white shame issues do you want to keep this up? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Spider-Man wrote:White people are taught to be ashamed of our history, but the other races were killing each other before white people showed up.

People of European descent have done a tremendous amount of good things too.

To thine own self be true is what all people need to be.

Be true to who you are inside and connect with other people. Like he stated in the end? Don't be thinking absolve me of my liberal white guilt oh, POC....no, you need to be...I am with "Insert name here".

Be yourself. Don't worry about what 'color' you are. In the end, people want to be with you because of who you are not because you are a color.

What does being white really tell you about someone? Practically nothing is the answer.

Oh, he's white.

Yes? What is he besides white? Charming? Intelligent? Educated? Shy? Witty?

it is something very superficial if you know that it gives you just one bit of information? The white person hardly ever has to worry about being a color when they leave the house. That is it.
White guilt, White shame, White anxiety... What a wonderful little sociocultural vortex one can get sucked into.

The problem lies of course on the other end of the spectrum; White pride.

Often called 'Western Supremacism' or 'Eurocentrism'.

These last parts have been the cogwheel of many philosophical, ideological and cultural developments since the Industrial revolution (and even earlier). The very nature of history has traditionally been seen from this lens. The great lies that become "truths" once enough people belive in them. One should note that it has not been universal and there are many different types of 'White people' spread across the globe.

These have gradually been rolled back (to some extent). The beliefs of today are very different than they once where and I'm only talking about what I have myself witnessed over the past 20-30 years. The understanding, or lack of understanding, of this earlier phenomenon has created a lot of anxiety, particularly amongst 'Whites' who feel that they have more than they 'deserve' solely on merit. Anxiety manifests in many forms and you can choose to belive how large sub-group we are talking of here.
Tainari88 wrote:The white person hardly ever has to worry about being a color when they leave the house.

There are more whites murdered by blacks than blacks killed by cops and whites put together. The same is true for almost all interracial violent crime categories. So whites have just as much cause to worry about being a color when they leave the house as any other group.
MadMonk wrote:
The problem lies of course on the other end of the spectrum; White pride.

The problem lies on both ends of the spectrum. Excessive pride or irrational guilt are both equally ignorant and toxic. The problem is people making a fetish out of identity. The human race is on the verge of obsolescence and the identitards are locked in a death struggle for supremacy over an all but defunct species. :knife:


While this blog generally seeks to spread dismay whenever the opportunity arises, it cannot pretend to a huge obsession with what might be described as ordinary racism. When perusing the thought-crimes of the mainstream racist community, it is continually afflicted by a sense of overwhelming unreality. This is not (of course), because races do not exist, or do not differ significantly, or … whatever. The most politically incorrect cognitive position on almost every point of this kind is reliably closer to reality than its more socially-convenient and comforting alternatives.

The problem with ordinary racism is its utter incomprehension of the near future. Not only will capabilities for genomic manipulation dissolve biological identity into techno-commercial processes of yet-incomprehensible radicality, but also … other things.

First, a sketch of the existing racism-antiracism contention in its commonplace or dominant form. The antiracist, or universal humanist position — when extracted from its most idiotic social-constructivist and hypocritical alt-racist expressions — amounts to a program for global genetic pooling. Cultural barriers to the Utopian vision of a unitary ‘human’ gene pool, stirred with increasing ardor into homogeneous intermixture, are deplored as atavistic obstructions to the realization of a true, common humanity. Races will not exist once they are reduced, by practical politics and libidinal indiscriminacy, into relics of contingent historical partition. In contrast, racial identitarianism envisages a conservation of (comparative) genetic isolation, generally determined by boundaries corresponding to conspicuous phenotypic variation. It is race realist, in that it admits to seeing what everyone does in fact see — which is to say consistent patterns of striking, correlated, multi-dimensional variety between human populations (or sub-species). Its unrealism lies in its projections.

Gregory Cochran suggests that space colonization will inevitably function as a highly-selective genetic filter, unless extreme political intervention is taken to prevent this:

One generally assumes that space colonists, assuming that there ever are any, will be picked individuals, somewhat like existing astronauts – the best out of hordes of applicants. They’ll be smarter than average, healthier than average, saner than average – and not by just a little. […] Since all these traits are significantly heritable, some highly so, we have to expect that their descendants will be different – different above the neck. They’d likely be, on average, smarter than any existing ethnic group. If a Lunar colony really took off, early colonists might account for a disproportionate fraction of the population (just as Puritans do in the US), and the Loonies might continue to have inordinate amounts of the right stuff indefinitely.

As a scientific sort, Cochran is exploring this scenario as a potential source of compelling hereditarian evidence (anticipated through thought experiment). What, however, of the prospect itself, as the illustration of a mechanism that lends itself to theoretical generalization? One might discuss it in terms of ordinary racism, as a zone of disparate impact (which it would almost certainly be). Yet this is only to scratch at it, hazily and superficially.

