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late wrote:Capitalism is not a simple system. Neither are the knowledge institutions, like science, it depends on. Or the governmental processes it depends on.

There are no libertarians. It's a fantasy.

Capitalism is brutally simple. Scarcity. Supply and Demand. Marginal analysis. It is boiled down to basic forces just like physics. The thing is, most people don't believe it in spite of the empirical evidence.

Don't confuse libertarianism with anarchy. It's not the same thing.

Tainari88 wrote:Hmm....

I like to keep philosophy elevated a bit. I'm not ready to accept you as Socrates, Plato or Aristotle just yet. But keep trying Azuquita.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't talk about a lot of things in this place. It doesn't mean I don't care. You open a topic on every country in the world and I will go there and you and I go over the salient points of each one's history? Are you willing to do that?

Well, we're both constrained to a degree by other demands, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing. I enjoy our dialog.

Tainari88 wrote:Because you care about destroying the liberals in the establishment of the Democratic party and the average sellout Republicans in the democratic party.

I'm not sure where you are coming from. Perhaps a pique of frustration? I do have a beef with the establishment, and I've stated in the most crude or distilled of terms--I don't think I should have to be ruled by my inferiors; and the establishment are my inferiors (they are yours too, btw). They are skilled at lying and at put-downs and at intimidation--and at violence on a small scale. They aren't good at much else other than grabbing other people's money. I have no patience left for them. In my book, being an alumnus of Harvard or Yale at this point is a social scar.

Tainari88 wrote:Being relentless my dear BJ. Never giving up. It is the only way one gets anywhere with trying to push human societies forward Relampaguito.

That is why the Democrats conceded to healthcare for illegal aliens at the expense of those who couldn't afford healthcare, and taxing those same people even more. There's a flaw in the American character these days to being agreeable, to being too nice. The British have it to a lesser degree, but they are a smaller country, so it is more devastating to them. The British will apologize to you for anything or nothing. There's still a bit of the public school system--defend your position, etc. that I think is admirable. Political correctness has been just so destructive. I hope I will have been said to have done my part in seeing it put on the ash heap of history.

Tainari88 wrote:You do?

I do. I don't enjoy exercise the way @jimjam does. That has to change, because even if I eat normally, I will gain weight without exercise--since I was about 40 years old the metabolism isn't what it used to be. I got E-Coli Shiga 2 AND! Norovirus Type 2 during Thanksgiving, so I have been quite leery of salads--this California boy. So I have learned to make Minestrone soup. It costs me about $30 a pot, but it lasts me a whole week multiple meals a day. I get my veggies that way.

Tainari88 wrote:How BJ?

What is it about a Bedouin that believes in recreational sex and abortion? They have structure in their society, but both liberalism and socialism want to tear it down.

Tainari88 wrote:And they find it hard to say no to sex being offered without any responsibilities. Women can act the same way but they have a higher price to pay if they don't want to get pregnant.

Ahh... So you understand that we are not equal. You can line up 100 women. I can have sex with each of them--not at the same time of course, and not all on the same day. I can get each one of them pregnant. What happens to me physically? Nothing. Maybe a sore back? What happens to them? A life changing experience. There is a difference between being a man and being a woman. This is a fundamental aspect of why socialism is wrong, because it is hostile to nature itself.

Tainari88 wrote:Babies are incredibly demanding of time, money, efforts and commitment and their mothers are vital in their first few years of life.

I purchased Charles Murray's new book today--audible. I won't read it. I'll listen as I go for a walk. Too much winter food is making me fat, and jimjam won't be my friend if I get too fat.

Tainari88 wrote:People want to get married for ideas of love and romance and how they feel about each other Senor.

That is nature's trick. Octavian Caesar needed taxpayers and an army. His rationale was different, and it prevailed for thousands of years until Justice Kennedy was either bribed or so demented and sentimental he could no longer understand 2000 years of stare decisis.

[quote=Tainari88]I won't talk about how it is when one gets married at age 18 like I did.[/quote]
Ah, but you did. Naturally, that is about the perfect time. By the time a woman is age 30, 90% of the eggs are already gone. The risk of birth defects begin to skyrocket after 40. That's nature. Until a few hundred years ago, women just generally didn't have kids at that age--they were lucky to live that long. We're both lucky to be alive. @jimjam and @late are even luckier still.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't know who will wind up holding on to that mind of yours BJ. She better be damn intelligent that is for sure!

Maybe. She had better be kind and compassionate more than anything. I would take a kind woman over a brilliant cruel woman any day of they week.

Tainari88 wrote:I still smile about you saying I wrung you out the other day. Makes me chuckle.

Yeah. The 5G stuff is pressing. Someone asked me around lunch what I thought of the previous meeting, and I was late to it because another meeting--on minimalism no less--went over time and I missed the context. Right now, my best efforts are in the weeds. I have to see the forest next week.

Tainari88 wrote:I think capitalism is going to create inefficiencies with time....especially with unemployed redundant people with Artificial Intelligence.

That's not a correct interpretation. Capitalism is eliminating human input where human input is inefficient. When AI is smarter than the 7-11 clerk, AI wins that job. That's why we need to think about allocation of resources. AI doesn't need an apartment. AI doesn't need healthcare. AI doesn't vote--God help us if it ever does.

Tainari88 wrote:In the end they prefer having sexual relationships with members of their own sex. I don't think it is my business to tell a woman who wants to have sex with another woman that that is prohibited.

I don't want homosexuals to be compelled to become heterosexuals. I just don't think that is a good idea. I also don't think it is required that everybody understands and accepts homosexuality. I just think they need to tolerate basic human rights. That's a libertarian position @late thinks doesn't exist.

Tainari88 wrote:The state shouldn't be involved in dictating to others who they want to have sex with.

The state is interested in its own future. You don't have the mind of an emperor. The emperor wants a future for his empire. So he will dictate to others in furtherance of that objective. Octavian didn't care who you married, it just had to be a man and a woman, because that furthered the interest of the empire.

Tainari88 wrote:I find it intrusive. Period.

It is intrusive.

Tainari88 wrote:If they want to get married because they want legal contracts as you pointed out was something about why the marriage institution was made? It is a legal contract. Let them have it. I don't see it as a problem BJ. Again, let it be. Let people have sex. As a conservative BJ? You are what? You are going to never have sex unless she marries you first? old are you? 52? I don't think you are following a conventional sexual life. I am guessing you said yes to out of wedlock sex and violated some conservative precept.

