Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rich wrote:The main problem with Black Lives matter, is not that some people in it might have an orthodox Marxist agenda, but that their whole narrative is a filthy anti-White racist lie. Even under Jim Crow, the majority of Black murder victims were murdered by other Blacks. BLM care no more about Black lives than the Russian Communist Party compared about the Ukrainian peasantry.

Of course we should care more a lot more about an unlawful killing by a police office than an ordinary citizen. But most posters here are not electors for the Minneapolis city council. Most are not electors in Minnesota, heck most aren't even citizens of the United States.

That's because American cities are extremely segregated. At least take some time to read up on the subject before regurgitating racist right wing talking points and making a fool of yourself.
Thankyou PoFo for teaching me about Tucker Carlson, he’s quite funny actually. Don’t agree with much of what he says, but I don’t find him offensive.

So, is this CHAZ thing in Seattle true or has he exaggerated it?
Saeko wrote:before regurgitating racist right wing talking points and making a fool of yourself.

There you again, I'm quite aware of just how terrifying my arguments are to Liberals, that's why so often they have to resort to pathetic childish insults in a desperate attempt to divert attention away from my arguments and also in the hope that they can get into a slanging match and get their opponents censored or banned. That's why @Godstud is alway telling other posters to fuckoff. He know he hasn't got an actual argument so he trys to provoke posters into an exchange of ad hominum insults in the hope of getting them banned.
Rich wrote:There you again, I'm quite aware of just how terrifying my arguments are to Liberals, that's why so often they have to resort to pathetic childish insults in a desperate attempt to divert attention away from my arguments and also in the hope that they can get into a slanging match and get their opponents censored or banned. That's why @Godstud is alway telling other posters to fuckoff. He know he hasn't got an actual argument so he trys to provoke posters into an exchange of ad hominum insults in the hope of getting them banned.

You don't have an argument. You just bitch and moan and cry and quit.
Heisenberg wrote:Republicans, of all people, whining about "McCarthyism" is one of the funniest trends of the last five years or so. It might help them to look up which party ole Joe was in. :lol:

True, although the Democratic Party have a much more questionable history on race relations if we go by that reasoning. The truth is that both parties went on to switch their roles from 1920-1970.
wat0n wrote:True, although the Democratic Party have a much more questionable history on race relations if we go by that reasoning. The truth is that both parties went on to switch their roles from 1920-1970.

Nah, McCarthyism is very much in tune with the modern Republican party, as evidenced by their obsession with seeing communist and Islamist conspiracies everywhere. Clearly, they only object to this when they think it might affect them. It's not like Republicans have ever decisively denounced the guy, and many of them argue to this day that he was right all along. :lol:
Heisenberg wrote:Nah, McCarthyism is very much in tune with the modern Republican party, as evidenced by their obsession with seeing communist and Islamist conspiracies everywhere. Clearly, they only object to this when they think it might affect them. It's not like Republicans have ever decisively denounced the guy, and many of them argue to this day that he was right all along. :lol:

Oh yeah, you are spot on there. I also don't think the GOP ever denounced him either.

But then, in the future the Democrats will lose that moral high ground, when people eventually get bored of snowflakism and this particular moment in history passes.

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