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By late
Nice, after all the bloviation, to see Trump admitting to High Crimes on tv...
Beren wrote:Ukrainegate will be as big compared to Russiagate as big Ukraine is compared to Russia. It was just a phone call to a foreign leader basically, however, interestingly enough, that's what's worth an impeachment according to Nancy Pelosi.

The democrats are desperate
all of their candidates are a joke "Ukraingate" will lead to Biden losing the elections and it wont impeach Trump.
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By Rancid
I really do see America becoming an "un-developed" country in the next few generations. Mainly because of this sort of shit happening n the government.

USA haters should be happy about this. Also Russian and China too.
By late
"It was just a phone call...

He had already frozen military aid when he made the call.

Fantasy Island may be a nice place to visit, but it's time to visit the real world.
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By Rugoz
I guess the Dems won't run with Biden now.

Rancid wrote:Exactly, this is the kind of tom foolery that is rampant in Latin America. It's one of the reasons pretty much all Latin American countries are stuck in the middle income trap. A large part of it is corruption. Their leaders do stupid shit just like Trump is doing now.

Does that mean the Mexicans are winning? :excited:
By Finfinder
Beren wrote:Trump's such a master in whining.

Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry into Trump over Ukraine scandal

What part of that is whining? I think you meant to say Trump is such a master at the counter punch. The lefts whining and inability to cope with a loss has been very damaging to our country. What is going to happened when Trump is re-elected, bloodshed?

Beren wrote:I wonder if they mean to help Biden's candidacy rather than screwing Trump with this.

It shows the Democrats are extremely fractured and circling the drain. They are trying to hang on to their base, even with shit candidates like Biden, however its getting more difficult when they have no credibility.

Beren wrote:So there will be a proper impeachment process?

Of course there won't be. The Democrats can't win at anything unless they rig the system, cheat, and lie. Think about it, what have the Democrats accomplished without cheating,lying, or rigging the system?
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By jimjam
The Justice Department said Wednesday that Mr. Barr was unaware that Mr. Trump had told Mr. Zelensky that he would contact him. The department said that Mr. Barr has never spoken with Mr. Trump about working with Ukraine to investigate anything related to the Bidens and that he has never spoken with Mr. Giuliani about “anything related to Ukraine.”

:lol: GOOD ONE! ^ :lol:

“PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT,” Obese Donald tweeted Tuesday evening.
The education of Mr. Big Stuff continues as Donald is starting to learn that he is just one of three co-equal branches of the federal government.
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By Rugoz
Beren wrote:What makes you think that?

Because his name is involved in the affair which will hurt him even if he did nothing wrong. People prefer a fresh face without baggage.

That said, unless the Dems didn't do their homework, it will hurt Trump as well.

Not talking about his braindead followers on Pofo obviously, they will blow him no matter what :lol:.
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By Stormsmith
Senate Republicans stuck up for themselves, and their institution, on Tuesday by joining unanimously with their Democratic colleagues to call on the president to stop stonewalling.

I remember when Mr Trump was first competing with what? 17 other Republicans to become the president.

At first, Republicans said unanimously Trump didn't have a prayer at winning, but as Mr. Trump's number inched higher and higher, shoals of shocked Republicans queried, "how could this happen", then "what an we do about it?'. Long-time buddy of the late John McCain went from being as outraged over Mr. Trump's antics to being one of Trump's supporters. Finally, Republicans are united in investigating this mess. This makes me think of when Republicans told Mr. Niron the evidence of wrong-doing was in. His party could no longer support him without looking like the individual members were also complicit in this affair. Nixon had no choice but to go home. But I hope they take a little time in taking Mr Trump down. I'd hate to see Mr Pence in there.
jimjam wrote:“PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT,” Obese Donald tweeted Tuesday evening.

Why you always mention the fact that he is obese isn't that fat shaming something you hippie liberals should be against? :excited:
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By Beren
Rugoz wrote:Because his name is involved in the affair which will hurt him even if he did nothing wrong. People prefer a fresh face without baggage.

Do you think congressional Democrats want to eliminate him from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination with that?
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By jimjam
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Why you always mention the fact that he is obese isn't that fat shaming something you hippie liberals should be against? :excited:

Obese Donald is in fact legally obese and I am simply following the inspirational leadership of the Fat Guy himself by assigning cute little moronic names to leading players in the Great Trump Soap Opera ……. Where have you been Z.N. ………….. This will help Make America Great Again. Put on your little red beanie and get up to speed with your fellow deplorable red neck dim wits. Plus ….. while the truth does indeed hurt, fat shaming actually encourages improved health.
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By Rancid
Rugoz wrote:Does that mean the Mexicans are winning? :excited:

The Mexican political way of life is certainly winning.
By Political Interest
And why does Biden's son have links to Ukraine?

Does this mean that Ukraine is going to influence American elections?

It's rather hypocritical. And of course let's forget the war crimes perpetrated by the Kiev government. That's all fine, apparently.

Why is money being given to Kiev in spite of the Kiev government's numerous provocations and war crimes against civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk?

Trump should withdraw aid from Ukraine on this very principle. Ukraine is not a NATO member state and the US has no obligations to it if it is being governed by rogue elements.
By B0ycey
The similarities between Trump and Johnson are uncanny. Who out of them will leave office first I wonder?

Filth always lie and break laws to further their career it seems.
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By maz
Hong Wu wrote:Moving to the next country over from Russia, Democrats are going to have a vote over whether to impeach Trump for allegedly doing something that they admit they did. Their evidence is an anonymous source; Republicans are releasing transcripts and documents. The plot thickens, it's anyone's guess how this turns out.

As if three full years of secret Russian agents and trolls on the internet, buying Facebook ads and sowing division in order to hack the elections or something wasn't bad enough, and now we get this. I am so bored of this dumb political drama already!
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By Hindsite
Beren wrote:It rather makes me wonder whether what it says about the people that voted and/or will vote for him.

Now you are talking about me, a near genius.
Praise the Lord

Hong Wu wrote:Moving to the next country over from Russia, Democrats are going to have a vote over whether to impeach Trump for allegedly doing something that they admit they did. Their evidence is an anonymous source; Republicans are releasing transcripts and documents. The plot thickens, it's anyone's guess how this turns out.

As President Trump says. "We'll see what happens." :lol:
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