Too Many White People - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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By Sivad
Tainari88 wrote:I hope you do what he did. Stop complaining and go to the university and start studying and making me happy finally....finding a way out of a tough beginning with broken families and effed up circumstances.

Something tells me you had a rough beginning.

You better not let some failure of the adults in your life who let you down, keep you from being great. Because I do recognize greatness. And you are someone who can be incredibly productive and smart as hell.

But? It is up to you....

You can go back to not taking me seriously anymore.

I just wish I could see your face when you are pissed off or don't

I bet it looks like my son's. Hee hee. :lol: ;)

Well, since you basically just called me a stormfront nazi it's kind of hard to buy this folksy maternal figure schtick you're working here. :knife:
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By Donna
Remember last week when Rancid was just being a bro and you insulted him for no reason.

You're out of your element, I think. Read more social theory.
By Sivad
Donna wrote:Remember last week when Rancid was just being a bro and you insulted him for no reason.

I remember when I went to lengths to explain my position to Rancid and Rancid just totally ignored all that and tried to pretend that I was just motivated by petty self-interest. I remember calling Rancid on that retarded fucking bullshit, but I don't remember insulting Rancid for no reason.
Sivad wrote:is that your good faith opinion, good faith donna?

good faith donna thinks I'm still concealing my true nazi politics.

If I had to put a label on you? I would say you are an anarchist and also a working class anarchist, and that you are someone who doesn't believe in most power structures.

I find those kind of people? Incredibly interesting. Incredibly rebellious, and incredibly critical of just about everyone. But do it with some power Sivad. Do it with a whole lot of intellectual fire power behind you.

Believe in yourself. And become what you are willing to become.

I adopted my older son when he was nine years old. He had been cycled through 6 different foster homes, lost his older brother and younger sister. His older brother was with him through thick and thin. But the older brother was adopted by a large Mormon white family with traditional conservative values. My son and his older brother were African American and in the case of his older brother half Mexican and half African American. My son was African American only. In that household he was considered very defiant and flippant and hard to handle. A troublesome kid. So he was woken up one morning, told to pack his bags. At six and a half years old and to say good bye to his older brother. He was the 'troublemaker' and his older brother was more quiet and less defiant. The traditional white Mormon family with ten other kids that were the biological kids of that family? Liked the older boy more. They sent the troublemaker back to the system. Back to Colorado. And he lost his brother.

He never trusted anything or anyone. And never trusted either his adoptive father or mother. He never had much self confidence. Always arguing with and insulting me....telling me how I sucked, and how I was not the mother he always wanted....

I figured that the most important thing I could do for my boy? Was give him the tools to be successful in life @Sivad , because everything failed him--his parents, his supposed 'foster parents', the system. Everyone failed.

I told him, "You can hate me son. But if I get you to the place where you don't land in jail, you don't fall into drugs as a crutch to avoid the pain, and you study and you work and you don't need me anymore to make it in life? I did a good job. You can hate me all you want. But I am going to make sure you realize your potential."

I won that battle.

You remind me of him so much @Sivad . You can curse me, call me names, say I am a fake, I am a bitch, I am wrong, I suck...that is all that kid every did to me.

It never swayed me from the goal!

Never. I am going to do what is right for all these beautiful kids out there...that the system disappointed.

I wish this wasn't necessary, that the world was different. Easier for all the younger ones. But it is not.

Take care of yourself darling @Sivad .

Con Amor. Tainari
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By maz
Tainari88 wrote:Hmmm. Maz are you saying that white people who voice racist thoughts openly live in fear now under the Trump administration? They are oppressed?

No that is not what I am saying although some white people may absolutely be self-censoring themselves for fear of saying something that could be perceived as racist.

I am just pointing out that were no social consequences for this black woman and her open display of discrimination and virulent racism.
By Sivad
maz wrote:this black woman and her open display of virulent racism.

she wasn't being racist. c'mon man, that's what the progs do, they call everyone and everything racist. don't take it to their level, you beat them by being more reasonable than them. that girl was being stupid, she was acting out her indoctrination, but she wasn't being racist. I don't even think she should be criticized personally, the only thing we should be going after here is the ideology and the general mentality behind it.
By Sivad
maz wrote:Good question. If she had been a white girl saying such vile things about blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Chinese, Jews etc. she would have been doxxed, her family would have been doxxed, she would have been banned from social media, been on any number of lists, been denounced by various personalities in the entertainment class, and would have probably had federal lawsuits brought against by the ACLU, the ADL and SPLC based on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

That is exactly what would have happened.
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By Donna
Tainari88 wrote:If I had to put a label on you? I would say you are an anarchist and also a working class anarchist, and that you are someone who doesn't believe in most power structures.

