Too Many White People - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Donna wrote::roll:

Exactly people like this have absolutely no argument or are too afraid to attempt to justify their hollow views, and it's hilarious to see they actually think this has meaning or any weight on the subject at all. More than likely they are members of the "I am a victim culture".
Last edited by Finfinder on 19 Feb 2020 19:34, edited 1 time in total.
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By Donna
Finfinder wrote:Exactly you have absolutely no argument and it's hilarious as if you think your comments have meaning or weight at all. That's why your ideology is failing it simply hollow. :lol:

But all you did was make a personal attack against me because of my opinion, how am I supposed to argue with what you feel? :eh:
Donna wrote:But all you did was make a personal attack against me because of my opinion, how am I supposed to argue with what you feel? :eh:

Yet all, you did was make a false statement by personally attacking all American White people without offering any basis for your opinion. Are you personally offended that my statement was in fact true and yours was not? Me pointing out how your are wrong is not a personal attack there was none by me don't make stuff up. . Only posting an eye roll icon leaves much to interpret on a debate forum.
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By Donna
Finfinder wrote:Yet all, you did was make a false statement by personally attacking all American White people without offering any basis for your opinion. Are you personally offended that my statement was in fact true and yours was not? Me pointing out how your are wrong is not a personal attack there was none by me don't make stuff up. . Only posting an eye roll icon leaves much to interpret on a debate forum.

Sure, whatever you say. :)
By Sivad
I like the big shitgrin flourish at the end in response to the performative wokeness applause from all the woketarded whites. :lol:

god help us.
By anasawad
In my personal opinion, and this might be really really controversial, but listen up;

1-the whole "white privilage" stuff is bullshit because privilage is context dependent.
And the whole "Racism is about power" is also bullshit because power is in one hand never held by a collective and on the other hand also context dependent.

2- Racism is any discrimination or prejudice based on race or ethnicity, irregardless of the race of the holder or subject, as such, yes this girl is racist.
You can be racist against white people.
You can be sexist against men.

3- And this is the controversial part;
Thank god the middle east doesn't have these problems.
We have sectarianism and national fueds ( Not resulting from the current borders, but predates them) that have been on going for decades and centuries, sure, but still better than this.
Dying in the glory of battle and war is much more merciful than dying from insanity resulting from such cringe.
Noting that the reason why these problems don't exist in the middle east is because slavery in the middle east mainly focused on two sigments, the first is Eastern European girls who bred with the populace, specifically the upper classes and soldiers, and thus merged into the gene pool, and the second is African slave labor who were castrated and didn't bread, thus effectively stopped existing once slavery was abolished (in most parts atleast).
:lol: :lol:
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By Drlee
Wow @anasawad

That was a whole lot of shit to consider at once. But sooo who was the dude who did away with your kind of slavery in the first place?
By anasawad
That was a whole lot of shit to consider at once.

Not really.
Power and privilege are both context-based and in the case of power, it tends to concentrate, thus claiming a collective, e.g. a race or an ethnic group, has "power" is simply illogical.

And the third point is a joke.

But sooo who was the dude who did away with your kind of slavery in the first place?

Actually, my people were on the front lines of fighting against slavery all the way back to the times of the Abbasid empire.
Both Lebanon and the northeastern mountains in Iran (i.e. the places where my tribe is) are sanctuaries where all types of oppressed groups and runaway slaves have fled to for the past several thousands of years. (It's the reason why these places are the most religiously, culturally, ethnically, and racially diverse throughout the region)
So... We ended it.

I guess you didn't get the joke.
Tough luck.
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By Drlee
I got the joke. I was trying to make a joke myself. Never mind.
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By Potemkin
Drlee wrote:I got the joke. I was trying to make a joke myself. Never mind.

"That's the joke..." :|

late wrote:The motivation is fear.

"I would instead like to begin by apologizing to each and every one of you. I am sorry.

Halfway into my first semester at UVa, I was called a N***** in front of peers at a white fraternity party. It took two semesters to see that very same word written across our university’s popular Beta Bridge, accompanying cartoon graffiti of a creature with an obscenely large penis. Semesters later, I’d come to terms with the lamentable truth that, more often than not, the university would fail to live up to its prodigious advertising campaigns.

College would not be the perfect racial and cultural melting pot that could prove my elders wrong in their steadfast anxiety toward prolific racial intermingling. Instead, my experiences at the University of Virginia taught me exactly where their deep-rooted interracial anxiety had originated.

By the middle of my college career, I’d experienced enough ignorance, microaggressions and social cruelty to never be surprised by a negative racial encounter again. When reflecting, I feel grateful that I was afforded the time to gradually cope with these issues, rather than being forced to acknowledge the harsh degree of racism in my new community all at once. I apologized earlier because I know that you will not have the same transitional grace period — not even a minute of it.

Instead of a smooth transition, you were engulfed all at once by the radical hatred that exists and thrives within our community. You have not yet stepped foot on the University of Virginia’s Grounds, but you have already been exposed to the ability of our “Community of Trust” to breach our most cherished values and replace them with unabashed depravity."

