Let the Bodies Hit the Streets: President Trump to Oversee Greatest Increase in Homelessness Thread - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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ckaihatsu wrote:
Tell that to the slaves who initially *built* the U.S., and tell that to the present-day *descendants* of those enslaved peoples.
Being a descendant from the Mayflower Pilgrims who initially *built* the U.S. , you can tell the *descendants* of all slaves (indentured, purchased, self sold) of all races that got used in America by Slave Masters of all Colors that slavery ended a long long time ago and that My family and most Families in America that are still in America had nothing to do with slavery with the exception of being indentured and wanting it abolished. Slaves are people that were told what to do. They did not Build America. By saying that they did sounds very much like an actual communist. Josef? Communism would make slaves out of any common taxpaying legal American citizen overnight if it is not checked daily. Communism proves that any socialist programs *won't be enough*, because none of those things address the *class divide* in the minds of the idiots that allow themselves to be ruled by communists. Patriots are willing to do what it takes to take care of themselves and their families and their communities without a ruling class and without a group of elitists that drive a 200 thousand dollar Audi by pushing socialism while taking money from the poor that do not even own a car. In America you get a job or two or three and work as much as you can and get rewarded for all of your hard work with more money or you use fentanyl and opioids and set around complaining about ancestors from your distant past that screwed you over by not leaving you a legacy. Democrats have become the new Communist Party and they must be eliminated from all of America's political Arenas. Kamala Harris is weak at her best. God Bless America.
ckaihatsu wrote:
Tell that to the slaves who initially *built* the U.S., and tell that to the present-day *descendants* of those enslaved peoples.

Chad wrote:
Being a descendant from the Mayflower Pilgrims who initially *built* the U.S. , you can tell the *descendants* of all slaves (indentured, purchased, self sold) of all races that got used in America by Slave Masters of all Colors that slavery ended a long long time ago and that My family and most Families in America that are still in America had nothing to do with slavery with the exception of being indentured and wanting it abolished.

Okay, you're *personally* off-the-hook regarding slavery in the U.S. (grin)

To be *specific*, this is what I'm referring to:

Development of slavery

The shift from indentured servants to African slaves was prompted by a dwindling class of former servants who had worked through the terms of their indentures and thus became competitors to their former masters. These newly freed servants were rarely able to support themselves comfortably, and the tobacco industry was increasingly dominated by large planters. This caused domestic unrest culminating in Bacon's Rebellion. Eventually, chattel slavery became the norm in regions dominated by plantations.

The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina established a model in which a rigid social hierarchy placed slaves under the absolute authority of their master. With the rise of a plantation economy in the Carolina Lowcountry based on rice cultivation, a slave society was created that later became the model for the King Cotton economy across the Deep South. The model created by South Carolina was driven by the emergence of a majority slave population that required repressive and often brutal force to control. Justification for such a slave society developed into a conceptual framework of white superiority and aristocratic privilege.[150]

Several local slave rebellions took place during the 17th and 18th centuries: Gloucester County, Virginia Revolt (1663);[151] New York Slave Revolt of 1712; Stono Rebellion (1739); and New York Slave Insurrection of 1741.[152]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o ... of_slavery


Chad wrote:
Slaves are people that were told what to do. They did not Build America. By saying that they did sounds very much like an actual communist. Josef? Communism would make slaves out of any common taxpaying legal American citizen overnight if it is not checked daily.

'Red Dawn', huh? Good flick. Fun.

Chad wrote:
Communism proves that any socialist programs *won't be enough*, because none of those things address the *class divide* in the minds of the idiots that allow themselves to be ruled by communists. Patriots are willing to do what it takes to take care of themselves and their families and their communities without a ruling class and without a group of elitists that drive a 200 thousand dollar Audi by pushing socialism while taking money from the poor that do not even own a car. In America you get a job or two or three and work as much as you can and get rewarded for all of your hard work with more money or you use fentanyl and opioids and set around complaining about ancestors from your distant past that screwed you over by not leaving you a legacy. Democrats have become the new Communist Party and they must be eliminated from all of America's political Arenas. Kamala Harris is weak at her best. God Bless America.

Okay, Mr. Chad Social Historian.

So those who are ruled by the elitists, driving $200,000 Audis, are 'idiots', huh?

And, sure, if one works *a lot*, sacrificing their own life-time, they'll make some money -- *or*, since everyone who works is *ripped off* on every hour of every day that they work, why not just make the elitist *government* atone for past transgressions, like slavery and wage-slavery, and pay reparations to all laborers? Trump has proved that they have *trillions* to blow on propping up the stock market, so what the hey -- !

