Blackface: Canada's Racist PM - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:Yes, it can be a cause of racism, as racism is LEARNED.

You need to study evolution biology and tribalism. I would start with Dr. Robert Sapolsky. Most humans are biologically conditioned to be racists. As they grow up they actually learn not to be racist.

Robert Sapolsky Breaks Down the Biology of Tribalism His New Book, ‘Behave,’ Examines Why We’re Hardwired for Us/Them Dichotomies

Seriously, I suggest you do some reading on the topic.

Please provide a source for your stupid claim.

racism of low expectations

Derived from "the soft bigotry of low expectations"
racism of low expectations (uncountable)

A form of racial discrimination where certain racial groups are offered benefits and assistance because of an implicit belief that they are less able

:roll: That's a simple thing to do.

A weak stinger will not get you off the hook. You are ill informed in this subject. Happy reading!
You made a claim about how Trudeau chose his cabinet, and then failed to support it. I can assume you were just "talking shit", and pretending that you made an argument.

I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion on tribalism(not the topic). I am not reading some bullshit racist crap you present here, and waste my time. Quote the argument you are making. I am not making the argument for you. YOU go read the book and give me the information that is both pertinent and supports your silly argument.

The zinger I made was easy given the stupid claims you make but are unwilling to support. I doubt very much that you have a clue about what you're talking about.
The Liberals and Conservatives are so damn predictable. They defend or attack depending on who did what for whose side and never attack the act itself which is quite sad really.

Personally I don't give a shit. Trudeau did this when it was mildly acceptable and people are starting to get more educated today. But don't you think if Trump did this twenty years ago that what is said on here would be reversed.
B0ycey wrote:The Liberals and Conservatives are so damn predictable.

And the course of this whole blackface thing, which was supposed to be a game changing September surprise I guess, was predictable too.
Beren wrote:And the course of this whole blackface thing, which was supposed to be a game changing September surprise I guess, was predictable too.

Well I agree. The timing was not coincidental and Trudeau has turned this around which shows how good he can be as a statesman. But that's besides the point. The Liberals have created a world where everything is either offensive or it isn't so they can attack the Conservatives all the time over mundane things. And because sometimes common sense is needed to reach a conclusion they get caught in the net they lay out for themselves. Aladdin for example was Arabian. To me it would be more offensive for him to be portrayed as white, but because we had stereotype characters in theatre a few decades back now makeup on the face is offensive. Sure, but sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it's just to bring realism to a fancy dress party.
Godstud wrote:You made a claim about how Trudeau chose his cabinet, and then failed to support it. I can assume you were just "talking shit", and pretending that you made an argument.

His reasoning for appointing women was "it is 2015". IF you get a job just because you are a woman that is wrong. That is the essence of discrimination. IF you are a male applying for a job and females are given preference above you that is wrong. You do not fix a wrong with another wrong. YOu do not fight racism with more racism.

I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion on tribalism(not the topic). I am not reading some bullshit racist crap you present here, and waste my time. Quote the argument you are making. I am not making the argument for you. YOU go read the book and give me the information that is both pertinent and supports your silly argument.

But, Sapolsky adds, we resemble our simian counterparts in other ways. For one thing, we are all prone to tribalism — that is, instantaneously sizing up strangers to determine if they’re one of us and therefore to be trusted. For humans, this is the process that underlies racism, political polarization, and any number of prejudices.

“Primates are hardwired for us/them dichotomies,” he said in a telephone interview. “Our brains detect them in less than 100 milliseconds.” While he concedes that this is “depressing as hell,” he notes that we do have one major advantage over monkeys, should we choose to utilize it.

The easiest symbols that we grab onto in deciding if someone is an "us" or a "them" are visceral ones. Being disgusted by someone's personal behavior—the way 'they' do stuff—is a much easier entree to hating them than disagreeing with their views on the trade deficit.

Primates are hard-wired for us/them dichotomies. Our brains detect them in less than 100 milliseconds. Our views about things are driven by implicit (unconscious) processes. It's depressing as hell.

“The key thing about us is that we all belong to multiple tribes,” he said. “Even if we are predisposed into dividing the world into ‘us’ and ‘them,’ it’s incredibly easy to manipulate us as to who is an ‘us’ and who is a ‘them’ at any given moment.”

The zinger I made was easy given the stupid claims you make but are unwilling to support. I doubt very much that you have a clue about what you're talking about.

