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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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By Rancid
Tainari88 wrote:I did not know he had an argument with @Rancid . Rancid is made of stainless one can sink that ship.

I recall I was asking him some questions just so I could better understand is underpinning philosophies, but then he got weird on me and started acting like a bitch. I think he thought I was trying to argue something against him, when I was just asking questions.

Solarcross god all touchy recently too. FOrgot the thread
Rancid wrote:I recall I was asking him some questions just so I could better understand is underpinning philosophies, but then he got weird on me and started acting like a bitch. I think he thought I was trying to argue something against him, when I was just asking questions.

Solarcross god all touchy recently too. FOrgot the thread

Ah so, the bad mood eh?

I think Sivad needs to work on his underpinning philosophies quite a lot. It is work. You got to read up on it. Figure it all out.

People think that well developed political philosophies that you can actually practice in your daily life is something that is easy to cultivate. It is not.

People got to work on reading the foundations of it all. How do I know I disagree with the Third Way or the Fascists? If I don't read their foundations and their underpinning philosophies.

There is some human truth to most political philosophies. The important thing is to see how one's own experiences fit into that thought process?

Some of it is obvious. Rarely are feminists going to believe men are superior to them, unless they are complete reversalists about their core thoughts.

There are a lot of nuances to all political thought.

I know exactly why @Potemkin for example is a Communist. His entire life experiences in school, family life and his own personal idyosyncrasies make him one.

I understand why someone might be far right and fascist.

Why liberals are liberals and why liberalism fits their political philosophies.

The important factor is self awareness. Where do you fit in to these wide spectrum of political thought? The underpinning philosophies?

People who have not thought deeply about the underpinning of it? Usually have not done the required work to make it solid.

Or are very young and need more time to make their life experiences make sense.

Either way @Rancid one has to be free to choose what reflects the best truth to your own life and political thought.

I happen to be a humanist. I think you got to make human beings be the purpose for a society. If you make capital the principal purpose? You wind up in consumerism and war, and eventually collapse. Because capital is ephimeral and finite and terribly limiting. But if you never think about these things? You just allow some reptilian brain thing take over and it all becomes get in a bunker and avoid the foreigners, the ones who aren't my nationality, avoid the weird this or that group.

It all falls into a sense of fear and hate and worry about losing power, money or control over something people feel entitled to?

There was an interesting exchange in the Bloomberg debate.....with Bernie and Warren. He basically said to Bloomberg? Who made you rich? You. By yourself? How about all your workers? Did that have something to do with it? Bloomberg basically feels entitled to his position in the world. That is what all the pro capitalists do....I have more money, a whole lot more money because I worked harder than anyone else. But that is patently false. Every single human has only 24 hours in one day to work and get things done. And a lot of people making a heck of a lot less than he does in financial security works very hard. But they don't get the same return. Why? That is systemic and unfortunately no one questions the ones on top.

The hard Left from the past did do that job Rancid. But they were decimated in the mid of the 20th century in the USA.

They were able to pressure enough out of the Bloomberg style billionaires a lot of concessions to the middle class and working class post WWII generation. But all those have stopped working now Rancid.

It is time for a resurgence of what worked in the past. But you got a lot of people confused about who are the oligarchs, the elite, the powerful....they are confused.

This is a class is time the USA recognizes who the true problematic people are impeding progress.

That is reality.

Don't go for asking about underpinnings of people who have failed to do some important work on themselves. Because it rattles them.

@Wellsy don't you say that about Rancid's penis. He has too many thoughts about it as it is...making his penis stainless steel is being inhumane. :lol: ;) :D
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By Rancid
Wellsy wrote:Rancids penis is stainless steel

Tainari88 wrote:
Ah so, the bad mood eh?

I think Sivad needs to work on his underpinning philosophies quite a lot. It is work. You got to read up on it. Figure it all out.

People think that well developed political philosophies that you can actually practice in your daily life is something that is easy to cultivate. It is not.

People got to work on reading the foundations of it all. How do I know I disagree with the Third Way or the Fascists? If I don't read their foundations and their underpinning philosophies.

There is some human truth to most political philosophies. The important thing is to see how one's own experiences fit into that thought process?

Some of it is obvious. Rarely are feminists going to believe men are superior to them, unless they are complete reversalists about their core thoughts.

There are a lot of nuances to all political thought.

I know exactly why @Potemkin for example is a Communist. His entire life experiences in school, family life and his own personal idyosyncrasies make him one.

I understand why someone might be far right and fascist.

