Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police - Politics | PoFo

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Donna wrote:
BLM should transition to a neighborhood protectionist militia similar to the BPP. I don't think the CIA would be able to take them down this time.

I'm concerned about the present-day black *separatism*, though, and the significant turn to the U.S. establishment as characterized in this article / development:

Black Democrats endorse Bloomberg after release of racist boasts on “stop-and-frisk” ... o-f14.html

The *Black Panthers* were basically pan-Africanist, but were also *class conscious* and at least nominally anti-capitalist. I basically agree, though, Donna.

Ten-point program

Main article: Ten-Point Program

The Black Panther Party first publicized its original "What We Want Now!" Ten-Point program on May 15, 1967, following the Sacramento action, in the second issue of The Black Panther newspaper.[54]

We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.

We want full employment for our people.

We want an end to the robbery by the Capitalists of our Black Community.

We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.

We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present day society.

We want all Black men to be exempt from military service.

We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people.

We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.

We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.

We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. ... nt_program
Donna wrote:BLM should transition to a neighborhood protectionist militia similar to the BPP. I don't think the CIA would be able to take them down this time.

I don't believe anyone would want to take them down, if their goal was just to police and protect there own neighborhoods. However, BLM have already indicated that buildings, businesses, and personal property don't matter even if you are Black.

We already know they get incensed by Blue Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, and even All Lives Matter slogans. So for them it seems they only care about Black lives that agree with their Marxist agenda. The Democrats seem to be falling in line and bending the knee in submission to this movement even when it doesn't make sense in a Democratic Republic with a Constitution like ours.
Hindsite wrote:
I don't believe anyone would want to take them down, if their goal was just to police and protect there own neighborhoods. However, BLM have already indicated that buildings, businesses, and personal property don't matter even if you are Black.

We already know they get incensed by Blue Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, and even All Lives Matter slogans. So for them it seems they only care about Black lives that agree with their Marxist agenda. The Democrats seem to be falling in line and bending the knee in submission to this movement even when it doesn't make sense in a Democratic Republic with a Constitution like ours.

Those 'alternative' slogans and organizations are making *slights* to the Black Lives Matter political message, by trying to sound pseudo-populist and 'all-inclusive'. These political *assholes* would obviously rather *ignore* the legacy of slavery and racism, and pretend that a level-playing-field somehow exists today, while racist police murder and violence go on, year after year.

BLM is *not* Marxist, it is closer to being black nationalist, and the prevailing black politics these days even tends towards U.S. nationalism, as I noted in my previous post.

The Democrats are always glad to play-along without making any substantive changes to actual government policy. Some *local* reforms have been done, but at the federal level there is *zilch*:

And within the CBC [Congressional Black Caucus] there is a split over how forcefully to respond — and how much lawmakers are willing to battle the powerful Fraternal Order of Police on legislation to address police brutality and legal immunity given to law enforcement officials. Moderate Democrats may not find that legislation worth tackling without a commitment that the Senate will take it up and produce a law.

“This is a vexing issue,” he [McConnell] said. “If we could have figured out exactly what to do, I think we’d have done it years ago.” ... sts-296826
ckaihatsu wrote:Those 'alternative' slogans and organizations are making *slights* to the Black Lives Matter political message, by trying to sound pseudo-populist and 'all-inclusive'. These political *assholes* would obviously rather *ignore* the legacy of slavery and racism, and pretend that a level-playing-field somehow exists today, while racist police murder and violence go on, year after year.

To me, the BLM leaders are the "assholes" and that is one of the nicer words for them. :lol:
ckaihatsu wrote:And why *is* that, according to you?

Just look at all the havoc they have caused along with the help of their Antifa buddies and any reasonable person should be able to understand that the nicest thing one can say about then is that they are assholes.

Godstud wrote:Hindsite is a racist, so he hates BLM. Anyone who would fight against racism is an asshole, according to him.

Coming from you, I take that as a real badge of honor in the spirit of the famous Archie Bunker. :lol:
Hindsite wrote:
Just look at all the havoc they have caused along with the help of their Antifa buddies and any reasonable person should be able to understand that the nicest thing one can say about then is that they are assholes.

