Hitler was Sun of God - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The miraculous swirling sun witnessed by pilgrims to Fatima in 1917 represented the swastika and was a sign that heaven had sent Adolf Hitler to punish humanity for its sins. The miracle at Fatima also showed that the God of Christianity and Re, the sun god of ancient Egypt, are the same deity. After centuries of "Passover" — passing over from the Egyptians to the Jews to the Christians to the Muslims — God was again appearing on earth as a sun god, this time in the person of Hitler.

The events associated with Our Lady of Fatima began on May 13, 1917 when three children tending sheep near the town of Fatima in central Portugal reportedly saw the Virgin Mary appear as a shining figure in an oak tree. She told the three children, Lucia dos Santos, age 10, and her younger cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marta, to return to the site on the 13th day of the month for the next five months. During these visits, she imparted to the children a vision of hell, warned them of a second world war and asked for the conversion of Russia from communism.

On the final visitation, some 50,000 people had arrived for the October 13 event, expecting a miracle promised by the Holy Mother. The crowd endured a heavy rain fall. In the afternoon, the sky suddenly cleared, and the sun reappeared, but as a dull silver disk with a sharply defined edge, like a plate in the sky. One could look at it directly without hurting the eyes. Suddenly, the sun began to tremble and shake, then began spinning furiously while throwing out light in all colors. One witness noted, "Everything assumed those same colors: our faces, our clothes, the earth itself." Awe was followed by shock: The spinning sun was falling and turning blood red as it plunged toward earth. The sun was variously described "like a bicycle wheel" or a "fire wheel." Then the sun returned to its normal place in the sky and resumed its customary appearance.

Sun symbol

The spinning sun was the swastika. According to the Holocaust Research Center at holocaust.trc.org., the swastika "is considered to be a representation of the sun and is associated with the worship of Aryan sun gods." Holocausthistory.net, a website of The Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom, stated that the swastika was "sometimes used to symbolize the sun's movement." The neo-Nazi website, [ I have not read the forum rules ]., prefers to interpret the swastika as the Hammer of Thor but acknowledged, "some sources do believe that it could be derived from the well-known Germanic Sunwheel."

In the Virgin Mary's second message she told the children, "When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes. " The reference to a "night illuminated by an unknown light" came true on January 25, 1938 as reported the next day by The New York Times: "The Aurora Borealis, rarely seen in Southern or Western Europe, spread fear in parts of Portugal and lower Austria tonight while thousands of Britons were brought running into the streets in wonderment. The ruddy glow led many to think half the city was ablaze . . . " Since northern lights are caused by high energy particles emanating from the sun, this unusual activity, like the Fatima swirling sun, could be attributed to a solar deity.

If you prefer Eastern spirituality to the Catholic “spin,” you might argue that Hitler was karma for colonialism. Europe conquered and oppressed much of the world; Hitler conquered and oppressed much of Europe, giving the colonial powers a taste of their own medicine. “Nazism was the application of colonialism to Europe,” noted Aimė Cėsaire, the Afro-Caribbean author and politician.

Related thread:
During these visits, she imparted to the children a vision of hell, warned them of a second world war and asked for the conversion of Russia from communism.

Russia hadn't yet converted to communism. That's some powerful prophecy right there. Lol.

If you prefer Eastern spirituality to the Catholic “spin,” you might argue that Hitler was karma for colonialism. Europe conquered and oppressed much of the world; Hitler conquered and oppressed much of Europe, giving the colonial powers a taste of their own medicine. “Nazism was the application of colonialism to Europe,” noted Aimė Cėsaire, the Afro-Caribbean author and politician.

Now, that I agree with.
By Rich
Robert Urbanek wrote:to punish humanity for its sins.

What sins? Humanity hasn't committed any sins.

Moral systems are all the invention of human beings and its completely up to human beings how much they keep to these rule systems. When ever people demand that you serve an extra human entity, they are almost certainly really demanding that you serve, their particular set of prejudices, neuroses and fancies.
By late
Robert Urbanek wrote:
If you prefer Eastern spirituality to the Catholic “spin,” you might argue that Hitler was karma for colonialism. Europe conquered and oppressed much of the world; Hitler conquered and oppressed much of Europe, giving the colonial powers a taste of their own medicine. “Nazism was the application of colonialism to Europe,” noted Aimė Cėsaire, the Afro-Caribbean author and politician.

Are you aware that your point has next to nothing to do with the rest of your text??

You keep making up mythologies..

Anyway, Occam's Razor, technology made colonialism and the repeated devastation of Europe possible...