Why liberals are liberals and why liberalism fits their political philosophies.

The important factor is self awareness. Where do you fit in to these wide spectrum of political thought? The underpinning philosophies?

People who have not thought deeply about the underpinning of it? Usually have not done the required work to make it solid.

Or are very young and need more time to make their life experiences make sense.

Either way @Rancid one has to be free to choose what reflects the best truth to your own life and political thought.

I happen to be a humanist. I think you got to make human beings be the purpose for a society. If you make capital the principal purpose? You wind up in consumerism and war, and eventually collapse. Because capital is ephimeral and finite and terribly limiting. But if you never think about these things? You just allow some reptilian brain thing take over and it all becomes get in a bunker and avoid the foreigners, the ones who aren't my nationality, avoid the weird this or that group.

It all falls into a sense of fear and hate and worry about losing power, money or control over something people feel entitled to?

There was an interesting exchange in the Bloomberg debate.....with Bernie and Warren. He basically said to Bloomberg? Who made you rich? You. By yourself? How about all your workers? Did that have something to do with it? Bloomberg basically feels entitled to his position in the world. That is what all the pro capitalists do....I have more money, a whole lot more money because I worked harder than anyone else. But that is patently false. Every single human has only 24 hours in one day to work and get things done. And a lot of people making a heck of a lot less than he does in financial security works very hard. But they don't get the same return. Why? That is systemic and unfortunately no one questions the ones on top.

The hard Left from the past did do that job Rancid. But they were decimated in the mid of the 20th century in the USA.

They were able to pressure enough out of the Bloomberg style billionaires a lot of concessions to the middle class and working class post WWII generation. But all those have stopped working now Rancid.

It is time for a resurgence of what worked in the past. But you got a lot of people confused about who are the oligarchs, the elite, the powerful....they are confused.

This is a class is time the USA recognizes who the true problematic people are impeding progress.

That is reality.

Don't go for asking about underpinnings of people who have failed to do some important work on themselves. Because it rattles them.

@Wellsy don't you say that about Rancid's penis. He has too many thoughts about it as it is...making his penis stainless steel is being inhumane. :lol: ;) :D

Yea, you're right.

I was thinking about what you mentioned with Bloomberg. Often it's also the government helping people get rich. For example, did you know that the government invested in Tesla when Elon Musk was having trouble getting investors early on? The government got its return on that investment, but now he has the entire American public to thank for saving him when he needed it.... which he won't do....
Rancid wrote:Yea, you're right.

I was thinking about what you mentioned with Bloomberg. Often it's also the government helping people get rich. For example, did you know that the government invested in Tesla when Elon Musk was having trouble getting investors early on? The government got its return on that investment, but now he has the entire American public to thank for saving him when he needed it.... which he won't do....

Yes, indeed. I have a soft spot for Elon Musk. He went to Puerto Rico after the hurricane in 2017 and offered to do some solar energy, renewable and clean energy for the entire island. The corrupt government contract people rejected it and that horrible Montana company Whitefish energy got the contract. But Musk did do the Children's hospital in San Juan. Without charge. He is a father of five kids and loves kids in general.

No one is just one thing in life.

I think Musk is a very intelligent man with tremendous dedication. I think the government should be backing very great minds with great ambitions but do it to benefit all of the people in the country. Not just a few.
Donna wrote:Elol Musk

I wish I had your flair for picking out great quotes....I should change mine. But people rarely know who Julia de Burgos is. And so I continue with her in my sig.

Do you know who she is Donna? ;)
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By Donna
Tainari88 wrote:I wish I had your flair for picking out great quotes....I should change mine. But people rarely know who Julia de Burgos is. And so I continue with her in my sig.

Do you know who she is Donna? ;)

I looked her up. Interesting. What were the ideas that influenced the PNPR?
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By Rancid
Tainari88 wrote:I think Musk is a very intelligent man with tremendous dedication. I think the government should be backing very great minds with great ambitions but do it to benefit all of the people in the country. Not just a few.

I would amend that statement. I think the government should back up great projects (like electric cars), not great people. The reality about Musk, much like Bloomberg, is that the value of Tesla isn't 100% because of Musk. :)

Now I remember, that's what Solar Cross got all touchy on with me. I was making the point that governments often have a strong hand in technological development. Things like the internet, GPS, fracking, rockets/space tech, and solar power all received government investment when private industry wasn't interested because it couldn't make money on it. FOr some reason, this offended him, and he said I worship the government or something to have effect. :lol:
Donna wrote:I looked her up. Interesting. What were the ideas that influenced the PNPR?