Keep in mind I grew up in California--that gave us the glorious Nixon and Reagan--other than Washington, the greatest electoral landslides in American history... when can only wonder what will happen in November. I pointed out in the gay marriage debates that it leaves out people like me--lifelong bachelors, not gay and not willing to prostrate myself to a "family court." I can't get my girlfriend out of county healthcare insurance. I can't put her on my plan. I can't do "domestic partnership" though that's what it is, because I'm male and she's female. Fuck the homosexuals. Fuck 'em all. At this point, I'm totally fine with them having to fight oppression. I will not come to their aid in the same way they did not come to mine.

Taianari88 wrote:But, isn't that what you want to happen with the implosion of the establishment and the demise of the Repuke and Demon party? You sure are getting very very unconventional BJ....curiouser and curiouser as one would say...hmmm. Hombre curioso you are...?

In my estimation, behind the facade are some very wealthy families that have homosexual children, transgender children perhaps. That seems to be a bigger issue among Jewish populations, which is interesting.

Tainari88 wrote:Lack of empathy is about underdeveloped corazon. Which you have.

Tell me about Andorra and San Marino. I'm all ears...

Tainari88 wrote:You would think you want to change the name of San Francisco to St Francis to de-latinize it. I am making a joke now BJ. Don't take it seriously.

I said I realized I was not a Republican. As a young guy in my 20s, I was part of the Young Republicans. One of the weirder experiences of that group was that I live by what is called "Mount Diablo." As you might imagine, to Anglos, it means nothing at all. The closest approximation might be the Lamborghini Diablo. Yet, when I was just getting into politics, I weird Christian lady was adamant about changing the name of the vally to omit Diablo, because it meant Devil. So now you have a marker Azuquita. Mt. Diablo is an important geological marker for the borders of California.

Tainari88 wrote:We are not living in future world yet where we have someone like a Data from the Star Trek series.

No. Funny you should mention it. In the series, he is made to feel things which are meant to be emotions. He doesn't understand the inputs, but he is interested nonetheless. What happens if we give ourselves a larger frontal cortex? Do we become data? Do we experience our emotions something like a desire to take a pee?

Once again Azuquita... you have me on the run, but I'll be back. 5G pays the bills.
blackjack21 wrote:Capitalism is brutally simple. Scarcity. Supply and Demand. Marginal analysis. It is boiled down to basic forces just like physics. The thing is, most people don't believe it in spite of the empirical evidence.

The strength of the communist hypothesis will always be technology and humanity. The more efficient labor becomes, the more destabilized the capitalist order becomes.
blackjack21 wrote:Capitalism is brutally simple. Scarcity. Supply and Demand. Marginal analysis. It is boiled down to basic forces just like physics. The thing is, most people don't believe it in spite of the empirical evidence.

Indeed its amazing (to me) how stupid so many people are. Its like so many people in Britain seem to think the massive increase in real wages between 1830 and 1970 was because of Trade Unions and legislation, when it was quite clearly due to the massive increases in productivity levels. The basic laws of supply and demand apply even when there is little or no trade, going right back into the Stone Age. In fact they even apply to non human animals.

However even technological advancement is not enough on its own. Before the nineteenth century, population growth always brought the economy back to subsistence level over time. Marxists have sold us the lie of enclosures and evil capitalist exploiters. The misery of early nineteenth century Britain was caused by the massive population increase over the preceding century.

Don't confuse libertarianism with anarchy. It's not the same thing.

I'm part libertarian myself, but I'm also part Communist, part Nazi and part middle of the road centrist moderate. There was a particular libertarian school of thought though who kept predicting hyper inflation. The complete failure of their predictions post crash, seems to have caused them to abandon this forum in shame. Its also led in America to the collapse of the Tea Party movement and the rise of Trumpism, with its quite different emphasis
blackjack21 wrote:
1) Capitalism is brutally simple. Scarcity. Supply and Demand. Marginal analysis. It is boiled down to basic forces just like physics. The thing is, most people don't believe it in spite of the empirical evidence.

2) I do. I don't enjoy exercise the way @jimjam does. That has to change, because even if I eat normally, I will gain weight without exercise--since I was about 40 years old the metabolism isn't what it used to be. I got E-Coli Shiga 2 AND! Norovirus Type 2 during Thanksgiving, so I have been quite leery of salads--this California boy. So I have learned to make Minestrone soup. It costs me about $30 a pot, but it lasts me a whole week multiple meals a day. I get my veggies that way.

3) I don't want homosexuals to be compelled to become heterosexuals. I just don't think that is a good idea. I also don't think it is required that everybody understands and accepts homosexuality. I just think they need to tolerate basic human rights. That's a libertarian position @late thinks doesn't exist.

4) I can't get my girlfriend out of county healthcare insurance. I can't put her on my plan. I can't do "domestic partnership" though that's what it is, because I'm male and she's female. Fuck the homosexuals. Fuck 'em all. At this point, I'm totally fine with them having to fight oppression. I will not come to their aid in the same way they did not come to mine.

5) No. Funny you should mention it. In the series, he is made to feel things which are meant to be emotions. He doesn't understand the inputs, but he is interested nonetheless. What happens if we give ourselves a larger frontal cortex? Do we become data? Do we experience our emotions something like a desire to take a pee?

1) Yes, most people don't know what they are talking about. If you look at the first fully capitalist economy, a few things just jump out at you. The landed gentry were conservative, not far from what you would call libertarian. They also held most of the power.

They lost nearly every fight because they didn't want to kill the proverbial golden goose. They expanded government because they had to expand the government, or the economy would be hobbled.

They didn't want to get involved in health care, or transportation, or a dozen other things. But they allowed it because they had to. If you look at the history, they faced crisis after crisis that threatened their economy, and they had to build what we now call the Modern World.

Here in America, the same thing happened, a little later.

If you want to walk the walk you are talking, you need to leave the OECD. You worship a fantasy, a world that died in the 1800s.

2) I might be able to help you there. I did a post about bicycle riding in S&H the other day. It's great exercise. Where do you live? Some places are a lot friendlier to cyclists than others. I can go over the options. Getting outside and hiking or biking (or jogging or whatever) is simply more enjoyable than exercising inside on a machine. But if inside is your choice, then the best machine is a rower. I used to have a Concept 2 rower, and they are fantastic. I gave mine to my nephew because I couldn't use i anymore, and he is very enthusiastic about it.