[11] Labor & Capital, Wages & Dividends

Spoiler: show
ckaihatsu wrote: -- *or*, since everyone who works is *ripped off* on every hour of every day that they work, why not just make the elitist *government* atone for past transgressions, like slavery and wage-slavery, and pay reparations to all laborers? * Sounds like something a Communist would use to get someone to believe that they can get something for free. Ha! Ha! nothing is free. Rarely ever will something political happen by accident. Weekend at Bernie is a good movie. Socialist Sanders is an idiot. He is somewhat smarter than those socialist followers that drink his salty lemonade and He does drive an expensive car and pushes socialism at persons that cannot afford a car and all of the related costs. Americans that own a car and follow the letter of the law are actual slaves to the Elitist *government* that will not simplify auto insurance to be no fault.(You only pay for auto insurance for insuring your auto) Why has the government allowed for a law that states that all must have insurance while allowing insurance companies to actually get a little extra on the side for uninsured drivers. Banks should include the cost of collision into the loan and stop bleeding Americans that want to own a new car but cannot afford the insurance. This was before President Trump proved to you that *trillions* are available at any time it is needed for a National Crisis. Wiki says roughly that April Ellison, a former African American slave achieved considerable success in business as a slave owner in North Carolina before the American Civil War. Very few taxpaying legal American citizens can actually trace themselves back to an actual slave from America's distant past. America's Patriots do not dwell on or dig up atrocities from the past. Making money on the stock market can only help America's economic recovery. A strong economy will definitely push socialism to the curb as job growth increases and the fiduciary irresponsibility of the *Communist* Democrat leaders is clearly exposed. The dismal Democrats that have wasted Billions of taxpayer dollars in the Democrat Cities and States need to *atone for past transgressions* by exiting their political positions or risk getting tarred and feathered as traitors by the American Taxpayer. *so what the hey -- !*
ckaihatsu wrote:
-- *or*, since everyone who works is *ripped off* on every hour of every day that they work, why not just make the elitist *government* atone for past transgressions, like slavery and wage-slavery, and pay reparations to all laborers? *

Chad wrote:
Sounds like something a Communist would use to get someone to believe that they can get something for free. Ha! Ha! nothing is free. Rarely ever will something political happen by accident. Weekend at Bernie is a good movie. Socialist Sanders is an idiot. He is somewhat smarter than those socialist followers that drink his salty lemonade and He does drive an expensive car and pushes socialism at persons that cannot afford a car and all of the related costs. Americans that own a car and follow the letter of the law are actual slaves to the Elitist *government* that will not simplify auto insurance to be no fault.(You only pay for auto insurance for insuring your auto) Why has the government allowed for a law that states that all must have insurance while allowing insurance companies to actually get a little extra on the side for uninsured drivers. Banks should include the cost of collision into the loan and stop bleeding Americans that want to own a new car but cannot afford the insurance. This was before President Trump proved to you that *trillions* are available at any time it is needed for a National Crisis. Wiki says roughly that April Ellison, a former African American slave achieved considerable success in business as a slave owner in North Carolina before the American Civil War. Very few taxpaying legal American citizens can actually trace themselves back to an actual slave from America's distant past. America's Patriots do not dwell on or dig up atrocities from the past. Making money on the stock market can only help America's economic recovery. A strong economy will definitely push socialism to the curb as job growth increases and the fiduciary irresponsibility of the *Communist* Democrat leaders is clearly exposed. The dismal Democrats that have wasted Billions of taxpayer dollars in the Democrat Cities and States need to *atone for past transgressions* by exiting their political positions or risk getting tarred and feathered as traitors by the American Taxpayer. *so what the hey -- !*

You have First World / consumerist concerns.

If you want to see *real* waste, just look at the government's *military spending*. We could provide *everyone*, including immigrants, with basic food and housing with the billions that are given to the military every year.

Do you care more about the U.S. nation-state / empire than you do about the *people* in the U.S.?
ckaihatsu wrote:Spoken like a true nationalist.

If it doesn't make the American flag sparkle any brighter then it's not worth hearing, huh, Chad?

Note that your kind these days *has* to tout a statist line because the 'free markets' are *demonstrably* not-working-out, and they've received *trillions* in public funds, under Trump.

So you're echoing the Trump line on H1-B visas now -- b.f.d.

Name *one* freedom that your ultra-nationalist 'patriots' want to fight and die for.

What President Trump is doing now is correcting what happened to the economy by listening to the so-called medical expert, Dr. Fauci, who seems to me to have turned out to be a Democrat operative to sabotage our economy by recommending we shut it down to save lives. In my opinion, that turned out do be a another one of the Democrat lies during the Trump administration.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Thank you Lord Jesus for President Trump, who has made America into a nation of homeless lepers. I see absolutely no negative consequences from having hundreds of thousands of jobless people also become homeless in a time of heightened protesting.

President Trump has nothing to do with the homeless that were there in those Democrat run cities before Trump got elected. The Democrat policies have just made it worse. It will continue to get worse until the people wake up and vote those lying Democrats out of office.