'Havoc' -- ? Really?

And what was this alleged 'havoc' *for*? Was it in facing-down fascists at a rally who were bent on maiming people of social minority demographics?

I call that collective-self-defense.

Hindsite wrote:
Coming from you, I take that as a real badge of honor in the spirit of the famous Archie Bunker. :lol:

I think you're conflating *personality* with *politics* -- 'lifestyle politics', in other words.

Someone like the character of Archie Bunker could readily be called *prejudiced*, but it looks like he rarely even left his living room. I doubt he'd have *any* impact on those around him, much less at a social or *political* level.

I don't think we would commonly call him a white supremacist, nor was he a Dixiecrat.

I myself don't *like* the politics I've seen from you so far, but I don't have any evidence in front of me to call you a racist, either.

History, Macro-Micro -- politics-logistics-lifestyle

Spoiler: show
Since the Daily Mail has a reputation for putting words in people's mouths, I think it's worthwhile using the actual quotes from Newsome, rather than the Mail's words like "declares war on police"; I think this is all of them from the article:

'It's our obligation, it is our duty to provide people with a pathway forward.
'We want liberation. We want the power to determine our own destiny. We want freedom from an oppressive government, and we want the immediate end of government sanctioned murder by the police.

'And we prepare to stop these government sanctioned murders by any means necessary.

'We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities.'
'We're talking about self-defense. We're talking about defending our communities,' he explains. 'You know what it's like to see a taser pointed at a seven-year-old, you know what it's like to see a 67-year-old black woman... pepper sprayed and pushed to the ground?'
'We have black Special Forces officers advising us, and we will teach and train people in our communities, the Black Ops department of Black Opportunities,' he said.

'What we'll see is people put in place to defend our communities from police who will murder us and get away with it.'
Asked if the 'Peace Officers' would be armed and open carry their guns in the states that allow it, he said: 'Yes, absolutely.'
'We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,' he says.

'We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.

'I don't see us working with police. I see us policing ourselves. I see us teaching black people how to police their own communities.'
'We've never received a corporate dollar as Black Lives Matter, Greater New York,' he said. 'We've had an immense amount of support from Nick Cannon. We've had support recently from Rihanna and her Savage Fenty brand.

'But most of our donations are small dollar donations from regular people of all colors, who respect what we stand for.

'When we start talking about Black Opportunities and building our war chest to defend ourselves from the war on the poor... to defend ourselves against the war that is anti-blackness in America, then people will have to meet a certain criteria.'
'We want freedom from oppression and we don't believe in equality, but we fight for equity and access,' he said.
'We want to teach knowledge to our people, teach them their history, which American textbooks omit; we want to teach them about the law,' he explained.

'We'll bring in kids and teach them and train them the way that the Black Panthers used to do.'
'You're talking about people who have been told time and time again that their black lives don't matter,' he said.

'You're talking about a people who witnessed their peers and their family members incarcerated at unfair rates.

'You're looking at people who are miseducated and then to add insult to injury, the government allows police to come in and kill us and allow police officers to continuously get away with killing us. Any person would be outraged.'
'They want to go out and grab all those things that America told them that they should have, but they couldn't have,' he said.

'People are poor. People are desperate. People are frustrated. So what do you expect them to do? People want to destroy because they're angry and they're frustrated.'

He added: 'Black Lives Matter didn't create this violence. Black Lives Matter is a product of this violence. The rioters are the product of the violence.'

Compare that to a far right position:

Understanding The Threat’s John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, appeared on the American Pastors Network’s “Stand in the Gap” radio program yesterday where he declared that military leaders who disagreed with President Donald Trump’s plans to use troops to quash the nationwide George Floyd protests are guilty of treason and that the leaders of Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist groups should be rounded up and executed.

Guandolo, who has repeatedly called for those with whom he disagrees to be charged with treason, was furious about the protests over Floyd’s killing by the police and the subsequent calls to reform the current law enforcement system.

