Freemasonry And The Illuminati - Politics | PoFo

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What are your views on the Illuminati and the Freemason fraternities?

My views on the Illuminati is that they are very dangerous because they want to make society immoral and mess up people by manipulating their bad ideas and values onto society. Their values are very secretive because they are very bad.

Freemasons do abusive things to their members in order to prevent them from exposing their immoral values. Some tactics that higher ranking Freemasons do is blackmail, manipulate, impose vandalism threats, and threaten to make members lose their jobs and make them homeless.

Freemasons are responsible for manipulating people into acting like this:

General lifestyle values that the Freemasons promotes are uncomfortable, loud, obnoxious, and immoral.

Freemasonry and the Illuminati are a symbol of capitalist culture. They are also sexist because only men can join their dangerous fraternities.
I'm not a member of any masonic organizations but I've learned a lot from The Craft and I've always admired Adam Weishaupt. There are a lot of nefarious organizations with tremendous power, some are secret and some are well known, some are a bit of both, but it really doesn't matter because the structures that power relies on are all right out in the open and they are all that need to be addressed. Dismantle the power structures and the people and networks who control them become irrelevant.
Sivad wrote:I'm not a member of any masonic organizations but I've learned a lot from The Craft and I've always admired Adam Weishaupt. There are a lot of nefarious organizations with tremendous power, some are secret and some are well known, some are a bit of both, but it really doesn't matter because the structures that power relies on are all right out in the open and they are all that need to be addressed. Dismantle the power structures and the people and networks who control them become irrelevant.

Adam Weishaupt is evil. He blackmailed his members, he made threats onto them, and threaten to make his members homeless.
SSDR wrote:Adam Weishaupt is evil. He blackmailed his members, he made threats onto them, and threaten to make his members homeless.

I don't know, under the circumstances everything he did was more or less justified. I don't agree with all of his views but he was a great revolutionary and his strategic use of fraternal orders and secret societies was ingenious.

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