The Nationalist party was about liberating Puerto Rico during the Great Depression and in the early forties. The leader of the nationalist party was Don Pedro Albizu Campos. Julia de Burgos was a nacionalista. She also was a poet of extraordinary talent.

The nacionalistas had a confrontation with the chief of Police after the Ponce Massacre. Some nacionalistas blew off Riggs the chief of Police (an American racist who was part of a banking dynasty and went to Puerto Rico to make sure that the American investors money and securities were safe. He had some confrontations with Don Pedro Albizu Campos--who wound up collaborating with James Connelly the Irish Communist advocating Irish independence in the Irish constitution.

It is a fascinating story Donna if you are interested in liberation movements. Let me see if I can get some background information for you?

wikipedia on Don Pedro:

Wikipedia on Julia de Burgos (she was from the same political party as Don Pedro).

I found a NYT article about her life it is very interesting:

She later became one of the top best poets in the Spanish language in the entire world. Later top ten of all poets. She has evolved long after her death. Her words are great Donna. I think she led an extraordinary life. ... urgos.html
Rancid wrote:I would amend that statement. I think the government should back up great projects (like electric cars), not great people. The reality about Musk, much like Bloomberg, is that the value of Tesla isn't 100% because of Musk. :)

Now I remember, that's what Solar Cross got all touchy on with me. I was making the point that governments often have a strong hand in technological development. Things like the internet, GPS, fracking, rockets/space tech, and solar power all received government investment when private industry wasn't interested because it couldn't make money on it. FOr some reason, this offended him, and he said I worship the government or something to have effect. :lol:

You blew up one of his sacred myths about private enterprise.

I always think that one has to accept that one is wrong if you are presented with overwhelming evidence. I would rather be wrong than live in constant denials eh?
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By maz
Sivad wrote:she wasn't being racist. c'mon man, that's what the progs do, they call everyone and everything racist. don't take it to their level, you beat them by being more reasonable than them. that girl was being stupid, she was acting out her indoctrination, but she wasn't being racist. I don't even think she should be criticized personally, the only thing we should be going after here is the ideology and the general mentality behind it.

Hey, I didn't make the rules Sivad, they did. If a white person said what this black woman said, it would be called racist. That's their rule not mine. I can understand that you think it should not be called racist, but you cannot deny that it was discriminatory.

They wrote the laws saying that you cannot discriminate against race on college campuses. I am calling for her to be criminally prosecuted for discriminating against people on college campus based on their race.

I guess you could say that I just want to hold them to their own standards.

Furthermore, I think that there should be federal investigations into college courses that teach "white privilege" courses and if they are found guilty of discrimination, the professors who teach the courses should be criminally charged.

Tainari88 wrote:Hard sell. Maz loves to take the angle of Black people are being racist and they are not punished for it.

That is his regular stance.

My regular stance :?:

Tainari88 wrote:I think Pants-of-dog did say that she got 'punished'. This is what goes on in the white conservative majority head: The retrograde right wing says this inside their own subconsious minds:

I think you say that to try to get the liberals who have imposed the anti Black groups and etc the Right conservatives, etc. post civil rights era world in the stop trying to get in the head of the ones who wished they had no liberals censoring their deep and very virulent racism against Blacks, Latinos, etc.

I wish I could go back in time and be racist against those people like before. People knew their place. Blacks were maids in the South and Latinos picked tomatoes and washed dishes. Everything made sense....and then the Liberals and their bullshit hypocrisy because we all know they have money in the bank and Hispanic gardeners and Mexican nannies and etc...and they play the role of equality superiors....and I HATE THEM.

Let me kick them in the ass you think Maz, and turn the tables on them.

Meanwhile, the far left is unconvinced and knows that most of the right are virulent racists. And just want to go back to the 1950's and that shit aint coming back anymore. It is too late. Society is different. Got the Black mulatto wishy washy liberals in the White House, Colin Powell in the Republican column along with the black tokens like Herman Caine and all the rest...Carson token, Omorosa token, tokenism everywhere....assuaging the white guilt racism voice of virulent hatred that they try to cover up with Kelly Ann Conway sorts of excuses.

The far Left will never swallow that shit in a million years Maz. Got to do better.

Well, Pants-of-dog makes claims but often does not source them properly. I am sure that the women who complained about too many white people probably got to read a lot of criticism about her discriminatory comments on various places on the internet.

But was she really punished? As in suspended from school, lost her job, banned from social media? Was she even named by any media outlets?

