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late wrote:The ones you are always running away from.

You need better lies.

Every time you post nonsense like this, you prove only one thing: That you have absolutely nothing to back up your childish rants against the man.

Nothing else...
By late
BigSteve wrote:
Every time you post nonsense like this, you prove only one thing: That you have absolutely nothing to back up your childish rants against the man.

Nothing else...

"And when it comes to wringing bucks out of this administration, no one can match President Donald Trump himself for the sheer depth and breadth of his national grift. Hell, the way he's set things up it's virtually impossible to even capture its scope. Thanks to presidential ethics laws that never contemplated a businessman president who would not follow the political norms of divesting himself of his businesses, disclosing his taxes and generally trying to avoid conflicts of interest, much and possibly all of this is legal if unseemly. "The president can't have a conflict of interest," Trump noted...

We can start with the truly big money. Forbes' Dan Alexander and Matt Drange estimated last month that Trump rakes in at least $175 million annually from commercial tenants like the state-owned Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

And that's just one avenue for filling the Trump-branded, solid gold trough. Foreign governments have been quick to figure out how to stay on the president's good side. They've "donated public land, approved permits and eased environmental regulations for Trump-branded developments, creating a slew of potential conflicts as foreign leaders make investments that can be seen as gifts or attempts to gain access

But wait, there are still more ways to enrich the most powerful man in the world. His company still sells real estate, after all. An investigation by USA Today last summer found that in the 12 months after he clinched the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, "70% of buyers of Trump properties were limited liability companies – corporate entities that allow people to purchase property without revealing all of the owners' names. That compares with about 4% of buyers in the two years before." Overall in 2017, the paper reported, Trump's companies "sold more than $35 million in real estate ... mostly to secretive shell companies..."

If we ever have a real AG again, he can dig into all the stuff that's still hidden.

There's still questions about the missing money from the inauguration fund. About the self dealing that inspired a judge to dismantle his charity. About his connection to Putin through Deutsche Bank.

He is more corrupt than all the other presidents put together. It's why you love him.
late wrote: Hell, the way he's set things up it's virtually impossible to even capture its scope.

In other words, you can't see the corruption you allege, because Trump has blinded you in some way. :roll:

late wrote:Thanks to presidential ethics laws that never contemplated a businessman president who would not follow the political norms of divesting himself of his businesses, disclosing his taxes and generally trying to avoid conflicts of interest, much and possibly all of this is legal if unseemly.

Presidential ethics laws? Can you cite some for us?

late wrote:Forbes' Dan Alexander and Matt Drange estimated last month that Trump rakes in at least $175 million annually from commercial tenants like the state-owned Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

Which he bragged about on the campaign trail. It predates him becoming president.

late wrote:They've "donated public land, approved permits and eased environmental regulations for Trump-branded developments, creating a slew of potential conflicts as foreign leaders make investments that can be seen as gifts or attempts to gain access

That would reflect on them, not on Trump.

late wrote:Give it a rest.

Please take your own advice.

Finfinder wrote:The problem with that is there is real corruption from the Dems that has actually been exposed and a lot more to come.

I think there were a lot of dirty deals going on in Ukraine that the Democrats would like to keep from the electorate.
By late
blackjack21 wrote:

1) Which he bragged about on the campaign trail. It predates him becoming president.

2) That would reflect on them, not on Trump.

3) I think there were a lot of dirty deals going on in Ukraine that the Democrats would like to keep from the electorate.

1) It's also why we have the Emoulements Clause, and why other presidents divested. He's self dealing, using the United States as a way to rake in millions.

2) Both. Obviously both.

3) The Dems cleaned Ukraine up, helped a reformer win the presidency, and then Trump corrupted the guy the same way any sleazy mob boss would.

I guess you aren't going to figure out that your excuses are DOA.
blackjack21 wrote:I think there were a lot of dirty deals going on in Ukraine that the Democrats would like to keep from the electorate.

Not just elected official but also the unelected partisan Democrat bureaucrats.

