Oppose Vaccine Apartheid - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Rich
So I'm wondering about starting a campaign to oppose vaccine apartheid.

This would mean that I would refuse to even consider taking the vaccine, until all people in Africa, India, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yeman, Afghanistan (all countries with less than 2/3rds the GDP per capita of the UK) who are older than me, have a health condition or are a key worker, have been offered the vaccine.
That's a pretty stupid thing to do. There is no "vaccine apartheid". This is you just doing a really lame virtue signaling for your dumbass right-wingers.
That would pretty much be 'never'. Yemen is in a civil war, so practically impossible to offer everyone a vaccine; Afghanistan has similar problems, as do various countries in Africa. Tanzania is in deep denial about the virus.

Better to lobby your government to get vaccines to developing countries. Getting vaccinated yourself helps others as well as yourself. If your government has already planned how to do your group, putting a spoke in the plan by trying to persuade people like you to refuse it is unlikely to help, just delay things in your country.
By Rich
Godstud wrote:There is no "vaccine apartheid".

World is on course for a coronavirus vaccine ‘apartheid’, experts warn
This is you just doing a really lame virtue signalling for your dumbass right-wingers.

:lol: Sorry I wasn't aware that the independent was right wing newspaper. As to virtue signalling, according to Atheist Liberal group think this is not just signalling virtue, it is virtue. What greater sacrifice can a cis man make, what more nobler thing can a "Woke" " White" of privilege do than give up his place in the vaccine queue for some one in greater need?
Last edited by Rich on 07 Feb 2021 12:00, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:So I'm wondering about starting a campaign to oppose vaccine apartheid.

This would mean that I would refuse to even consider taking the vaccine, until all people in Africa, India, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yeman, Afghanistan (all countries with less than 2/3rds the GDP per capita of the UK) who are older than me, have a health condition or are a key worker, have been offered the vaccine.

Vaccination isn't compulsory. So your destiny is in your own hands. Just don't stop anyone from deciding their own please.

Nonetheless you inadvertently bring up an important point. At the current vaccination rate it will take 7 and a half years to vaccinate the world to herd immunity. And that doesn't take into account mutations and boosters. Why are we trying to vaccinate everyone in singular nations when they are not at risk? Why is the world not working together on this? We will be talking about Covid19 forever. We should have been mitigating this from the start. But we didn't. But we should have learnt. And now this is where we are at. So can we please just listen to the WHO and vaccinate the vulnerable and stop pretending that everyone is at equal risk. It might have scared enough people into thinking lockdowns were a good idea, but it is now just prolonging our response.
By Rich
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:That would pretty much be 'never'. Yemen is in a civil war, so practically impossible to offer everyone a vaccine;

I'm no Joe Biden fan, but I commend him for stopping support for offensive actions by the official Yemeni government and its Saudi allies. I have often defended Donald Trump but I have no problem in condemning him for not taking this action himself.

Getting vaccinated yourself helps others as well as yourself.

Selfish vaccine lovers in prosperous nations want to get the vaccine themselves and then they want to get their fellow national citizens vaccinated to protect them. After that they're happy for the big pharmaceutical corporations to rape the rest of the world for profit. I might not like the leaders of the pharmaceutical industrial complex, but they're not stupid. They're not going to want wipe this virus out. They're going to want to milk this for billions for as many years as they possibly can.
What the article said was 'apartheid', making it clear the use of the word was a rhetorical flourish.

Doesn't make it wrong, just an exaggeration.

There's actually a few problems we need to unpack, and they are quite real.

Let's tackle the 500 pound gorilla in the room first, it's going to cost more to vaccinate in poor countries. A private company can't ignore that.

In the past, when we have faced serious global disease threats, countries have banded together because it was in their own interest, as well as the right thing to do.

Obviously, we need to do it again.

Failure means you have an ideal reservoir of disease, giving it billions of chances to mutate. You really don't want that.

I wish humans were rational, but we're not, not even close. Once the sphincters relax, perhaps the better angels of our nature can be heard.
By Rich
late wrote:What the article said was 'apartheid', making it clear the use of the word was a rhetorical flourish.

Doesn't make it wrong, just an exaggeration.

