Trump plans on stealing the election - Politics | PoFo

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Between what Trump has said, and what he has done, Trump has made it clear he plans on stealing the election, never more so than today.

"The worst case, however, is not that Trump rejects the election outcome. The worst case is that he uses his power to prevent a decisive outcome against him. If Trump sheds all restraint, and if his Republican allies play the parts he assigns them, he could obstruct the emergence of a legally unambiguous victory for Biden in the Electoral College and then in Congress. He could prevent the formation of consensus about whether there is any outcome at all. He could seize on that uncertainty to hold on to power.

Trump’s state and national legal teams are already laying the groundwork for postelection maneuvers that would circumvent the results of the vote count in battleground states.

“We are not prepared for this at all,” Julian Zelizer, a Princeton professor of history and public affairs, told me. “We talk about it, some worry about it, and we imagine what it would be. But few people have actual answers to what happens if the machinery of democracy is used to prevent a legitimate resolution to the election.”

Let us not hedge about one thing. Donald Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede. Not under any circumstance. Not during the Interregnum and not afterward. If compelled in the end to vacate his office, Trump will insist from exile, as long as he draws breath, that the contest was rigged."

There is a long list of other dirty tricks he's been pulling. Some of have headlines, like sabotaging the postal service. But others have not, he has 50,000 volunteers in 15 states that will be harassing minority voters. That's a Jim Crow tactic.

That's what all this is for, the lawyers, the White Supremacist 'volunteers", the claim that voting my mail is rigged. If all the votes are counted, Biden will win by a solid margin, he's going to use every dirty trick he can find to see that never happens. ... de/616424/
late wrote:If compelled in the end to vacate his office, Trump will insist from exile, as long as he draws breath, that the contest was rigged."

From exile in Russia you mean? Oh that would be hilarious. Please god let it happen. :lol:
As long as it's about lawyers and classic voting fraud, Trump will stand firm, however, thank god he's a coward, so he's going to fold as soon as he sees the people rise up against him, in Washington D.C. especially. At the end we'll see him getting evacuated live on tv. :lol:
Beren wrote:
As long as it's about lawyers and classic voting fraud, Trump will stand firm, however, thank god he's a coward, so he's going to fold as soon as he sees the people rise up against him, in Washington D.C. especially. At the end we'll see him getting evacuated live on tv. :lol:

And what if he surrounds the White House with his paramilitary, and uses them to arrest Dems in Congress?

The military can't act, and I don't think the DC police will start a shooting war.

Seriously, what will stop him.
"Rule No. 1: Believe the autocrat.

Rule No. 2: Do not be taken in by small signs of normality.

Rule No. 3: Institutions will not save you.

During the election campaign, one often heard the argument that institutions of American democracy are strong enough to withstand attack by Trump. A year ago, I pointed out that many of these institutions are not enshrined in law—rather, they exist as norms—and even those that are enshrined in law depend for their continued survival on the good faith of all actors.

Rule No. 4: Be outraged.

Rule No. 5: Don’t make compromises.

Pay attention to the ways in which the Trump Presidency breaks the moral compass.

Rule No. 6: Remember the future.

There will come a time after Trump. What will we bring to it? I wrote that the failure to imagine the future—to offer a vision in opposition to Trump’s appeal to an imaginary past—had cost the Democrats the election.
We will enter the post-Trump future with decimated federal agencies and a frayed judiciary stacked with Trump appointees." ... r-survival
late wrote:And what if he surrounds the White House with his paramilitary, and uses them to arrest Dems in Congress?

The military can't act, and I don't think the DC police will start a shooting war.

Seriously, what will stop him.

Come on guys, it's just Trump, for god's sake! The Secret Service will tell him to pack and leave the White House and he's going to pack and leave the White House. :lol:
Beren wrote:
Come on guys, it's just Trump, for god's sake! The Secret Service will tell him to pack and leave the White House and he's going to pack and leave the White House.

They can't do it until the election is certified, and all of this is to prevent that from happening..
Trump is trying to install himself as dictator and if he loses fair and square he is already stated he isn't guaranteeing a peaceful transfer to power. He'll certainly use this upcoming Supreme Court judge pick to pack the court full of conservative judges who are likely to rule in his favor when he brings suit against legitimate election results which show he lost fair and square (if he loses). If that happens, you might have some blue states secede from the U.S. given that he has used the threat of cutting off federal funding to them when they do something he doesn't like.

The blue states contribute more money than they receive so, it does give them an incentive to secede if such a scenario plays out. OR blue states don't secede then what we have is basically a dictatorship that doesn't honor elections and the will of the people. Our republic will be gone and with it probably any last remaining rights we have in all practicality.