I find those kind of people? Incredibly interesting. Incredibly rebellious, and incredibly critical of just about everyone. But do it with some power Sivad. Do it with a whole lot of intellectual fire power behind you.

Believe in yourself. And become what you are willing to become.

I adopted my older son when he was nine years old. He had been cycled through 6 different foster homes, lost his older brother and younger sister. His older brother was with him through thick and thin. But the older brother was adopted by a large Mormon white family with traditional conservative values. My son and his older brother were African American and in the case of his older brother half Mexican and half African American. My son was African American only. In that household he was considered very defiant and flippant and hard to handle. A troublesome kid. So he was woken up one morning, told to pack his bags. At six and a half years old and to say good bye to his older brother. He was the 'troublemaker' and his older brother was more quiet and less defiant. The traditional white Mormon family with ten other kids that were the biological kids of that family? Liked the older boy more. They sent the troublemaker back to the system. Back to Colorado. And he lost his brother.

He never trusted anything or anyone. And never trusted either his adoptive father or mother. He never had much self confidence. Always arguing with and insulting me....telling me how I sucked, and how I was not the mother he always wanted....

I figured that the most important thing I could do for my boy? Was give him the tools to be successful in life @Sivad , because everything failed him--his parents, his supposed 'foster parents', the system. Everyone failed.

I told him, "You can hate me son. But if I get you to the place where you don't land in jail, you don't fall into drugs as a crutch to avoid the pain, and you study and you work and you don't need me anymore to make it in life? I did a good job. You can hate me all you want. But I am going to make sure you realize your potential."

I won that battle.

You remind me of him so much @Sivad . You can curse me, call me names, say I am a fake, I am a bitch, I am wrong, I suck...that is all that kid every did to me.

It never swayed me from the goal!

Never. I am going to do what is right for all these beautiful kids out there...that the system disappointed.

I wish this wasn't necessary, that the world was different. Easier for all the younger ones. But it is not.

Take care of yourself darling @Sivad .

Con Amor. Tainari

I think he can be converted to Marxism in time, if we give him some space like you're graciously doing here, Tainari. Like a lot of Americans he is overwhelmed by the floodwaters of history that started pouring in after 2016.

Saludos socialistas.
Donna wrote:Hi Tainari, I'm back in these parts again after a long hiatus. A lot of familiar faces, including the same old crackpots as before. :p

Yes, I work in finance. This thread is definitely a hard sell.

Hard sell. Maz loves to take the angle of Black people are being racist and they are not punished for it.

That is his regular stance.

Beren is above the fray and says a few lines and gets to the point he wants to make. No beating around the bush for Beren. That is is usual self. I am not sure if he is a European or an American. I don't recall.

Zionist is a right winger who throws everything at the left side of the spectrum hoping something bothers the left enough for him to sweep in and irritate or ruffle the feathers of the leftists (usually Communists or Socialists) and see if they fall into his

I was considering leaving this website for months of years. I got so many things to do. But it is Saturday and all the laundry is done, the house is clean, my job is well done, and I can read here and entertain myself. But Sivad? I do like him a lot. I always have. He makes me laugh with his outrageous comments on the establishment and on everyone else....he also is wild and doesn't care about being politically correct.

He is very intelligent.

El sin verguenza, sin razon y sin motivos....I like him despite how hard he works for me to not like him.

I did not know he had an argument with @Rancid . Rancid is made of stainless one can sink that ship.

Esta hecho de acero. :)

Pleasure reading you Donna.
Donna wrote:I think he can be converted to Marxism in time, if we give him some space like you're graciously doing here, Tainari. Like a lot of Americans he is overwhelmed by the floodwaters of history that started pouring in after 2016.

Saludos socialistas.