Its not rhetorical, its not exaggeration it is Apartheid. The difference in life conditions between a citizen of the Congo (DRC) and a citizen of Luxembourg is as stark as that between Blankes and Swartes under South African Apartheid. This is why I hold the Black Lies Matter movement in such total and utter contempt. Millions have died in recent decades in the Congo due to war and violence. The Wokeists couldn't give a toss about them, about their access to justice, the Wokists couldn't give a toss about the overwhelming majority of the darkest skinned people on the planet. Now that's contemptible virtue signalling.

Of course the "Liberals" won't like my idea, because it would upset their cosy alliance with the Pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex, the Cultural Marxist education industrial complex and big Tech. And because it exposes them for the rabid hypocrites that they are.
By late
Rich wrote:
Its not rhetorical, its not exaggeration it is apartheid.

Not until we have one world government.

You have an unassailable case arguing that this is seven kinds of wrong. But it simple doesn't fit the definition of that word.
late wrote:Not until we have one world government.

You have an unassailable case arguing that this is seven kinds of wrong. But it simple doesn't fit the definition of that word.

It's Apartheid alright. In the proper sense of the word. The term isn't limited to single countries. In fact, the only way Apartheid can work is by confining the 2nd class citizens in separate administrative units as happened in South Africa and Israel.

The US and UK use their financial muscle to take control of global vaccine production.

They don't even stop short at trying to take over foreign vaccine production for exclusive US use. The CEO of the French company Sanofi declared last summer that the company would serve the US first. In the Spring of that year, the Trump administration tried to take over the German biotech Curevac for exclusive American use. The German government had to intervene to prevent the takeover. The German biotech company developed the first and most successful vaccine with German government funding, yet due to its partnership with Pfizer, most of the vaccines go to the US, while supplies to Europe are cut. The same is likely to be repeated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which was developed by Janssen in Europe.

The US and UK have an effective export ban until all citizens are vaccinated, while the EU continues to serve the whole world, even the US and the UK. Canada, for example doesn't get any Pfizer vaccines from the US, it has to wait for Pfizer to supply vaccines from its plant in Europe, which has to serve the whole world.

So yes, as to the rest of us, we are all 2nd class citizens.
There is a good humanitarian argument to distributing vaccinations based on need rather than which governments have the money and pull the strings.

Would it be humane for 5 year olds in the UK to be provided a vaccinate before 70 year olds in Kenya?
Unthinking Majority wrote:There is a good humanitarian argument to distributing vaccinations based on need rather than which governments have the money and pull the strings.

Would it be humane for 5 year olds in the UK to be provided a vaccinate before 70 year olds in Kenya?

That is indeed the only logical conclusion. The problem is we have been saying to everyone that this virus is dangerous to all for the past year and now everyone wants the vaccine regardless of risk. So it will take a brave government to fez up and tell the truth now. Because the current rate of vaccination is going to take seven years to reach global herd immunity and that doesn't take into account other things like mutations and boosters meaning even that goal seems out of reach. And also we have had to employ volunteer administers to reach targets and also that vaccinating the third world be a challenge in any case. So I agree, there is an issue here. But this issue was homegrown by the foreseen race to the bottom emerging and the total irrational panic last March. Because even though the logical conclusion is to vaccinate the global vulnerable first, who is going to say 'You know how we locked you all away last year to stop you catching the virus, well we are now not going to vaccinate you either as that saves the most lives'. Nobody.
By late
Atlantis wrote:
So yes, as to the rest of us, we are all 2nd class citizens.

Which is not apartheid.

I don't buy your other argument. Israel conquered Palestine, and created an apartheid there. Ditto for SA.
late wrote:Which is not apartheid.

I don't buy your other argument. Israel conquered Palestine, and created an apartheid there. Ditto for SA.

US imperialism has effectively conquered most of the world. That's how it is able to suppress other people.

Thus, it is Apartheid!

If you are a good US lackey you may get a visa or do some business as long as you don't threaten US supremacy. For all the rest, it is punishment and 2nd class citizenship. But even the lackeys tend to get shafted in the end.
Rich wrote:What greater sacrifice can a cis man make, what more nobler thing can a "Woke" " White" of privilege do than give up his place in the vaccine queue for some one in greater need?

Well, if you took the offered vaccine, you would help the world ending this pandemic. So in the end even "someone in greater need" would profit (indirectly) from your vaccination.
Last edited by Subliminal on 14 Feb 2021 19:52, edited 1 time in total.
Atlantis wrote:In fact, the only way Apartheid can work is by confining the 2nd class citizens in separate administrative units as happened in South Africa and Israel.

There is no Apartheid in Israel.
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