@late 's brain is so twisted into a pretzel that on one thread he claims Trump is dumb and not a hard worker and on another Trump was able to get himself elected president solely for the purposes of enriching himself. Would love to see Trump in jail for life if not drawn and quartered. Yet claims there is nothing to see with the Bidens, Obama,and the Clintons.

....and they still don't understand why Trump gets so much support.

and back to the Topic

@late thinks the Democrats can win elections with raising taxes.

....and they still don't understand why Trump gets so much support.

@late thinks American don't want to keep their doctors

....and they still don't understand why Trump gets so much support.
By late
Finfinder wrote:
Yet claims there is nothing to see with the Bidens, Obama,and the Clintons.

Now that one's a whopper.

I love the smell of desperation, it smells like victory.
late wrote:Now that one's a whopper.

I love the smell of desperation, it smells like victory.

I said before you are not good at debating but you are good at projection.

You would vote for Biden or Clinton ?
late wrote:1) It's also why we have the Emoulements Clause, and why other presidents divested. He's self dealing, using the United States as a way to rake in millions.

Snooze... The purpose of the emoluments clause is that the president is not bought off by a foreign state.

late wrote:3) The Dems cleaned Ukraine up, helped a reformer win the presidency, and then Trump corrupted the guy the same way any sleazy mob boss would.

They participated in the overthrow of Ukraine's democratically-elected government. We shouldn't be "helping" anyone to get elected in foreign countries. That is the very interference we're supposed to believe is morally opprobrious when it happens to poor Hillary Clinton. The bottom line is that Ukraine depends on Russian gas subsidies, which Europe is not prepared to replace. Ukraine buying gas at market prices would crash their economy. They are in the same position now as when Yanukovich turned to Putin.

late wrote:I guess you aren't going to figure out that your excuses are DOA.

DOA where? I don't expect you to change. I expect you to keep flailing about desperately while Trump is poised to win again in 2020. I expect you to pretend that the bankrupt DNC will somehow win while Trump is setting fundraising records--even in the face of impeachment efforts.

Finfinder wrote:Not just elected official but also the unelected partisan Democrat bureaucrats.

Well, that's certainly true of Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and George Soros. I'm sure there are more people involved. I find the so-called anti-corruption initiative funded in part by George Soros to be suspect, especially because it was a joint venture with the State Department. I can see why Shokin would be interested in their doings for that reason alone.

Finfinder wrote:@late 's brain is so twisted into a pretzel that on one thread he claims Trump is dumb and not a hard worker and on another Trump was able to get himself elected president solely for the purposes of enriching himself.

It's pretty common for US Democrats to believe that anyone that doesn't believe as they do are stupid. On the day Trump announced, I thought he was something of a shit disturber. A few days later, he started talking about trade policy and tariffs, and at that point I knew he was serious and the establishment was in for a rude awakening. I can't believe it has been four years and these people still can't figure it out. They are still trying the old playbook of character assassination.

Finfinder wrote:Yet claims there is nothing to see with the Bidens, Obama,and the Clintons.

Yes. I'm expecting another whitewash with the Inspector General's report. It seems they have found a low-level person to pin the blame on in order to protect the higher ups, as per usual.

Finfinder wrote:....and they still don't understand why Trump gets so much support.

After years and years of this too.

Finfinder wrote:@late thinks the Democrats can win elections with raising taxes.

I rarely have much nice to say about establishment Republicans either, but Paul Ryan did stick it to the rich in blue states with the SALT limitations.

Finfinder wrote:@late thinks American don't want to keep their doctors

Yea, the Medicare-for-all thing is going nowhere. The DNC is effectively bankrupt. After debt, they have a net of a little over $1M. Trump is breaking fundraising records. Wall Street is starving the Democrats for cash.
By late
blackjack21 wrote:
The purpose of the emoluments clause is that the president is not bought off by a foreign state.

BigSteve wrote:See the word "opinion" in the link you posted?

Yeah, it's as fucking worthless as yours is.

I'm working under the assumption that you're able to discern between facts and opinions. Perhaps I should reassess whether or not that's the case, because it's becoming more and more clear that you can't...

