Ben Shapiro VS a socialist - Politics | PoFo

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As either the transitional stage to communism or legitimate socio-economic ends in its own right.
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I don’t mind Shapiro, but I can’t analyze what he’s saying because he talks so fast :lol:
Donna wrote:The list of people he refuses to debate gets longer every year.

To be fair, i'd be surprised if the list of people that don't want to talk/debate him is not much longer. The guy is obnoxious.
I watch a lot of debates. Energy, politics, religion. I don't mind people on the other side. But screaming, impolite babies that just tries to win by show of force but whose arguments are obsolete and weak are not worth it.
He has made a successful career out of getting "views" and becoming "famous" just by being a big ass.
Unthinking Majority wrote:

Interesting debate i'd say. What do you think?

Hmm. The issue with Shapiro is that the risk that the poor capitalist takes and he is the poor one who takes the risk and has to go bankrupt if the pencil factory doesn't make it? You mean like that bailout handed to the huge corporations to take away the risk factor and have the taxpayers pay for the risk? Socialism for the corporations and rugged go out and compete for a job on a long unemployment line worker for the worker? Rugged capitalism and individual cutthroat compete for a bad job for the workers?

No Unthinking. Ben Shapiro is an asshole. This pandemic is very stark. THe army of workers out there doing the deliveries, stocking the supermarkets, working on cars and trucks, keeping the restaurants going, and everything else involved in health care and essential services is about what keeps the economy going. They don't work or produce? Guess what? There isn't any economy worth having. It is the people consuming what other people produce. Period. That is it. If they want to not pay anyone for their work the system doesn't work. There is nothing for anyone to live off of. The problem is that the capitalists want to have their RISK taken away by workers paying taxes to the tune of trillions.

The money they magically did not have when everyone was going to work for a living? Is somehow found to bail out forced unemployment of 40 plus million workers. Oh my, no money they had for them while working and paying taxes that the too big to fail people raided to save their own asses but somehow the pockets are empty for the workers struggling. Because the workers are not producing the goods. The almighty capitalists are shouldering the risk. No they are not.
Saeko wrote:Ben Shapiro is as brain-dead as he is nasally, and as intellectually honest as he is tall. No one should ever take him seriously.

Let's face it, this is a skillful burn. 9/10.

But this is also an ad hominem, it doesn't address the points at all. You didn't watch the video. It's 3 minutes long.
XogGyux wrote:The guy is a bully. His whole strategy is to talk fast, loud, avoid any good points and strawman a lot.
Angry baby.

This is an ad hominem, it doesn't address the points at all. You didn't watch the video. It's 3 minutes long.

"Shapiro is wrong because I hate him".
Why is it always a pencil factory? The whole premise of the debate is faulty.
Unthinking Majority wrote:This is an ad hominem, it doesn't address the points at all. You didn't watch the video. It's 3 minutes long.

"Shapiro is wrong because I hate him".

Actually I didn't watch it because I cannot stomach giving him views that might translate into $$ via youtube.
The guy is despicable. If you have a point that YOU want to make, go ahead and put it forward.
XogGyux wrote:Actually I didn't watch it because I cannot stomach giving him views that might translate into $$ via youtube.
The guy is despicable. If you have a point that YOU want to make, go ahead and put it forward.


@Unthinking Majority stop using monetized grifters as proxy arguments you lazy fuck.
Tainari88 wrote:Hmm. The issue with Shapiro is that the risk that the poor capitalist takes and he is the poor one who takes the risk and has to go bankrupt if the pencil factory doesn't make it? You mean like that bailout handed to the huge corporations to take away the risk factor and have the taxpayers pay for the risk? Socialism for the corporations and rugged go out and compete for a job on a long unemployment line worker for the worker? Rugged capitalism and individual cutthroat compete for a bad job for the workers?

First, thank you for actually watching the video and making a thoughtful response.

Very fair point about the corporate bailouts. But you also have to understand that when Obama/Bush bailed them out, they saved a huge number of jobs for ordinary workers too. What was a better alternative? Let the corporations go bust and have millions unemployment and pay them while they do nothing and can't get jobs for a long time?