Last nite I made lentil soup in my pressure cooker. It had a little meat in it, mostly for flavor. Cooking healthy doesn't have to be expensive.

3) That's from the Enlightenment. What you are missing is that to create that "more perfect Union" societies have to adapt. It's a messy process, and people will always make mistakes. But over time, things smooth out. Think in terms of generations and centuries, not just what annoys you at the moment.

4) Some sort of national health care would fix your problem. The gays aren't really your problem here...

5) AI is a favorite subject of mine. Data feels emotions, but they are both different from human emotions, and less intense. My guess is there will be different types of AI, and some will have feelings and some won't, and that might be their own personal choice.

Roddenberry seems to have thought we should become more like the Vulcans. Like Spock. I agree with that. If we let our emotions run us around, we will wind up extinct.
@Rich wrote:
I'm part libertarian myself, but I'm also part Communist, part Nazi and part middle of the road centrist moderate. There was a particular libertarian school of thought though who kept predicting hyper inflation. The complete failure of their predictions post crash, seems to have caused them to abandon this forum in shame. Its also led in America to the collapse of the Tea Party movement and the rise of Trumpism, with its quite different emphasis

You are interesting Senor Rich. You have captured the attention of others who's opinions I deeply respect. So I am going to be following your discourse here for sure.

I don't like your snobbery. Lol. But otherwise you are a great poster! Ave maria, men and their egos...when will it ever stop eh? ;)

@Zionist Nationalist wrote:

Every Jew who votes for Sanders have no right to complain against anti semitism

Greatest Leftists the world has ever known? Were Jewish. Erich Fromm, Karl Marx and many more. Love your Left semites....the best humans. Embrace Sanders....the man who might bring all the non voting gentiles and Jews together to defeat the Conman in shall put the Jewish Left in the spotlight again. Love your brothers in the Leftist Jewish column Zionist. You know you love them.....Amor por ellos, amor por ellos! :lol: :p :D
@blackjack21 wrote these quotes:

Capitalism is brutally simple. Scarcity. Supply and Demand. Marginal analysis. It is boiled down to basic forces just like physics. The thing is, most people don't believe it in spite of the empirical evidence.

But it is not physics BJ. Economics is not physics. It never was. As you yourself stated a $20 dollar bill is kind of a fiction. It is about belief in a system. Not some natural law that if you violate kicks you in the ass in the real world such as the belief that I throw myself off the roof of a tall building I am going to become supergirl and survive the fall because I believe the law of gravity doesn't apply to me. A bunch of people believing in Diego Rivera's $500 pesos Mexican currency to pay for rice and beans at a fiction. But people believe it will pay for their rice and beans. Mexicans have a sense of humor. And they are lovers of art. The old controversial communist muralist Diego Rivera is on the $500 pesos note in Mexican currency. Why? He is a famous Mexican and one in which he caused revuelo--The day the American government puts a famous American commie on a currency in the USA? Will be the day a Democratic Socialist becomes president of the USA and Zionist Nationalist has a heart attack thinking the world is coming to an end! Hee hee hee. :lol: :lol: Communists in other nations outside of the USA are not the horror that people think it is. But that is what propaganda does...create monsters out of ideologies and human governments who are filled with nasty contradictions. La humanidad que vamos hacer con la humanidad Relampaguito? :lol:

Don't confuse libertarianism with anarchy. It's not the same thing.

No it is not. Never liked libertarianism. Ego philosophies I never agreed with. The ego is part of the problem I think. Too many people thinking their individual lives are so important that they override the concerns and needs of large groups of people. They don't. Individuals only have value that transcends their small existences by plugging in to the group and being of need and service to the many. Again? Castaway with Tom Hanks? Or some horror movie like I am Legend, about being the last of your kind on Earth. Humanity is social. Time to start thinking like we are social and stop with the rugged individualism that is about egotistical trash beliefs. That is my opinion. Libertarians should dedicate themselves to respecting universal human rights. Not worrying about millions of people having to listen to ego diatribes about how one selfish pendejo has a right to take more than their fair share of resources in order to be happy. No.

I like to keep philosophy elevated a bit. I'm not ready to accept you as Socrates, Plato or Aristotle just yet. But keep trying Azuquita.

Ay Relampaguito, who said I was aiming to get you to respect me as the equal of Socrates, Plato or Aristotle eh? Lol. No, I don't have that kind of ego BJ. I follow Mandela. He had almost three decades of being a prisoner and pick axing rocks for that time...all day and everyday. He said the big pleasures in life was being able to be among women and children. To be able to be among the people he loved. He said, "Be humble." I never had high expectations coming in here BJ. I am a Puerto Rican woman in a nations that never saw me as equal to most of the members of the society. Always the bottom of the barrel in terms of social status and sex, and everything else. Never had delusions of grandeur. That is all they are. I wrote in the past I never aspired to creating a Boricua Puerto Rican Empire where the Boricuas would invade half the world like Albion did and impose the will of the Puerto Rican empire BJ. For me? That is ridiculous stupid crap. No, my ambitions are small. I want a free Puerto Rico with no debt hanging over our heads, access to our own lives and land and creation of our own laws, etc. Get everyone educated. Have water, electricity, great hospitals, sustainable development and emphasize our strengths as a culture. I love Puerto Rican culture BJ. I studied it on my own and in classes at the Institute for Puerto Rican culture with Dr. Ricardo Alegria. A great Puerto Rican indeed. He died a while ago. One of the greatest Puerto Ricans in our history. And an anthropologist.

Well, we're both constrained to a degree by other demands, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing. I enjoy our dialog.

Aha, you admitted it! You enjoy talking with me and debating with me---the art of this form of exchange works--you got Dr. Carmen Vilanova to thank for that. An old refined Puerto Rican woman professor of Honors English at the UPR. A finer woman of great love for conversations...would be hard to find. I think she is deceased now. She had white hair and a beautiful smile. Married to an American man. Loved English and American literature. But her favorite author in the world was Jorge Luis Borges. Just like my husband. He loved that. Borges is a fusion of English style and Latin American content too..great art always is creative and original. He was an original.

