African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 46 - Politics | PoFo

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SpecialOlympian wrote:At least Nero could play a fiddle. Trump is a basic bitch who can't even force his way out of a Chinese finger trap.

You realize you're not supposed to force your way out of those right?

Alone we may be little bitches but together, we form a mighty faggot.

Wulfschilde, the racist guy who believes that the white cop that killed the Black guy was in on some grand conspiracy to undermine 'Murica and her incompetent president Trump who cannot handle a single issue that has come right in front of him. The same guy who has been sitting here for ages trying to defend the indefensible is considering it curious that his kind is no longer in a safe-space to make racist apologies and that he has had to face logic, arguments and other people!!! Guy is so weak he cannot even handle debate on equal terms or the consequences of his pathetic actions.

You are the "SJW's", you are weak, effete, begging for a safe space to be able to be racists with impunity, begging for an echo-chamber where you all circle jerk each others little dicks. You are incapable of owning up to your own words & actions, you are incapable of seeing that your arrogance and ignorance is precisely the exact same lib arrogance we were witnessing back in 2014, when the libs wanted to silence everybody who disagreed with them. You are them, but racists which is 10 times worse. You are simply incapable of comprehending what is happening around you. You are suffering from a derangement syndrome and acute cognitive dissonance. You are incapable of comprehending that people(any kind of people) can only take so many insults. And that you have been insulting Blacks, Latinos & Muslims for a profession, you have been defending their murderers shamelessly and without remorse. But you still fail to see that you are directly responsible for what is happening to your country.

Your pathetic-ness is vomit-inducing.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Me, shoving some nerd around: Oh, what are you going to do? Be the President of the United States of America? Lol you fucking pussy.

Let's be honest, a young Trump probably would have dunked your head in a toilet or something.

Wulfschilde, the racist guy who believes that the white cop that killed the Black guy was in on some grand conspiracy to undermine 'Murica and her incompetent president Trump who cannot handle a single issue that has come right in front of him. The same guy who has been sitting here for ages trying to defend the indefensible is considering it curious that his kind is no longer in a safe-space to make racist apologies and that he has had to face logic, arguments and other people!!! Guy is so weak he cannot even handle debate on equal terms or the consequences of his pathetic actions.

You are the "SJW's", you are weak, effete, begging for a safe space to be able to be racists with impunity, begging for an echo-chamber where you all circle jerk each others little dicks. You are incapable of owning up to your own words & actions, you are incapable of seeing that your arrogance and ignorance is precisely the exact same lib arrogance we were witnessing back in 2014, when the libs wanted to silence everybody who disagreed with them. You are them, but racists which is 10 times worse.

No, I think the media coverage of the event may have been some kind of conspiracy. There's a difference :D

I'm not sure what to make of the rest of that paragraph since like, I am on here getting ganged up on regularly. Seems clear to me that I can handle having a debate. I give people fodder to accuse me of all sorts of things because frankly, it's more amusing that way. There's some really calm and collected conservatives on here who get words put into their mouths, no one will take them at their word, meanwhile I get taken seriously even if I say I want millions of people to die. In a way, I seem to be giving you guys what it is you really want from a conservative. You want a racist little bitch, not Kaiserchman or whatever.

Awoo :excited:
Wulfschilde wrote:No, I think the media coverage of the event may have been some kind of conspiracy. There's a difference :D

I'm not sure what to make of the rest of that paragraph since like, I am on here getting ganged up on regularly. Seems clear to me that I can handle having a debate. I give people fodder to accuse me of all sorts of things because frankly, it's more amusing that way. There's some really calm and collected conservatives on here who get words put into their mouths, no one will take them at their word, meanwhile I get taken seriously even if I say I want millions of people to die. In a way, I seem to be giving you guys what it is you really want from a conservative. You want a racist little bitch, not Kaiserchman or whatever.

Awoo :excited:

You are a a racist little bitch, and Kaiser was a mod that I appointed until she joined in the racism with the racist little bitches. Where is she now? You can be certain she is not banned or in any way censored by me.

Nice attempt to pretend that you've been doing it for our entertainment and not because you truly are that thing. I guess that's a start!! The "media" is your fall back catch-all word, you just throw it out there and hope it sticks like a piece of crap on the window.

The "media forcing the hands of the police"... :roll:

I guess these are your final spasms in here before you give out to reality.
Wulfschilde wrote:Let's be honest, a young Trump probably would have dunked your head in a toilet or something.

No, I think the media coverage of the event may have been some kind of conspiracy. There's a difference :D

I'm not sure what to make of the rest of that paragraph since like, I am on here getting ganged up on regularly. Seems clear to me that I can handle having a debate. I give people fodder to accuse me of all sorts of things because frankly, it's more amusing that way. There's some really calm and collected conservatives on here who get words put into their mouths, no one will take them at their word, meanwhile I get taken seriously even if I say I want millions of people to die. In a way, I seem to be giving you guys what it is you really want from a conservative. You want a racist little bitch, not Kaiserchman or whatever.

Awoo :excited:

Haven't you read anything about history or watched any movie ever? The bully loses 100% of the time and the vast majority of the time does it spectacularly and in a humiliating manner. The Nazis, the Soviets, countless monarchs.
You are trolling the wrong people.
You know, i kinda understand what Trump is doing. He is ignoring the riots and wants them to get out of control. The problem with that is that it will backfire. There is a notable case in history of Mark Anthony doing pretty much the same to consolidate his support in Rome while Ceasar was in Egypt. He thought that the riots will force the aristocracy, senate and the people to come to him for help. In reality both the senate, aristocracy and large chunk of the people started hating him for that. Even Ceasar wrote that it was a fucking petty move from Mark Anthony. So he fired Mark Anthony from being the consul of Rome and replaced him with Lepidus. :roll:
Don't worry, PoFo. Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. Everything is going to be fine, he's got this.