No Unthinking. Ben Shapiro is an asshole.

Sometimes he is an asshole, like his horrible takes on transgender people.

This pandemic is very stark. THe army of workers out there doing the deliveries, stocking the supermarkets, working on cars and trucks, keeping the restaurants going, and everything else involved in health care and essential services is about what keeps the economy going. They don't work or produce? Guess what? There isn't any economy worth having. It is the people consuming what other people produce. Period. That is it. If they want to not pay anyone for their work the system doesn't work. There is nothing for anyone to live off of.

I actually think the economy is a partnership between the employers/capitalists and the workers/mass consumers. The economy wouldn't work without either, which is why both exist. You need money and equipment/facilities, you need managers, you need employees, you need people buying stuff.

The money they magically did not have when everyone was going to work for a living? Is somehow found to bail out forced unemployment of 40 plus million workers. Oh my, no money they had for them while working and paying taxes that the too big to fail people raided to save their own asses but somehow the pockets are empty for the workers struggling. Because the workers are not producing the goods. The almighty capitalists are shouldering the risk. No they are not.

I think in the USA the system is out of whack, big-time. It favours the capitalists far too much. In my country it is more to the left economically, and it works out better as there is less inequality and free health care and highly subsidized education etc, but there is still corruption and lobbying and tax havens for the rich which are unfair. I think you need to balance the social and economic welfare of the masses of workers with the ability of capitalists to make money in order to spur investment and entrepreneurship. In my country about 50% of income or more goes to the government via taxes if you make healthy 6-figure income or higher as a small business owner(though the very rich use tax havens). Much more than that and you start killing the incentive to operate a business if almost all goes to the gov. I'm a tad left-of-center economically, some may call moderate.
Unthinking Majority wrote:First, thank you for actually watching the video and making a thoughtful response.

Very fair point about the corporate bailouts. But you also have to understand that when Obama/Bush bailed them out, they saved a huge number of jobs for ordinary workers too. What was a better alternative? Let the corporations go bust and have millions unemployment and pay them while they do nothing and can't get jobs for a long time?

Here is the first problem. If you gonna subscribe to capitalism but then every time companies are about to fail you have to step in and give them a push with tax money then you are not very capitalist are you?

Then there is the issue of regulation. Yes, it can sometimes be stupid and bureaucratic. However, history have proven over and over and over again that the second big corporations gets a tiny little crack, they will push a whole elephant through that tiny crack. Think of the mortgage crisis... think of the stock buy-backs, think of the countless times companies have dumped toxic shit in our water or in our lands.
Last edited by XogGyux on 18 Jun 2020 04:01, edited 1 time in total.
XogGyux wrote:Here is the first problem. If you gonna subscribe to capitalism but then every time companies are about to fail you have to step in and give them a push with tax money then you are not very capitalist are you?

You're right, I don't think companies should be bailed out. The exception was 2008, because it was brinking on not just individual corporate collapses but systemic collapse that would have cascaded throughout a huge portion of the economy. That's why companies shouldn't be "too big to fail". But the US gov didn't follow through, because they're spineless paid-off arseholes owned by their corporate puppetmasters.
Unthinking Majority wrote:You're right, I don't think companies should be bailed out. The exception was 2008, because it was brinking on not just individual corporate collapses but systemic collapse that would have cascaded throughout a huge portion of the economy. That's why companies shouldn't be "too big to fail". But the US gov didn't follow through, because they're spineless paid-off arseholes owned by their corporate puppetmasters.

They should have been allowed to fail.
Or... maybe the government should have paid the mortgages themselves that way people don't lose the houses and banks would not have failed. After all... government money is people's money.
Or maybe they should have saved the bank and then put all the architects of this shitshit in jail.
Anyhow, water under the bridge.

About the only time I agreed with him on something. Even felt a bit scared for him, lol.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

JK Rowling agrees with him on that too. She also copped angry Testosterone fuelled responses.

Evita would have also agreed.
Last edited by colliric on 18 Jun 2020 04:40, edited 2 times in total.

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