I'm not sure where you are coming from. Perhaps a pique of frustration? I do have a beef with the establishment, and I've stated in the most crude or distilled of terms--I don't think I should have to be ruled by my inferiors; and the establishment are my inferiors (they are yours too, btw). They are skilled at lying and at put-downs and at intimidation--and at violence on a small scale. They aren't good at much else other than grabbing other people's money. I have no patience left for them. In my book, being an alumnus of Harvard or Yale at this point is a social scar.

Hee hee. Your inferiors? I wonder how you would have coped with a Yankee government if you would have been the son of Puerto Rican educated doctors on the island? You would be some fiery pro Independence man talking against the empire and having some dude in California who as an ex Young Republican saying how "You are fucked. Accept it." Lol. No, the answer to those low thinking people BJ? Is removing them from power. They don't deserve to run a country. Mandela said in the video I put up there? If they change their tune according to the audience they are speaking to? They don't deserve to run a country. He was right. The ones who don't stand for something? Are worthless as leaders. Period. No wafflers and liars and people who can't be firm in their politics for me. I think they are the worst leaders in the world. Sellouts, compromising fools who don't stand for anything and are only about themselves and go where the wind blows them and where it is more convenient. The person who has done the most damage in my personal life in my life was someone like that. Rotten values that SUCK. They can go straight to hell with their lack of ethics!

That is why the Democrats conceded to healthcare for illegal aliens at the expense of those who couldn't afford healthcare, and taxing those same people even more. There's a flaw in the American character these days to being agreeable, to being too nice. The British have it to a lesser degree, but they are a smaller country, so it is more devastating to them. The British will apologize to you for anything or nothing. There's still a bit of the public school system--defend your position, etc. that I think is admirable. Political correctness has been just so destructive. I hope I will have been said to have done my part in seeing it put on the ash heap of history.

Political correctness is awful. At the same time, the British (which I don't know at all) are ex empires. I don't worry about ex empires. They had the hubris disease and find out the hard way that empires and their arrogant proclamations usually end up in the losing end over time. The best policy is to be intelligent and only engage in relationships with others with respect. Can't do that? Don't get into the Empire business. Again, you treat small nations like trash and think you can hold on to big nations like India with divide and conquer tactics? You will end up losing as well. Get the hell out of that shit business is my advice. But what do I know? I just study tiny nations with dedication. The big Empire ones are the only ones most arrogant historians pay attention to. They are not me are they BJ? Hombre, how I get sick and tired of these stories of we are the world, we are the best, we are the champions, we are better than you, we win, we and all that ego amplification is not good for the world. It never was. Boricua empire? No. I am interested in Puerto Ricans being happy, healthy and free. And educated and with a united family and enjoying what we can of the island before global warming might come in and destroy our ancient land. PR is the top of a mountain that is submerged under water....who knows what will become of it over time? Nothing remains the same BJ in this world. Vulnerable we all are to the whims of Nature.

I do. I don't enjoy exercise the way @jimjam does. That has to change, because even if I eat normally, I will gain weight without exercise--since I was about 40 years old the metabolism isn't what it used to be. I got E-Coli Shiga 2 AND! Norovirus Type 2 during Thanksgiving, so I have been quite leery of salads--this California boy. So I have learned to make Minestrone soup. It costs me about $30 a pot, but it lasts me a whole week multiple meals a day. I get my veggies that way.

You mean your girlfriend doesn't cook for you? Where is the machismo BJ? I am teasing you! That one pot meal thing is a big hit in the states. No one wants to burn gas going out to eat anymore and waiting in line for half an hour and lugging it back home or calling Uber eats and having it delivered for a fee. Just stick something in a pot and that is it. No, BJ, I am a very very serious cook. Competed in cooking competitions and won first prize. Have tons of people after me all damn day to cook for them. They come in here literally at 10pm at night (last night) without knocking looking to see what I made and might have left over. I made a tuna salad very casually and placed the leftovers in the fridge for the next day. A good friend/neighbor from Tabasco who ran out of food and did not have a cent to buy anything came in and asked to take it with bread, rice and fruit. She came back the next day? Cleaned the kitchen beautifully and insisted I give her the recipe....for it. The best one she had eaten in her life. I can't open a restaurant BJ. It is enormous work. And I hate half assed stuff. If I open something I have to be controlling the quality of it. I won't put out shit food. Close the damn business before I do something lousy. I got standards. And it is hard work. I got enough to do dealing with my translations, the other tourist thing I do and my little boy's schedules. I can't go for Mexican Yucatecans lining up for my food. Because they will. I don't even cook commercially and I got at least ten people a day asking if I cooked something. Latin people and their love of food. It is incredible! ;)

What is it about a Bedouin that believes in recreational sex and abortion? They have structure in their society, but both liberalism and socialism want to tear it down.

I don't agree with that BJ. As a cultural anthropologist I don't believe in telling Bedouins how they should structure their societies. I don't believe in telling human cultures that I am not a part of? How to cope. Again, Mandela? He told Ted Koppel the interviewer? That he is not about telling Americans, Cubans, Lybians, etc about what they need to do in their own societies. That is what I believe as well BJ. I am here dealing with the American government. Why? My passport says United States of America. They came, they saw, they took over. They made the decision to land in Guanica in July 1898. They decided to tell the Boricuas that they were a part of the USA in a domestic sense but without political rights. They are choosing the interference. Otherwise? I would not be saying a damn thing about the USA's issues if I was a Puerto Rican citizen. But socialism to talk to these people. If you don't? Your society will go up in flames....with no voice, no vote and no representation....lost in silence. Can't let that happen BJ.

Ahh... So you understand that we are not equal. You can line up 100 women. I can have sex with each of them--not at the same time of course, and not all on the same day. I can get each one of them pregnant. What happens to me physically? Nothing. Maybe a sore back? What happens to them? A life changing experience. There is a difference between being a man and being a woman. This is a fundamental aspect of why socialism is wrong, because it is hostile to nature itself.

