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By late
Have you been watching the Republicans flailing ineffectually in the impeachment hearings?

That's because they don't have a plausible defense, much less one that would hold up in a court of law.

That's why you are seeing so much fiction. Ordinarily, I'd call it propaganda, but there is a sense of futility in their actions and antics.

This is also why they keep attacking outstanding citizens in a desperate attempt to cover for the crook and his cronies. They don't have anything else.

This was inevitable, something I expected after he won the election. He's a con artist, and would play his usual con until people had had enough.

We're just about there.
Last edited by late on 19 Nov 2019 19:39, edited 1 time in total.
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By Tainari88
How does one go about eliminating the electoral college? Gerrymandering? Corporate influence with lobbyist money and black budgets within the PACs in DC? How does one go about getting rid of what is wrong? Because Trump is just a symptom of what is wrong with American society.

The Democrats hope to accomplish what with the impeachment?

The Democratic party should have not played dirty with the farther left within the Democratic party.

Now? Their last establishment candidate was Joe Biden. They are looking to fell that man fast.

Who is going to be the contender against Trump? For 2020?

The base is going to be out in force. They can have a popular vote win with any of the Democratic candidates. But it won't change the fact that the system put the con man in charge.

So? If the system sucks and is putting in con men? You either get rid of the sellouts in both parties and start from scratch? Or you will lose to the con man backers again in 2020.

I don't respect corrupt liberals. They take money and sellout...but they lie to the poor anyway.

The Repukes are honest. We are here to lie, cheat and steal and to hell with anyone who is not racist, materialistic and selfish and individualistic. This is America! The land of the ripoff and the lack of respect for the ones without some moolah in the bank!

:lol: ;)
By late
Tainari88 wrote:
The Repukes are honest. We are here to lie, cheat and steal and to hell with anyone who is not racist, materialistic and selfish and individualistic. This is America! The land of the ripoff and the lack of respect for the ones without some moolah in the bank!

Vote Progressive.
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By Tainari88
late wrote:Vote Progressive.

It won't matter late. The winner is going to be about the delegates and the electoral college. AGAIN.

Hillary lost in 2016. Against a dude that said racist things, misogynist things.

American voters who voted for Trump will vote again for that man. No doubt about it.

And even if they are not the majority the same system that gave the election to Trump has not been modified. You will get the same result.

You either weed out the bad people in both parties who take money from corporations who hedge their bets by covering both parties equally and who benefit from the control of both parties? Or you will continue to get Trump and or another con man who is into crap.

I can vote from Mexico. But I am far left. I don't vote for any conventional liberals. I don't agree with them. I don't care about winning. I care about being true to my political convictions Late.

I voted for my candidate in Puerto Rico. I voted for my candidate in the USA and I will be voting for my candidate in 2025 in Mexico.

They have parties of my political philosophy in all three nations. So far the Mexicans voted my political leaning in to the seat of power. Not Puerto Rico or the USA.

But Puerto Rico is acting great. They hit the streets and ousted the corrupt one locally. They can't oust Trump but I think if they are pushed hard enough they might create some noise and pressure. Lol.

The USA's voters need to deal with the issue of how a person with no backing by the popular vote got the White House. Examine the bullshit that the USA is a true democracy. It is not.
By late
Tainari88 wrote:
It won't matter late.

You can't win if you don't play.

Voting for someone that has no chance is precisely the same as not voting at all.
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By blackjack21
late wrote:Have you been watching the Republicans flailing ineffectually in the impeachment hearings?

Fewer people are watching it than watched the Comey hearings or the first Democratic debates. It's as boring as watching paint dry.

late wrote:That's because they don't have a plausible defense, much less one that would hold up in a court of law.

They don't need one. There's no charge that can hold up in a court of law. This gets tried in the Senate, not the House.

Taianri88 wrote:How does one go about eliminating the electoral college?

A 2/3rds majority of both houses of Congress and a majority of 3/4 of the legislatures of the several states. In other words, it's a dead letter. It will never happen.

Tainari88 wrote:Gerrymandering?

You can't. Congressional districts have to be drawn to a have relatively equal representation per Congressman. So you will always have some degree of it.

Tainari88 wrote:Corporate influence with lobbyist money and black budgets within the PACs in DC?