Saludos Donna. I assume you are a woman.

I am in Mexico. A fire happened near my home yesterday. I got a visit by various neighbors who hang around hoping to be fed some shrimp and rice and salad I made for dinner. The little neighbor boy my younger son hangs with stayed past his bed time having fun with my kid.

I don't go for zombie computer games for my child. Let him play sports, and run with his friend to the park and push the ball around til he is hungry and tired and is forced to speak Spanish all the time. Balance him out linguistically.

Make him work hard. My older son griped about my pushing Spanish and other foreign languages at home. Now? He realizes how valuable it is to speak, read and write in a language besides English. Gave me trouble with that too. I won that battle as well.

I don't think about conversions. Of either religion or politics. I just allow people to make their own decisions and shape their own thoughts. But if you love them with everything you got and you care and adore them with ferocity? You wind up influencing them a lot. If you don't love anyone much or with any passion? Guess what? You don't influence them much either. The big convincer? Be consistent. Be true to your ideals and philosophy....but above all put your mouth where your heart is. If you love these young men and boys with a lot of love?

I got an offer they can't refuse now don't I?


anasawad wrote:@Pants-of-dog

1- Sure, and then he went ahead and made his main allies Muslims.
2- Sure, it's bigotry I guess, but not racism. Since Islam is an ideology or a spectrum of ideologies more accurately.
Though I would say it's probably not even bigotry, since some ideologies can be, and are, dangerous.

The initial point was that white people can and do get away with discrimination and prejudice. Trump was rewarded with the White House for it.

Processing facilities for refugees are not "cages" or "concentration camps".
Also, although these facilities were underfunded and weren't operating to the optimal degree, separating kids from adults is actually the logical and reasonable thing to do in these circumstances, especially considering that those routes these people go through are also where all the human trafficking takes place in the North American continent.

You can call it whatever you want.

It does not change the fact that children were forcibly separated from their parents and imprisoned, people of a particular ethnicity were targeted, and he was supported for this.

Horrible things such as what?
Like, describing Baltimore as a shithole? John Stewart did the exact same thing yet he's viewed as a liberal savior and hero.

He wasn't.
I added a clarification, but your post came too soon, so here it goes:

No I'm not, I simply copy pasted the definition I used in my very first post responding to you.
You seemed to think racism must equal discrimination, so I simply restated it again.
Prejudice and discrimination based on race are still not the same thing, one is a feeling or words, the other is action, but both are racism and discrimination is led by prejudice.

And if you want to turn a blind eye to the real causes of the problems and blame everything on this imaginary boogyman, then we'll still be having this exact same discussion 100 years from now, probably with these problems getting a lot worse in the meantime.

The initial question that you ignored was how this supposed racism on the woman's part compared to the racism that black people deal with in the USA.

Let us look at negative impacts.

What is the negative impact of this woman's speech? Some people got uncomfortable. That was the only effect.

What is the negative impact of racism on black people? Poorer housing, sometimes unsafe water, lack of job and education opportunities, often physical violence, stress, worse health outcomes, bad relationships with police, and many others.
Sivad wrote:It is dangerous when you got hordes of identitarian cultists running around society trying to deepen divisions and stoke tensions. We know the history and we know this is how it starts. We see what you're trying to do and we see how dangerous these kind of extremist cult politics actually are. You can try to pretend that you're just well-intentioned civil rights activists but anyone with eyes to see can tell what you're really about and it sure as hell ain't civil rights.

Your unrealistic fears are not an argument.
SolarCross wrote::hmm: Re-education camp? Or an old-timey religious conversion?

No, he probably will wind up in an Anarchist column. I hope one that is very well read and wonderfully critical of society and the economy and everything else. But with a lot of education and plenty of friends and supports.

You SolarCross? I missed you. I read that post of yours about outer space. I was tempted to comment you know....

But I was stuck with driving, and leaving the house to do other things. Never underestimate your writing abilities...

I quite enjoy your flights of fancy SolarCross.
maz wrote:No that is not what I am saying although some white people may absolutely be self-censoring themselves for fear of saying something that could be perceived as racist.

I am just pointing out that were no social consequences for this black woman and her open display of discrimination and virulent racism.