I am a Chinese/Taiwanese American woman. I have felt the prejudice and condescension towards myself and my family for decades. I never joined the multicultural club at the university. They consider me too white because of my neutral West coast accent and I speak like an American, only I have the eyes of a Chinese. So Americans consider me Asian or they call me a Chink or something. I can always tell who looks down at me. I tend to be very suspicious of people in general for weeks or months until they show me that they tolerate me and can accept me.

Most of my friends are White. There are so few Asians in my area. And even my friends I do make...most ditch me after awhile. I am not very close with most. But it is okay. I am not clingy or needy.

I had years of adolescence to understand racism so by the time I went to college, I did not care much. I was used to it. There are basically 2 types of people in this world, winners and losers. I chose to be a winner. Racists can go kiss their dogs or kick their bitches or whatever racist folk do for fun. :lol:
Drlee wrote:Well that was surely a childish remark. Does your mom know you are playing on the computer again.

Have an adult read my posts to you so you can understand them.

Lol, ok.

We're all super proud of you for being old. It's a great achievement.

Drlee wrote:Matirce. You are worried about "microaggressions". Yeah. That's bad huh. :lol:

Do you know what "microaggression" means? I'm going to assume not, based on this dismissal.

My suggestion to you is to stop declaring yourself an expert on racism and having the gall to think you have any great wisdom to impart on the subject "from one old white man to a young black man", and to listen a little more. You might learn something.
Drlee wrote:Another outrageous story.

Fortunately for you, a boomer in his 70's, you'll probably miss out on the action in the not so distant future. Obviously this diversity and demographic shift is (and already has) going to cause tremendous problems (only a complete fool can't see it), but we haven't arrived at the juicy part of it yet.
Last edited by Code Rood on 21 Feb 2020 18:13, edited 1 time in total.
By Sivad
Heisenberg wrote:The right's obsession with campus culture wars is hilarious. Coffin dodgers might pretend that things were different "in their day", but universities have always been places where young adults are coming to terms with their place in the world, and they act in various dumb, over-the-top ways.

:knife: It's gone way past campus culture. Woketard culture has colonized government, mass media, academia, medicine, the courts, big tech, it's a fucking cancer that has metastasized to every sector of society. And it needs to be stopped because you know the demented control freaks that are orchestrating it are just dying to take it to the darkest extreme imaginable. We've seen this shit before in the gulagist societies and we know it doesn't end well.
By late
Code Rood wrote:
Fortunately for you, a boomer in his 70's, you'll probably miss out on the action in the not so distant future. Obviously this diversity and demographic shift is (and already has) going to cause tremendous problems (only a complete fool can't see it), but we haven't arrived at the juicy part of it yet.

It's already causing tremendous problems.

White Republicans are ruining the country trying to hold onto power.
Drlee wrote:
Can we please stop this shit and get on with getting along.

Too late for that. You grew up in a country that was more homogeneous and stable, and that has been given away under your generation's watch. Trouble is coming to paradise. Lots of trouble. In fact, it already is here in some ways.
By late
Sivad wrote:
We've seen this shit before in the gulagist societies and we know it doesn't end well.

We're closer to Jim Crow coming back, a lot closer.

Back in the real world, being polite is not a totalitarian act...
late wrote:It's already causing tremendous problems.

White Republicans are ruining the country trying to hold onto power.

The real power sits behind the curtain.

Both parties (democrat and republican) are controlled and financed by the same type of crowd and have basically the same policies on core issues like immigration and foreign policy. And you will know what I mean by ''the same type of crowd'' when you'll see the usual suspects on this forum undoubtedly get triggered. Not trying to brag, but I know what makes people upset or shake in fear. :)
By late
Code Rood wrote:
The real power sits behind the curtain.

Both parties (democrat and republican) are controlled and financed by the same type of crowd and have basically the same policies on core issues like immigration and foreign policy. And you will know what I mean by ''the same type of crowd'' when you'll see the usual suspects on this forum undoubtedly get triggered. Not trying to brag, but I know what makes people upset or shake in fear.

It's not that simple.

For one thing, current immigration policies are a nightmare, and wildly different from what we've had in my lifetime.

For another thing, there are a number of power clusters. There is the East Coast Establishment. The financial guys are part of that group, but their agenda occasionally differs from the others.

Then there is the Kooky West, Koch Brothers, Addelson. They try to work behind the scenes, and they have transformed American politics for the worse.

There' the West coast tech guys.

Then there are the cultural groups, New England, South, West, appalachia, etc. They don't hold a lot of power, but they have a little pull.

Then there is the permanent government. That is many different groups with many different agendas. That gets really complicated. But some of them have pretty serious power.

These groups form alliances, some temp, some permanent. When the corn growing guys wanted to bring back gasahol, they teamed up with ADM and the Ag Dept. Oh, you should know the corn growers I am talking about are corporations. Suits, not farmers. It took them years to pull it off, but they got it done.

Actually, the Ag Dept is one of the most powerful agencies. Somehow it always flies under the radar.
By Sivad
late wrote:We're closer to Jim Crow coming back, a lot closer.

yeah, that female poc in the video just tried to bring it back. :lol:

being polite is not a totalitarian act...

but being a pc nazi is.
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