Repeal the 14th Amendment. Not going to happen.

Tainari88 wrote:The Democrats hope to accomplish what with the impeachment?

It's just to try and sully him before the 2020 election, because politically they are a shambles right now.

Tainari88 wrote:Hillary lost in 2016. Against a dude that said racist things, misogynist things.

And never held any other political office in his life. I fly back home tomorrow.
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By BigSteve
blackjack21 wrote:It's just to try and sully him before the 2020 election, because politically they are a shambles right now.

The Democrats are in for a rude awakening next November.

Their constituents are going to ask "What have you accomplished?"

Democrats will only have one answer: "We impeached Trump so he would be removed from office, but we failed."

That's it. That's literally all they have. They'll have to admit to being failures at the single thing they chose to spend their time on, ignoring everything else...
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By blackjack21
BigSteve wrote:That's it. That's literally all they have. They'll have to admit to being failures at the single thing they chose to spend their time on, ignoring everything else...

Well, to be fair, they did rename a few post offices... :excited:
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By Tainari88
late wrote:You can't win if you don't play.

Voting for someone that has no chance is precisely the same as not voting at all.

I don't subscribe to the lesser of two evils philosophy late.

Some Hillary backer called me a week from election day in 2016. He said, "You must vote for Hillary. Otherwise Trump will win." Why should I vote for that woman? She persecuted my political faction and is a lying piece of shit politician. No one whom I respect politically trusts a damn thing that woman says. She is a warmongering person with little to offer in many ways. She threw the socialist wing of the party under the bus with lies and manipulations. I would not vote for her.

I don't like conservatives or Republicans either. I voted my conscience and if that means losing? You accept it. You have to be true to what you trust to be the right path. That some corrupt people agree with it or not is immaterial to me.

If people don't fight for something better? And if your political faction has no ability to convince working people to mobilize en masse for change and back your political faction without lying and corrupt behavior? Don't participate in political life.

No, Late, if the civil rights movement had thought that they had to WIN elections first in order to make change happen? Never would have had any success. The voting and the legislation is a reaction to political pressure by the unification of the many and creating a conscious political movement. You can't have that when the establishment is rotted from within.

If the deep state is preparing to oust Trump and put in another Hillary liberal sellout? There will be rioting in the streets for sure. No one is interested in those sellout liberals anymore. I can't believe that so many in the Democratic party don't get that. Even that polemicist right wing woman Ann Coulter knew the hard left would have been a better choice against Trump...but they paid it no heed.

No, the Democrats run by the Clintonian machine can go to HELL!
By Finfinder
Interesting thread title but not surprising with the 4 others the OP has started. They all have the same things in common they project they gaslight and there is not 1 single fact stated in the OP to effectively debate.

I guess it would be too much to ask the OP to offer evidence or maybe some examples of the "Fiction" he claims in the OP. It used to be the liberals actually made an effort in their trolls now what is this lazy, or are they panicking?
By late
Tainari88 wrote:
I don't subscribe

But you did give up.

The Clintons are part of the corporate wing of the party. I have other names for them.. They are not Progressives.
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By Tainari88
@blackjack21 aka El Relampaguito who all he is on the road is a chispita said:
And never held any other political office in his life. I fly back home tomorrow.

Again, he is your Molotov cocktail not mine Blackjack.

My baby boy is complaining that I need to pay attention to his food preferences....hee hee.

Does the flying home tomorrow mean that you might debate later on this week?

Ay, Relampaguito, you who think I don't know your coding ways and quote bombs galore eh?

Tell the truth you looked at Hillary during those debates and said, "She is the woman for me. She has it going on..."

People always were shocked that I never voted for Obama or for Hillary...if they were liberal wishy washy types. They would say, "But Barack Obama will be our first Black President. Isn't that great?"

Hillary was "But Hillary Rodham Clinton has had a distinguished career and she will be our first female president? Isn't that special?"

I don't vote because a person is a mulatto or because a person is a woman with a vagina and breasts. I vote according to their political philosophy and if that is in alignment with mine. I could care less if the man is of African descent, there are African commies, African fascists, African liberals, etc the whole spectrum the same as Europeans with the political diversity and the European types oh because he is white I am going to vote for him? NO!! Or if he has a penis or if she has a vagina. That should not the criteria for my political vote. If it is? It is dumb in the extreme and or a liberal fluff shit issue that I don't believe in.

