I have a crush on Candace Owens - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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She is such a bright woman, pretty, educated, and enlightened, fully awakened to see that the left is not a friend of her people and all statistics show her people prospering and benefitting from president Trump. With all his faults, he has proven himself more a friend of black Americans than Obama.

That woman impresses me and turns me on more than any white lady could.

Surveys show black people are less secular and more spirtual than white people these days, and the secularists flock to the left. The left doesn't on average cherish what black Americans stand for, and socialism does colored people a disservice. More and more black voters are recognizing that the right values and defends what is best for minorities more than the dishonesty and insincerety found in the Democratic party that Malcolm X boldly pointed out, two days prior to his assassination by black Muslims.

Malcolm X was a martyr. It's true the white man failed to lead a good example or show himself to be a true friend, but Malcolm didn't need to have friends with the corrupt nation of Islam and black nationalists either. He chose integrity instead, even placing him in no man's land where he fought white America and the black Muslims ,who were supposed to have his back, fearlessly condemning corruption in his former Allies and brethren , while pointing out the errors of the Democrats who pose as friends of the negroes, while having no loyalty or worthwhile sincerety or love for the minorities they pretend to defend.

Malcolm was a hero who would much rather see the ugly face of honest racism in white conservatives than a more ugly face of dishonesty and a reluctant alliance as incompatible as the United States siding with the Soviet Union in World War 2, and working as brethren while having opposite agendas and in fact communists being just as , an arguably more opposed to what their Allies cherish than the Nazis , while working together to defeat an enemy.

Malcolm was like the Allies, only the integrity of refusing to ally themselves with the Soviet Union, he took the noble spot of declaring war on the reds when they invaded Poland and did the very crime that caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany, yet were not held accountable and betrayed the human race with a worse evil than Nazi Germany. Malcolm X chose to declare war on both the Soviets and the Nazis, only he resembled Poland fighting the Soviets to the East and the Nazis to the west.

Malcolm X declared war on the white oppressor and then refused to sell his dignity and integrity by an unholy alliance with the Democratic party, boldly condemning the wolves in sheeps clothing while fighting the transparent wolves, then he smelled corruption in his beloved nation of Islam and declared war on them who pipe bombed his house while his wife and kids were in it. He chose integrity at the cost of death, knowing his own black Muslim brothers would pulverize and martyr him far worse than the obvious threat coming from the racist whites.

Candace Owens reminds me of a Malcolm X in a female body and that excites me. She was a liberal Democrat not long ago, but she could tell Joseph Stalin pretending to be her friend at the left, was in fact a greater enemy than the more obvious threat coming from the Nazis at the right.

Candace is well aware of her enemies to the right and she is still at war with them, not allying herself with wolves, but she sees the more serious threat coming from Moscow pretending to be her friend.

I don't see her as a right winger or left winger but rather someone who fights bullshit and evil left, right, north, south. She made her Exodus from the Egypt, the left, despite Egypt appearing better for the Israelites than the barren wilderness, no man's land. With hope and faith in her maker she chose no man's land, like Malcolm X, rather than have an ally like the evil barbaric bloodthirsty Soviets.

She sees that the Lord provides for her and her people in this wilderness where temptations are to return to the comforts Egypt offered. Instead, she is that Poland declaring war on the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Only unlike Poland, she has a great ally, the unlikely Donald Trump who speaks and behaves like a fool and jerk, but shows his true colors, and statistics show he really is her genuine ally and the best force for African Americans.

In this case, Poland is backed by the United States to crush the Nazis to the west and the bloody red Soviet menace to the East. She is like Malcolm X, only she has a white President who isn't posing as a friend to her people but rather a man who supports Americans, not offering blacks free handouts, but offering them jobs and the black salary has increased 9.2% under Trump.

Malcolm X stands in no man's land , but this time has the man from the white house protecting Malcolm from the enemies in the right and the greatest enemy to the left.

Blexit means the world to me. People of color are the future of the conservative party.

Damn straight I'm racist, and I value 1 black conservative over ten white Republicans. I'm not impressed with white conservatives. They bore me and are nothing too remarkable. I'm impressed with those who have more stacked against them, yet are like the black Tuskegee pilots who outdid white pilots in shooting down Nazi planes, then were met with ingratitude and worse, whites saying, "there's no way those Ace pilots who dominated the skies and saved our white butts were inferior negroes".

Well, Candace is that Tuskegee pilot who had more to prove , and outdid the whites in battle. One of her is more precious and powerful than 100 white conservatives. She's the Queen, the most valuable piece on the board. I hope her people see in her what I see. This woman deserves more money and praise than Oprah Winfrey. She deserves a Fascist uniform and there should be a coup to make her not just first female president but Duce, Benevolent Dictator for all seasons, absolute monarchy, noble Empress, Queen of Sheba arrayed in gold. I like my coffee like I like my women, strong and black!