What part about the definition of racism of low expectations you cannot understand?

You are a lefty, nothing wrong with that. BUt, you are immersed in your own echo chamber that reinforces your belief system and refuses to assimilate any information that contradicts your internal views. Your reasoning is enslaved to your emotions and passions.
Julian658 wrote:His reasoning for appointing women was "it is 2015". IF you get a job just because you are a woman that is wrong. That is the essence of discrimination. IF you are a male applying for a job and females are given preference above you that is wrong. You do not fix a wrong with another wrong. YOu do not fight racism with more racism.
Your reasoning is flawed. You have yet to prove that those people were not qualified for those jobs, and I doubt you'll ever present evidence of the kind, because it's your own bias that's causing the problem.

I do not see the relevance of your information to the topic at hand. Are you simply explaining your own racist tendencies?

Julian658 wrote:What part about the definition of racism of low expectations you cannot understand?
What part of, " I doubt very much that you have a clue about what you're talking about.", can you not understand?

Julian658 wrote:You are a lefty, nothing wrong with that.
Ah yes, go right to ad hominems and insults. I am not a "lefty", any more than you are a centrist. You are just labeling me as yet another way of insulting me because I am not buying your shoddy arguments. Sad.

Julian658 wrote:BUt, you are immersed in your own echo chamber that reinforces your belief system and refuses to assimilate any information that contradicts your internal views.
That describes you to a tee. Care to fling any more poo?

Julian658 wrote:Your reasoning is enslaved to your emotions and passions.
:lol: That's rich, coming from you. Your arguments are all based on this. You have yet to prove that Trudeau hired those people based on race/sex alone, and that they are unqualified. You will never do that, however, since it's bullshit.
Godstud wrote:Yes, it can be a cause of racism, as racism is LEARNED.

Its part learned but speciesism, racism and tribalism are all instinctive human traits.
Godstud wrote:Yes, that's fine, Rich, but that still does not support his claim.

Your reasoning is enslaved to your emotions. In addition you seem to be living in an echo chamber. I suggest you try to leave that place and become more enlightened. Simply calling me a racist is poor form.
Godstud wrote:Your reasoning is flawed. You have yet to prove that those people were not qualified for those jobs, and I doubt you'll ever present evidence of the kind, because it's your own bias that's causing the problem.

I do not see the relevance of your information to the topic at hand. Are you simply explaining your own racist tendencies?

What part of, " I doubt very much that you have a clue about what you're talking about.", can you not understand?

Ah yes, go right to ad hominems and insults. I am not a "lefty", any more than you are a centrist. You are just labeling me as yet another way of insulting me because I am not buying your shoddy arguments. Sad.

That describes you to a tee. Care to fling any more poo?

:lol: That's rich, coming from you. Your arguments are all based on this. You have yet to prove that Trudeau hired those people based on race/sex alone, and that they are unqualified. You will never do that, however, since it's bullshit.

A series of statements that say nothing. A trick to avoid having a simple discussion. Nothing of substance is said. I gladly give you another chance.
You have yet to support the claim you made that the people in Trudeau's cabinet are not qualified and were hired for racist reasons. Until time as you can address that, I'll consider all your 'race' to simply be the diversion and evasion that it truly is, @Julian658.

Your claims are "nothing of substance", since you cannot support them. Stick to your American race politics. Race isn't as big an issue in Canada, and someone who knows even a little bit about Canada knows that.
Godstud wrote:You have yet to support the claim you made that the people in Trudeau's cabinet are not qualified and were hired for racist reasons. Until time as you can address that, I'll consider all your 'race' to simply be the diversion and evasion that it truly is, @Julian658.

Your claims are "nothing of substance", since you cannot support them. Stick to your American race politics. Race isn't as big an issue in Canada, and someone who knows even a little bit about Canada knows that.

Trudeau used gender to have a 50:50 male female cabinet. That means someone qualified may have been disqualified because of gender. This is not rocket science. Unless you propose he picked the most qualified and by chance it came in as 50:50 male female ratio.
Julian658 wrote:Trudeau used gender to have a 50:50 male female cabinet. That means someone qualified may have been disqualified because of gender.
Unless you can prove it, then you're just flinging poo. As you have no source, I will not consider your opinion to be informed, or valid.

Many times people are equally qualified. You cannot, however, (obviously) prove that such was not the case.