This made me smile. Hmmm? Life changing experience being penetrated by @blackjack21 and impregnated and a hundred of them lining up? Sore back....a bit of machismo there I would did not get what I said in another post about what the differences between the sexes is supposed to be about eh? It is not about being the same--it is about being complements one to the other. Period. We are dealing with a natural system and duality is everywhere in this system. Interdependent duality. Night vs Day. Male vs Female. Not to exclude and dominate over a power struggle to dictate terms to the other side. But to cooperate and form a more perfect union of energies. To cooperate as a whole unit. That is the purpose of reproduction. Human sexuality has been studied thoroughly and the conclusion is that as humans? We are not really all or nothing. Though I did test myself out of curiosity and I was rated an extreme heterosexual. I love ultra femininity in everything. Clothes, thought, expression, values, etc. What is it the lesbians used to call me in Northern California? Oh yes....super femme. That is it. Me. So? It doesn't mean I see things in a binary way for all of human race. People should be allowed the freedom to be who they are inside. If they feel more female and are males on the outside? Let them deal with that crisis of identity. It is hard enough being a human being in this world. Giving people grief about not being able to reconcile who they are physically with what they are emotionally, mentally and genetically? Is not my right to do BJ. Human rights. Gays, trans, lesbians, bisexuals, etc. all are as human as I am. No doubt about it. They get the same considerations legally and socially as I do. Period. That for me is equality.

I purchased Charles Murray's new book today--audible. I won't read it. I'll listen as I go for a walk. Too much winter food is making me fat, and jimjam won't be my friend if I get too fat.

Jimjam is a cutie. Lol. He loves me. I want solutions to people who have scarcity mentality BJ. Which is what capitalism is by the way you described it. It seems to me you cope with the failings of capitalism and you might be liberating people from what is holding them back in terms of achievement. You don't need Charles Murray to tell you that. It boils down to sugar cane workers in India before the harvest? Anxiety ridden about a lot of obstacles to survival that is slowing down their ability to process and then after the harvest? They can go faster, less obstacles. Deal with that. Instead of conveniently justifying not coping with a lot of people with a whole lot of problems and just saying...the problem is too vast. Just relegate the problem to unsolvable. It is solvable and it is doable. Do the work. My oldest son was said to be impossible. Failing school, etc. Everything they said he could not do? He wound up doing. Why? I did not worry about the labels. Mandela again. Fuck the labels. Do the work. And prove them wrong. I did. End of that story. Bring on the deniers.

That is nature's trick. Octavian Caesar needed taxpayers and an army. His rationale was different, and it prevailed for thousands of years until Justice Kennedy was either bribed or so demented and sentimental he could no longer understand 2000 years of stare decisis.

Don't be delving into ancient history to justify denying rights to some gay people BJ. The Caesars were into what Latin culture is into. Consolidate the property and the family name. Continuity. The Godfather. Lol. Who was Sofia Loren? Sofia Scicolone Villani. Two last names. The last one is the maternal line. I don't know what your name is BJ? But let us say it is a typical English/Irish whatever name. James Howard. The Roman system would be James Howard Kennedy. Your mother's Irish family would be the last name at the end. Not your paternal line. I never changed my last name BJ. I kept my father's surname and mother's surname when I got married. It is very common to do that in Latin America. It keeps the maternal lineage traceable and the land or properties distinct in terms of who inherits what. Old Rome revisited in Spanish life. Rome...Spain was Roman all the way for centuries. Didn't you see the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe? They chanted "Spaniard! Spaniard!"nothing is more Latino than the Spaniard and the RC church to the nth degree Relampaguito. I don't see why the Anglos keep thinking they are influenced by it as much as the German barbarians from way on back....they have a lot of lexicon in English. But that the core of English culture is Latin? The answer is a resounding NO. But the Anglos being imperialists got to usurp a Latin narrative because it was an Empire. How I loathe Empires? To think the Spanish didn't have one? Yes they did. And they failed. Just as the English did. Because they again did not deal with respect and they lost control of their dominion. Arrogance, and hubris. Homer sure was right. The ancient Greek philosphers knew their stuff BJ. Zeus with his lightning bolts....those little ants...humans....mortals....thinking they got the world by the balls eh? I will show them. How the Mighty do Fall indeed....humility. Another great rule of success Mandela talks about. I wish more Imperialists would follow that one for sure. But they don't. :hmm:

Ah, but you did. Naturally, that is about the perfect time. By the time a woman is age 30, 90% of the eggs are already gone. The risk of birth defects begin to skyrocket after 40. That's nature. Until a few hundred years ago, women just generally didn't have kids at that age--they were lucky to live that long. We're both lucky to be alive. @jimjam and @late are even luckier still.

I know the statistics BJ. I never understood why I could not get pregnant for decades. It made no sense. But I wasn't about to spend thousands on trying to overcome nature BJ. That is not my philosophy of life. So I adopted. Worked on my boy's future. Then I felt kind of weird in my mid forties. Went to the doctor thinking it is my chronic condition again acting up again. Got to refine my diet choices. The test came is not your chronic condition. It is pregnancy. With less than a 1% chance of it happening. I was 45 years old. Having unprotected sex for 27 years. Everyone said the kid is going to be born with huge defects. You will die giving birth. Caesarean section. Don't do it. One Anglo doctor had the temerity to tell me that I should abort my baby. FUCK THAT. I told my husband BJ, if it is between me and the baby? Choose the baby. For me having a baby was a great privilege and honor. He did not want to hear a single negative thing about it. I was a maniac with my health. Did everything in my power to have him born healthy without a problem. But it is out of my hands. I believe in nature fully BJ. That is why I don't understand how you think socialism is not a natural based system. It is. If you read Fromm and other socialist thinkers you would understand that. Who knows what version of socialism you think is the one that is worse than capitalism? All I know is that complaining about how unfair life is when I would die for my child and my older son's mother took drugs, smoked, drank alcohol and her kids all were born drug addicted and struggling and premature and underweight....for me taught me about the unfairness of life. It is unfair. But you got to have faith in NATURE, and in struggle. Don't focus on how you are not being considered in the injustices in this world. There are a lot of them. Dedicate yourself to the solution. To doing for others. I think my dedication to my first son? Opened the path to the second one. The biological one. Solve the other woman's lacks. Do the work. Don't make excuses about how unfair life is to you....solve the problems. And the universe will respond. That is what I learned. He was born naturally, healthy and beautiful beyond belief. The 98% of the eggs of mine were gone. But damn! The one percent left? Or less? Came through with flying colors. Lol. I am grateful BJ. Life is full of beauty. Enjoy it. Live without fear hombre. Live without fear. Take risks. You are not going to be prostrated in family court. Lol. Hell if you don't trust her? Don't marry her period. No relationship survives lack of trust and lack of respect. No hay respeto o amor o confianza? No hay nada. Asi es Relampaguito.

