- 07 Dec 2020 13:02
You seem to know a lot about China and I am curious. Why are they constantly building large cities that are copies of famous Western cities? Many of these new cities are empty. Why is that? I am genuinely curious. This is not a gotcha question.
34 Unforgettable Photos Of China’s Massive, Uninhabited Ghost Cities
B0ycey wrote:
they build mega cities, they are an exporting economy blah blah blah. All these things are moving the pieces of the chessboard which can only be achieved by government initiative.
You seem to know a lot about China and I am curious. Why are they constantly building large cities that are copies of famous Western cities? Many of these new cities are empty. Why is that? I am genuinely curious. This is not a gotcha question.
34 Unforgettable Photos Of China’s Massive, Uninhabited Ghost Cities
Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience.
Adam Smith
Adam Smith