Who is my avatar? A Puerto Rican woman poet. One of the few who made the stamps in the USPS. Lol. She was a very far left woman. And also a literary genius. A nacionalista. She died in poverty and her poetry is in the top 20 best in the world. A great woman. With a tragic life.

But with tremendous principles and a lot of courage. Julia de Burgos. That is she. My avatar.

And one of her poems is in my signature Blackjack.

It is about a river that she grew up next to in Puerto Rico, and that series of lines I got in red is about how she felt about living life. It is like a river....always looking for a way to reach something deeper and how to get to the ocean...

It has a lot of depth.

Lol. I doubted if I had not explained it at all you would have paid it any mind at all Blackjack.

That is the life of Puerto Rican women. I doubt if I had not explained many things you would have paid it any mind.

I got to have dinner. My boy is complaining. ;)

See you soon macaroon.
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By Tainari88
late wrote:But you did give up.

The Clintons are part of the corporate wing of the party. I have other names for them.. They are not Progressives.

But they control the party still. They are losing their grip on many things but those people have some powerful connections.

How did I give up? I am not an American woman Late. I don't identify with the 50 states and all that shit. I don't.

I wasn't born in the fifty states. My parents weren't either. And Puerto Rico was not acquired and immediately made a state. It is still is not a state.

So how I am supposed to be involved trying to fix what is wrong in a system that doesn't give any power to my group of people @late ?

For me? Fiction? Is about how the USA is democratic. It is not even democratic about its own voters and doesn't have a popular vote system in place at all. If they can't solve their domestic anti democratic contradictions then how is it that I expect them to respect the popular vote will of a bunch of Boricuas (Puerto Ricans)? They won't.

I am clear as daylight about who I am. So is Rene Perez Joglar and a whole lot of other Puerto Ricans. All over the world. In Spain, in Mexico, in the Dominican Republic, in France, in every country in the world. Period.

Like I said before? All the Puerto Ricans that form a part of the US House of Representatives are Puerto Ricans who are pro independence. Not a single one of Puerto Rican politicians are pro statehood? WHY? Figure that one out.

I did not give up at all. I am part of the mainstream with the Puerto Rican stateside Puerto Ricans who can VOTE. The ones who are powerless in that scenario are the statehood Puerto Ricans. None of them get elected in the states. At all. Why?

Lol. I bet you don't know.

Don't give up. Figure it out.

Progressives? late? You are an academic in Maine are you?

I am a Puerto Rican socialist in Mexico. What do we have in common? You let me know. ;)
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By colliric
I choose to have a Latino Catholic Socialist as my avatar, because I believe she was the greatest female politician of the 20th Century, wrote one of the most inspiring political auto-biographies I've ever read. Plus she inspired a classic stage musical that I've loved since I first heard it on LP, and I was so happy to finally see it on stage with fantastic local italian-Melbournian talent Tina Arena in the lead role, such a beautiful singer(plus she is a dead ringer!). Plus my childhood nanny was Peruvian and I use to hear Richie Valens on her radio alot.

I believe Hillary Clinton is a pretender and her husband is into some bad stuff(20 trips with Epstein and the other women he messed with), I'm glad she didn't win. It would have been even more scandalous a Whitehouse than the current one is. I would never vote for her. I consider it my duty as a patriotic Melbourne to stick up for local boy Julian Assange and his Wikileaks organisation. Good on him for exposing her and stopping her. He ironically stands a better chance for a fair trial UNDER TRUMP. Although I honestly believe he should be returned to Australia, not extradited to the US.

Wikileaks is the greatest Australian invention of the 21st century. Expose the bastards!

If Puerto Ricans believe in independence, I would support it. Anything is better than the current situation.
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By Tainari88
colliric wrote:I choose to have a Latino Catholic Socialist as my avatar, because I believe she was the greatest female politician of the 20th Century, wrote one of the most inspiring political auto-biographies I've ever read. Plus she inspired a classic stage musical that I've loved since I first heard it on LP, and I was so happy to finally see it on stage with fantastic local italian-Melbournian talent Tina Arena in the lead role, such a beautiful singer(plus she is a dead ringer!). Plus my childhood nanny was Peruvian and I use to hear Richie Valens on her radio alot.

