Why is punishing the US for the terrible things it has done, wrong? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the USA and Canada.

Moderator: PoFo North America Mods

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You are merely very uninformed, or deluded, is all.

Canadians have never claimed to be morally superior.
Peace keepers? True. We do have a good history with that.
Benelovent? Mostly.
Fair in everything? :lol: Hardly.

USA isn't inherently evil. Most Americans are pretty good people with similar values to Canadians. They just do stupid things.

Fight USA? :eh: What kind of drugs are you on?

What's the point of this thread? Is it just to throw out ridiculous assumptions about a country and then make fantasy scenarios?

Maybe you need to separate the myths from reality. USA isn't "evil", for one thing.
Because they're neighbours and have to live with each other basically.... May as well get use to it.

A massive continental scale version of that.

"North America" is a more powerful international bloc when the three countries in it(Canada, USA & Mexico) succeed working together, especially the English speaking duo.
Godstud wrote:You are merely very uninformed, or deluded, is all.

Because for you the truth is uninformed or deluded. Do you have family in the US, ma'am?

Godstud wrote:Canadians have never claimed to be morally superior.

Yes you have. I can't remember where I got it though but I wouldn't be saying it if I never came across it.

Godstud wrote:Peace keepers? True. We do have a good history with that.

Benelovent? Mostly.
Fair in everything? :lol: Hardly.[/quote]

Oh there you go, you just proved my claim that you are morally superior. Isn't it the duty of morally superior people to stop evil?

Godstud wrote:USA isn't inherently evil.

Is this not inherently evil?


Godstud wrote:Fight USA? :eh: What kind of drugs are you on?

One day ma'am you might end up eating those words. You sound like a Nazi sympathizer to me.

Godstud wrote:Is it just to throw out ridiculous assumptions about a country and then make fantasy scenarios?

One day, these people could be you.



Godstud wrote:USA isn't "evil", for one thing.


colliric wrote:Because they're neighbours and have to live with each other basically.... May as well get use to it.

The nature of war is death and destruction but it is not without results, good results. Yes millions of Canadians and hopefully this Godstud will be included in that, will meet their maker and Canada might end up being a nuclear wasteland but that sacrifice will not go in vain.

And in a few years, I'm sure Canada will become habitable again and even stronger than ever.

colliric wrote:"North America" is a more powerful international bloc when the three countries in it(Canada, USA & Mexico)

Mexico wants what was stolen from them.

[KS mod edit: double post]
dontwastemytime wrote:I thought the canucks were morally superior, peace keepers, benevolent and fair in everything..... if so, why would gentle Canada remain allies with evil and won't even fight them?

An almost classic example of the 'straw man' argument. I'll take my cue from the 'handle' of the OP writer.
I think that's the reason why europe and canuckland won't do anything! Socially, culturally, economically, militarily, they own you in all of these! You can't do anything!

Sure the they will protest against this but their governments will proudly bow down to their American masters and there isn't a single thing [group insult deleted] can do! That's why whenever the US does something evil, the eurolander and canuck governments may get upset but at the end of the day, they will turn tail and run.

That is why when europe found out that the US was spying on them, all they did was get angry but no further action was taken because [group insult deleted] are frightened to lose their master. They would rather bow down than to stand up equally with russia and china.

And as I mentioned, they will definitely do their best to deny it but seriously, the evidence is everywhere! There military are in your lands, their movies and TV shows are everywhere and everything from their fast food, to your OS is right in front of you! Economically, you can't live without them! Socially, you all want to be like them.

You cannot respond back because you know it is true! They own you, if they push you, they can make you do anything and again, you can't fight back because you are scared to die or lose your homes.

PoFo Rule 3. You are prohibited from transmitting through PoliticsForum any hateful or racially, sexually or ethnically objectionable material. As a guide: You should not attack groups or individuals on the basis of prejudices or stereotypes but only on the basis of their demonstrated actions or beliefs.
:lol: trolling.

Please present a source to support this claim.

Where do you hail from, and what makes you so special and willing to criticize?
Present some evidence that your argument isn't the deranged ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.

Thank you.
I thought that they have murdered millions of people?

I thought that they have destroyed numerous nations all over the world?

I thought that their culture is corrupt and vile.

I thought their population is arrogant, loud, ignorant, stupid.

I thought that the world was opposed to these things?

Why is the internet full of people who are quick to bring out these flaws but are not willing to do anything to fight it? Why are people apathetic? Why do people rely on the US to destroy itself when that will take a really long time and all the meanwhile millions of people are dying. Why do people keep giving out excuses why they can't? Why are people afraid? And why do some people say that it is wrong? What's wrong with it? What's wrong with idea of at least punishing it so that it won't act that way anymore? I am not asking the world to kill them all but just stop them. Why is that so hard to understand and do?
Godstud wrote:Why don't YOU do it? Put your money where you mouth is. Where are you from that you can make these comments? UK? Germany? Russia? Where?

Canada and ma'am...... Haha..... once again, you are just one man, actually three but..... you cannot stop the inevitable.
Last edited by dontwastemytime on 19 Jun 2019 10:11, edited 1 time in total.
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