You don't need sun gods, or karma, or whatever.
The falling sun observed at Fatima is consistent with the theology of Re, the Egyptian sun god expressed as a trinity: Khepera in the morning, Re at noon and Tem in the evening. Khepera, symbolized by the scarab, represented creativity and resurrection; while Tem, associated with the ram and water lily, carried the "dead" sun through the night so it could be born again in the morning.

The central god, Re at noon, depicted with the head of a falcon, corresponds to the falling sun of Fatima. As he descends, Re grows old and weak, and his earthly subjects become wicked and disobedient. Re summoned a daughter, the lioness Sekhmet, who slaughtered those who rebelled against him until Re, through trickery, transformed her into Hathor, the goddess of desire and fertility. This bloody retribution by the declining sun god corresponds to the vengeance meted out by Hitler during World War II.

Deadly daughter

Who was Hitler's mythic daughter? Western religion does not allow for a dark goddess, so Sekhmet emerged in cinema in that early war year, 1939, in the movies The Wizard of Oz and Gone With The Wind.

Behold the young warrior Dorothy, demanding strength from her weak inner men. From the man of straw, she drew a bundle of sticks, the fasces of fascism. From the tin man, she forged steel for bullets and armor for tanks. From the cowardly lion, she demanded the courage of the lioness Sekhmet. She killed rival witches in murders disguised as accidents. Slippers dipped in ruby blood; soon the red torrent would rinse her hair.

Now she becomes Scarlett, Witch of the South, a widow dancing on the corpse of her husband. Men run off to war on the false promise of her tease. She yearns to be tamed by the pure and honorable Ashley but is doomed to coupling with the equally black-hearted Rhett.

Sepia tones give way to vibrant color. Dreams invade the waking mind. Celluloid battles draw real blood. Dorothy Gale came in a tornado and is gone with the wind. But she will never give up. Tomorrow is another war.
Hitler's problem was that he developed a god-complex. He thought he was some kind of messiah, he thought he was invisible, and so became arrogant, stupidly invaded Russia with his forced already spread out over western and southern Europe, and c'est la vie.
Reading this thread, I'm reminded of Hitler's deification by Miguel Serrano and Savitri Devi, and the Fatima apparition is an interesting angle too.

I'm reminded also of this recent Book/Documentary;

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By Potemkin
annatar1914 wrote:Reading this thread, I'm reminded of Hitler's deification by Miguel Serrano and Savitri Devi, and the Fatima apparition is an interesting angle too.

I'm reminded also of this recent Book/Documentary;

And I'm reminded of this....

By Rich
Unthinking Majority wrote: and so became arrogant, stupidly invaded Russia with his forced already spread out over western and southern Europe, and c'est la vie.

Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a mistake, but it hardly qualifies as some outstanding stupidity. His expectation of victory was widely shared. Churchill told the armed forces to prepare for a Soviet collapse by the autumn and the return of German forces to the attack on Britain. Given the Soviet Union's atrocious performance in the winter war against Finland, and the fact that Germany had defeated Russia in World War I, while it had failed to knock out France made the idea that they just had to kick in the door, reasonably plausible.

I would argue that Hitler's entry in to war against Britain and France in 1939 was a bigger error, a bigger gamble than his invasion of the Soviet Union. Its just that he got very lucky and so this foolhardy gamble gets overlooked. I don't think even Manstein expected the speed of victory they got in May 1940, and its difficult to see how any sustained campaign would have gone well for Germany. They just didn't have the stocks or the manufacturing capacity in shells and ammunition for starters.
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By Beren
Rich wrote:Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a mistake

I'd rather assume it was something Nazi Germany was set up for. The Nazis had to roll over Germany and Europe and take down Leftists and Jews, and then destroy the Soviet Union, but they failed with the last one fatally. As a matter of fact I don't believe Hitler escaped to anywhere because he was like an MK Ultra designed to either accomplish his mission or self-annihilate in case of failure, the latter of which we consider having happened due to his extreme fatalism.
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By Beren
Rancid wrote:Wasn't Germany doomed to lose even if they didn't invade the Soviet Union?

They would've lost anyway, I guess, like the USSR lost the Cold War, for example.
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By Potemkin
Rancid wrote:Wasn't Germany doomed to lose even if they didn't invade the Soviet Union?

As Beren indicated, it's likely that even if Nazi Germany had won WWII, they would probably have lost it all again within half a century of the end of the War. Even Hitler anticipated decades of massive uprisings against Nazi rule across the whole of Eurasia. After all, Hitler planned to murder huge swathes of the Eurasian population in the post-War period, and those people weren't exactly going to sit around waiting for that to happen, were they? It's difficult to see how Hitler's 'Thousand Year Reich' could have lasted very long, even assuming total victory in WWII.
Rich wrote:Moral systems are all the invention of human beings and its completely up to human beings how much they keep to these rule systems.

