White Crime Watch: Another Right Wing Shooter - What is Wrong With America's Right? Topic Thread - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Tainari88 wrote:What can be done about white crime and white terror? Can we be safe from deluded people who spend their time thinking the Hondurans are invading the border and the Honduran terror network is invading Purple Mountains Majesty Special Olympian? You tell me?

I have done a lot of research and the only solution seems to be the extermination of the white race. What I say may be identical to to what actual racist nazis may say, but trust me, I came to this conclusion through rigorous research rather than the consumption of memes on the interent. Hey, stopped clocks are right twice a day and so are nazis (but only when what the nazis say is applied to themselves).

It's unfortunate, but it's the only way to solve the problem of white violence. Fortunatley, the "white race", the term this gang of terrorists uses to identify themselves, has contributed nothing to society or culture so it won't be much of a loss. Like maybe we lose the recipe for Kentucky fried chicken and we have to switch to store brand sodas but that's pretty much it. Jesus was an Arab Jew and chemistry (al-chemy) and math (al-gebra) are both Middle Eastern inventions so we get to keep Christianity and the entire basis of science.

Here is an idea: What about white deparations? We should forcibly take money from white people so that they can't afford to own guns, and use that money to provide life insurance for non-whites so that their families are adequately compensated if they should die from white crime.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I have done a lot of research and the only solution seems to be the extermination of the white race. What I say may be identical to to what actual racist nazis may say, but trust me, I came to this conclusion through rigorous research rather than the consumption of memes on the interent. Hey, stopped clocks are right twice a day and so are nazis (but only when what the nazis say is applied to themselves).

It's unfortunate, but it's the only way to solve the problem of white violence. Fortunatley, the "white race", the term this gang of terrorists uses to identify themselves, has contributed nothing to society or culture so it won't be much of a loss. Like maybe we lose the recipe for Kentucky fried chicken and we have to switch to store brand sodas but that's pretty much it. Jesus was an Arab Jew and chemistry (al-chemy) and math (al-gebra) are both Middle Eastern inventions so we get to keep Christianity and the entire basis of science.

Here is an idea: What about white deparations? We should forcibly take money from white people so that they can't afford to own guns, and use that money to provide life insurance for non-whites so that their families are adequately compensated if they should die from white crime.

Well, I am a cultural purist and I say? The white folks are consuming too much Mexican food and Salvadoran pupusas with curtido in Los Angeles' streets and neighborhoods. They need to be true to their conservative ideals and never eat tortillas or gorditas or pupusas again. No salsas, or hot sauces or anything Mexican. No pinatas, or parties with Mexican themes, or Mexican hat dances either...give it all up. Can't run around using Spanish words either like 'give me that laso to tie up the calf at the rodeo..." We got to watch the purity in culture. Keep the purity....California has been contaminated with Mexican culture for too long!

Lol. Oh, Special Olympian you make me laugh so much Senor. And I really needed it today.
It's time to mothball the Statue of Liberty or, at least, put a jack hammer to it's words which obviously no longer apply:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
jimjam wrote:It's time to mothball the Statue of Liberty or, at least, put a jack hammer to it's words which obviously no longer apply:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Compromise: We replace the current torch with a Tiki torch, to represent the Charlottesvile march of the white men in khakis and polos.
jimjam wrote:It's time to mothball the Statue of Liberty or, at least, put a jack hammer to it's words which obviously no longer apply:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

They might no longer apply but it is a historical monument and should be preserved. A memento of the past.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Hey let's start a thread called "Black Crime Watch: Another thieving gang shooter". Certainly the title of this thread isn't racist! :excited:

I'm guessing that this title is a-okay, but saying the same thing about black people would be considered "racist" by enlightened leftists.

SpecialOlympian wrote:As a white(? are Israelis really white?) person you are statistically more likely to commit an act of terror.

Ashkenazi Jews are about 80% European DNA. I think killing is an all or nothing proposition. I don't think you can make someone 80% dead. What does your research show?

SpecialOlympian wrote:Someday I hope we can live in a world where our children don't have to be afraid of whites.

