Julian Assange arrested in London - Page 14 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Veteran photojournalist Tim Page discusses his “21” exhibition

Without a free and open media we are doomed culturally and politically. In this despotic time, it’s necessary that we have whistleblowers, and folk who can open up the Pandora’s Box of corruption and deceit.

The fashion in which the Australian government has abandoned its own citizen and whistleblower, Julian Assange, is revealing of its own demise and dysfunction as a democratic system of government. The greed mongers and the people that run this country appear to me to be a bunch of corrupt businessmen. They don’t want to defend Assange, because it will upset their arrangements with the US.

Dear friends in the struggle to free Julian Assange,

If you are in Birmingham please join the protest this Saturday 23rd of November at 12 noon at Victoria Square. The protest is organised by JADC, in their efforts to oppose and prevent US extradition of the WikiLeaks publisher.

On the same day at 13:30 in London the Official UK Don't Extradite Campaign has organised the Book Launch "In Defence of Julian Assange" Tariq Ali, John Pilger and Vivienne Westwood will introduce the book and champion the Freedom of Julian Assange.

On Thursday the 28th of November Join the "Free The Truth conference and art exhibition."
Mark Curtis, Lisa Longstaff, Stefania Maurizi, Prof Nils Melzer, Craig Murray, John Pilger, eminent academic experts and artists will join us on this day, 5:10pm-8:30pm to discuss & condemn the persecution of award-winning journalist and publisher Julian Assange.

Address: St Pancras New Church, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA
Nearest tube: Goodge Street, Euston Road, Russel Square.

Event is free but please register for a free ticket, now on: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-the-t ... 8881130585

In Solidarity #FreeAssange!
Concerns of medical doctors about the plight of Mr Julian Assange - Open letter to the UK Home Secretary

We write this open letter, as medical doctors, to express our serious concerns about the physical and mental health of Julian Assange. Our professional concerns follow publication recently of the harrowing eyewitness accounts of Craig Murray and John Pilger of the case management hearing on Monday 21 October 2019 at Westminster Magistrates Court. The hearing related to the upcoming February 2020 hearing of the request by the US government for Mr Assange’s extradition to the US in relation to his work as a publisher of information, including information about alleged crimes of the US government.

Our concerns were further heightened by the publication on 1 November 2019 of a further report of Nils Melzer, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, in which he stated: ‘Unless the UK urgently changes course and alleviates his inhumane situation, Mr Assange’s continued exposure to arbitrariness and abuse may soon end up costing his life.’
skinster wrote:I went to this event on Julian Assange yesterday.

Sorry for my belated comment on this post, Skinster.
It seems to have been a great gathering; interesting people being there, and good things said... Well done all, and thank you!

I'm not sure though, with some people making the right criticism on the Labour party not campaigning openly for Julian Assange, yet making it sound like there is no choice but to vote for it.

Most politicians make a great noise about what they 'will do' during their campaigning time (prior to the election), but not putting them into practice entirely or partially, once elected. Now, with the Labour party not campaigning for the freedom of Julian Assange, just shyly referring to the protection of the whistle-blowers and journalists during their campaign; what can we expect from it with that regard it in the future..?!

B.t.w, I looked around to see if I could spot you between the audience, and made a few guesses (grin!)
I believe once Labour win they will be pressured by us on the left to release Julian Assange, or at a minimum, oppose the extradition.

Stardust wrote:B.t.w, I looked around to see if I could spot you between the audience, and made a few guesses (grin!)

I kind of get the feeling we already know each other IRL. :D

Last night I went to this excellent event for Assange and got to see three of my favourite journalists/analysts (Mark Curtis, Craig Murray & John Pilger). Nilz Melzer was excellent too. Here Pilger reports on his meeting with Assange in prison earlier that day.
skinster wrote:I believe once Labour win they will be pressured by us on the left to release Julian Assange, or at a minimum, oppose the extradition.

That would be possible, of course. They should then give to people a damn good explanation on why they did not raise their voices about this important political matter of our time, during their pre-election campaign.

However, apart from SEP, I haven't heard of any other left opposition parties to openly defend Julian Assange. Correct me if my information is not suffice on this.

skinster wrote:I kind of get the feeling we already know each other IRL. :D

Perhaps, but I'm not going to tell you now :eek:

skinster wrote:Last night I went to this excellent event for Assange and got to see three of my favourite journalists/analysts (Mark Curtis, Craig Murray & John Pilger). Nilz Melzer was excellent too. Here Pilger reports on his meeting with Assange in prison earlier that day.

I'm glad for you, Skinster. Surely, they were great, just as John Pilger in this video. Thanks for sharing.
Wish I could make it too.
Apparently there has been an interesting event earlier today in front of the Home Office, organised by the Official UK Don't Extradite Campaign. Unfortunately, I missed it, as I got the information late.
Here is some details about the event, which took place at around 3:00 pm today:

The renowned composer and personal friend of Julian Assange Brian Eno is launching a Christmas Card Campaign for people to send to the Home Office Minister Priti Patel during the Christmas period expressing how we feel about the prospect of Julian Assange, a journalist and publisher, being extradited to the USA over WikiLeaks publications facing 175 years of imprisonment in a maximum security prison.

Twitter : @DEAcampaign
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DEAcampaign/
Website: https://dontextraditeassange.com/

There's also a demo arranged for tomorrow:

Tuesday 3rd December 2019, 4pm No to Trump No to Nato, Don't Extradite Assange for exposing War Crimes

Place: at the steps of the Church of St. Martins in the Fields, on Trafalgar Square.

The Trump administration Department of Justice is waging a war on WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange and WikiLeaks heroic whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Both are currently incarcerated at the behest of Trump's Department of Justice. A contingency of the Committee to Defend Julian Assange will attend this national demonstration. We join our voices with all those who protest at our government's sponsorship of Trump and Nato at the Buckingham Palace. Join us to defend our publishes and sources! Look out for our Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning banners!

Stardust wrote:They should then give to people a damn good explanation on why they did not raise their voices about this important political matter of our time, during their pre-election campaign.

Perhaps you missed what happened to Diane Abbot when she came out batting for Assange.

I don't think an extradition will take place under a Labour government.
Thanks for the above post Skinster!

Perhaps you missed what happened to Diane Abbot when she came out batting for Assange.

She was criticised widely by the MSM and other politicians, but shouldn't all politicians be prepared for such criticisms..? In a class-based society, filled with the conflicts of interests; there's no other way. One if is genuine in what s/he says; expresses it regardless of all criticisms.

I don't think an extradition will take place under a Labour government.

With the Conservatives, extradition is almost certain - I say almost, because otherwise could happen, as the result of the global struggles to secure his freedom - whilst with the Labour, resistance to his extradition and securing his freedom is a possibility, I think.
Hundreds of journalists around the world sign open letter demanding freedom for Assange

Hundreds of journalists and media workers from every corner of the globe have put their name to an impassioned open letter demanding the unconditional freedom of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and an immediate “end to the legal campaign being waged against him for the crime of revealing war crimes.”
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