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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:No, Obama was the first to set the standard. I am sure that sleepy Joe Biden will follow his mentor's lead, especially since the Democrats love to spend the tax payer's money. :lol:

You know ….. you are right. Obama ran up a trillion dollar deficit to help dig us out of the latest Republican depression/recession. trump, OTOH needed a trillion dollar deficit to help us recover from his pretend prosperity. Do you remember how many times trump declared bankruptcy in his private life and left others holding the bag? I simply cannot keep up with the man's financial irresponsibility.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:You know ….. you are right. Obama ran up a trillion dollar deficit to help dig us out of the latest Republican depression/recession. trump, OTOH needed a trillion dollar deficit to help us recover from his pretend prosperity. Do you remember how many times trump declared bankruptcy in his private life and left others holding the bag? I simply cannot keep up with the man's financial irresponsibility.

Yes. However, President Trump became a Trump of God.
Praise the Lord.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Yes. However, President Trump became a Trump of God.
Praise the Lord.

OMG! :lol:

No wonder he was black listed by American banks and had to turn to the bank of the devil, Deutsche Bank to get money to rob.

You never did tell me how many times he declared bankruptcy.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:OMG! :lol:

No wonder he was black listed by American banks and had to turn to the bank of the devil, Deutsche Bank to get money to rob.

Deutsche Bank is not Russian. It is a German bank.

jimjam wrote:You never did tell me how many times he declared bankruptcy.

That is irrelevant to his position as U.S. President and making America great again. Sleepy Joe Biden and the Democrats of today desire only to tear America down.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Deutsche Bank is not Russian. It is a German bank.

That is irrelevant to his position as U.S. President and making America great again. Sleepy Joe Biden and the Democrats of today desire only to tear America down.

Good work Sherlock , it is in fact a German bank …… a nice helpful bank favored by Russian mobsters and Don The Con .

I don't know man, if a president has numerous bankruptcies in his past it may help explain why he runs the country with outflow exceeding inflow by more than $1,000,000,000,000. This is of course during pre covid "normal" times. Now it seems every day another trillion or so is magically appearing. I wonder what comes after trillion …… skillion? Maybe Don The Con will show us :lol: . Poor America ……..
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:I don't know man, if a president has numerous bankruptcies in his past it may help explain why he runs the country with outflow exceeding inflow by more than $1,000,000,000,000. This is of course during pre covid "normal" times. Now it seems every day another trillion or so is magically appearing. I wonder what comes after trillion …… skillion? Maybe Don The Con will show us :lol: . Poor America ……..

That is because the Democrats will not agree with a budget that funds the most important things without more money to fund their social programs.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:That is because the Democrats will not agree with a budget that funds the most important things without more money to fund their social programs.

What's a "social program"? Is that like a tax cut for billionaires that "trickles down"? :lol:

Geeze H.S. what would we do without each other ? I think God got us together to bust cyber balls .
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By jimjam
WASHINGTON — Russian intelligence services have been spreading disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, according to newly declassified intelligence, material that demonstrates how Moscow is continuing to try to influence Americans as the election draws closer.

Russian military intelligence, known as the G.R.U., has used its ties with a Russian government information center, InfoRos, and other websites to push out disinformation and propaganda about the pandemic, such as amplifying false Chinese arguments that the virus was created by the United States military and articles that said Russia’s medical assistance could bring a new détente with Washington.

The disinformation efforts are a refinement of what Russia tried to do in 2016. The fake social media accounts and bots used by the Internet Research Agency and other Russia-backed groups to amplify false stories have proved relatively easy to stomp out. But it is far more difficult to stop the spread of news articles that appear on websites that appear legitimate, according to outside experts.

“Russian intelligence agencies are taking a more central role in disinformation efforts that Russia is pushing now,” said Laura Rosenberger, the director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy. “It is not the blunt force” of the operations mounted by the Internet Research Agency.
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By jimjam
Russia is using a range of techniques to denigrate Joseph R. Biden Jr., American intelligence officials said Friday in their first public assessment that Moscow continues to try to interfere in the 2020 campaign to help Trump. The statement was released by William R. Evanina, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center. It cited efforts coming out of pro-Russia forces in Ukraine to damage Mr. Biden and Kremlin-linked figures who “are also seeking to boost President Trump’s candidacy on social media and Russian television.” The statement called out Andriy Derkach, a pro-Russia member of Ukraine’s Parliament who has been involved in releasing information about Mr. Biden. Intelligence officials said he had ties to Russian intelligence.