I believe Hillary Clinton is a pretender and her husband is into some bad stuff(20 trips with Epstein and the other women he messed with), I'm glad she didn't win. It would have been even more scandalous a Whitehouse than the current one is. I would never vote for her. I consider it my duty as a patriotic Melbourne to stick up for local boy Julian Assange and his Wikileaks organisation. Good on him for exposing her and stopping her. He ironically stands a better chance for a fair trial UNDER TRUMP. Although I honestly believe he should be returned to Australia, not extradited to the US.

Wikileaks is the greatest Australian invention of the 21st century. Expose the bastards!

If Puerto Ricans believe in independence, I would support it. Anything is better than the current situation.

It is not about what Puerto Ricans may want Colliric it is what the USA is willing to permit. And they don't care.

So? I think Puerto Rico needs to pull away and prepare to cut off its relationship with the mainland. But they need to pay a lot of money first. Lol. They do. And they need to transition out with their crap. They won't. The bankers don't want to let go. And the bankers run DC. So? That is the problem. No solution.

The Americans are going to wait for violence and nightmares before making a sound policy to solve the problem.

Why don't they act before the violence happens? Why wait?

That is the problem with a lot of political situations. Crisis in when they finally pay attention to solutions. By then? It is too late.
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By Hindsite
Finfinder wrote:Interesting thread title but not surprising with the 4 others the OP has started. They all have the same things in common they project they gaslight and there is not 1 single fact stated in the OP to effectively debate.

I guess it would be too much to ask the OP to offer evidence or maybe some examples of the "Fiction" he claims in the OP. It used to be the liberals actually made an effort in their trolls now what is this lazy, or are they panicking?

It seems that the Democrats have come to like fiction, especially since they were so badly humiliated by Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election. That was when they began the fiction of Russian collusion because crying over it was not very satisfying.
By late
Tainari88 wrote:
I wasn't born in the fifty states. My parents weren't either. And Puerto Rico was not acquired and immediately made a state. It is still is not a state.

So how I am supposed to be involved trying to fix what is wrong in a system that doesn't give any power to my group of people @late ?

You have a point, and a good one.

But you still can't win without playing.
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By Tainari88
late wrote:You have a point, and a good one.

But you still can't win without playing.

How am I going to win what? Be specific?

I am currently a guest of the Mexican government. I am trying to get my CURP. In fact, today I am supposed to pick it up.

I don't reside in the USA. I will live and die the rest of my life in Mexico. I am not interested in going back to the USA. At all.

Who are my people politically? The SOCIALISTS. The international socialists. My party in Puerto Rico is the Puerto Rican Independence Party. My party in Mexico will be (once I am a Mexican citizen in 4 years), MORENA. In the USA? The Socialist party and if it is not on the ballot I would go for a Green Party candidate. Period. That is it. My political loyalties.

If the USA @late decides to become a damn oppressive nightmare in Puerto Rico if Puerto Rico has enough of the bullshit and the people hit the street with one million or more saying they want the US out of there? And the US decides to start massacring Puerto Ricans? And breaking down doors and killing socialists like they have in the past? I will be in Mexico and waiting for them to stay in my house. I will then go and travel to PR and organize and if I am not an old lady and with not much left of life? Do my part like my mother did and wind up getting killed by the US government and their need to invade and practice war games using Puerto Rican guinea pigs.

A fine ending to my life as a Puerto Rican socialist. I have nothing in common with those idiots in the Democratic party who are not intelligently understanding that corporate asskissers are not what the LEFT is supposed to be doing in the world.

I chose my political destiny a very long time ago. I suggest you get together with the other 'progressives' in that ineffective piece of shit Democratic party and fix the massive problems wrong in American society.

Otherwise the Trump backers will win again and it will be another 4 years of having to watch the witching hour tweets at 3am from the publicity hound narcissist. :D
By late
Tainari88 wrote:

I don't reside in the USA. I will live and die the rest of my life in Mexico. I am not interested in going back to the USA. At all.

I suggest you get together with the other 'progressives' in that ineffective piece of shit Democratic party and fix the massive problems wrong in American society.

Hope it works out for you.

That's what we're trying to do. Wish me luck, I'll need it.

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