That "late" guy should be renamed "too late" in my opinion. I am sure he will not accept my opinion as fact, but he certainly seems to accept all those "opinions and assumptions" by the so-called witnesses in the Intelligence Committees impeachment hearing are facts. I have decided that it is "too late" to talk any sense into late. :lol:
Say what ? The dems dont want to win. Their goal is to avoid Bernie Sanders running. Or Tulsi Gabbard, for that matter.

And they are trying EVERYTHING:

- Huge advertisement campaign for Trump. Russiagate already was great Trump advertisement, so they're retrying the same thing with Ukrainegate. So far it seems to work.

- Send Biden in first, as an obvious failure that doesnt stand a chance against Trump, though its been obvious very soon Biden isnt a valid option.

- Create an Sanders clone that diverts votes from Sanders, but makes only poisoned offers. Warrens universal health care for example is constructed in such a way that it will fail and discredit the very idea of universal health care.

And probably much more that I dont even know about.
Negotiator wrote:Say what ? The dems dont want to win. Their goal is to avoid Bernie Sanders running. Or Tulsi Gabbard, for that matter.

And they are trying EVERYTHING:

- Huge advertisement campaign for Trump. Russiagate already was great Trump advertisement, so they're retrying the same thing with Ukrainegate. So far it seems to work.

- Send Biden in first, as an obvious failure that doesnt stand a chance against Trump, though its been obvious very soon Biden isnt a valid option.

- Create an Sanders clone that diverts votes from Sanders, but makes only poisoned offers. Warrens universal health care for example is constructed in such a way that it will fail and discredit the very idea of universal health care.

And probably much more that I dont even know about.

Apparently Michael Bloomberg thinks he can save the Democrats with his money. Warren and Sanders seem scared as they immediately attack Bloomberg as he announces as a presidential candidate.

“Elections should not be for sale, not to billionaires, not to corporate executives,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign event on Saturday. Sen. Bernie Sanders went one step further, proclaiming that he is “disgusted” by Bloomberg’s presidential ambitions and his recent $34 million ad buy.
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By Drlee
The purpose of the emoluments clause is that the president is not bought off by a foreign state.

You mean like getting dirt on your political enemies in exchange for,,,,,,,, like that?
Drlee wrote:You mean like getting dirt on your political enemies in exchange for,,,,,,,, like that?

No. Like "We'll give you $20M if you do x, y or z for our country" or "Now you are a Duke of England, here's your $2M a year. We'll be expecting you and our military on our next military expedition."
Drlee wrote:You mean like getting dirt on your political enemies in exchange for,,,,,,,, like that?

No, it is the other way around. The foreign country pays the U.S. President for doing or not doing something. The emoluments clause insures that the president is not bought off by a foreign state.
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By Drlee
No, it is the other way around. The foreign country pays the U.S. President for doing or not doing something. The emoluments clause insures that the president is not bought off by a foreign state.

And you don't see giving information on the president's political enemies in exchange for favors being "bought off"?

I guess you are right. It is not a violation of the emoluments clause. It is just simple extortion.
Drlee wrote:And you don't see giving information on the president's political enemies in exchange for favors being "bought off"?

Not if the solicited information has to do with potentially illegal conduct, no...

I guess you are right. It is not a violation of the emoluments clause. It is just simple extortion.

What is your opinion on the fact that the Obama administration threatened to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine unless that particular prosecutor was fired?
Last edited by BigSteve on 28 Nov 2019 15:31, edited 1 time in total.
Drlee wrote:And you don't see giving information on the president's political enemies in exchange for favors being "bought off"?

I guess you are right. It is not a violation of the emoluments clause. It is just simple extortion.

Information is not money. Much of federal law hinges on the commerce clause.
By late
blackjack21 wrote:
Information is not money. Much of federal law hinges on the commerce clause.

It's anything of value, and information can be exquisitely valuable.
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By Drlee
Information is not money. Much of federal law hinges on the commerce clause.


[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

And in being told about this by a staffer Senator Jebediah T. Cornpone (R) Ken'tucky said, "What's this shit about Congress? Didn't they mean der fuhr... I mean the pres'dent?

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