The release on Friday was short on specifics, but that was largely because the intelligence community is intent on trying to protect its sources of information, said Senator Angus King, the Maine independent who caucuses with the Democrats.

“The director has basically put the American people on notice that Russia in particular, also China and Iran, are going to be trying to meddle in this election and undermine our democratic system,” said Mr. King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The first reactions from Capitol Hill to the release of the assessment were positive. A joint statement by the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee praised it, and asked colleagues to refrain from politicizing Mr. Evanina’s statement.
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By jimjam
A sprawling report released Tuesday by a Republican-controlled Senate panel that spent three years investigating Russia’s 2016 election interference laid out an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian government officials and other Russians, including some with ties to the country’s intelligence services.

The report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, totaling nearly 1,000 pages, provided a bipartisan Senate imprimatur for an extraordinary set of facts: The Russian government undertook an extensive campaign to try to sabotage the 2016 American election to help Mr. Trump become president, and some members of Mr. Trump’s circle of advisers were open to the help from an American adversary.

The report drew to a close one of the highest-profile congressional inquiries in recent memory, one that the president and his allies have long tried to discredit as part of a “witch hunt” designed to undermine the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s stunning election nearly four years ago.

The question of what it is that Putin has over Donald Trump continues, but the answer is, and has always been, money.
Russia is a classic kleptocracy, and as such needs money launderers to shift rubles to dollars. Thus Trump's “miraculous” recovery from six bankruptcies. And as Eric Trump told us, Russian money, (funnelled through Deutsche Bank), was the only money the Trump's used after their credit turned toxic at every honest world bank.
Putin has the record of every Russian that Trump laundered money for and every act of collusion that Mueller couldn't prove because of Trump's obstruction.
Thus, Putin owns Trump.
And Trump's false loan applications to Deutsche Bank, now in the hands of the Manhattan D.A., constituted a felony crime.
And Deutsche Bank knew they were false, but the bank was just another pass through for Russian money to Trump, to be laundered by Trump. That's why Trump is Putin's sock puppet.
I've been hearing snippets along these lines for ages. Cy Vance is going to make mince meat out of President Trump.

jimjam wrote:Russia is using a range of techniques to denigrate Joseph R. Biden Jr., American intelligence officials said Friday in their first public assessment that Moscow continues to try to interfere in the 2020 campaign to help Trump.

Oh god, they're doing the exact same thing again. :lol:

The release on Friday was short on specifics


The rest of the world doesn't give a shit about your elections, as if there is any real difference between the two corporate warmongering death-cult-y parties that don't give a shit about people like you anyway.
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By jimjam
You have to be incredibly naïve to think the Russians were not all over trump like chickens on a June bug during his trips to Moscow...….most likely they have his entire visits recorded. We can pretty well assume Don was fucking everything in sight ….. it's all on video.

jimjam is a nobody but during my trip to Moscow I proved without a doubt that my room was searched during my absence. The picture below is of my business associate with our Intourist "guide" who looks a bit nervous at my taking of her picture. No doubt she was assigned to keep an eye on us.

This just covers Donald's "sex life". Russian mob money flowing through the only bank left that would do business with the Trump Gang, Deutsche Bank? That's another and a long story that will eventually come out. What does Putin have on the fat guy? Lots.
jimjam wrote:A sprawling report released Tuesday by a Republican-controlled Senate panel that spent three years investigating Russia’s 2016 election interference laid out an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian government officials and other Russians, including some with ties to the country’s intelligence services.

Yeah, pretty much more neoconservative horseshit.

jimjam wrote:The report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, totaling nearly 1,000 pages, provided a bipartisan Senate imprimatur for an extraordinary set of facts: The Russian government undertook an extensive campaign to try to sabotage the 2016 American election to help Mr. Trump become president, and some members of Mr. Trump’s circle of advisers were open to the help from an American adversary.

Here are some of the findings of the report.

Useless Government Report wrote:The Russian government directed extensive activity, beginning in at least 2014 and carrying into at least 2017, against US election infrastructure at the state and local level.

What did the Obama administration do to stop it? Nothing, apparently. Furthermore, there is no evidence it changed a single vote.

Useless Government Report wrote:The Committee has seen no evidence that any votes were changed or that any voting machines were manipulated.

