Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade - Page 15 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:

Those are some examples of the negative impacts of climate change that we are already experiencing. Those are the problems that are caused by climate change and the current system is not fixing them.

You seem to expect other people to click on links and read them while refusing to show them the same courtesy.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I assume you are calling them a doomsday cult because of its pejorative implications, and thereby ridiculing he messengers instead of addressing their message,

You just pulled that exact shit with the conspiracy theory label. So now we all know that you know exactly what you're doing with these bad faith tactics. You just gave away your whole game without even realizing it. :lol: :knife:
Pants-of-dog wrote:Find the information that you feel supports it, quote it, show how it relates to your argument, and then start analysing it critically. Quote the relevant text.

Please do all of the above with the link you provided in your last post. I'm especially looking forward to your "critical analysis".


This about sums up how the alarmism has played out over the last few decades.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:You seem to expect other people to click on links and read them while refusing to show them the same courtesy.

No. If I make an argument and want to support my point, I provide three things:

1. A link.
2. A quote of the relevant text, including context.
3. Bolding of the most important phrase.

For example: ... ge-impacts

    Impacts from climate change are happening now. These impacts extend well beyond an increase in temperature, affecting ecosystems and communities in the United States and around the world. Things that we depend upon and value — water, energy, transportation, wildlife, agriculture, ecosystems, and human health — are experiencing the effects of a changing climate.

    Changes to water resources can have a big impact on people's lives. In some regions, particularly in the western United States, drought is an important factor affecting communities. Less snow accumulation in the mountains is important in the West and Alaska, where the snowpack stores water for later use. In the Midwest and northeastern states, the frequency of heavy downpours has increased. In many regions, floods and water quality problems are likely to be worse because of climate change.

    Our food supply depends on climate and weather conditions. Although agricultural practices may be adaptable, changes like increased temperatures, water stress, diseases, and weather extremes create challenges for the farmers and ranchers who put food on our tables.

    Human health is vulnerable to climate change. The changing environment is expected to cause more heat stress, an increase in waterborne diseases, poor air quality, and diseases transmitted by insects and rodents. Extreme weather events can compound many of these health threats.

    Ecosystems are also affected by climate change. Habitats are being modified, the timing of events such as flowering and egg laying are shifting, and species are altering their home ranges.

    Changes are also occurring to the ocean. The ocean absorbs about 30% of the carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. As a result, the ocean is becoming more acidic, affecting marine life. Rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting land ice sheets and glaciers put coastal areas at greater risk of erosion and storm surge.

Now, do you believe that anthropogenic climate change is real?



I see you are having your usual reaction when I mention the words “conspiracy theory”.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No. If I make an argument and want to support my point, I provide three things:

You did not initially, and you still fall way short your own request. Please analyse this critically and after that, actually support your point that we are not dealing with the effects that have materialised.

Sorry, but I am not going to do whatever it is you ask.


It is obvious that climate change is already causing problems.

It is also obvious that the current system of industrial production and treating pollution as an externality has caused these problems. And we caused these problems because it is more profitable this way. And because if the lack of profit in cleaning up afterwards, we are not fixing the problems.
Green New Deal and the Climate Movement. Trojan Horses for the Billionaire Class?

“As the oligarchs financed, shaped and largely managed the climate movement – it’s only natural that they alone benefit from it. The power-elites repackaged our oppression as revolution and sold it back to us. By exploiting the innocent youth, which in turn exploited our emotions and fears as a collective populace, we devoured it. And soon, young Greta, and all the youth they have exploited, will be thrown under the bus.” – Cory Morningstar, from Act IV of the series ‘The Manufacture of Greta Thunberg – with Consent’ [1]

given the proven track record of major powers invoking humanitarian pretexts such as the “responsibility to protect” to conceal imperial aggression, sincere activists need to scrutinize with excruciating detail the solutions being planned and prepared by those same elites.

Cory Morningstar on the Subversion of the Climate Crisis 'Rebellion'

environment and social justice activist Cory Morningstar is interviewed by Patrick Henningsen. Morningstar is absolutely not a climate change denier though she suggests, that some of the most dire predictions may be exaggerated. Her main point, an important one, is that the climate crisis agenda (as with the idealism of Greta Thunberg and the youth) is being subverted by NGOs, industrialists, oligarchs and state actors, for their own agendas and to the detriment of wider environmental, peace and social justice concerns. This is actually a very helpful discussion and one that is needed if we are to respond intelligently to the environmental crisis and make intelligent changes.

Why do we need to condemn environmental movements for not living up to your standards, while simultaneously ignoring how fossil fuel companies profit immensely by stopping action on climate change?

Why do you support a double standard that supports the status quo and enriches the elite at the expense of the rest of us?
She said a lot of right things there, but honestly in our world there are a lot of things happen much dirtier and worse than problems she said out loud. Here is just recent news I've read today (link: ... -his-niece). About kidnapping and domestic violence which was doing some psycho Indiana. So, long story short - all stories can be rated only in comparison, you know.
'No real thinking in academia anymore'

Scientist Dr Shiva Ayyadurai says there is “no real critical thinking” in academia anymore as professors are “following the money” when it comes to climate science.

‘Lies are being pedalled’ to our children on climate change
The spokesperson of the extremist kook movement Extinction Rebellion explains how global warming is whitey's fault and how they must pay. This is right up SpecialOlympian's ally :lol:

Gail Bradbrrok co-founder extinction rebellion - Global warming is really about systemic racism and white supremacy and the patriarchy - mp3

All of this vegan, global warming, immigration antifa and LGBT garbage are all basically parts the same movement.
maz wrote:The spokesperson of the extremist kook movement Extinction Rebellion explains how global warming is whitey's fault and how they must pay. This is right up SpecialOlympian's ally :lol:

Gail Bradbrrok co-founder extinction rebellion - Global warming is really about systemic racism and white supremacy and the patriarchy - mp3

All of this vegan, global warming, immigration antifa and LGBT garbage are all basically parts the same movement.