While this is true, I disagree with the denial of sins and punishment. They are both important parts of the moral framework, although more neutral terms (e.g. "cause and effect") can also be used.
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By Rancid
Potemkin wrote:As Beren indicated, it's likely that even if Nazi Germany had won WWII, they would probably have lost it all again within half a century of the end of the War. Even Hitler anticipated decades of massive uprisings against Nazi rule across the whole of Eurasia. After all, Hitler planned to murder huge swathes of the Eurasian population in the post-War period, and those people weren't exactly going to sit around waiting for that to happen, were they? It's difficult to see how Hitler's 'Thousand Year Reich' could have lasted very long, even assuming total victory in WWII.

Then why did he bother?
Rancid wrote:Then why did he bother?

Why did Napoleon bother? Why did Genghis Khan bother? Why did Alexander the Great bother? All empires eventually crumble into dust....

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
The spinning sun was the swastika. According to the Holocaust Research Center at holocaust.trc.org., the swastika "is considered to be a representation of the sun and is associated with the worship of Aryan sun gods." Holocausthistory.net, a website of The Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom, stated that the swastika was "sometimes used to symbolize the sun's movement."

In the Zoroastrian religion of Persia, the swastika was a symbol of the revolving sun. It is one of the most common symbols on Mesopotamian coins. In 2016, ancient DNA was recovered from sites in the Zagros Mountains, Iran (Broushaki et al. 2016). The early Zagros Mountain farmers have left a genetic legacy particularly in Zoroastrians in Iran. The descendants of these early Iranian farmers spread north into the Eurasian steppe and east into South Asia. The admixture between the Neolithic Iranian WC1 and modern-day Cypriots occurred around 70 CE (range: 570 BCE–750 CE). The Zagros people descend from a group of basal Eurasians who separated from the ancestors of all Eurasians 50,000 to 60,000 years ago and they have less Neanderthal ancestry than Anatolian farmers. These Zoroastrians in Iran may be the Pre-Proto-Aryans who spread their genes and culture to Europe and South Asia. The early Zagros Mountain farmers were goat herders who invented agriculture that reached the borders of Europe along with their migrating journeys.

Fig. 4 Modern-day peoples with affinity to WC1.
Modern groups with an increasingly higher (respectively lower) inferred proportion of haplotype sharing with the Iranian Neolithic Wezmeh Cave (WC1, 7455 to 7082 cal BCE, blue triangle) compared to the Anatolian Neolithic Barcın genome (Bar8; 6212 to 6030 cal BCE, red triangle) are depicted with an increasingly stronger blue or red color, respectively. Circle sizes illustrate the relative absolute proportion of this difference between WC1 versus Bar8. The key for the modern group labels is provided in table S24.

We also examined recent haplotype sharing between each modern group and ancient Neolithic genomes from Iran (WC1) and Europe (LBK, NE1), HG genomes sampled from Luxembourg (Loschbour) and the Caucasus (KK1; Kotias), a 4500-year-old genome from Ethiopia (Mota) and Ust’-Ishim, and a 45,000-year-old genome from Siberia. Modern groups from south, central, and northwestern Europe shared haplotypes predominantly with European Neolithic samples LBK and NE1, and European HGs, whereas modern Near and Middle Eastern, as well as southern Asian samples, had higher sharing with WC1 (figs. S28 and S29). Modern Pakistani, Iranian, Armenian, Tajikistani, Uzbekistani, and Yemeni samples were inferred to share >10% of haplotypes with WC1. This was true even when modern groups from neighboring geographic regions were added as potential ancestry surrogates (figs. S26 and S27 and table S23). Iranian Zoroastrians had the highest inferred sharing with WC1 out of all modern groups (table S23). Consistent with this, outgroup f3 statistics indicate that Iranian Zoroastrians are the most genetically similar to all four Neolithic Iranians, followed by other modern Iranians (Fars), Balochi (southeastern Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan), Brahui (Pakistan and Afghanistan), Kalash (Pakistan), and Georgians (figs. S12 to S15). Interestingly, WC1 most likely had brown eyes, relatively dark skin, and black hair, although Neolithic Iranians carried reduced pigmentation-associated alleles in several genes and derived alleles at 7 of the 12 loci showing the strongest signatures of selection in ancient Eurasians (3) (tables S29 to S33). Although there is a strong Neolithic component in these modern south Asian populations, simulation of allele sharing rejected full population continuity under plausible ancestral population sizes, indicating some population turnover in Iran since the Neolithic (7).