I haven't seen it, but would be interested to read about it if it did happen. As for the rest of your went right over my head. Sorry!

Also, what's this about Sivad being a Nazi and posting Stormfront? Bro, even I don't do that :lol:
Last edited by maz on 23 Feb 2020 01:33, edited 1 time in total.
By Sivad
Rancid wrote:I recall I was asking him some questions just so I could better understand is underpinning philosophies, but then he got weird on me and started acting like a bitch. I think he thought I was trying to argue something against him, when I was just asking questions.

that's not what happened. what really happened was you asked me some questions, I answered your questions, you deliberately misrepresented my position, I called bullshit, and then you got all bitchy.
By Sivad
maz wrote:Also, what's this about Sivad being a Nazi and posting Stormfront? Bro, even I don't do that :lol:

I was on stormfront debating/debunking various topics, but at the same time I was on religious fundie forums, scientistic forums, conspiracy forums, tankie forums, prog forums, pseudo-skeptic forums and I don't agree with any of those things either. I've been on dozens of boards and I'm usually the guy nobody likes because most people are totally full of shit and I'm not. I don't live inside an echo chamber like most of these nitwits, I talk to everyone. That's why I usually know what I'm talking about while most of these geniuses are usually talking out their asses.

So Dr. Anthropologist saw a post where I mentioned that and has been calling me a white supremacist ever since. :knife:
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By Rancid
Sivad wrote:you deliberately misrepresented my position

No, that is what you thought in whatever twisted reality you create in your head.

But it's fine, it doesn't matter.
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By Donna
Sivad wrote:I was on stormfront debating/debunking various topics, but at the same time I was on religious fundie forums, scientistic forums, conspiracy forums, tankie forums, prog forums, pseudo-skeptic forums and I don't agree with any of those things either. I've been on dozens of boards and I'm usually the guy nobody likes because most people are totally full of shit and I'm not.

Sounds like you enjoy getting attention.
@Donna when you are all over the place and you need to be learning all over the place? You are on a quest...for knowledge, about yourself mostly. So? I think Sivad needs some space. For exploration.

Again @Sivad do the work. Just do a disciplined and thorough education on political science and political philosophies. Find out what you define yourself by. Work on it and that is it.

Because you are messy! You contradict yourself a lot. You posted to Donna about you being in Section 8 housing and having a Mexican and two Native Americans on your couch playing on the Xbox.

What are you doing with your life Sivad? I don't need to go to Stormfront to find out what they think. You just need to be systemic. Go to a political science video where all of the political spectrum is dissected and the terms defined. And you start making choices.

But you got to be disciplined about it Sivad.

Rancid is an engineer. You got to be orderly about systems. Otherwise they don't function. Political Science believe it or not is systemic. Find the place where you fit and your life experiences make sense politically.

You are young and trying to find yourself and get attention. Why? Figure it out.
By Sivad
Donna wrote:Sounds like you enjoy getting attention.

It's not attention I'm looking for. I started with the forums because I was just looking for decent conversation but as I got to talking with people from these different worldviews I began to realize that not only were they full of shit but the more full of shit they were the more fervent they were in their beliefs. So then I thought maybe I'm just talking to the wrong people so I started talking to more people. But the more I branched out the more I found that everyone I talked to was almost completely full of shit.

So then it became like a game of sorts, I would research these worldviews in depth and assemble the facts and construct rigorous airtight arguments and when I presented them it wouldn't even make a dent in their opinions. Then it became like 'how crazy are these people?' so I started to just have some fun with it and that's when they really got militant and started to really not like me.

Now I'm at a point where I'm like 80% convinced that I'm living in a focktard apocalypse out of some kind of Philip K Dick novel. I keep doing it because part of my mind still won't accept that the world really is just that fantastically fucking bizarre.
By Sivad
Tainari88 wrote:Because you are messy! You contradict yourself a lot. You posted to Donna about you being in Section 8 housing and having a Mexican and two Native Americans on your couch playing on the Xbox.


I don't need to go to Stormfront to find out what they think.

You don't have any idea what those people think or why they think the things they do. And because you don't know anything about their worldview or how they arrived at it you can't effectively combat it. I can tell David Duke exactly why he's up his own ass because I know which facts he selectively chooses to construct his rickety worldview on and I know where the flaws in his logic are. That's why I don't need to censor speech and engage in all manner of bully tactics like you people rely on, I can outthink the dipshits and show them up for the woefully misguided idiots that they are.
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