Xanax helps. SSRIs would be less addictive.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I am sorry that my educational posts on white criminality trigger the two of you.

I think they are fine. I just find it confusing that we are not allowed to talk about criminality in other groups of people without offending someone.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I have done a lot of research and the only solution seems to be the extermination of the white race.

Well, don't rule out segregation. That could work too. They did that in South Africa and in the South of the US. With racial integration, South Africa is one of the murder capitols of the world. I don't think @noemon thinks genocide is funny. I'm not sure why.

SpecialOlympian wrote:What I say may be identical to to what actual racist nazis may say, but trust me, I came to this conclusion through rigorous research rather than the consumption of memes on the interent.

Indeed. That's why it's interesting that you omitted racial segregation for your remedy, preferring genocide instead.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Jesus was an Arab Jew and chemistry (al-chemy) and math (al-gebra) are both Middle Eastern inventions so we get to keep Christianity and the entire basis of science.

Technically, they are not "inventions", but rather "discoveries". Hisab al-Jabr (algebra) w'al muqabala was written by a Persian, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (algorithm) in Baghdad and it was based on the work of Diophantus of Alexandria. So algebra is actually Persian (Iranian/Aryan), not Arab, and was derived from the Greeks who had conquered Persia under Alexander the Great--another violent white man. Unfortunately, for the post-white world, accounting was developed by Italians (Leonardo da Fibonacci, Benedetto Cotrugli, and Luca Bartolomes Pacioli). Calculus was developed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Liebniz. Rene Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Pierre de Fermat, John Wallis, William Playfair, Robert Record, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russel, Georg Cantor, George Boole, Alan Turing, etc. are all "white" people. There are inventions, though. The abacus was invented in China.

That said, science depends heavily upon statistics. Unfortunately, Al-Kindi and Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao are the only non-"white" contributors to statistics. Gaunt, Bayes, Laplace, Playfair, Gauss, Galton, Thiele, Deming, and so on were all white.

Alchemy isn't scientific. It's proto-scientific. It also came from the Greeks. Like algebra, it was "re-introduced," from the Middle East, because much of Greek knowledge was lost following the burning of the library of Alexandria, which was in Egypt. Even in those days, white people were trying to show other peoples of the world how to do things. So all that will stop when there are no more white people. It's a good thing the Caliph Omar wasn't able to destroy everything. He was reported to have said, "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them."

SpecialOlympian wrote:Here is an idea: What about white deparations? We should forcibly take money from white people so that they can't afford to own guns, and use that money to provide life insurance for non-whites so that their families are adequately compensated if they should die from white crime.

The problem is that they already have about 300M guns in the United States alone, and they would probably kill you if you tried to do that.

Tainari88 wrote:The white folks are consuming too much Mexican food and Salvadoran pupusas with curtido in Los Angeles' streets and neighborhoods. They need to be true to their conservative ideals and never eat tortillas or gorditas or pupusas again. No salsas, or hot sauces or anything Mexican. No pinatas, or parties with Mexican themes, or Mexican hat dances either...give it all up.

We could do that, but that will put a lot of restaurants owned and run by Mexicans out of business. Do you really want to do that? After all, that's one way to get white people's money...

jimjam wrote:It's time to mothball the Statue of Liberty or, at least, put a jack hammer to it's words which obviously no longer apply:

Let's send it back to France as a "gift," since they are having problems with the wretched refuse of Africa. Maybe it will inspire them.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Compromise: We replace the current torch with a Tiki torch, to represent the Charlottesvile march of the white men in khakis and polos.

Or we could give her eyes epicanthic folds so she looks more Asian.

Admin Edit: Rule 16 Violation
SolarCross wrote:They might no longer apply but it is a historical monument and should be preserved. A memento of the past.