Can you explain how this person is wrong, or should we simply assume they are wrong because they are ideologically opposed to you?

Also, if we can dismiss the beliefs and ideas of all the vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people, who are we left with?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Can you explain how this person is wrong, or should we simply assume they are wrong because they are ideologically opposed to you?

Did you listen to the clip? How will buying homes for people who have allegedly been harmed by global warming, and addressing white supremacy and the patriarchy keep the temperature from rising more than 1 degree?

Just because some woman says a bunch of good things with seemingly good intentions in a British accent doesn't mean that she has the right answers at best, or at worst, isn't batshit crazy.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Also, if we can dismiss the beliefs and ideas of all the vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people, who are we left with?

Why should anyone be required to knowledge the beliefs of vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people?
maz wrote:Did you listen to the clip?

Did you?

How will buying homes for people who have allegedly been harmed by global warming, and addressing white supremacy and the patriarchy keep the temperature from rising more than 1 degree?

Did this person make this claim?

Just because some woman says a bunch of good things with seemingly good intentions in a British accent doesn't mean that she has the right answers at best, or at worst, isn't batshit crazy.

Again, what was incorrect about what they said?

Why should anyone be required to knowledge the beliefs of vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people?

Answer the question: if we can dismiss the beliefs and ideas of all the vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people, who are we left with?

Also, why should we not acknowledge the beliefs of all these people?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Did you?

Yes, several times because it really is just a bunch of nonsensical gobbledygook word salad.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Did this person make this claim?

This person conflated a bunch of topics but the overall suggestions is that white supremacy and the patriarchy is somehow the cause of global warming and that we have to buy people homes and also build climate repair centers because the world doesn't have time for new technologies to come online.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Again, what was incorrect about what they said?

I guess nothing, if you believe the conspiracy theory that white supremacists and the patriarchy are somehow manipulating the global temperatures to cause global warming :lol:

Pants-of-dog wrote:Answer the question: if we can dismiss the beliefs and ideas of all the vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people, who are we left with?

Perhaps we are left with people who don't care about the feelings of vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Also, why should we not acknowledge the beliefs of all these people?

We can acknowledge it, but we don't have to take all of their beliefs seriously. When we do, we end up having to entertain the beliefs of crazed trannines ranting and raving during town halls and mothers who raise their 9 year olds as trannies.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Why do we need to condemn environmental movements for not living up to your standards,

It's not my standards, it's reasonable standards. When big green is exposed as oligarch astroturf and it becomes clear that the threat is being wildly exaggerated in order to get people to accept technocratic subjugation then that's just bullshit by any reasonable standard.

while simultaneously ignoring how fossil fuel companies profit immensely by stopping action on climate change?

I don't ignore that. I tell everyone who will listen that the fossil fuel companies need to be seized and liquidated and that ownership of both the natural resources and the capital assets should be turned over to the people. But that's a very different issue from whether we should accept extreme energy austerity and allow every aspect of our lives to be controlled by technocratic eco-imperialists.

Why do you support a double standard that supports the status quo and enriches the elite at the expense of the rest of us?

I don't, that's just some stupid dishonest bullshit you made up to tar me with because you can't come up with an honest criticism of my position.
maz wrote:Yes, several times because it really is just a bunch of nonsensical gobbledygook word salad.

Are you saying that you did not understand it?

This person conflated a bunch of topics but the overall suggestions is that white supremacy and the patriarchy is somehow the cause of global warming and that we have to buy people homes and also build climate repair centers because the world doesn't have time for new technologies to come online.

What were their exact words?

I guess nothing, if you believe the conspiracy theory that white supremacists and the patriarchy are somehow manipulating the global temperatures to cause global warming :lol:

You still have not mentioned what their claims are and how they are incorrect.

Perhaps we are left with people who don't care about the feelings of vegans, immigrants, environmentalists, people opposed to fascism, and LGBT people?

And why should we listen to these people who arbitrarily deny others, but not listen to vegans, immigrants, et cetera?

We can acknowledge it, but we don't have to take all of their beliefs seriously. When we do, we end up having to entertain the beliefs of crazed trannines ranting and raving during town halls and mothers who raise their 9 year olds as trannies.

So you think we should ignore everyone except white male hetero fascists just because you have feelings about trans people?

And what does this have to do with climate change?


Sivad wrote:It's not my standards, it's reasonable standards. When big green is exposed as oligarch astroturf and it becomes clear that the threat is being wildly exaggerated in order to get people to accept technocratic subjugation then that's just bullshit by any reasonable standard.

So you think we should ignore everything environmentalists say because you have already demonised them in your mind.

Oh, and swearing.

So why do you not demonise the fossil fuel lobby influencing the climate change debate for this exact same reason?

I don't ignore that. I tell everyone who will listen that the fossil fuel companies need to be seized and liquidated and that ownership of both the natural resources and the capital assets should be turned over to the people. But that's a very different issue from whether we should accept extreme energy austerity and allow every aspect of our lives to be controlled by technocratic eco-imperialists.

Prove it.

Show us one post where you have done this.

I don't, that's just some stupid dishonest bullshit you made up to tar me with because you can't come up with an honest criticism of my position.

You have done so in this very thread.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Are you saying that you did not understand it?

I am saying that I don't understand how her proposed solutions of building people homes, building climate repair systems and confronting white supremacy and the patriarchy will keep the global temperature from rising 1°.

Pants-of-dog wrote:You still have not mentioned what their claims are and how they are incorrect.

Her claims are just a bunch of nonsense.
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