Donald's Election Year War With Iran - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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The casual manner everyone here talks about the American genocidal regime's further war on a country it already once destroyed is kinda gross AF.

Anyway if it wasn't Trump doing this shit, it would be Hillary - "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" - Clinton. :|
skinster wrote:American genocidal regime's

it's pretty much a given that the POTUS needs to be a war monger. A primary export of America is weapons of death and destruction produced by the American military industrial complex. Wars are, simply put, good money makers. Just ask the makers of steel caskets for America's 58,220 Vietnam dead. Smooth talking Obama was certainly a war monger and no exception to the rule.

Hong Wu wrote: I'm calling it now.

Gosh ….. for a moment I thought I was reading Hillary's 2016 prediction :lol:
There is no warwith iran . trump absolutely isnt looking for a war . its the last thing he wants but we have a ducy to keep the shipping channwls open after 1 attack on saudi pipelines .also the 4 tanker attacks along with what ever intel they have.
We are obligated to do it.
On Friday, amid escalating tensions with Iran, President Donald Trump declared an emergency to bypass Congress to push through an $8 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates—a deal that had been stopped by lawmakers before. Simultaneously, Trump ordered the deployment of an additional 1,500 troops to the Middle East to help protect American forces on the ground.

Here is Obese Donald with his best friend Mr. Bone Saw working on a deal to ship billions of dollars of Made In The U.S.A. weapons of death and destruction to that lunatic asylum called the Middle East. I would LOVE to see who is banking the cash on this deal.

Have I understood the latest news correctly? That the 'master of the deal' blowhard masquerading as President of the United States of America is willing to accept Japan as a resolution negotiator?
Mr. Trump suggested that he did not share Mr. Bolton’s enthusiasm for trying to overthrow the government in Iran. “It has a chance to be a great country, with the same leadership,” he said. “We’re not looking for regime change. I just want to make that clear. We’re looking for no nuclear weapons.”
Iran is an authoritarian nightmare and the whole Iranian establishment does deserve to be sodomized to death with red hot bayonets but allowing demonic neocons and zionist maniacs to run amok isn't going to help anything.
Sivad wrote:Iran is an authoritarian nightmare and the whole Iranian establishment does deserve to be sodomized to death with red hot bayonets

QFT. +1

Let the sanctions bite, and if they try anything militarily or through their terrorist franchises, let the de-fanging begin.
Sivad wrote:Yeah, fuck your sanctions. The zio trash and the neocon pigs are no better than the scumbags running Iran. There are no good guys, it's all just one big shit show.

:lol: That's what I like about you, your optimism, your belief in the goodness of people.
I am sure they called you "Mister sunshine" from when you were young.

Wind Bag In Chief ^ :hmm:

Regarding Iran, Obese Donald tweeted, “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran.”

Wow — the official end of Iran! What does that even mean? Are we going to drop a nuclear weapon on Iran, a country of 80 million people? This is the language of someone who has never been around military power and has an exaggerated sense of what it can accomplish. It’s the language of someone who plays a commander in chief — on TV.

Then again, to even ask “What does it mean?” about a Trump tweet is ridiculous, since he clearly fires these things off without any deep thought or a prior strategy session in the Situation Room.

Trump tried to one-up Obama with Pompeo’s 12-step program. But it has not worked. And now Iran’s countermove — in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions designed to drive Iran’s oil sales to zero — has reportedly been to deploy proxies and covert operatives to attack oil and gas tankers passing through the Persian Gulf, forcing the U.S. to protect all of those shipping lanes.

That is hugely expensive for the U.S. and overstretches the Navy. We need allies to confront this Iranian strategy successfully. But Trump has alienated our allies by his incessant lying, his tariffs on their products and his rejection of their willingness to try to renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal in a limited way.

Meanwhile, on North Korea the Trump administration has adopted its own version of precisely what it criticized the Obama administration for: “strategic patience.” Trump is turning a blind eye to mounting evidence that the Kim regime continues to develop missile capabilities that can hit us.

When asked by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News about North Korea’s reported recent violations of his understandings with Trump, Trump said: “I don’t know. I hope not. He promised me he wouldn’t.”( :eek: )

Well …. I guess it's true that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. It seems that the planet earth cannot be managed in the same way that a family real estate business can. Obese Donald is hugely entertaining and a con artist extraordinary but as POTUS ……. dangerously incompetent.

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