge police leading to the "Beer Summit". Continuing to stir the pot would have jeapordized his re-election. He kept the racial animus on the back burner, but started getting involved publicly in the Trayvon Martin case late into his first term and early into his second term. Then, the media and his administration pushed the fake narrative in Ferguson, Missouri which was very obviously a total lie. It led to calls for assassinating police officers, and we saw a big spike in police officers getting killed--something the media largely tried to bury. Those assassinated police officers were not all white either.

Obama's bailouts of the big banks at tax payers expense led to the Tea Party movement. Obama used the IRS, FBI, DoJ, OSHA, ATF, EPA and other agencies to harass conservative Republican political donors. They took notice, and also took notice of establishment Republicans who were just fine with that activity. Again, your analysis fails to understand why rank and file Republicans split with establishment Republicans in DC, which is fine because you are powerless to stop them as long as you don't understand the nature of the split.

Politics_Observer wrote:This source is from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: that backs up my claim.

I would like to quote part of this study that was conducted:

This is an eye-rolling load of crap, but it is to be expected for people who are trying to push the idea that their political views are objective and superior, while those they disagree with are subjective and inferior. Obama spent his entire time arguing that anyone who disagreed with his policies did so based on racial animus. Many of the Republican establishment went right along with it. So they forfeited their legitimacy to represent most Republican voters.

Politics_Observer wrote:Another reason why Trump was elected is because free trade is important; BUT free trade agreements have ignored working class people.

You are finally getting closer to the truth.

Politics_Observer wrote:Essentially, a lot of these free trade agreements ignored working class people while benefiting wealthy people. This is a global phenomenon and not just a US phenomenon as the working class world wide have been ignored in free trade agreements.

That is why we saw Brexit, the Gilets Jaunes, and scores of anti EU parties gaining traction throughout the EU. It's why Teresa May's government collapsed.

Politics_Observer wrote:Well, I think the answer is simple: too much big money in politics. That's why REAL campaign finance reform (and NOT fake campaign finance reform) is needed to combat the undemocratic forces of big money in politics.

What's transpiring instead is that the electorate has grown substantially more sophisticated, and they no longer trust the mainstream media to tell the truth. The mainstream media in the US is controlled by six large multinational corporations. They openly do the bidding of their owners, and pretty much openly lie, selectively present facts, attack population groups, etc. Large media organizations are also paid by the government to address issues the government wants covered--meaning they get paid to skew their coverage for the benefit of the major political parties. In Europe, there are many government-run media outlets like the BBC. So people know that they have to vote for policies over personalities. People didn't really like Trump, but they knew that voting for Clinton was like voting for Obama or Bush again. Trump was a vote against the establishment, which is something the establishment never thought would happen. Brexiteers got called "racist" too. People no longer care about such terms.

Can't you remember as far back as maybe 10 years ago when Europeans used to lecture Americans about "racism"? They have gone silent. Why? The establishment there is flooding their countries with people from the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Suddenly, they are now dealing with the rapid increase in violent crimes, rapes, etc. while the government engages in cover-ups, leading to political actors like Tommy Robinson.

Politics_Observer wrote:Trump is your classic dangerous personality that is narcissistic and can see things like this and move in to fill the void and manipulate people to vote for him by appealing to their fears and prejudices and we can see that given the evidence I have provided above in my source. Nobody can rationally and logically deny the evidence. They can be irrational about it, then they wouldn't have a leg to stand on when they deny the obvious presented above.

Nobody denies your "evidence." They deny the conclusions you draw, particularly from the significant omissions. For example, you ramble about "white supremacy." Most of those working class workers who lost status due to free trade are white. Calling them "racist" on top of the fact that both the Democratic party and the Republican party lied to them about the net benefits of free trade is an insult they will no longer abide. Telling them that they have "white privilege" is a further insult to the 30 years of hardship they have endured. They simply are no longer going to listen to charges that so and so is a "racist," because they have been called "racist" for reasons that have nothing to do with race. The effectiveness of that sort of political slander and libel is no longer effective. Meanwhile, the establishment is trying to pave the way for another old white man: Joe Biden. :roll:
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