I think Pants-of-dog did say that she got 'punished'. This is what goes on in the white conservative majority head: The retrograde right wing says this inside their own subconsious minds:

I think you say that to try to get the liberals who have imposed the anti Black groups and etc the Right conservatives, etc. post civil rights era world in the stop trying to get in the head of the ones who wished they had no liberals censoring their deep and very virulent racism against Blacks, Latinos, etc.

I wish I could go back in time and be racist against those people like before. People knew their place. Blacks were maids in the South and Latinos picked tomatoes and washed dishes. Everything made sense....and then the Liberals and their bullshit hypocrisy because we all know they have money in the bank and Hispanic gardeners and Mexican nannies and etc...and they play the role of equality superiors....and I HATE THEM.

Let me kick them in the ass you think Maz, and turn the tables on them.

Meanwhile, the far left is unconvinced and knows that most of the right are virulent racists. And just want to go back to the 1950's and that shit aint coming back anymore. It is too late. Society is different. Got the Black mulatto wishy washy liberals in the White House, Colin Powell in the Republican column along with the black tokens like Herman Caine and all the rest...Carson token, Omorosa token, tokenism everywhere....assuaging the white guilt racism voice of virulent hatred that they try to cover up with Kelly Ann Conway sorts of excuses.

The far Left will never swallow that shit in a million years Maz. Got to do better.
By Sivad
Pants-of-dog wrote:unrealistic fears

They can only be considered unrealistic in the sense that too many people in Western society know the history and know what the prog fascisti are really about for them to ever fully succeed in establishing their brave new world. But even well short of that the progs can still create a lot of mischief and cause a lot of harm so it's not unrealistic in that sense.
By anasawad
The initial point was that white people can and do get away with discrimination and prejudice

The initial point was and is still wrong since an accusation of racism is more than enough to destroy someone's career and life at this time in the US and the wider western world.

If there were so many racists around as you insinuate, then accusations of racism wont carry such weight.

Trump was rewarded with the White House for it.

Regarding his alleged racism, already addressed.
And he won the presidency due to the democrats cheating their way into the election by kicking out Bernie Sanders and putting one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of the US and a prime face of the establishment as their front runner in a time where people were getting sick and tired of the establishment.

It does not change the fact that children were forcibly separated from their parents and imprisoned, people of a particular ethnicity were targeted, and he was supported for this.

1- You don't it's their parents. Infact, considering the scale of human and sex trafficking with children being done on the US-Mexico borders, it's highly unlikely it is their parents.
2- No, there was no particular ethnicity being targetted, the target was clearly anyone who attempts to cross the border illegally.
Evident by the fact that the people held in these facilities came from all sorts of countries and backgrounds, and from multiple ethnic and racial groups.

The initial question that you ignored was how this supposed racism on the woman's part compared to the racism that black people deal with in the USA.

I did not ignore that question, I answered it very clearly.
That woman is racist.
Whatever other racism that exist in the US is, at best, irrelevant to her being racist or not.

The sins of others do not excuse, nor justify your own.

And regarding the "racism" that black people deal with in the US, I already explained why it is not racism but rather an array of factors harming specific communities. You, ofcourse, ignored that part.
If black people were indeed being oppressed and discriminated against as you claim, then there wont be so many of them in the middle and upper classes, nor will any of them be able to reach the presidency.

What is the negative impact of racism on black people?

Let's see:
Poorer housing,

No, not caused by racism, since the US, in general, is falling apart and a huge portion of the population is either in poverty or on the verge of poverty.
Again, this is one of Trump's main messages.

Now, if you want to claim that they're poor because racism, then clearly white people in the US are the most oppressed and subjected to poverty since, again, that huge red blob of states stuffed with white people are falling apart and filled with poverty and despair.
So if you want to claim the poor housing and poverty is the result of racism, white people are suffering from racism far far faaar more than black people.
Evident by the 2016 election results and also evident by Bernie Sanders' popularity with both democrats and republicans throughout the US.

sometimes unsafe water

The places with the most unsafe drinking water in the US are almost entirely white, not black nor latin.

lack of job

Automation is the number one job killer in the US at the moment.
Combined with the heavy concentration of wealth on the top, it is causing the middle class to shrink on a rapid scale.
Poverty, lack of jobs, lack of opportunities, etc is now the norm for a large portion of the US population.
Considering that white people make up the majority and black people are a minority, then the most affected are white people.

education opportunities,

Student debts, university drop, and inability to afford decent education is one of the most important problems in the US, it is affecting the majority of the population.
This problem is most dire in rural and suburban areas, thus it is most dire in areas with majority white populations.

often physical violence

Most crimes with black victims are committed by other black people.
Refer to the aforementioned gangs.