“[Floyd] was a thug. He was a violent criminal, and he was on meth when they arrested him, so spare me,” Guandolo fumed. “Let’s first identify some of the most dangerous players in putting forth narratives that directly support our enemies. How about the Secretary of Defense [Mark] Esper? How about General [James] Mattis, Admiral [Michael] Mullen, George W. Bush, Nikki Haley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Admiral [Mark] Milley—this morning overtly comes out against the president of the United States. This is sedition and treason at a time when the country is at war with identifiable enemies, and these people need to be held accountable.”

“It’s time to start crushing these enemies,” he continued. “The leaders of this defund the police movement are communists and jihadis. They’re Muslim Brotherhood organized organizations like the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America. They’re designated terrorist groups like Hamas, the Council of American Islamic Relations. They are leaders of communist organizations like Black Lives Matter and antifa, and as this country has done in the past, we should round up the leaders and execute them for trying to revolt and overthrow the government. And if this doesn’t happen soon, we will lose this.” ... -executed/

The "American Pastors Network" isn't just a group of nutcases who found each other on the internet; it's a funded political organization:

The Honorable Sam Rohrer, former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Candidate for Governor in 2010, is the president of the American Pastor’s Network.

He is currently president of the Pennsylvania Pastors' Network, a branch of Let Freedom Ring, Inc.

Let Freedom Ring, Inc. was founded in 2004, using seed funding consisting of a $1-million donation from John Templeton Jr., President of the John Templeton Foundation.[a] It is organized as a 501(c)(4) entity, and in 2014 created a super PAC as well.,_Inc.[/quote]
ckaihatsu wrote:'Havoc' -- ? Really?

And what was this alleged 'havoc' *for*? Was it in facing-down fascists at a rally who were bent on maiming people of social minority demographics?

I call that collective-self-defense.

You must have your head in the sand. These protests have disrupted normal traffic flow, set cars and buildings on fire, and looted and destroyed businesses, both white and Black owned, as some examples. I have no idea what the havoc is for. Many of the protesters don't even know. Some say it is because of police brutality against Blacks or about the death of "Big" George. But "Big " George's family say none of this rioting and looting honors the memory of "Big" George. In fact, I think it makes it worse.

ckaihatsu wrote:Someone like the character of Archie Bunker could readily be called *prejudiced*, but it looks like he rarely even left his living room. I doubt he'd have *any* impact on those around him, much less at a social or *political* level.

I don't think we would commonly call him a white supremacist, nor was he a Dixiecrat.

Archie Bunker was a comedian dealing with the racism of his time as well as other matters. He became a good friend of George Jefferson, a Black man, which later became a spinoff TV series called "The Jeffersons" about a Black families economic and social rise in life. The following is a episode of "All in the Family" where Archie Bunker overcomes his prejudice about Blacks moving into his neighborhood:
Hindsite wrote:
You must have your head in the sand. These protests have disrupted normal traffic flow, set cars and buildings on fire, and looted and destroyed businesses, both white and Black owned, as some examples. I have no idea what the havoc is for. Many of the protesters don't even know. Some say it is because of police brutality against Blacks or about the death of "Big" George. But "Big " George's family say none of this rioting and looting honors the memory of "Big" George. In fact, I think it makes it worse.

Well, at worst it's *bad politics*, but I also don't think you're grasping the overall *situation*. 1000 killings every year, 100% preventable, and disproportionately against people of color -- what are the *outlets* supposed to be to *change* this situation?

Anyone who bemoans property damage over the clockwork loss of life at the hands of killer cops has their priorities messed up, and they need to reprioritize. Maybe those businesses can get government bailouts -- like the settlements given to the families of the victims -- without criminalizing such political protest acts, because it looks like the U.S. (federal) government still isn't going to do jack shit about this preventable loss of life.

I think *your* head is in the sand.

Hindsite wrote:
Archie Bunker was a comedian dealing with the racism of his time as well as other matters. He became a good friend of George Jefferson, a Black man, which later became a spinoff TV series called "The Jeffersons" about a Black families economic and social rise in life. The following is a episode of "All in the Family" where Archie Bunker overcomes his prejudice about Blacks moving into his neighborhood:

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