The most prominent model of such a filter is found in the theory of assortative mating. Strictly speaking, the racial-preservationist culture advocated by ordinary racism is an example of assortative mating, with a criterion of genetic proximity filtering potential matches. This is not why the idea has such currency. It is assortative mating on the basis of SES that has lifted it to prominence, both because it seems unquestionably to be happening, and because the implications of its happening are extreme. (Crucially, SES is a strong proxy for IQ.)

Assortative mating tends to genetic diversification. This is neither the preserved diversity of ordinary racism, still less the idealized genetic pooling of the anti-racists, but a class-structured mechanism for population diremption, on a vector towards neo-speciation. It implies the disintegration of the human species, along largely unprecedented lines, with intrinsic hierarchical consequence. The genetically self-filtering elite is not merely different — and becoming ever more different — it is explicitly superior according to the established criteria that allocate social status. Analogical fusion with Cochran’s space colonists is scarcely avoidable. If SES-based assortative mating is taking place, humanity (and not only society) is coming apart, on an axis whose inferior pole is refuse. This is not anything that ordinary racism is remotely able to process. That it is a consummate nightmare for anti-racism goes without question, but it is also trans-racial, infra-racial, and hyper-racial in ways that leave ‘race politics’ as a gibbering ruin in its wake.

Neo-eugenic genomic manipulation capabilities, which will also be unevenly distributed by SES, will certainly intensify the trend to speciation, rather than ameliorating it. On the sweetness-and-light side, racists and anti-racists can be expected to eventually bond in a defensive fraternity, when they recognize that traditionally-differentiated human populations are being torn asunder on an axis of variation that dwarfs all of their established concerns.

Sivad wrote:The problem lies on both ends of the spectrum. Excessive pride or irrational guilt are both equally ignorant and toxic. The problem is people making a fetish out of identity. The human race is on the verge of obsolescence and the identitards are locked in a death struggle for supremacy over an all but defunct species. :knife:

In other words, the historical process is going to make fools of us all, as it always has and likely always will. Man proposes; history disposes.
Potemkin wrote:In other words, the historical process is going to make fools of us all, as it always has and likely always will. Man proposes; history disposes.

I don't know, that kind of determinism is a superstitious deification of history. We're definitely caught up in an inexorable process but that process isn't completely deterministic. Our choices definitely shape the course of history so while a posthuman future is a virtual certainty, whether that future is a happy one of flourishing or a total nightmare is entirely up to us. If we keep the world free and keep socio-economic inequality in check then the future is bright, but if we let the world go authoritarian and allow the psychopaths to run amok they will establish a very dark empire that will inflict pain and sufferring on a scale that dwarves the totality of pain and sufferring in all of human history.

We are at the end of humanity. People need to fully realize what that means, they need to realize what the stakes are and act accordingly.
Sivad wrote:I don't know, that kind of determinism is a superstitious deification of history. We're definitely caught up in an inexorable process but that process isn't completely deterministic. Our choices definitely shape the course of history so while a posthuman future is a virtual certainty, whether that future is a happy one of flourishing or a total nightmare is entirely up to us. If we keep the world free and keep socio-economic inequality in check then the future is bright, but if we let the world go authoritarian and allow the psychopaths to run amok they will establish a very dark empire that will inflict pain and sufferring on a scale that dwarves the totality of pain and sufferring in all of human history.

We are at the end of humanity. People need to fully realize what that means, they need to realize what the stakes are and act accordingly.

When have they ever done that? Most people are concerned only with their own immediate material interests, and care nothing for the bigger picture. And it's probably fortunate that this is so, or else human society would likely be ungovernable. Every social order requires and presupposes the unthinking passivity of the majority.

No, as Lenin pointed out, any social progress, any redirection of the course of human history, needs a vanguard - a band of dedicated, professional revolutionaries with a vision for the future. The more time that passes, the more obvious it becomes that Marx and Lenin were right.
I constantly get accused of racism because I completely rejected the filth that was Christianity. My rejection of Christianity had started by the age of 5. I grew up, cosmologically speaking in what Christopher Hitchens aptly described as a celestial North Korea. I didn't have the terminology, I didn't know about Korea North or South, but unlike my peers and the so called adults thats exactly how I understood the Christian world view. My fundamental dispute with Christianity was very simply:

God take some fucking responsibility for your own creation and stop whining about the behaviour of your creations!

All other questions, even God's existence were secondary to this. This is why I'm so intolerant when I see Christianity being smuggled back in another form. Whether its Buddhism, or Wokeness. Hence my antipathy to what I find helpful to label or categorise as Cultural Marxism. Until relatively recently we lived in Malthusian world where (long term) population equilibrium was maintained by massive, endemic premature death, through the most ghastly misery. From about 4 million years ago, you start to see the dying out of the carnivorous megafauna in Africa. Maybe from about a hundred thousand years ago you see the dying off of our hominoid cousins till only homo sapiens remained.