While Early Neolithic samples from eastern and western southwest Asia differ conspicuously, comparisons to genomes from Chalcolithic Anatolia and Iron Age Iran indicate a degree of subsequent homogenization. Kumtepe6, a ~6750-year-old genome from northwestern Anatolia (16), was more similar to Neolithic Iranians than to any other non-Iranian ancient genome (figs. S17 to S20 and table S18.1). Furthermore, our male Iron Age genome (F38; 971 to 832 BCE; sequenced to 1.9×) from Tepe Hasanlu in northwestern Iran shares greatest similarity with Kumtepe6 (fig. S21) even when compared to Neolithic Iranians (table S20). We inferred additional non-Iranian or non-Anatolian ancestry in F38 from sources such as European Neolithics and even post-Neolithic Steppe populations (table S20). Consistent with this, F38 carried a N1a subclade mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is common in early European and northwestern Anatolian farmers (3). In contrast, his Y chromosome belongs to subhaplogroup R1b1a2a2, also found in five Yamnaya individuals (17) and in two individuals from the Poltavka culture (3). These patterns indicate that post-Neolithic homogenization in southwestern Asia involved substantial bidirectional gene flow between the east and west of the region, as well as possible gene flow from the Steppe.

Migration of people associated with the Yamnaya culture has been implicated in the spread of Indo-European languages (17, 18), and some level of Near Eastern ancestry was previously inferred in southern Russian pre-Yamnaya populations (3). However, our analyses suggest that Neolithic Iranians were unlikely to be the main source of Near Eastern ancestry in the Steppe population (table S20) and that this ancestry in pre-Yamnaya populations originated primarily in the west of southwest Asia.

We also inferred shared ancestry between Steppe and Hasanlu Iron Age genomes that was distinct from EN Iranians (table S20) (7). In addition, modern Middle Easterners and South Asians appear to possess mixed ancestry from ancient Iranian and Steppe populations (tables S19 and S20). However, Steppe-related ancestry may also have been acquired indirectly from other sources (7), and it is not clear if this is sufficient to explain the spread of Indo-European languages from a hypothesized Steppe homeland to the region where Indo-Iranian languages are spoken today. Yet, the affinities of Zagros Neolithic individuals to modern populations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and India is consistent with a spread of Indo-Iranian languages, or of Dravidian languages (which includes Brahui), from the Zagros into southern Asia, in association with farming (19).

The Neolithic transition in southwest Asia involved the appearance of different domestic species, particularly crops, in different parts of the Neolithic core zone, with no single center (20). Early evidence of plant cultivation and goat management between the 10th and the 8th millennium BCE highlights the Zagros as a key region in the Neolithization process (1). Given the evidence of domestic species movement from east to west across southwest Asia (21), it is surprising that EN human genomes from the Zagros are not closely related to those from northwestern Anatolia and Europe. Instead they represent a previously undescribed Neolithic population. Our data show that the chain of Neolithic migration into Europe does not reach back to the eastern Fertile Crescent, also raising questions about whether intermediate populations in southeastern and Central Anatolia form part of this expansion. Nevertheless, it seems probable that the Zagros region was the source of an eastern expansion of the southwestern Asian domestic plant and animal economy. Our inferred persistence of ancient Zagros genetic components in modern day south Asians lends weight to a strong demic component to this expansion.

Last edited by ThirdTerm on 23 Jul 2020 22:34, edited 2 times in total.
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By noemon
Admin Notes:

1) This thread only exists because of the replies to it.
2) Deifying Hitler should not be repeated.
Hitler had another connection to ancient Egypt.

Although Hitler had taken Eva Braun as his mistress, his heart belonged to Nefertiti. A colorful bust of the 18th Dynasty Queen was discovered by German archaeologists in the ruins of an ancient artist's studio on the banks of the Nile in 1912.

The bust was first displayed in 1923 in Berlin at the height of the “Egypto-mania” following the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen. When the Egyptian government in 1933 demanded the return of Nefertiti, Hitler replied in a letter, "I know this famous bust. I have viewed it and marveled at it many times. Nefertiti continually delights me. The bust is a unique masterpiece, an ornament, a true treasure!"

Hitler continued, "Do you know what I'm going to do one day? I'm going to build a new Egyptian museum in Berlin. I dream of it. Inside I will build a chamber, crowned by a large dome. In the middle, this wonder, Nefertiti, will be enthroned. I will never relinquish the head of the Queen."

Nefertiti was the consort of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who reigned from 1352 to 1336 BC. He offended his subjects by replacing the multitude of Egyptian deities with one sun god, Aten. Nefertiti bore him six daughters and was granted royal status. She may have briefly ruled Egypt after his death.

Perhaps Hitler was the reincarnation of Akhenaten, pining in Berlin for his long-lost love. Akhenaten was a reluctant participant in foreign affairs and neglected his eastern borders. By invading the Soviet Union, Hitler may have overcompensated for his previous failings as a pharaoh.
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