If blue states do successfully secede then what is left over will basically be a Trumpland third world dictatorship. And to top it off, Putin, who always had a desire to avenge the dissolution of the USSR would win too as his revenge against the U.S. if not complete, would be close to complete. Either way, none of these scenarios are good. There seems to be even bigger, more darker days for us here in the U.S. in the near future.

OR maybe Trump loses the election and refuses to leave, Supreme Court doesn't rule in his favor and/or the military steps in and he is escorted out of the White House and Biden becomes President. Even if that happens, I still don't think it won't necessarily be a rosy scenario given the damage that Trump has caused.
Politics_Observer wrote:He'll certainly use this upcoming Supreme Court judge pick to pack the court full of conservative judges who are likely to rule in his favor when he brings suit against legitimate election results

late wrote:legally unambiguous

The upcoming appointment of a Supreme Court Justice is a sideshow. Even if it gets to the Supreme Court, there is no rule that says Congress must obey the court's ruling. According to a strict interpretation of the law, it would only ever be advisory.

Congress' power to regulate elections is plenary.


I have no idea what the future holds. What I do know is that Trump is a dangerous man whose danger that he poses to the American republic should not be under-estimated. It's why Putin helped to get him elected.
Politics_Observer wrote:@ingliz

I have no idea what the future holds. What I do know is that Trump is a dangerous man whose danger that he poses to the American republic should not be under-estimated. It's why Putin helped to get him elected.

Putin only exploited the failures of the republic, Trump should be a warning that the abuse of the republic has reached its limits.
late wrote:Between what Trump has said, and what he has done, Trump has made it clear he plans on stealing the election, never more so than today.

Basically, voters think progressives are assholes, and they aren't going to vote for Biden. It's frankly just that simple. Even blacks are waking up to the fact that it's Democrats that are the ones who are shooting them, putting them in jail, etc.

Beren wrote:As long as it's about lawyers and classic voting fraud, Trump will stand firm, however, thank god he's a coward, so he's going to fold as soon as he sees the people rise up against him, in Washington D.C. especially. At the end we'll see him getting evacuated live on tv. :lol:

As he swept out demonstrators in front of the White House? Get real. The Democrats are losing. Joe Biden has dementia. He obviously can't do the job. He isn't even campaigning much. He doesn't take questions from reporters. The difference between a Trump rally and a Biden press conference is like night and day.

late wrote:And what if he surrounds the White House with his paramilitary, and uses them to arrest Dems in Congress?

Look, the Democrats are going to lose, because their ideas are unpopular. Their collateral attacks on Trump's personality are not policy positions. They have had four years to course correct, and instead they've gone of the deep end and promised free health care to illegal aliens, promised to ban the most popular rifle in the US, banned people from going to church, set fire to major cities, etc. It's frankly nuts that you would even expect that Biden would win.

late wrote:The military can't act, and I don't think the DC police will start a shooting war.

Seriously, what will stop him.

Democrats are not going to win the election. They just aren't. You can't stop him, because a majority of the people around the country disagree with you.

late wrote:During the election campaign, one often heard the argument that institutions of American democracy are strong enough to withstand attack by Trump. A year ago, I pointed out that many of these institutions are not enshrined in law—rather, they exist as norms—and even those that are enshrined in law depend for their continued survival on the good faith of all actors.

They've been assaulted by the urban Democrat political machine for decades. Yet, still you can't win even when you're cheating at your best. People dislike Progressivism that much.

late wrote:Rule No. 4: Be outraged.

Yeah. How's that working out for you? People will just think you are crazy if you are constantly off your rocker.

late wrote:Rule No. 5: Don’t make compromises.

Yeah. Try getting anything done on any legislation without compromises. :roll:

late wrote:Pay attention to the ways in which the Trump Presidency breaks the moral compass.

Oh, because having recreational sex and killing babies because they are inconvenient, allowing riots, and banning people from going to church is moral? Dude. Seriously. Do you realize, most people associate the Democrats with immorality, not morality?

late wrote:Rule No. 6: Remember the future.

You can't remember something that hasn't happened yet. :roll: Good lord!

late wrote: I wrote that the failure to imagine the future—to offer a vision in opposition to Trump’s appeal to an imaginary past—had cost the Democrats the election.

No you didn't. You wrote that 2018 was a blue wave election, and that people had embraced the Democratic party's vision. They have been treated to two years of Nancy Pelosi in power, and they don't like it at all. She's terrible. Democrat governors are even worse. Do you know how many Democrat business owners have lost their businesses, because of Democrat governors? Do you really think they are going to come out and vote for Biden, who promises more lockdowns?

late wrote:We will enter the post-Trump future with decimated federal agencies and a frayed judiciary stacked with Trump appointees.