After Stalin took over Russia all monuments and statues were removed from Red Square save one ….. the tribute to the Time Of Trouble from 1818. Perhaps this is one more lesson Obese Donald can learn from The Man Of Steel who he no doubt secretly admires.
@blackjack21 it is all about jokes and showing how ridiculous all this is Blackjack. White people in California love Mexican food...the point being that they are discriminating against the Latin Americans here and consuming the culture, the food, the celebrations, the style and everything else but they want to say that the Latinos don't bring anything of value to the nation. That is obviously not true. Special Olympian is just using satire and so on to bring that point home. I would not 'debate' it. I would try to be just as funny in my own way, and be light about his comments. There is a truth to this saying Blackjack and you should apply it to @SpecialOlympian "Politicians lie to cover up the truth and artists lie to reveal a truth." That is what SO is doing. Enjoy it. I certainly enjoy it. :)
blackjack21 wrote:I'm guessing that this title is a-okay, but saying the same thing about black people would be considered "racist" by enlightened leftists.

Admin Notes: If a resident Black poster made a thread like this one, satirising his own race then it would be absolutely fine and you can quote me on this. If a racist person made a thread like this it would be considered racist indeed. If you have any issues with moderation you should take it to the Basement, not in the thread.

blackjack21 wrote:Well, don't rule out segregation. That could work too. They did that in South Africa and in the South of the US. With racial integration, South Africa is one of the murder capitols of the world. I don't think @noemon thinks genocide is funny. I'm not sure why.

A white person making a satirical genocide meme using white supremacist logic is absolutely hilarious, especially when it works, like in your case for example.
Tainari88 wrote:@blackjack21 it is all about jokes and showing how ridiculous all this is Blackjack. White people in California love Mexican food...the point being that they are discriminating against the Latin Americans here and consuming the culture, the food, the celebrations, the style and everything else but they want to say that the Latinos don't bring anything of value to the nation. That is obviously not true.

It's so obviously not true that nobody has actually said any such thing. The thread, after all, is about a crazy white guy that tried to go on a shooting spree but ultimately failed and lost his life in the process.

As for people commenting on illegal immigration, most people are saying we need to address illegal immigration for at least the following reasons:

1. Latin American countries are disabusing themselves of their troubled/criminal population, not unlike empires of old having prison colonies.
2. Illegal immigrants put a strain on government services such as schools, hospitals, etc.--it's costing hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
3. Illegal immigrants are driving wages down for working poor people--this is the primary issue.
4. Illegal immigrants are not assimilating into the culture.

By contrast, we generally do not have that problem with legal immigrants.
Let us make this short and sweet @Blackjack21?

1. Latin American countries @blackjack21 are just responding to the propaganda out there by the liberal media that says basically America's streets are paved with gold and you can get yours here...because what they are doing is keeping their cheap labor flow going. The Latinos here in Mexico? I have had quite a lot of curiosity about where I am from and why I am here instead of the land of milk and honey and many of the poor tell me? Is it worth it for me to go North and get a job? I need to earn more money than I do here in Mexico. I tell them Blackjack, "You won't be earning more money. You will just be exchanging one set of problems for another set of even bigger problems." And then the discussion keeps going. The upper classes and middle classes in Mexico never ask me if things are better in the USA. Rich Mexicans live better than many people in many nations. They have servants and they have nannies that sleep at the house day and night and gardeners and cooks and chauffeurs and everything else. What motivation do they have to go and join the 'tired, huddled poor masses called to the USA's shores Blackjack?" No motivation whatsoever.

2. The SCOTUS ruled in its 1982 case and upheld it that undocumented people's children who are also undocumented have a right to a free public education because in terms what is socially responsible? Educating kids regardless of immigration status makes for a peaceful society in the long run. Plus, the USA has a lowering of the fertility rate and they need replacement workers in the future who can pay taxes and unless those young people are educated? They won't be paying taxes. Most people with marginal educations wind up in jail or with such low wages crime becomes attractive. So the SCOTUS thinks so far? Got to educate everyone. Regardless. Same about public health care, etc.

3. I agree with you on the number three. I say? Pay workers in Mexico enough to STAY in Mexico. That way you solve that issue and nip the problem at the bud. But? If you want to pay crap to Mexican workers and they can't make end's meet? They will go where the wages are livable or tolerable at least. That is the way the cookie crumbles Blackjack in capitalism. Asi es.