According to an extremely recent poll:
Overall, among uncommitted voters considering both the CPC and the Liberals (15% of Canadians), it is Trudeau, that they lean towards on important leadership attributes, and ultimately choose when asked to pick the one party they’ll support on election day.

Further analysis of those leadership attributes yields some notable findings. Overall, among uncommitted voters, Trudeau is seen more than Scheer to be a democrat (89% to 78%), to be tolerant (94% to 78%), to be influential (80% to 56) and compassionate (78% to 57%). Scheer, on the other hand, is more likely to be seen as up to the job of Prime Minister (61% to 55%), honest (61% to 47%) and realistic (59% to 49%).

I guess this isn't hurting him as much as some twits think.
Your reasoning is enslaved to your emotions. In addition you seem to be living in an echo chamber. I suggest you try to leave that place and become more enlightened. Simply calling me a racist is poor form.

Yet you are presenting racist arguments. For example. You claim that racism is genetic. You claim that your "scientist" is correct on this. I would point out that even if this is correct it is only useful to support a racist agenda. I would point out that people are genetically wired to eat one another too but we do not allow such behavior. We are genetically wired to kill one another. Yet we tend not to do this. Why? Because the very act of being a modern human is all about suspending things we are wired to do and to form a reasonable society thereby.

You claim that using sex as a measure for appointing cabinet members is unfair. I say this is nonsense for several reasons. The first is the most obvious. Political appointees are, by definition, not picked because they are the best candidates and it is absurd to thing that this is the aim when doing it. They are picked, first and foremost, because they are deemed to be good fits to sell and/or administer the administration's policies. Can you name a single cabinet person in Canada or the US who is the undisputed best prepared in their appointed field? Of course you can't.

Reason two. Gender IS a qualification for a job. Canada and the US are representative democracies. (Do not post garbage about our not being democracies.) Do women have the right to expect that their government (and remember women are the majority of voters) be constituted of people to represent them who have experienced their unique gender based issues? Of course they do. People have the right to see themselves represented in their government.

@Julian658 said specifically:
Trudeau used gender to have a 50:50 male female cabinet. That means someone qualified may have been disqualified because of gender. This is not rocket science. Unless you propose he picked the most qualified and by chance it came in as 50:50 male female ratio.

What is not rocket science ought to be that your whole argument is nonsense. Lots of people were passed by who are male even though they were the "most qualified" as were many highly qualified women.

Reason three. Trudeau ran on a party platform where he said he would make the cabinet more inclusive. And he got elected. The people who elected him should expect him to make good on this promise. So should you.

Here in the states we are are subjected to your kind of shallow racism all of the time. Not a single bit of what you offered Godstud as "evidence" stands up to scrutiny. Take some time and think about the world you have constructed in your narrative. You imagine a strict meritocracy with inflexible rules giving all opportunities to the "most qualified". If you think of it that way you will see the idea is folly. It has never been done, will never be done, and ought not to be done.

All you did is post some indefensible rationalization to explain your preference for open racism. I need not "prove" this to you. I have your own words and conclusions on the forum to do it. How about this. How about some evidence from you that either the Canadian or US constitutions requires or even imagines a meritocracy?
Drlee wrote:Yet you are presenting racist arguments. For example. You claim that racism is genetic. You claim that your "scientist" is correct on this. I would point out that even if this is correct it is only useful to support a racist agenda. I would point out that people are genetically wired to eat one another too but we do not allow such behavior. We are genetically wired to kill one another. Yet we tend not to do this. Why? Because the very act of being a modern human is all about suspending things we are wired to do and to form a reasonable society thereby.

You claim that using sex as a measure for appointing cabinet members is unfair. I say this is nonsense for several reasons. The first is the most obvious. Political appointees are, by definition, not picked because they are the best candidates and it is absurd to thing that this is the aim when doing it. They are picked, first and foremost, because they are deemed to be good fits to sell and/or administer the administration's policies. Can you name a single cabinet person in Canada or the US who is the undisputed best prepared in their appointed field? Of course you can't.

Reason two. Gender IS a qualification for a job. Canada and the US are representative democracies. (Do not post garbage about our not being democracies.) Do women have the right to expect that their government (and remember women are the majority of voters) be constituted of people to represent them who have experienced their unique gender based issues? Of course they do. People have the right to see themselves represented in their government.