Now, that's on enumerated paragraph #1 on page 3. Does that whet your appetite to read the next 997 pages?

jimjam wrote:The report drew to a close one of the highest-profile congressional inquiries in recent memory, one that the president and his allies have long tried to discredit as part of a “witch hunt” designed to undermine the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s stunning election nearly four years ago.

The report itself asserts that a possible motive of the Russian government was simply to undermine confidence in US elections.

jimjam wrote:Thus Trump's “miraculous” recovery from six bankruptcies.

Trump has never filed a personal bankruptcy petition.

jimjam wrote:Putin has the record of every Russian that Trump laundered money for and every act of collusion that Mueller couldn't prove because of Trump's obstruction.

Mueller couldn't prove it, because it didn't happen. Manafort had ties to Ukraine. He was Trump's campaign manager for one month. Then, he was fired.

jimjam wrote:Thus, Putin owns Trump.

Well done if he could pull that off.

jimjam wrote:And Trump's false loan applications to Deutsche Bank, now in the hands of the Manhattan D.A., constituted a felony crime.
And Deutsche Bank knew they were false, but the bank was just another pass through for Russian money to Trump, to be laundered by Trump. That's why Trump is Putin's sock puppet.

What do you think is false about the loan applications? I'm assuming you are talking about Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. These loan applications are made by a corporation, not an individual.

skinster wrote:Oh god, they're doing the exact same thing again. :lol:

This is their official explanation for why Joe Biden is going to lose badly.

skinster wrote:The rest of the world doesn't give a shit about your elections, as if there is any real difference between the two corporate warmongering death-cult-y parties that don't give a shit about people like you anyway.

A lot of people do care, and are weirdly obsessed with US politics. There is a difference between Trump and many Republicans and Democrats; namely, Trump is not a neoliberal or neoconservative. He's a nationalist, and he scares the living piss out of the globalists.

jimjam wrote:We can pretty well assume Don was fucking everything in sight ….. it's all on video.

And this is important, why?
Sad. Biggest bunch of horseshit i've ever seen in my life. And the venality and corruption of the side that is most into this beggars the imagination.

Trump is a Plutocrat, a Capitalist among Capitalists, he could have easily not got into politics, it would have been better for his business and his brand. But for some reason he didn't, and the Liberals have to this day no real reason why they think he did.

The fact that they still cannot adequately explain their clear enemy and the reasons and motivations for what he has done and will do, without resorting to conspiracy theories and dark insinuations without a shred of evidence (except evidence that the outgoing Administration set out to sabotage the incoming one), shows both their arrogant stupidity and moral rot down to the very core of their being.

This is why in 2020 they will lose again, this fatal conceit and ignorance, and still have no idea why they will lose when they reflect on it afterwards.
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By jimjam
annatar1914 wrote:Biggest bunch of horseshit i've ever seen in my life

annatar1914 wrote:their arrogant stupidity and moral rot down to the very core of their being.

annatar1914 wrote: fatal conceit and ignorance

My favorite is the "moral rot". This guy , I would guess, leads a "moral" life. God Bless him. As a person suffering from "moral rot", down to the core of my being no less, I will in the future look toward him for guidance on how to live my life ……. :) .

As an aside , I see where Mr. A is in "sales". I wonder if he would accept money from a customer suffering under the curse of "moral rot". :hmm:
My favorite is the "moral rot". This guy , I would guess, leads a "moral" life. God Bless him. As a person suffering from "moral rot", down to the core of my being no less, I will in the future look toward him for guidance on how to live my life ……. :) .

Here's the interesting thing; I've made no pretense of being a very moral person. Whereas a great deal of Liberalism is almost entirely composed of virtue-signaling hypocrisy-usually with the monies extorted from working people, by white liberals who are (because of their wealth) are safely cocooned from the consequences of said virtue signaling hypocrisy.

As an aside , I see where Mr. A is in "sales". I wonder if he would accept money from a customer suffering under the curse of "moral rot". :hmm:

Sales made me a Socialist more than anything else. I'm good at what I do, and in my heart I hope for a better way to come about eventually. I don't fault Bourgeoisie for being Bourgeosie as such, individually I'm sure many are decent people, but the ones that irritate me the most who are the hypocritical liars and cheats, who have never truly worked an honest laboring day in their lives and yet who arrange for programs and schemes designed to keep working people down. And not only down, but dependent on those who create these programs.

I usually try not to judge individuals, but collectively speaking there are plenty of arrogant and ignorant swine to go around, on both sides, and outside of the politics too.
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