Maybe. She had better be kind and compassionate more than anything. I would take a kind woman over a brilliant cruel woman any day of they week.

Well I agree with that one. I prefer a compassionate kind person over a super intelligent one without a corazon. That is for sure.

Yeah. The 5G stuff is pressing. Someone asked me around lunch what I thought of the previous meeting, and I was late to it because another meeting--on minimalism no less--went over time and I missed the context. Right now, my best efforts are in the weeds. I have to see the forest next week.

Just make sure none of those 5G's make me suffer here. Lol.

That's not a correct interpretation. Capitalism is eliminating human input where human input is inefficient. When AI is smarter than the 7-11 clerk, AI wins that job. That's why we need to think about allocation of resources. AI doesn't need an apartment. AI doesn't need healthcare. AI doesn't vote--God help us if it ever does.

Oh my goodness, the 7-11 clerk should not be judged by a robot. Because the clerk is human. Again what are we? I told you about how dealing with humans is difficult. None of it is easy. Welcome to the world of dealing with the whole human being. You technically minded Relampaguito!

I don't want homosexuals to be compelled to become heterosexuals. I just don't think that is a good idea. I also don't think it is required that everybody understands and accepts homosexuality. I just think they need to tolerate basic human rights. That's a libertarian position @late thinks doesn't exist.

I say if people want to have sex with members of the same sex and live together and have domestic partnerships and fight about divorce and custody of the minor children and who gets the car and the dog? Let them do it. If they want to go on 50 anniversary vacations on a happy union together? Also I support that. It is really not my business what a gay or lesbian couple decide to do legally. It just is not. They are human beings. Harari is brilliant. A liberal. I am socialist. He is not. He is gay. He wrote some great books. He is valuable. I don't care who he sleeps with. It is none of my concern. I respect his contributions to academics and to human civilization. Period. He also is an expert on military history which is one of your interests BJ. That is the reality. Let people be who they are.

The state is interested in its own future. You don't have the mind of an emperor. The emperor wants a future for his empire. So he will dictate to others in furtherance of that objective. Octavian didn't care who you married, it just had to be a man and a woman, because that furthered the interest of the empire.

Looks like you do have the mind of an emperor. A liability for me. First sign you have of caudillo tendencies. Lol. I am again..not interested in being an Emperor. I just want freedom and peace and love for a small place.

It is intrusive.

Yes it is. I don't like it. I like privacy in general. Who doesn't?

Keep in mind I grew up in California--that gave us the glorious Nixon and Reagan--other than Washington, the greatest electoral landslides in American history... when can only wonder what will happen in November. I pointed out in the gay marriage debates that it leaves out people like me--lifelong bachelors, not gay and not willing to prostrate myself to a "family court." I can't get my girlfriend out of county healthcare insurance. I can't put her on my plan. I can't do "domestic partnership" though that's what it is, because I'm male and she's female. Fuck the homosexuals. Fuck 'em all. At this point, I'm totally fine with them having to fight oppression. I will not come to their aid in the same way they did not come to mine.

Don't fall into that mentality BJ. I don't know about California law? But Colorado says that common law is ok to put an unmarried opposite sex partner on your health insurance. Common law. She lives with you? If she doesn't live in the same household? That might be the issue. The law doesn't consider her a serious relationship. If you are worried about losing your property and so on? Just sign a prenuptial agreement with her and she doesn't get the house, the car, your IRA's investments, savings, etc. Be legal. Have her sign it and then either marry her or have her move in with you and make her your common law partner. Fix that legal loophole. If you don't want to do that? Can you blame California law for not allowing her to be added to your health insurance? She is not a significant other til you acknowledge her as that. You got to trust your girlfriend fully. Otherwise what is the point? At the same time? It really is none of my business. I hope you are happy BJ. I really do. Happy human beings are much better for everyone in society than unhappy ones.

In my estimation, behind the facade are some very wealthy families that have homosexual children, transgender children perhaps. That seems to be a bigger issue among Jewish populations, which is interesting.

Dick Chaney, Ronald Reagan, and many others had gay children. It did not change their conservative views. I find that part of the contradictions in human existence for many people. J. Edgar Hoover prosecuting homosexuals viciously as he had sex with his male lover all the time? The height of insanity and contradiction in my estimation. But? Nothing surprises me about how much denial human beings can be in when they want to hold on to mundane power. Caligula's life I watched a history series on it. Fascinating. How many lies we tell ourselves to avoid facing our own truths eh BJ? A complicated species for sure.

Tell me about Andorra and San Marino. I'm all ears...

Andorra and the Euskari. That ancient endemically European group....from the Iberian Peninsula eh? The vascos. Another topic and another day Senor Blackjack. I am running out of time today again.

I said I realized I was not a Republican. As a young guy in my 20s, I was part of the Young Republicans. One of the weirder experiences of that group was that I live by what is called "Mount Diablo." As you might imagine, to Anglos, it means nothing at all. The closest approximation might be the Lamborghini Diablo. Yet, when I was just getting into politics, I weird Christian lady was adamant about changing the name of the vally to omit Diablo, because it meant Devil. So now you have a marker Azuquita. Mt. Diablo is an important geological marker for the borders of California

The entire state of California is riddled with funny Spanish names. El Cajon, California=the box, San Diego, Saint James, Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles. Our Lady of the Angels. All the saints...Santa Barbara, Santa Ana, Santa Monica, etc. San Jose, St Joseph, Sacramento the state capitol....The Sacrament. California has deep Spanish and Roman Catholic and Mexican roots. Yet somehow the Anglos blow by Yorba Linda and Santa Rosa, etc and think Pretty Grass, and St Rose? No. THey don't think about history much do they if they think they own the place? Lol. Ay Relampaguito.....people living in denial. No es bueno.

No. Funny you should mention it. In the series, he is made to feel things which are meant to be emotions. He doesn't understand the inputs, but he is interested nonetheless. What happens if we give ourselves a larger frontal cortex? Do we become data? Do we experience our emotions something like a desire to take a pee?