Godstud wrote::lol:

Wow. You really are gullible.

Another person blasts out their opinion and you buy it, because it supports your confirmation bias, and your ignorance.

People, like you, from Thailand should stop interfering in USA politics. :lol:
Hindsite wrote:People, like you, from Thailand should stop interfering in USA politics.
As I cannot vote, I cannot interfere. Are you going to attack other posters who are not in the USA, or am I special because I don't buy your lies and stupid posts? Many posters are from UK and other places.

Informing people of facts, is not interference, either. You should stop splattering stupid propaganda around, as you are doing more to destroy your democracy than anyone else.
Hindsite wrote:
What President Trump is doing now is correcting what happened to the economy by listening to the so-called medical expert, Dr. Fauci, who seems to me to have turned out to be a Democrat operative to sabotage our economy by recommending we shut it down to save lives. In my opinion, that turned out do be a another one of the Democrat lies during the Trump administration.

Why are you making vague accusations regarding a *pandemic* health condition, and the death toll from such? You're trying to *politicize* the health issue -- the pandemic itself -- which is abhorrent and reprehensible.

As of 13 August 2020, more than 20.6 million cases of COVID‑19 have been reported in more than 188 countries and territories, resulting in more than 749,000 deaths; more than 12.8 million people have recovered.[5]


Workplaces and schools are no longer *safe*, because of this health threat. Why are you pushing for human sacrifice?


‘Awfully late’: In 11th hour reversal, San Jose teachers allowed to work from home

https://www.mercurynews.com/one-day-bef ... -from-home
Hindsite wrote:President Trump has nothing to do with the homeless that were there in those Democrat run cities before Trump got elected. The Democrat policies have just made it worse. It will continue to get worse until the people wake up and vote those lying Democrats out of office.

Lets put Republicans in charge so that all the cities can become economically depressed rural shitholes. Problem solved.

ckaihatsu wrote:Why are you making vague accusations regarding a *pandemic* health condition, and the death toll from such? You're trying to *politicize* the health issue -- the pandemic itself -- which is abhorrent and reprehensible.

Republicans are extremists and their ideology can only exist in opposition to an enemy. Because modern conservative ideology has no solutions to real life problems this intellectual disparity is avoided and covered up through (literal) demonization of the enemy and conspiracy thinking.

You get rightwing conspiracy nonsense in response to people realizing that Trump has done nothing to improve their material condition. Even if Trump were interested in helping the average, non-millionaire constituent the GOP is ideologically committed to not helping people. To do so would go against their shallow intellectual beliefs that less government and more privatization are the solutions to all problems.

If you have no class awareness, or if you simply can't accept the idea that you've been played for a fool, you answer this problem by creating fanfiction for Trump wherein he's actually Batman going around punching pedophiles at night. He only needs you to be patient until he finally defeats the last literal blood drinking demon of the pedophile cabal before all of the world's problems are solved and your children talk to you again, your employer calls you back, and also you can finally see a doctor for your untreated medical conditions (but black people can't, because good things are only for white people).

That's basically modern conservatism for the average non-millionaire and billionaire. If you're aware enough then it's just spite because you don't believe a better world is possible, or a desirable goal because it would uplift the wrong people, so you vote for whoever will own da libz.

For Hindsite in particular, he just repeats thought-terminating cliches straight from the President's tweets. "Maybe black people need to realize the Democrats are the bad guys and Republicans have always been their friends."

Meanwhile, Republicans:

SpecialOlympian wrote:
Lets put Republicans in charge so that all the cities can become economically depressed rural shitholes. Problem solved.

Republicans are extremists and their ideology can only exist in opposition to an enemy. Because modern conservative ideology has no solutions to real life problems this intellectual disparity is avoided and covered up through (literal) demonization of the enemy and conspiracy thinking.

You get rightwing conspiracy nonsense in response to people realizing that Trump has done nothing to improve their material condition. Even if Trump were interested in helping the average, non-millionaire constituent the GOP is ideologically committed to not helping people. To do so would go against their shallow intellectual beliefs that less government and more privatization are the solutions to all problems.

If you have no class awareness, or if you simply can't accept the idea that you've been played for a fool, you answer this problem by creating fanfiction for Trump wherein he's actually Batman going around punching pedophiles at night. He only needs you to be patient until he finally defeats the last literal blood drinking demon of the pedophile cabal before all of the world's problems are solved and your children talk to you again, your employer calls you back, and also you can finally see a doctor for your untreated medical conditions (but black people can't, because good things are only for white people).

That's basically modern conservatism for the average non-millionaire and billionaire. If you're aware enough then it's just spite because you don't believe a better world is possible, or a desirable goal because it would uplift the wrong people, so you vote for whoever will own da libz.

