African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Sivad wrote::knife: Every projection from every mainstream source has the US as a non-white majority country by mid century.

Re-read what I wrote, brainlet. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that white majorities will be replaced by another demographic majority.

I mean you're an anti-white nationalist. You want every nation on earth to be majority non-white.

What is wrong with that?

I don't think it's about race at all, you're the one dishonestly trying to make it about race. For me it's about the cultural deficits. Like if Western Europe just suddenly collapsed and tens of millions of Germans started flooding into the US, I would be totally opposed to ever allowing them or their descendants citizenship because Germany is a backwards culture that doesn't respect rights and liberty the way Americans do. Same goes for virtually every Western European country, they have very different norms and values that I regard as ignorant and destructive and I don't want them voting in my democracy.

Lol. YOU'VE LITERALLY ARGUED IN MARCH OF THIS YEAR THAT EUROPEANS ARE RACIALLY SUPERIOR TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. And you are here again defending white nationalism as a desire for "freedom and self-determination".

On the other hand, if all the enlightened libertarians in Africa wanted to come to the US I would roll out the red carpet. And if any country was interested in taking all of the civically and politically backwards whites in the US I would support paying them to leave.

The inherent racism in statements like these is that Africans are presumed to be unenlightened as a default, sans exceptions (i.e. "enlightened libertarians in Africa") that you are permissive toward.

It's got absolutely nothing to do with race or anything else for me other than a culture of liberty.

It absolutely has to do with race since you are presuming that a "culture of liberty" is somehow dependent and congruent on white majorities and white supremacy.

Because I'm not a white nationalist, the minute any non-white majority country demonstrates a deeper stronger commitment to liberty than the US I'll support paying those people to immigrate here. I'll beg them to come. And if they don't come here I'll try to go there and I'll happily be a white minority in a non-white country.

Wignats say dumb shit like this all the time, it's not clever.
Pants-of-dog wrote:1. Blacks are disproportionately affected by police violence.

What evidence do we have that this was a real Black person? How do we know he wasn't a fake? Has it been confirmed that he was an unquestioning Joe Biden voter?
Sivad wrote:Most of them are.

This is what's really happening here, predatory elites and militant red fascists are trying to destroy a culture of liberty by importing millions of backwards peasants who they can exploit as political fodder in their war against human freedom and prosperity. When the people under assault object to this, they're accused of "white nationalism" because the backwards peasants being used as fodder happen to be non-white. When the targets of this attack try to explain that their resistance to this onslaught doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with the race or color of the backwards fodder, that it's the backwardness, not race, that's the issue, they're accused of being secret racists because cynically demonizing them as racists is a perfect means of neutralizing the opposition to this heinous agenda of the predatory elites and their red fascist minions.

I honestly could not care less about your racist conspiracy theories.

A man is dead because of racism, and you are attacking the people who point this out.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I honestly could not care less about your racist conspiracy theories.

It's not a theory, you and Donna are open gulagists who advocate for using backwards peasants from the developing world as fodder to advance global gulagism. And you call everyone who opposes your gulagist peasant fodder scheme a racist to demonize your opposition. That's your whole deal, that's what you're all about, right? If it was a secret conspiracy then I'm sorry but it sure didn't seem like you were trying to keep it a secret the way you're all obvious about it.

A man is dead because of racism

A man is dead because some stupid pig went on a sadistic power trip. That pig would have put his boot on any vulnerable neck available, race had nothing to do with it.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I honestly could not care less about your racist conspiracy theories.

A man is dead because of racism, and you are attacking the people who point this out.


The cops in America are poorly trained. They have killed a lot of white people in a much more violent and murderous manner. You do not know this because the media only goes for the race angle to increase ratings. Just as the left goes for the race angle to push lefty ideology.
Last edited by Julian658 on 28 May 2020 02:32, edited 1 time in total.
Julian658 wrote:POD:

The cops in America are poorly trained. They have killed a lot of white people in a much more violent and murderous manner. You do not know this because the media only goes for the race angle to increase ratings. Just as the left goes for the race angle to push liefty ideology.

The fact that cops kill white people too for reasons other than racism does not change the fact that racism is behind a lot of cop killings of black people.

Not all cops kill for the same reason. Cops kill for all sorts of different reasons.


Let me know if you have anything to say about the actual topic.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The fact that cops kill white people too for reasons other than racism does not change the fact that racism is behind a lot of cop killings of black people.

Not all cops kill for the same reason. Cops kill for all sorts of different reasons.


Let me know if you have anything to say about the actual topic.

The cop was wrong and should go to prison. But, many of these poorly trained cops kill others and get away with it because there is ZERO publicity when the victim is not black. Watch the video below POD. The execution of that man while he was crawling and begging for his life is a 1000 times worse. This is an issue in America. Cops are not trained correctly.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Racist violence against black people is not a Republican or Democrat problem.

Police violence against blacks seems to occur predominantly in municipalities controlled by Democrats.