I think our species needs to stop thinking they know better than Mother Nature and the realities of science, biological realities and the behaviors of human beings...and start being very intelligent about how to manage human societies so they don't kill themselves off with what Harari described as the 'stupidity factor' of human behavior and history. Got to safeguard ourselves from the people who are betting AGAINST HUMANITY. Didn't you write that you are betting against us? Why BJ? Bet on our survival, our sense of kindness and compassion....the qualities you say you want in a woman to marry or love? Bet on that. Not on the other.

Once again Azuquita... you have me on the run, but I'll be back. 5G pays the bills.

Yes. Bills. The constant in our lives. I know you will be love my writing don't you? I am Plato......NOT. :lol: ;) :D
Looks like the superdelegates in the Democratic party are going to implode the party before letting a socialist in the White House:

If that is so? Trump is going to BURN the Democratic party down to the studs. Don't blame anyone else for Trumpism but the FUCKING spineless pieces of shit liberal liars in the Democratic party. They SUCK.

Tainari88 wrote:Looks like the superdelegates in the Democratic party are going to implode the party before letting a socialist in the White House:

If that is so? Trump is going to BURN the Democratic party down to the studs. Don't blame anyone else for Trumpism but the FUCKING spineless pieces of shit liberal liars in the Democratic party. They SUCK.

It will be 1968 again if the superdelegates steal the nomination. Every progressive in the party will consider the DNC centrists to be Trumpist-adjacent, and with good reason.
Tainari88 wrote:Looks like the superdelegates in the Democratic party are going to implode the party before letting a socialist in the White House:

If that is so? Trump is going to BURN the Democratic party down to the studs. Don't blame anyone else for Trumpism but the FUCKING spineless pieces of shit liberal liars in the Democratic party. They SUCK.

Praise the Lord.
As I said sometime back the great problem with Bernie is that he's a self identified Jew. As I said this was was going to cause immense problems, slandering him as a Jew hater down the road. But its just so instinctive for the establishment to do this, that it led to Chris Mathews comments. :lol: I mean it should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain that those comments would backfire, but he just couldn't help himself. Jewish supremacists have been gaslighting us for decades, the way they trashed Corbyn and Momentum was highly amusing., but Bernie as a Jew hater, no not even they can pull that one off.

Anyway my hope in all this is that Trump supporters will be smart enough to cross primary and vote for Sanders. What is amazing is just how open James Comey was in explaining how he tried to fix the 2016 elections to give a narrow, Hilary victory with a Republican majority in the House and Senate. I think the Neo Cons would like to work towards something similar in 2020. A narrow win for Biden or Bloomberg, with a Republican House and Senate majority. As a last resort they'll take Warren as the Democratic candidate. She's not ideal, but she's corrupt, so ultimately she's someone they can work with.

Cross primarying to vote for Sanders is an excellent way to payback Romney and the other turn coat Neo Con Republicans. If Bernie wins the Democratic nomination, they're stuffed, absolutely stuffed.
Rich wrote:As I said sometime back the great problem with Bernie is that he's a self identified Jew. As I said this was was going to cause immense problems, slandering him as a Jew hater down the road. But its just so instinctive for the establishment to do this, that it led to Chris Mathews comments. :lol: I mean it should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain that those comments would backfire, but he just couldn't help himself. Jewish supremacists have been gaslighting us for decades, the way they trashed Corbyn and Momentum was highly amusing., but Bernie as a Jew hater, no not even they can pull that one off.

Anyway my hope in all this is that Trump supporters will be smart enough to cross primary and vote for Sanders. What is amazing is just how open James Comey was in explaining how he tried to fix the 2016 elections to give a narrow, Hilary victory with a Republican majority in the House and Senate. I think the Neo Cons would like to work towards something similar in 2020. A narrow win for Biden or Bloomberg, with a Republican House and Senate majority. As a last resort they'll take Warren as the Democratic candidate. She's not ideal, but she's corrupt, so ultimately she's someone they can work with.

Cross primarying to vote for Sanders is an excellent way to payback Romney and the other turn coat Neo Con Republicans. If Bernie wins the Democratic nomination, they're stuffed, absolutely stuffed.

I believe this video discusses some interesting points about how politicians get your attention:

Here it is Rich:

Tainari88 wrote:Looks like the superdelegates in the Democratic party are going to implode the party before letting a socialist in the White House:

If that is so? Trump is going to BURN the Democratic party down to the studs. Don't blame anyone else for Trumpism but the FUCKING spineless pieces of shit liberal liars in the Democratic party. They SUCK.

I have been saying all along the matrices of brown and black voters are trending this way already. You call Trump a piece of shit racist, yet you refuse to rebut me in his policies to state your case. In fact Trump has understood that keeping campaign promises like unemployment, prison reform, and inner city school choice, he can earn more of the black and brown vote which will destroy the Democrats in an of itself. This is the opposite of your claims of racism, the action don't fit the label. What have the liberal accomplished like ever?
Finfinder wrote:
What have the liberal accomplished like ever?

FDR did kinda save the world.

Truman made the Marshall Plan happen, built NATO, and ended segregation in the military.

JFK got us to the Moon.

LBJ got Blacks the vote.

Progressive ideas built the modern world. From education to fighting disease to funding science to preserving the country's wild places to fighting pollution and more.
Finfinder wrote:I have been saying all along the matrices of brown and black voters are trending this way already. You call Trump a piece of shit racist, yet you refuse to rebut me in his policies to state your case. In fact Trump has understood that keeping campaign promises like unemployment, prison reform, and inner city school choice, he can earn more of the black and brown vote which will destroy the Democrats in an of itself. This is the opposite of your claims of racism, the action don't fit the label. What have the liberal accomplished like ever?

I am not a corporate liberal Fin.

I am not part of their political policies and platforms. I am also not part of the DNC establishment like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Wasserman Schultz, or Donna Brazile or many others.

Trump is a lifelong racist. I did my research on him. He doesn't denounce due to needing them to be part of his base...the KKK group. Unless pressured to do so.

I don't care how much you say he does a lot for black people, brown people. He uses tokens. He is condescending to Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans. He is a conman and a pathological liar. He wants the Blacks employed alright. Making shit wages and without much in terms of real power in many ways. If they are in power? They have to be pro billion dollar tax cuts and carbon copies of sellout Republican ideals.

I have nothing but absolute contempt for your candidate of choice Fin.