I lost my virginity to a black girl and bonding with another ethnicity like that was euphoric like when I faced the black scary spider with 8 creepy eyes and fangs. By facing my fear and threat I realized I loved my fear, and I was scared of the dark so I found euphoria going into the woods of bigfork Montana in the pitch black, vulnerable to bear, wolf, mountain lion, and from the sleepy hollow haunted look, a possible headless horseman.

Yet when I defiantly embraced and devoured the darkness and danger, the fear ceased to be fear, and I remember gazing at the full moon near a river and dancing like I was an Indian medicine man , and howling at the moon like a wolf, alerting people in a nearby cabin who almost called the police on the wilderness madman, or so I learned later on when I found a local jogging partner.

I had no bear spray or gun , in a place of Montana where grizzlies have been known to go into tents and tear campers to pieces, yet the darkness became my friend and arachnids became my friend and their venemous bite and exchange of alien bodily fluids only pushed my love buttons, so if a grizzly attacked, I would embrace the grizzly like I embraced the eight legged, eight eyed, fanged, venemous arachnid or the dark woods, and by facing the fear, loving the fear, shouting , "bring it on", the prospect of dying by the claws and teeth of a wild beast appealed to me more and more, because I prefer that unique fate over the boring generic cancer that kills all my relatives, and I don't ever want to live to the age where I'm wearing depends in a nursing home.

So I shouted out at any beasts that might have an appetite for me, that they bring on sister death and devour my flesh like holy Communion, and hopefully they clean their plates so that my flesh doesn't go to waste.

Fine! I'm racist because my dad ran out of gas in a black neighborhood in Chicago, and it was scary. So, I volunteered at a soup kitchen at Saint Luke's mission of Mercy in the ghetto of buffalo New York to remedy that. The hoodlums laughed at the blue eyed German from Hitler's Aryan race saying, "you must know karate or something buddy, because you ain't on common ground."

I proceeded to wear a Muslim Kufi and travel to the ghetto Church which had been converted into a mosque. It was better than mass , facing Mecca on my face with hostile despised people of the middle East and Orient.

They smelled alcohol on my breath and made me pray at the back of the mosque. A Palestinian declared forcefully, after catching me lying about it to make it worse, that drinking alcohol is forbidden in Islam. Another gentle soul smiled, laughed, and put his arm around me, and reluctantly after hesitation, the Imam said I was welcome back.

Muslims are scary. But like spiders, exposure therapy got me to love my fear.

So I have a vested interest in ethnic minorities, because the more scary the Spider, the more euphoric it is to bond with the alien creature. Those spiders that haunted my dreams as a child were more scared of me. I've learned dangerous monsters are as terrified as they are terrifying. The most dangerous animal is a scared animal.

Now I must face and love the biggest ugliest, scariest spider of all. I'd much rather be dealing with arachnids, dark nights, Muslims, and black people than get acquainted with this creepy spider I've been avoiding. Her name is sobriety. She's actually my friend. But damn I don't like the sting of her venom, as healthy as it is.

Sobriety is that spider I still avoid. If I never held that hairy wolf spider that crawled into my cell at pine hills correctional facility, I'd still be enslaved to arachnophobia. Thing is, I've held that spider sobriety before. She's my best friend, but she is most unpleasant, a most bitter chalice to drink. Any arachnid but that one!

She always rewards me, but her venom always has the most unpleasant sting. If you remove the cross, you remove the resurrection. Oh sweet sobriety, my beautiful mistress and enchantress, disguised as an ugly hag, with a most offensive stench. I love you. Be gentle. Sobriety is that spider I can't stop dreading.

Haha.... anyway, back to Candace Owens. I just might be a bit too obsessed and worshipping the ground she walks on. I will try to get in contact with her, but this foolishness may be hard to hide. Us spooky white boys! Oddly, my luck has always been better with black women. I have never slept with a white woman (or a sane woman), and they have some potent venom. Rejection is another hideous spider I'm learning how to love.. Pray for my poor soul! :knife:
Last edited by Spider-Man on 04 Jun 2020 07:10, edited 13 times in total.
Candace is smart, but she's also an opportunist. The whole existence of modern conservatism revolves around proving that the other side are the real racists. She probably understands how cowardly and lame most of the conservatives are, so this is her taking advantage of it. People like Candace will have the spotlight more and more as time goes on. I'm amazed that more blacks haven't figured this out yet.
Code Rood wrote:Candace is smart, but she's also an opportunist. The whole existence of modern conservatism revolves around proving that the other side are the real racists. She probably understands how cowardly and lame most of the conservatives are, so this is her taking advantage of it. People like Candace will have the spotlight more and more as time goes on. I'm amazed that more blacks haven't figured this out yet.

Malcolm X addressed those kind of people in his famous 1963 speech:

Then they cry when Calvin Candy gets shot and their privileges are somehow revoked or absent (the real reason for their loyalties):

I have been waiting for someone to post about her several days now. The alt-right has been quite disappointing in this regard.