You have Barack Obama and Harry Reid to blame for that. The filibuster wasn't simply a Jim Crow relic. Obama and Reid didn't understand that, and they are paying a terrible price for their short sightedness.

late wrote:They can't do it until the election is certified, and all of this is to prevent that from happening.

The whole point of trying to re-engineer elections to vote-by-mail is to cheat. Keep the system as it is, and you won't have so many disqualified ballots. It's crazy to put ballots into USPS custody.

Finfinder wrote:Only in a leftist echo chamber is propaganda like Trump "plans to steal the election" more popular than the reality that Democrats cheated on the last election and more than likely like plan to cheat again.

Basically, the pollsters lie to the public until about 6 weeks before the election, and then they start getting closer to the truth so that they can maintain their credibility. Biden isn't sinking in the polls. He was never popular to begin with. He came in fourth place in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire. Crazy Bernie even beat him in Nevada; yet, all the Democrats, with more delegates than Biden mysteriously dropped out and threw their support to Biden before the South Carolina primary. Biden is not popular. When he had competition in the primaries, he was losing bigly as Trump might say.

Beren wrote:He'll be "asked" to go if he loses the election and then he will.

He's been asked to go when he won the election, and he didn't leave. Trump is a lot of things, but he's not a quitter.

Politics_Observer wrote:Trump is trying to install himself as dictator and if he loses fair and square he is already stated he isn't guaranteeing a peaceful transfer to power.

:roll: He's 74. He's going to spend another 4 years in the White House, and then he is going to retire.

Politics_Observer wrote:He'll certainly use this upcoming Supreme Court judge pick to pack the court full of conservative judges who are likely to rule in his favor when he brings suit against legitimate election results which show he lost fair and square (if he loses).

The Supreme Court will only ensure that Democrats follow the written election law and overturn lower court judges who try playing at activism. Nothing else will change.

Politics_Observer wrote:Our republic will be gone and with it probably any last remaining rights we have in all practicality.

At what point in Western Civilization have governments ordered lockdowns and told people to shelter in place for more than 40 days? You know quarantine means 40 days, right? You know you have the right to go to church, don't you? You know that governors are telling people that they can't go to church, right? That's dictatorship. That's violating people's rights, and you guys are championing the very thing you say you are afraid of. It's not that you are against dictatorship. You are just opposed to certain people being the dictators.

Politics_Observer wrote:There seems to be even bigger, more darker days for us here in the U.S. in the near future.

The reality is that Trump is going to win. That's your darker days ahead. Had the Democrats been reflective about why they lost in 2016 instead of inventing one conspiracy theory after another, they might have had a chance. Yet, they have basically trashed their sane party members like Hickenlooper, Bullock and Gabbard, and hung on to intersectionality and every flavor of crazy possible.

Trump supporters are going to his rallies and shouting "We love you!" Face it, you people have thrown everything you can at this guy, and instead of it making him unpopular, it has made him more popular. Progressivism, intersectionality, cancel culture, #MeToo, riots, lockdowns, etc. is just not something that will get people to like you and want to vote for you.
blackjack21 wrote:
Even blacks are waking up to the fact that it's Democrats that are the ones who are shooting them, putting them in jail, etc.

I would love to know where you get that fiction.

Anyway, the last you brought that up you were bragging about the increase in support for Trump among Blacks. Black support went up to almost 10%, as I remember.

Try 538 or RCP, if you ever want to see how things stand. 538 estimates Biden has a 77% chance of winning. Not too shabby.. ... e_map.html

Beren wrote:Putin only exploited the failures of the republic, Trump should be a warning that the abuse of the republic has reached its limits.

Trump certainly exposed the weaknesses of our system of government and where it needs to be improved. However, Putin exploited the weak and dangerous personality of a weak man who has hid behind his wealth and privilege his whole life to use to mount an attack on the U.S. and not necessarily the failure of a republican form of government.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Beren

Trump certainly exposed the weaknesses of our system of government and where it needs to be improved. However, Putin exploited the weak and dangerous personality of a weak man who has hid behind his wealth and privilege his whole life to use to mount an attack on the U.S. and not necessarily the failure of a republican form of government.

Still running with that insane conspiracy theory from a dingbat racist loser Presidential candidate from 2016? :roll:

Again, Trump is probably the biggest Anti-Russian President we've ever had in America, but you and a few others are doubling down on stupid and actually helping the man bring us closer to conflict with Russia. He has his reasons perhaps-to get them to the negotiation table and concede to what he wants-but people who buy into this garbage are absolutely irrational.

Oh well, those whom the gods wish to destroy for their evils, they first drive mad.

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