Code Rood wrote:A black cop in a black country could have done the same thing, but then, it wouldn't be a racial issue, would it?

It probably wouldn't garner any media attention.

quetzlcoatl wrote:Large municipalities in the US have to deal with extremely strong police unions.

Unions generally also have strong ties to the Democratic party political machine.

quetzlcoatl wrote:Your point is well taken in that Democrats typically have zero courage in bringing police misconduct under control.

Is it zero courage, or is this their policy? It's hard to believe that municipalities where Democrats have had a virtual lock on power for in excess of 50 years somehow have no control over the police departments they fund and manage. Minneapolis last had a Republican mayor in 1973.

quetzlcoatl wrote:Congressmen in individual districts have no say over municipalities.

They have no direct authority over them, but they can raise awareness of the issues. Omar is calling for the police officer to be charged with murder.

Code Rood wrote:Probably because the USA is more diverse in terms of race than European countries.

It is because blacks tend to vote as a bloc, and they are easily scared by DNC propaganda suggesting that the Republicans are racist. Yet, once again we have a police violence incident in a city controlled by Democrats for a very long time (47 years).

Beren wrote:Brazil is very diverse in terms of race too, even more so than the US, but they don't seem so obsessed with race.

The are obsessed with race. They just aren't obsessed with color. Brazil is deeply class based.

Donna wrote:It becomes racist even in the instance of Europe because it is an attempt to preserve a racial caste system forged in colonialism.

Europe didn't have racial diversity before colonialism, and colonialism didn't create a racial caste system in Europe. Preserving European culture and population isn't about creating a racial caste system.

Donna wrote:Why don't you be more honest and admit that you want to put brown and black people into camps?

Why don't you people admit that most of the police-involved race-based incidents occur in municipalities controlled by the Democratic party?

Pants-of-dog wrote:A man is dead because of racism, and you are attacking the people who point this out.

We know the mayor is white and Democrat. We know the police officer was white. We know the victim was black. Is there evidence that the police officer deliberately killed the arrestee because the arrestee was black?

Julian658 wrote:The cops in America are poorly trained.

I say they are trained to do exactly what they are doing. We should be looking for the Minneapolis PD's peace officer standards training guides to see what they say and see how the officer's behavior conformed to or deviated from the training.

America has a serious problem of violence in municipalities controlled by Democrats.
Should that cop even be charged with murder? It seems more like negligent homicide or depraved indifference manslaughter rather than murder because he wasn't trying to kill the guy. A life sentence might be justified though when a cop kills a suspect in custody with excessive force even if it is nonlethal force.
Pants-of-dog wrote:
What makes you think he was not trying to kill Mr. Floyd?

You think he meant to slowly asphyxiate the guy over ten minutes in front of dozens of witnesses while being recorded by every cell phone on the block? I doubt it. He probably shit himself when he realized the guy was dead. His life probably flashed before his eyes, he saw his pension evaporate, he saw criminal charges and civil suits and media circuses, he saw himself at the center of a raging shitstorm and thought fuuuuck.

He was trying to get his pig rocks off by brutalizing that fucker a little and he fucked up bad and now he's fucked.
Sivad wrote:You think he meant to slowly asphyxiate the guy over ten minutes in front of dozens of witnesses while being recorded by every cell phone on the block? I doubt it. He probably shit himself when he realized the guy was dead. His life probably flashed before his eyes, he saw his pension evaporate, he saw criminal charges and civil suits and media circuses, he saw himself at the center of a raging shitstorm and thought fuuuuck.

He was trying to get his pig rocks off by brutalizing that fucker a little and he fucked up bad and now he's fucked.

So he slowly choked the guy over several minutes even after he was told that Mr. Floyd could not breathe by accident? He was under the impression that cutting off oxygen for several minutes would not kill a human being?
Sivad wrote:Should that cop even be charged with murder? It seems more like negligent homicide or depraved indifference manslaughter rather than murder because he wasn't trying to kill the guy. A life sentence might be justified though when a cop kills a suspect in custody with excessive force even if it is nonlethal force.

Irrelevant. If you intend to hurt someone and that person dies as a result, US law sees it as murder, even if you didn't intend to kill them.
Saeko wrote:

Well he was good at least until he crossed the street. Why did they edit the footage to cut right before they were trying to put him in the back of the police cruiser and he started acting up? ie: when the serious stuff began? He's also seen at the very end jumping up and down when the cops open the door to the cruiser to stick him in, and before that he falls to the ground, and it looks like possibly on purpose. My hunch is that he was trying to avoid going into the back of the cruiser.

I'm not defending the cops for asphyxiating and killing the guy, but i also don't know a reason why Floyd would go from standing at the left side of the vehicle where the door is open and it looks like they're about to put him in the back of the cruiser to face down on the street at the right side of the vehicle, unless he was resisting. I don't see a reason why the cops would just slam him to the ground for no reason.

The cops also seemed to be acting calmly in the above video until it was cut.
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