After that it was humans vs humans. The only way for a group of humans descendants to survive and multiply was to directly or indirectly exterminate some other group's descendants. Why should we feel guilty of this? Why should I feel one jot of guilt for what my ancestors did in order for my biological lineages to survive and for me to have this incarnation? Why should I feel guilty for the killings, the genocides, the assaults, the rapes, the sexual assaults, the abortions, the endemic violence, the bigotry, the hatred, the terror and the lies, that were necessary to give me this relatively comfortable incarnation? Once I had got over the terror of my Christian upbringing. Much of Christian cosmology is murky and confused to say the least, but one thing is abundantly clear, the Christian God doesn't take kindly to having his hypocrisy pointed out.
@Rich, the greatest error of Christianity is the assumption of a creator god separate from creation. That doesn't make sense. If god is supposed to represent the ultimate reality outside which there cannot be anything, then the creator and creation has to be one. Other religions like Buddhism didn't make that mistake. Creation is as it is, neither bad nor good. Moral judgement of good or bad are human inventions devised for facilitating human relations. To keep on killing each other is a rather wasteful way of human interaction.

Since you are no longer 5 year old, you are old enough to understand the social value of moral rules even without resorting to religious fairy tales. Even if all is not perfect with Christianity, it did undoubtedly have a civilizing effect on the savages of the North of Europe. After all, the ME from where it came did have a head start in matters of civilization.

Thus, it's easy to understand that racial discrimination has a socially negative effect. The frictions between ethnic groups are very costly and totally unnecessary. The idea of "white shaming" is nonsense. It's a polemic exaggeration for ideological reason.

It always takes two to tango, but since whites have been in a position of power since the colonial conquest, it's really up them to make the first move for overcoming ethnic tensions. The first step needs to be the recognition that injustice has been done to colored people and that it's our responsibility to mend the problem. That's nothing to do with guilt or shaming, that's taking responsibility like mature adults.

@Rich, you better grow up, there is no god to take responsibility for creation. Taking responsibility means taking control of our own destiny. It means to become free of the demons of the past that torment us.
Donna wrote:Of course. Black Jerusalem is Rising.

If you mean something akin to the bigoted, racist, xenophobic, backward state that emerged in Canaan in the First Millennium BC, then I would have to agree with you.
Donna wrote:Of course. Black Jerusalem is Rising. Occultists have been predicting it for almost a century.

I am white and I love black people. I live with a black man who got his money stolen and I gave him a gift of 60 dollars cash today.

In a true reborn nuclear family and friendship and butterfly Fascism, the white man loves and serves his black brother and sister, finds a trustworthy black person and gives him money and his joy is my delight.

I will serve and invest in the right black man, and my mistakes are purified in Denise Naslund's hands and the virgin Mary's hands to become something pleasing to God and Queen Leah's souls

When I am robbed and mistreated by black people I get that is my Calvary and Crucifixion of the ghetto. I love it when spiders bite.

Facing black people is like facing spiders. It is a creature that scares me so I have to hold it and love it, and then I love my fear!

We are very different but we are one, brothers, sisters!

I used to be racist because in a correction facility that I spent 22 months in, Native Americans were top of the cast system and whites were demonized.

I heard a native in the cell next to me say, " fucking white people have to show up and take our land and everything. I hate white people! "

It is time for the white man to love his black brother because we are all connected. If your black brother steals from you, causes you pain and suffering, remember the good brothers and don't use the N word out of respect for the good holy honest brothers like that brother who attends KKK ceremonies with the bigots and whose courage and love melts them and puts hot coals on the bigots head so that hicks and hillbilly's and Redneck's and neonazis surrender and realize they love their enemies. They are also brothers and sisters with white, black, native, Arab, Jewish, and Hispanic people.

We are one body in Christ! As the song of Solomon says, "I am dark, but I am lovely"?

Love your black neighbor. He or she is your cross at times and the cross is the tree of life.

The more nice white people are even in the face of ingratitude, the more my people are glorified and when wronged, gloriously resurrected. Invest everything in the right negro and you go onwards and upwards!

White man serves black man, black man returns an important contribution that makes the investment worth it.

The fourth Reich, Holy Roman Empire, global government, the roman revival, the revival of Rome (which was not a white empire) salutes and blesses you! :-)
Spider-Man wrote:White people are taught to be ashamed of our history, but the other races were killing each other before white people showed up.

People of European descent have done a tremendous amount of good things too.

Indeed, we are practically tought about our "inherent evilness" and this political propaganda is disguised as objective sciences in many studies within sociology. I have no intention of "deconstructing" my whiteness, which is this supposed vague metaphysical evil. I am white, and I refuse to be shamed with this crap.

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