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By Besoeker2
Hindsite wrote:I did not say anything about the Edinburgh museum. I have never been there, but I do know that there are fake fossils created to push the evolution theory.

You'd need ALL the fossils to be fake and ALL the palaeontologists to be wrong to support the young earth notion that the links you post promote.
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By Hindsite
Besoeker2 wrote:You'd need ALL the fossils to be fake and ALL the palaeontologists to be wrong to support the young earth notion that the links you post promote.

Not really. I have already pointed out that a fossil can be formed relatively fast, so no need for a very old earth.
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By Besoeker2
Hindsite wrote:Not really. I have already pointed out that a fossil can be formed relatively fast, so no need for a very old earth.

You cited a dubious article that suits your dubious opinion. Now you are stating it as fact.
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By Hindsite
Besoeker2 wrote:You cited a dubious article that suits your dubious opinion. Now you are stating it as fact.

By Sivad
blackjack21 wrote:I found these pretty interesting:

I don't think the ID inference is justified at this point because there are still some natural explanations that could narrow the probability gap and there are also more elegant metaphysical theories that don't appeal to a designer and are a better fit for what we observe, but I do agree that while the probability gap isn't exactly fatal it is a problem for the standard model and even for the EES. The inference to random mutation and natural selection as an adequate explanation for the complexity and diversity of biological life seems to me to be analogous to inferring from the fact that toddlers stack blocks that toddlers could have built the pyramids.
By Sivad
And from what I know about the babbitts of science they don't have anything like a solid rationale for accepting the current theory. They flog neo-darwinism not because of it's empirical adequacy but because it comports with their metaphysical preference for naturalist physicalism. They're just a bunch of fucking dinks with an ideological axe to grind.
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By Hindsite
Besoeker2 wrote:Why did 99% of the species that your god supposedly created go extinct.
Including Mr Diplodocus ?
Explain that away.........

I never heard of Mr. Diplodocus. I don't know anything about your supposed 99% extinction of species, but if that is the case, perhaps they died in the worldwide flood of Noah's day.

Is there enough water for a global flood? Ask Jacques Cousteau!
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By Saeko
Sivad wrote:And from what I know about the babbitts of science they don't have anything like a solid rationale for accepting the current theory. They flog neo-darwinism not because of it's empirical adequacy but because it comports with their metaphysical preference for naturalist physicalism. They're just a bunch of fucking dinks with an ideological axe to grind.

What sort of evidence do you need, exactly?
By Sivad
Saeko wrote:What sort of evidence do you need, exactly?

That's a good question, I don't really know and I'm not sure that it's on the skeptic to even answer that? But maybe something like a super advanced, super sophisticated simulation based purely on the accepted mechanisms that didn't just demonstrate the principle but actually replicated the mind boggling level of complexity and diversity observed in nature. I don't know what the objections might be to something like that but if I was confronted with that kind of evidence right now I would find it extremely compelling.
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By Saeko
Sivad wrote:That's a good question, I don't really know and I'm not sure that it's on the skeptic to even answer that? But maybe something like a super advanced, super sophisticated simulation based purely on the accepted mechanisms that didn't just demonstrate the principle but actually replicated the mind boggling level of complexity and diversity observed in nature. I don't know what the objections might be to something like that but if I was confronted with that kind of evidence right now I would find it extremely compelling.

Fair enough. What if I gave you two simulations each of which is only half as compelling as the one you propose. Do you think that together the two smaller simulations would be just as compelling as the one big one?
By Sivad
Saeko wrote:Fair enough. What if I gave you two simulations each of which is only half as compelling as the one you propose. Do you think that together the two smaller simulations would be just as compelling as the one big one?

Even a simulation that replicated 1% of the diversity and complexity would make an honest bayesian believer out of me. That's the farce of this whole brouhaha, next to nothing has been actually demonstrated.
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By Saeko
Sivad wrote:Even a simulation that replicated 1% of the diversity and complexity would make an honest bayesian believer out of me. That's the farce of this whole brouhaha, next to nothing has been actually demonstrated.

Well then, I must ask, what are your priors?
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By Hindsite
Saeko wrote:Well then, I must ask, what are your priors?

Asking questions does not produce any evidence. Get to it if you can.
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By Hindsite
Saeko wrote:Merely having evidence isn't enough. One must also understand it.

You don't even understand what evidence you should have?
By Sivad
Saeko wrote:Well then, I must ask, what are your priors?

I don't really have any strong priors either way in any area relevant here. I think a naturalistic explanation is totally possible. It wouldn't conflict with my worldview or anything, I'm completely open to it. Just show me the money and I'm sold.
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By Saeko
Hindsite wrote:You don't even understand what evidence you should have?

I understand what evidence I should have and I have it. What I'm trying to figure out is what evidence you think you should have. Please answer that question I asked you in my previous post, if you're at all interested in having this conversation.
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