He had a chance to deal with Puerto Rico. He actually said he was considering not helping right the damage in Puerto Rico caused by two major hurricanes in Puerto Rico because the mayor of San Juan criticized him. Why? Because his overblown ego is more important than helping thousands upon thousands of people in crisis in the aftermath.

He cheated on all his wives. Wasn't a faithful husband. Many men are that in politics. Not just him. But in terms of the evangelical Christian purist moral majority voters? Trump is not a moral man. I never heard of Mitt Romney being caught with his pants down in some compromising position where a hooker like Stormy Daniels is describing the shape of his penis.

His family background is spotty and not conservative or particular moral either. His grandfather on his paternal side owned brothels and made money selling women's vaginas to the general public. He lived off of a woman's vagina profitability. He judges women by their looks and if they are up to snuff. He goes into beauty contests of which he owns the rights to broadcast and produce....and is a peeping Tom when they are undressed, he talks about grabbing pussies in a sports van on a tour of campaigning. He has a lot of Eugenics thoughts in his books. There are parts of the Art of the Deal that talks about genetic fitness.

He mocks people with disabilities. He trashed people on twitter for going against him. He threatens, bullies and intimidates and he uses those tactics as a way to win over whatever he is wanting to get done. He is not loyal unless they do what he wants without questioning his authority.

He is not well read. He is not intellectual in the least. Some American people find his good ole boy humor endearing. I find it boring and offensive. He is not some man who has the self discipline to go and keep himself in physically good condition. Not like Obama did, not like Bush Jr did, and not like many others before him did. He is a failed businessman. With multiple bankruptcies over the years. Many bankers did not trust him. His father would give him $200k plus a year for 'spending money'or allowances since the age of 3 years old. How many working class kids or middle class paper route boys in America have a rich Daddy who gives them money like that?

I could go on and on about his character flaws. He never went to the military to fight in Vietnam or any war. He made excuses and let others do that part. He never had the real intelligence to go to law school or medical school. He went to a business school and never did much with it because he used unethical business practices and would intimidate people who sued him with threats of counter suits.

He never changed a diaper on his kids, never fed them when they were infants. He did not really do much but pay nannies for that and have his wives deal with most of it. He is not a domestic person.

He loves power, he loves lying, he loves money and brags about money he says he has, and envies anyone who does have more money than he does. Bill Gates is one of them. Gates described Trump's behavior. It is embarrassing egotistical.

Is he willing to go to war to preserve his grip on power? I happen to weigh his entire character and the answer is "YES. He is willing to have people go to their graves to feed his ego. His empathy factor is non existent and they are not really people in his narcissistic and self absorbed and overblown ego brain."

Do I think he would make an ideal candidate to run the USA for the next four years if there is a stock market crash, a deep economic Depression that will drive high unemployment, panic over pandemic viruses like CoronaVirus and so on? "No I don't. I think he will create so many incompetent horrific responses that are bungled that it will worsen the situation. He is highly unpredictable and make the deep state people nervous." He could wind up being offed by the same deep state people.

Putin sees his chaotic governance and it ultimately is less dangerous for his position in the world.

I think Trump is a disgraceful person with incredibly deeply embedded lifelong character defects and anyone voting for that piece of shit is not a person who thinks logically about politics. They are going for the reptilian brain from Clotaire Rapaille's assessments of human behavior and so on.

And what happens to reptiles once they are a serious threat to the community? You know what happens.

That is my opinion Fin.
Tainari88 wrote:
Putin sees his chaotic governance and it ultimately is less dangerous for his position in the world.

This is where we can disagree. While Hillary Clinton is viciously anti-Russian and was a clear danger to Russia and therefore the whole world, Trump is not much better in that respect, at all. Trump is not Putin's puppet, Putin is terrified of the man's unpredictability in fact. Intellectually President Putin is like the Germans he was stationed with in East Germany, he loves order, regularity, predictablity. Trump is none of those things.
annatar1914 wrote:This is where we can disagree. While Hillary Clinton is viciously anti-Russian and was a clear danger to Russia and therefore the whole world, Trump is not much better in that respect, at all. Trump is not Putin's puppet, Putin is terrified of the man's unpredictability in fact. Intellectually President Putin is like the Germans he was stationed with in East Germany, he loves order, regularity, predictablity. Trump is none of those things.

You may be right. Overall, Trump is not the salvation of the USA. The man is a low life. Period.

The predictability problem is a serious problem Annatar. Most power figures in nations have to be very orderly and their politics need to be highly consistent.

Bernie is very consistent.

What I find hilarious is that the liberals are falling over themselves in disarray because their lukewarm, boring and incredibly fake in general candidates are not getting any excitement and force behind them.

I think Annatar, if they had been identifying the issues like Bernie did....and sounding the clarion call for change with the consistency the Bernie man had all this time? Would have been able to keep their hold on power for a while.

Most of these American bore politicians? I find follow patterns. But the problem I have with the latest crop of them is just how self serving and not able to get anything accomplished most of the are. All of them just want to serve their own interests and are easily bribed and pocketed by special interests. They are squishy people...caving in to pressure all the time.

My mother long ago created a lot of pressue on the Oklahoma senate. She got calls from senators there, and others in position of power...telling her, "Just ease up on the pressure. We will take care of you." They would lie on her positions, distort what she said in public, undermine her at every turn. Because she was not corrupt. Was consistent. And could not be paid off to change her position. And she put pressure they hated so much on them.

People trusted her to represent the Black community and the Latino community and their concerns with a lot of integrity. They disliked that a lot. They love manipulations and being able to buy people off.

One job my mother interviewed for there was some back and forth and she got a call saying, "Look, just reverse your position and we will offer you a great job. You get $250,000 dollars a year. A stipend, some power in your field of education for the state. It will be great. Just change what you say. The community believes in you. All you got to say is that our position is the right one to vote for." My mother said, "No. Take your bribes and the rest is not polite Annatar."They got furious and tried to destroy her.

Do you know after she died those vipers that did that to her had to stand up and clap and cheer and pretend to have been her friends when they were her arch enemies. They had to accept a bunch of accolades post humously she got....and they had to recommend changes that they hated because the people were going to vote them out if they did not change the position.

I thought, "Wow....what my mother accomplished by being CONSISTENT and not being a sellout." The problem with these lifelong liberal sellouts and Republican conservative sellouts is that they don't have true principles Annatar they only have marketing plans. Not principles.

A bunch of worthless people.
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