4. If you are working day and night with low wages and don't speak English and got a marginal education in your own language and culture? How are you going to assimilate to a new one well? You tell me. I will give you an example Blackjack to drive my point home? Let us take a white Scotch-Irish background American Appalachian person with a fourth grade education that can barely spell in English and he moves to Quebec to accept a janitor job and a cutting the lawn jobs in the summer in Quebec? How much time will he have for learning French and getting a good education in Canada as he is sending money home to the South of the USA? Especially if the Quebecois think he is not worth the investment and hate American hillbillies? You tell me? Think about it Blackjack?
Tainari88 wrote:The upper classes and middle classes in Mexico never ask me if things are better in the USA. Rich Mexicans live better than many people in many nations. They have servants and they have nannies that sleep at the house day and night and gardeners and cooks and chauffeurs and everything else.

You don't need to tell me that. I went to school with some upper class Mexicans. They do have maids, cooks and gardeners full time. Americans generally don't do that anymore, because the servants would be considered tenants in most states now and you can't simply evict them if you fire them. That's why you rarely see live-in help in America anymore even with the very rich. It's another one of the "worker protections" that actually leads to less employment.

Tainari88 wrote:Plus, the USA has a lowering of the fertility rate and they need replacement workers in the future who can pay taxes and unless those young people are educated?

According to the left, the world is overpopulated and we're all going to die in 12 years due to global warming. Between that and automation, I don't know how much longer we're going to need manual labor for jobs that can be automated.

Tainari88 wrote:Most people with marginal educations wind up in jail or with such low wages crime becomes attractive.

Yes. If you can't speak the language, it's tough to get an education.

Tainari88 wrote:Pay workers in Mexico enough to STAY in Mexico.

Agreed. That's why I like Trump's USMCA. It requires Mexican companies to pay the Mexican workers better, at least $16 an hour. That would be a five fold increase over what they are making now. Although, I'm sure cheapies will just pay the tariff instead.

Tainari88 wrote:Let us take a white Scotch-Irish background American Appalachian person with a fourth grade education that can barely spell in English and he moves to Quebec to accept a janitor job and a cutting the lawn jobs in the summer in Quebec? How much time will he have for learning French and getting a good education in Canada as he is sending money home to the South of the USA? Especially if the Quebecois think he is not worth the investment and hate American hillbillies? You tell me? Think about it Blackjack?

Most Quebecois speak English, so that wouldn't be a problem in actual fact. However, if the Quebecois didn't admit him legally, why should they be obligated to educate him and pay for his healthcare? It's their country. I suppose you think if I see it from a white person's perspective, I'm supposed to change my mind as some sort of patronizing reverse psychology.

However, this banal charge of "racism" isn't what the West is facing. For example, in the UK, the issue is that working class English folks get undercut by Polish immigrants. They are different ethnicities, but they're all white people. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with economics.
@blackjack21 it is indeed all economics. Not race. Therefore, the immigration issue will never go away really while there is the possibility of making more money in another nation. Do you think the USA has a unique problem with undocumented workers? No, they don't. Many nations do. And I am not a nationalist like you are. For me? You will have to clothe and feed and deal with ALL the people that arrive and need it. Why? Because some other nation's problems become yours if you don't actively seek to cooperate with many nations to solve what makes people immigrate in the first place. Again I am an international socialist not a national socialist (and never the twain shall meet). I won't be a fascist. I don't believe only my nationality has a right to eat, to get a job or to have financial stability. I would prefer people to not suffer immigrating to a new land and going through the stress that implies for them. But if they can't survive or make end's meet or flee war, famine, and horror and have no other options? It is my duty to clothe, feed, and help them get an education. I don't mind spending on helping them out. You would. I don't. That is a huge difference between you and I Blackjack.