JohnRawls wrote:You know, i kinda understand what Trump is doing

Lol you're working harder than a president. For free.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 01 Jun 2020 12:34, edited 1 time in total.
Hiding in a bunker is what Trump is doing and avoiding responsibility. There is no containing the protests now, they are beyond the control of the security services to put down. Now all you can do is calm the nation down, be responsible, address the very real grievances efficiently. But I highly doubt Trump will be the guy to do that despite the fact the he has a historical opportunity to be the guy who sorted out these grievances once and for all. But he is just not competent to even grab the opportunity right in front of him. That's cause he's as pathetic and useless as his racist supporters.
JohnRawls wrote:You know, i kinda understand what Trump is doing. He is ignoring the riots and wants them to get out of control. The problem with that is that it will backfire. There is a notable case in history of Mark Anthony doing pretty much the same to consolidate his support in Rome while Ceasar was in Egypt. He thought that the riots will force the aristocracy, senate and the people to come to him for help. In reality both the senate, aristocracy and large chunk of the people started hating him for that. Even Ceasar wrote that it was a fucking petty move from Mark Anthony. So he fired Mark Anthony from being the consul of Rome and replaced him with Lepidus. :roll:

I highly doubt that he actually has a plan... for anything.
He is like Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbeans except he is fat, orange, not very agile and so far he has none of the luck Jack Sparrow has in the movie :lol:
noemon wrote:Hiding in a bunker is what Trump is doing and avoiding responsibility. There is no containing the protests now, they are beyond the control of the security services to put down. Now all you can do is calm the nation down, be responsible, address the very real grievances efficiently. But I highly doubt Trump will be the guy to do that despite the fact the he has a historical opportunity to be the guy who sorted out these grievances once and for all. But he is just not competent to even grab the opportunity right in front of him. That's cause he's as pathetic as his racist supporters.

Being responsible! What a Jester. Are we talking about the same Trump? Donald? Good luck with that.
JohnRawls wrote:You know, i kinda understand what Trump is doing. He is ignoring the riots and wants them to get out of control. The problem with that is that it will backfire. There is a notable case in history of Mark Anthony doing pretty much the same to consolidate his support in Rome while Ceasar was in Egypt. He thought that the riots will force the aristocracy, senate and the people to come to him for help. In reality both the senate, aristocracy and large chunk of the people started hating him for that. Even Ceasar wrote that it was a fucking petty move from Mark Anthony. So he fired Mark Anthony from being the consul of Rome and replaced him with Lepidus. :roll:

More like he doesn't know what to do because this scenario over the past 3 months is not in your standard playbook. Not that he would be able to read it if it did exist but someone he listens to must be literate.

He wants this to blow over. He doesn't want to get his name anywhere near this.
But this will scare a lot of people. Scared people are the worst.
Lmfao imagine being Blackjack right now. You got all excited for Trump because he was the angriest and loudest racist you'd ever seen in politics. Finally, someone who spoke to you.

And now everyone is burning down Confederate slave markets and police stations and the guy who told you America was going to be GREAT again is nowhere to be found. Lmfao.
noemon wrote:Hiding in a bunker is what Trump is doing and avoiding responsibility.

He's hiding in the Bunker, because the Secret Service is concerned he's going to get assassinated. Happens to every President.
He doesn't have a choice over it. He has to hide.
Dubya Bush hid for several weeks in '01 over far far less. ... er-george/
Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation Every President goes to the bunker when the Secret Service forces them to go there.[
colliric wrote:He's hiding in the Bunker, because the Secret Service is concerned he's going to get assassinated. Happens to every President.
He doesn't have a choice over it. He has to hide.
Dubya Bush hid for several weeks in '01 over far far less. ... er-george/
Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation Every President goes to the bunker when the Secret Service forces them to go there.[

The only kind of President that needs to hide from his own people is the kind that is at fault, the kind that has no clue how to deal with the situation and the kind that is only making it worse. Dubya was hiding during an external terrorist attack, dear Trump licker.

Even your source is telling you that the bunker is designed for terrorist attacks not for hiding from your own population.

What else is there for you racist Trump suckers to say that you have not said already to defend who and for what? For his impeccable dealing of the situation? That he has been misunderstood? No dear Incel racists there is no misunderstanding. You and your President are just incompetent racist bitches and there is not a single leaf for you to hide under. Go under your mother's basements where you belong.
lol at neomon calling everyone he dosent like racist bitches
What a manchild

It's so bizarre seeing the banking and corporate world manipulate a population into thinking they're fighting some establishment. America has basically shown that Democracy is just a big theater performance and used as a distraction for the rich.

People argue about what party from the choice of two they have. The reality is the people who fund those parties go to the same dinners and behind closed door meetings. Its an oligarchy and the oligarchs have the lower classes fight one another.
I am calling you racist bitches because that is exactly what you are. Everyone in here has been walking on fucking eggshells just so we do not hurt your feelings, but at the end of the day you are just sad people with no girlfriends or a life that are sitting here defending murder in broad daylight. So if you do not care about the feelings of the deceased, or about justice or about that man-child you call a President, why should I give a fuck about your Incel feelings?
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