A person that claims to be a conservative would never yell racism to try to win an argument. Your cover has been blown.
Yes, we humans are more advanced because we have a well developed frontal lobe to control the primitive drive of tribalism. HOwever, that does not change evolution. Like every SJW out there you are very weak in logic and science.

What is not rocket science ought to be that your whole argument is nonsense. Lots of people were passed by who are male even though they were the "most qualified" as were many highly qualified women.

Fighting racism, sexism, or discrimination with racism, sexism, and discrimination is not the answer. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Reason three. Trudeau ran on a party platform where he said he would make the cabinet more inclusive. And he got elected. The people who elected him should expect him to make good on this promise. So should you.

SOcialism does not work. Racism of low expectation is on the long run evil.

racism of low expectations (uncountable)

A form of racial discrimination where certain racial groups are offered benefits and assistance because of an implicit belief that they are less able.

Here in the states we are are subjected to your kind of shallow racism all of the time. Not a single bit of what you offered Godstud as "evidence" stands up to scrutiny. Take some time and think about the world you have constructed in your narrative. You imagine a strict meritocracy with inflexible rules giving all opportunities to the "most qualified". If you think of it that way you will see the idea is folly. It has never been done, will never be done, and ought not to be done.

I suspected you and Godstud are clones. I am all for equal opportunity. But, to seek equal results is evil to the core. Why do you think MAO ordered men and women to dress the same way? He was looking for an equality that does not exist. There is no way you are a conservative dude.

All you did is post some indefensible rationalization to explain your preference for open racism. I need not "prove" this to you. I have your own words and conclusions on the forum to do it. How about this. How about some evidence from you that either the Canadian or US constitutions requires or even imagines a meritocracy?

There is the N word and then there is the M word. SJWs like you fear the M word. You are a racist of low expectations.
Julian658 wrote:I suspected you and Godstud are clones.
I suspected you were a fool, but now you've gone and removed all doubt. You have also not provided evidence to support your arguments, so it shows that your arguments are so much hot air.

Julian658 wrote:SJWs like you fear the M word. You are a racist of low expectations.
Now you're calling Drlee a racist and a SJW? You really are trolling.

This is the go-to argument for stupid far right-wingers. Label anyone who doesn't agree with your stupidity either a Liberal or a SJW.

Nice lie you keep telling yourself that you were ever centrist. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Godstud wrote:I suspected you were a fool, but now you've gone and removed all doubt. You have also not provided evidence to support your arguments, so it shows that your arguments are so much hot air.

Now you're calling Drlee a racist and a SJW? You really are trolling.

This is the go-to argument for stupid far right-wingers. Label anyone who doesn't agree with your stupidity either a Liberal or a SJW.

Nice lie you keep telling yourself that you were ever centrist. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Why are you offended to be called a lefty and SJW? I see nothing wrong with those terms. They simply describe those in the far left.
The proof is obvious: men and women choose different professions all the time. There is no such natural law that says professions have to be split 50 and 50 between the sexes. That is utter BS! Trudeau is just a pussy feminized man who is a classical racist of low expectations. Racism of low expectations is bad--------------- as the so-called minorities cannot tell they are the victims of a condescending racist.
Julian658 wrote:Why are you offended to be called a lefty and SJW? I see nothing wrong with those terms. They simply describe those in the far left.
So I guess I can call you a racist Nazi then, since I see nothing wrong with those terms when used to describe you(the far right)? :D

SJW is a derogatory term, and you know that. "Lefty" is, as well. I am only surprised that you forgot "libtard" and "liberal". Feel free to edit your post so that you can include all the ad hominems that you forgot. :lol:

Julian658 wrote:The proof is obvious: men and women choose different professions all the time. There is no such natural law that says professions have to be split 50 and 50 between the sexes.
Irrelevant. Humans don't refer to "natural law" in society. We are not "animals" that are guided strictly by instinct and biology. Both sexes deserve equal representation in government.

Julian658 wrote:Trudeau is just a pussy feminized man who is a classical racist of low expectations.
Your feelings about Trudeau are not relevant, and you cannot prove your accusation of racism, because it's imaginary.

Julian658 wrote:Racism of low expectations is bad--------------- as the so-called minorities cannot tell they are the victims of a condescending racist. Blah blah blah.
Irrelevant, and nonsensical. Women are not a minority.

Your kind of racism is worse. It's blatant, obvious and you try to conceal it behind pseudoscience.

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