You can paint it as reverse psychology Blackjack, but you admitted you don't believe in equality. My point about making the guy 'white'? Lol. You can't even take a joke about white crime...I think you got a lack of empathy big time. So? No use trying to get you to see the humanity in non-white lower class people. Maybe it might work with a white underclass person. But? Nope, you are a class system fascist. No way around that one. Lol. If they are poor and especially non-European low IQ....you won't ever see anything at all in them of empathy. Horrible thinking. I think Special Olympian is right to think you are screaming into the void Senor. If you don't have any kind of connection to those you find 'useless eaters'? You got problems. :D

For me? I don't think nationality trumps my humanity. I never did and I never will. It is consistent with my international socialism. Socialism for all. Not for the wealthy and well off only. But most especially share the wealth with the poorest. And the ones who need it. The motto is 'To each according to their need'. In that, I am 100% dedicated to Blackjack. I don't care about what your value system is and that you think you are doing people a favor by thinking they are unworthy of what? Equality? At the end of our lives, that is what most people seek in respectful relationships in life. It is all that turns out to be true too....in the end, we all wind up facing similar things, wanting similar things and struggling for similar things. Humanos todos. All of us humans.

And I never have thought any differently. I got good karma being consistent in that for sure. Over and over again it has been proven to me. It works.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Be the change you want to see in the world, Unthinking Majority.

I am sorry that my educational posts on white criminality trigger the two of you. But it is important that everyone knows that whites are ticking time bombs who will kill you and your children because they watched too many YouTubes about how feminists are ruining videogames.

Let's try this with black people and see if what you said is, again, racist:

"I am sorry that my educational posts on black criminality trigger the two of you. But it is important that everyone knows that blacks are ticking time bombs who will kill you and your children because they listened to too much gangsta rap music."

SpecialOlympian wrote:I have done a lot of research and the only solution seems to be the extermination of the white race. What I say may be identical to to what actual racist nazis may say, but trust me, I came to this conclusion through rigorous research rather than the consumption of memes on the interent. Hey, stopped clocks are right twice a day and so are nazis (but only when what the nazis say is applied to themselves).

It's unfortunate, but it's the only way to solve the problem of white violence. Fortunatley, the "white race", the term this gang of terrorists uses to identify themselves, has contributed nothing to society or culture so it won't be much of a loss. Like maybe we lose the recipe for Kentucky fried chicken and we have to switch to store brand sodas but that's pretty much it. Jesus was an Arab Jew and chemistry (al-chemy) and math (al-gebra) are both Middle Eastern inventions so we get to keep Christianity and the entire basis of science.

Here is an idea: What about white deparations? We should forcibly take money from white people so that they can't afford to own guns, and use that money to provide life insurance for non-whites so that their families are adequately compensated if they should die from white crime.

You clearly can't be serious. I think you're a troll of some kind.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Let's try this with black people and see if what you said is, again, racist:

"I am sorry that my educational posts on black criminality trigger the two of you. But it is important that everyone knows that blacks are ticking time bombs who will kill you and your children because they listened to too much gangsta rap music."


Lmbo this was literally Maz, breaking down in tears, screeching about the importance of free speech because he uses his twitter account to educate people on black crime and the idea that account being ripped from him is the greatest existential threat he can imagine, as someone who lives a fulfilling and meaningful life.

But without the pathetically bad faith arguments to the power of free speech. Which he did actually make to @skinster, a woman who is not white and who Maz would gladly shove into a death camp if given the opportunity.
Tainari88 wrote:Again I am an international socialist not a national socialist (and never the twain shall meet).

The problem with open borders for international socialism is it drains the South of the people who would be fomenting revolution and creates schisms within the working class in the North along national and racial lines. The problem with open borders is they work directly against international socialism.

A lot of socialists, the vast majority in fact, are operating on the misapprehension that the reason socialism hasn't succeeded in the global south is because of racist imperialism so they figure that if they can turn the US brown then they'll have no problem turning the whole world red. The trouble with that strategy is that while it is true that the US has heavily interfered in Latin American politics with sanctions and coups and propping up rightwing despots, that's only part of the reason why not just socialism but even liberal democracy has largely failed in that part of the world. Most socialists want to blame it all on imperialism and racism but the hard reality is that the people of the global south themselves also bear a large part of the responsibility for the failure. They failed for the same reasons the people in the north have failed to achieve any kind of decent system: they're weak and stupid and petty and shortsighted and selfish and corrupt. People are assholes everywhere you go and exporting them from one place and importing them to another isn't gonna change anything.
Last edited by Sivad on 16 Jul 2019 08:01, edited 1 time in total.
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