This lady has become the new face of the alt-right and racists the world over. But let us examine why she is wrong both in terms of the facts but also morally & ethically.

First of all, blaming the victim is never a valid or moral position to take. Floyd was not killed because he was a "petty criminal", he may or may not have used a fake bill to buy cigarettes but even if he actually did(even that is dubious and merely an allegation) that is still a) not proof that he did it wittingly and b) it's not a good enough reason to be killed which makes her argument objectively wrong.

As Saeko argued, perhaps reducing this argument to "ad hitlerum" will make it more poignant. There is a reason we do not identify the criminals, murderers and child rapists among Jewish victims of Hitler. And that is because, it does not actually matter as it is irrelevant to the cause of their death and because to do so would be to attempt to justify their deaths, just like she is doing right now.

Second, she would be ok to do some internal critique of Black communities within those communities from within a Black church for example. She mentions Jewish and White people, but Jewish and conservative White people will never ever undermine their own communities and leaders in the eyes of other communities, they will criticise themselves internally and keep a public face externally.

Third, when Erdogan sent the refugees as a weapon against Greece, Greece suspended several Human Rights laws in an attempt to prevent Erdogan's attacks and in that she was correct to do so in my opinion as well as in the opinion of the majority of the Greek & European people. However, the truth remains a fact that Greece broke several UN Human Rights Conventions to achieve that and when the Greek left pointed that out, everybody trashed them as "traitors" precisely because they were taking a position against the national interests of their country.

Nevertheless, their position was correct, true & factual, just like this lady is being "factual" but her position is merely intended to whitewash crimes and effectively tell us all that "there is nothing to see here, Black criminal dead by police, move along, do not protest, carry on with the institutional racism and don't forget to vote for Trump". So why would anyone not call her anything other than a "traitor", much like the leftists who sided with Erdogan, when they are both giving you a "fact". Isn't it quite hypocritical to call them leftists "traitors", while this right-winger is being "brave". She is not being "brave", she is merely attention-whoring while using her identity for maximum effect. The answer is because everything in politics has a specific reason and intent. Political speech is not abstract or neutral, it has a specific objective, and her objective is to use a dead man's background to a)whitewash crimes when in actual fact his background had nothing to do with his death and b) to perpetuate the systemic discrimination and the power structures that rely on it.

To make matters worse, George Floyd's "criminal background" shows how much the US Justice system fails Black people, he went to prison several times, for several months for minor possession of cocaine in some instances less than a gram. He became a "criminal" for things that white people do not even end up in detention. Think of that alt-right victim Tommy Robinson and all his coke-fueled rants in youtube. Even when he went to prison for a serious reason, the same people who think it's ok for Black people to go to prison for jaywalking, the very same people were protesting his arrest.

In the US:
46% of the prison population is inside for drug-related offences.
1/3 of that is for possession only.
25% of the prison population is inside for misdemeanours like jay-walking.

Yes you heard that right, jaywalking.
The system is broken and slanted to frame and target Black people and keep them within a penitentiary system from which they cannot escape. All the data here:
Damn! I just found out she's married

Confucius say, "google first, write great American novel second".
Drlee wrote:Confucius say, "google first, write great American novel second".

Thanks! I'll actually seriously do that. I have also made YouTube's for the lovely princess of the Republican party, but I doubt she will see them. If she does, I don't know if she will like the flattery and over the top compliments. I am offered to be her slave and take a vow of obedience to her like monks take where she has the liberty to beat me and execute me if I disobey, as her property and possession, entirely consecrated to her like she is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

I lost my virginity to a black girl and discovered black girls smile and dance when I sing romantic hymns in ecclesiastical Latin to the Virgin Mary, inserting their names instead, and making it look like it was my work and like I actually knew what I was saying.

I told a black girl on a bus she was pretty and she smiled at me so I continued to smile at her with twinkles in my eye and praise her with flattery, even getting to massage her hand, and she was surprisingly delighted.

I kissed the feet of a black cop and worshipped the ground she walks on, and you could tell she enjoyed it. I tried that with a white girl and it was a disaster.

I try complimenting white girls and they find it scary or repugnant. I sing to them and it seems to make lemonade in their panties or anger them. Black girls smile and dance in circles.

I kid you not. I was drunk and in detox and rebelliously urinated on the floor of a time-out room they locked me in. A pretty black staff showed up and I began singing to her in Latin. She smiled and gleamed and did a little dance and twirl.

I was surprised because I was a creepy drunk that urinated on the floor like a puppy and I was coming onto her. Black women are so cool me thinks! I've had bad experiences with black men but when I was homeless in a black neighborhood and didn't have enough money for a cup of water at Wendy's, a black Angel Said she would pay for that and offered to buy me a whole meal. I'm pretty sure she gave me a few bucks too.

When panhandling, I receive a lot of donations from black females.

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