For Hindsite in particular, he just repeats thought-terminating cliches straight from the President's tweets. "Maybe black people need to realize the Democrats are the bad guys and Republicans have always been their friends."

Meanwhile, Republicans:


You should have your own Cliff Notes and TED Talk. (grin)

(Not ragging on you.)
ckaihatsu wrote:Okay, you're *personally* off-the-hook regarding slavery in the U.S. (grin)

The ancestors of the majority of white Americans today arrived in the US after the Civil War was over. Some of my ancestors were conscripted into the Union army right off the boat.

The first person to own a slave in North America was a black man:

The Horrible Fate of John Casor, The First Black Man to be Declared Slave for Life in America
Black people in early America weren’t slaves. After this lawsuit, they could be
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-ne ... 180962352/
As most here know I work with homeless people almost every day. The issues of the homeless are almost universally misunderstood and their best interests rarely understood not to mention accurately represented.

In my metropolitan area of over a million people we are not really preparing for this at all. We do not have the resources to do much if we did. There is not even enough affordable housing if we could fund it. Finally. One might think that we have special accommodations for families with children. We do not. In fact, a family is harder to place in housing than is a single man. About the only group that has real access to affordable housing and rapid rehousing is veterans. For all of the talk about homeless veterans, the fact is that there are very few of them except for those who refuse housing. Pro Tip. Don't give much money to so-called veterans programs. They rarely do much but consume money. Any veteran with a service related disability has wonderful government benefits anyway.

Trump know that homeless people rarely vote because they have no address from which to register. Yes, he is that diabolical. I am always amazed that any veterans support Trump at all. He has fucked them at every turn. He even had to be forced to give the donations he promised.

We will do nothing about homeless people. They have no representation. They do not vote. They do not donate money. And when they sleep in the doorway of some posh gent's office, they are not seen as a political problem but rather a law enforcement one.

Here is what I will tell everyone here about the subject. Every single soul on this forum, after spending a month on the street will be highly unlikely to ever get off of the street. The bullshit about "boot straps" is exactly that. There are a few programs that can help a few people. But 30 days is it. Live on the street that long and you are likely to die there. Or in prison. And yes, even those of us with advanced degrees. Someone finding themselves on the road after a few weeks would be well advised to trade their PhD for a sympathetic brother's sofa.

This veteran NEVER supported Trump and I NEVER voted for him. I voted for Hillary. I saw through Trump right from the get go. He never had me fooled. I'll be out there voting for Joe Biden on November 3rd. I guarantee you. Trump has NEVER supported veterans. He has attacked and belittled them though. Trump is just the sorriest piece of shit I have ever seen quite frankly speaking. I mean, look at him and how acts and his behavior. He is just a pure piece of shit. The lowest of the low. He has no self esteem. Can't stand him. Every single time I see him on TV, I simply change the channel.

I don't even bother to listen to a single word he has to say because he doesn't represent me as an American. Trump is NOT my President and never will be. NEVER. Trump is nothing but a pure embarrassment and a complete disgrace and TOTAL dishonor to America. He is just a pure embarrassment, disgrace and dishonor to our country.

He is a traitor too as far as I am concerned with his cooperating with Russia and refusing to defend our republic against Russia and his attempts to destroy our republic and it's institutions himself. He is trying to become dictator of the U.S. and is simply a tyrant. He is not legitimate as far as I am concerned.
Godstud wrote:As I cannot vote, I cannot interfere. Are you going to attack other posters who are not in the USA, or am I special because I don't buy your lies and stupid posts? Many posters are from UK and other places.

Informing people of facts, is not interference, either. You should stop splattering stupid propaganda around, as you are doing more to destroy your democracy than anyone else.

Russians not in the USA could not vote either, but that did not stop the Democrats from claiming they interfered in our election in 2016. You are doing what those Russians did in 2016. :lol:

ckaihatsu wrote:You're trying to *politicize* the health issue -- the pandemic itself -- which is abhorrent and reprehensible.

Actually, the Democrats and their MSM are the ones that are trying to *politicize* the health issue -- the pandemic itself -- which is abhorrent and reprehensible. :lol:
@Hindsite So now you are admitting that Russians interfered in your elections? Say it ain't so!!! :lol:

How am I interfering? I only post my opinions and thoughts on this forum. I don't post about politics elsewhere. You're talking out of your ass, as usual. :knife:
Drlee wrote:In my metropolitan area of over a million people we are not really preparing for this at all. We do not have the resources to do much if we did. There is not even enough affordable housing if we could fund it.

This is why we need to defund the police. They take up an enormous proportion of every city's resources and as a quasi-military force they aren't capable of dealing with homelessness other than breaking up their camps and telling them to move along. Police forces should be shrunken and replaced with social workers who are better able to handle a large number of daily police interactions.

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