#MeToo Hysteria Is A Pretext For Women To Take Power And Money Away From Men - Page 79 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I know what this is about.

The man who I reported to London Transport Police the other day for staring at my breasts and wanking on the tube the other day has got the hump and got together with other wankers, like the one who wanked over the back of my friend's new coat a couple of months ago.

It's a conspiracy of wankers, who want to carry on doing it.

I knew this woman would be a gift that keeps on giving but my predominant feeling over this kind of thing has progressed to "disappointment." It's not even funny anymore really...

Although I don't really expect an answer, I wonder what the goal of the #MeToo movement is suppose to be. There doesn't seem to be any clearly stated goal, such as a social policy or whatever, just a desire to terrorize men into being second-class citizens without a right to self-defense when a woman is involved. Like the thread title... otherwise there would be an articulable policy in there somewhere. It also seems to have almost all of its impact upon liberal circles, even though it sort of claims to be targeting conservatives... hard to feel sorry for the male feminists who run afoul of it.
There doesn't seem to be any clearly stated goal, such as a social policy or whatever, just a desire to terrorize men into being second-class citizens without a right to self-defense when a woman is involved.

Want a serious answer for a change HW?

When I was a kid and young adult (I'm in the mood to think about that right now) black people were exploring their new found enfranchisement. They had to find out where the "edges" were. Consider this.

My grandmother was not allowed to vote when she turned 21. Women were not allowed to vote then. They were, in many ways, chattel property of their husbands who could manage their money and even engage in business deals in their name without their permission. We do not have an equal rights amendment in the US. To the extent that women have equal rights with men at all derives from a boat load of little laws (one-offs for the most part) and a great many court decisions. Sexual harassment laws are pretty new and, ask any woman, very hard to enforce. And even if a woman does choose to enforce them they still face some pretty serious issues. Look at the trashing these women are taking for daring to insinuate that public officials have behaved badly.

And while talking about "badly". That too is a recent phenomena. Men were and still to a very large extent are expected to be the initiator in relationships. The aggressor if you will. Society has always stopped just short of changing this paradigm. Men still get to one knee to ask a woman to marry them but this is more than just an anachronistic nod to the past. We still open doors and even temper our language around women. Tell a man his father is a prick and you get little reaction. Call his mother a bitch and things get bad really quickly.

So the me-too movement is trying to understand what the limits are. To do that you have to push and they are. And they are getting a ton of push-back too, aren't they. We (men) are not going to give up our privilege or our woman hunting license easily. For the later we have yet to figure out what to replace it with.
Hong Wu wrote:Image

I'm really enjoying the ironic juxtaposition on this page.

Hong Wu, your macro image (above) and its quote about Girl Scouts helping you recreate the Challenger launch follows right after a post about men masturbating on mass transit in London. Are these things related in some way?

Anyway, to answer snapdragon and her obsession with men masturbating on her and her friends... this probably means that mass transit in London is too slow and these poor men don't get to spend enough time seeking healthy sexual relations. Don't always imagine it's all about you or the flaws of men.
That doesn't mean that he didn't rape her. That you call her slutty already shows that you think she's a liar, like most men do when a woman makes a claim against any man in modern society. You're part of the problem.

I don't approve of her actions, in this regard, though.
Wait a minute, @Pants-of-dog, don't you go bringing the harsh reality into this!

Man hurts woman. Woman calls him on it. Man kills himself because he feels some guilt or so he can avoid proper punishment. That's really all this story is about.
Godstud wrote:That doesn't mean that he didn't rape her.

That you call her slutty already shows that you think she's a liar, like most men do when a woman makes a claim against any man in modern society. You're part of the problem.

I called her slutty because she was allegedly sleeping with game journalists in exchange for positive reviews of her game. Plus she is apparently a well documented liar who people even accuse of lying before Congress. She is known as a terrible human in general by a lot of people, and the only people who back her up are SJW journalist hacks who are also liars and very terrible people in their own right.

And I am saying "allegedly" and "apparently" because I didn't really follow Gamergate much and I only really know of it because a lot it was happening around the 2016 elections. This blog claims to have been written by an ex boyfriend - https://thezoepost.wordpress.com/

If true, and it does say that it contains proofs she is a real dirtbag and probably everything else people are writing are true as well.

But hey, I'm not perfect either. All I know is that she made some claims on Twitter with no evidence and some dude's life ended terribly.

If her claims are valid, there are authorities more appropriate than Twitter and the mob that she could have turned to.

Godstud wrote:I don't approve of her actions, in this regard, though.

Well that is reassuring at least!
Godstud wrote:Man hurts woman. Woman calls him on it. Man kills himself because he feels some guilt or so he can avoid proper punishment. That's really all this story is about.

Except that you left out the part that he got fired from his job and would never be able to work in the industry and probably never again. And the fact that he not likely going to face the kind of punishment you are referring to.

Twitter is not the place to announce a real rape allegation as we all know. It's just a place to make an rape accusation when you want to take down someone who is prominent and just be a shit-stirrer in general.

Losing his job and ability to make money, plus destroy his family was the punishment because #MeToo is a pretext for women to take power and money away from men.

Pants-of-dog wrote:@maz

You were incorrect about the sister and Ms.Quinn being at odds.

Where did I say that Quinn and the sister were at odds?
Last edited by maz on 04 Sep 2019 02:12, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't write the tweet I just posted it. Anyways, I am not even seeing where that is even written in the tweet but you can go take it up with the person who made the tweet.

Just because the sister said that Quinn was hurt, it doesn't discount the fact that she has zero evidence and especially when she is very much lacking credibility in the first place.
Last edited by maz on 04 Sep 2019 02:17, edited 1 time in total.
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