Considering the level of impending crisis and despair in the US and around the world, we can safely assume that stress is not limited to black people.
Also, even traffic causes stress; As such, it's not a valid point.

worse health outcomes

Health care in rural and suburban areas in the US is substandard.
Most people living in rural and suburban areas in the US are either white or Latin (Hispanic).
Most black communities are present in or near major cities and urban centers where hospitals are more optimal.
Due to the capitalistic nature of health care in the US, poor people have, on average, lower standards of healthcare compared to rich people, regardless of race on either side.

bad relationships with police

Refer to the aforementioned gangs.
Where these gangs exist, violence will spread and thus call for harsher and more stressed out police officers, as such this is the norm in all areas where such conditions meet all around the world affecting all sorts of ethnic and racial groups.
Race and ethnicity are, as such, irrelevant and not a factor in this regard.

If any of these problems are to be solved, then the first step is dropping the imaginary boogeyman of racism and actually focusing on the root causes.
Blaming everything on racism in the US is similar to how many in the middle east blame everything on the "all-powerful zionists", imaginary boogeyman that gets nothing fixed.
Last edited by anasawad on 22 Feb 2020 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
Sivad wrote:They can only be considered unrealistic in the sense that too many people in Western society know the history and know what the prog fascisti are really about for them to ever fully succeed in establishing their brave new world. But even well short of that the progs can still create a lot of mischief and cause a lot of harm so it's not unrealistic in that sense.

Too many people in Western society Sivad have been fed a pack of lies thinking that the Left is Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and that Kamala Harris is 'radical'.

The far Left got eliminated a long time ago in the USA. The only ones doing the damage to the middle classes and the working class aren't some 'radical' far Left that never had power in the USA. It is the globalist capitalist classes Sivad. The ones selling the USA down the river for a percentage.

And why were these globalist greedy ones allowed such incredible power? Because the far Left in the USA was dissolved and never organized and regrouped enough to spank them for it.

Meanwhile the ones who swallowed the story of the brown Mexicans and the Black African Americans, and the Yellow Coronavirus Chinese hordes are the ones who are a threat.

And the globalists are gonna eat you for dinner as you keep thinking the gulag is about the socialists in the USA or in other parts....

Until you finally see the writing on the wall?

And then? Who knows? The rest of the world moved on....and there is a power vacuum.

I think SolarCross should consider writing his version of who should fill the power vacuum with his far right heroes. I will write the far Left version.

And the story and saga of human beings making political mistakes continues.....for how long? Is anyone's guess Sivad.
Sivad wrote:Well, since you basically just called me a stormfront nazi it's kind of hard to buy this folksy maternal figure schtick you're working here. :knife:

No Sivad, I only said you sounded like a Stormfront Nazi. I think you really don't even see how your writing sounds.

I don't have time to comb through your posts and highlight your biased posting. But it is there.

I really think you need to be honest with yourself and your past.

I am almost sure you were either influenced by an all white power or far right leaning think tank, group or some sort at some point.

In fact, I think I read you saying you went to a website that is very far right and racist. What you hoped to learn in that website? Who knows.

Sivad, you don't do well being insulting. You do it because it covers your weaknesses.

Instead of doing that? All I am suggesting is that you stop deluding yourself of how you come off here.

It is not objective Sivad. It sounds incredibly bad sometimes. At least for me.

You can take it or leave it.

It doesn't matter.

I am always going to like you a lot.

No matter what Nazi shctik you come up with...? Lol.

You get pissed off at my saying that don't you?

I need to say it.

Because you have that shit deep in your head. It comes up ocassionally.

You are vacilating. Define yourself and all that contradiction and lack of political consistency will vanish and you can work on your own identity cleanly.

Hope you understand me. ;) :D
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