US launches airstrike against Iranian-backed forces in Syria - Politics | PoFo

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Fox News wrote:The U.S. military carried out an airstrike against an Iranian-backed militia stronghold in Syria Thursday, a senior official told Fox News.

In the first known military action by President Biden, multiple facilities were struck by American F15 fighter jets that targeted Iraqi border-based Shia militia groups, Kait’ib Hezbollah and Kait’ib Sayyid al Shuhada.

Both forces are suspected of having received funding and military support from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard.

The senior official said the strike was "shot across the bow" and a defensive strategy, intended to deter Iran and its militia from launching rockets at U.S. forces in the region, like the recent attacks in Iraq.

National Council of Resistance of Iran deputy director Alireza Jafarzadeh discusses U.S. potential rejoining 2015 deal

The Defense Department later confirmed the strikes.

"These strikes were authorized in response to recent attacks against American and coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said Thursday.

Two rockets landed within the U.S.’s Green Zone in Baghdad Monday, falling near the U.S. embassy and marking the third attack of its kind within a week.

The Green Zone is several miles wide and houses the U.S. embassy and other government buildings.

Though Monday’s strike reported no casualties, a rocket fired in Erbil, Iraq last week killed several people; an American service member and multiple American contractors were injured.

"We are outraged by the recent attacks," State Department spokesman Ned Price said Monday.

"When it comes to our response, we will respond in a way that is calculated, within our own timetable, and using a mix of tools at a time and place of our choosing," he added. "What will not do is lash out and risk an escalation that plays into the hands of Iran and contributes to their attempts to further destabilize Iraq."

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warns reengaging Iran will 'undermine American national security.'

The Pentagon said the defensive strike Thursday was conducted with diplomatic support and in coordination with coalition partners.

At least one fighter was killed, according to reports citing an Iraqi militia official. Reuters, citing local sources, also reported that at least 17 were dead, while The Associated Press quoted the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights as saying 22 fighters were killed -- but neither death toll could be confirmed.

Elsewhere, Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Friday condemned the strikes.

"We call for the unconditional respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria," spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, according to Reuters.

The airstrike was timed to avoid large-scale casualties and targeted a command hub. The extent of the damage and casualties hit will be known after a bomb assessment is complete, security officials told Fox News.

"The operation sends an unambiguous message -- President Biden will act to protect American coalition personnel," Kirby told reporters Thursday.

"At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to deescalate the overall situation in both Eastern Syria and Iraq," he added.
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By colliric
And so we're getting the Democrats VS Iran "kill brown Islamic people" war we were promised by Hillary.

Racist islamophobic nutcase Democrats. I wonder how many innocent civilians they killed and injured this time.

And you wonder why Assange helped get Trump elected.....
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By Heisenberg
In fairness, Biden did promise that nothing will fundamentally change. :|

Liberals on Twitter have been hilarious as ever in their dutiful sucking up, though. Apparently Biden bombed Syria more presidentially than Trump did. :lol:
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By Scamp
How about The Biden administration. Syria got bombed a lot faster than anyone received the stimulus checks they have been promising since November. :lol:
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By Beren
B0ycey wrote:Johnson don't be a Blairpoodle.

Johnson will serve whatever US administration + Zionists. Which will be easier for him to do with his magic kipper than it was for Blair who didn't have that.

By B0ycey
Beren wrote:Johnson will serve whatever US administration + Zionists. Which will be easier for him to do with his magic kipper than it was for Blair who didn't have that.


Probably. :lol:

Even more reason for Biden to stay out of conflict. Johnson is sure to be a Blairpoodle. :lol:
By late
colliric wrote:
And so we're getting the Democrats VS Iran "kill brown Islamic people" war we were promised by Hillary.

Racist islamophobic nutcase Democrats.


You might want to take a brief look at history. You know, like which party invaded Iraq twice, or installed a dictator in Iran, that sort of thing. You know, facts...

Calling this a tough situation is an understatement.

So what I want to do is neither defend Biden, or attack your nonsense.

There are layers to this, a bunch of them. We are allied to the Sunni, Iran is Shia. That's a mistake, but it's one we've been doing since before anyone here was born. Even me, and I can remember dinosaurs.

Odds are, we approached Iran, and they weren't feeling cooperative. So we responded to their action.

Iran has about a million reasons to hate us, and they're basically all really good reasons. Most never knew how hard it was to get Iran to cut a deal over the nuke situation. But despite the hard work and skill, the timing was lucky. Most of the time, Iran has been too pissed. I suspect they may have gone back to being too pissed.

That's the thing with diplomacy, it has to be done in private. Premature disclosure would have killed nearly every agreement we've ever made, and there are thousands of them.

As a rule, a military attack does not move things towards a diplomatic resolution. But the middleast is a tangled mess, and after Trump thinking Iran is pissed is a very safe bet.

Biden will have the dipcorp keep talking to Iran, who knows, we might get lucky again.

But getting back to where we were before Trump will take time. Some of it will take decades, some of it will never happen, and it's not going to be clear when you start if it will be months, years, decades or never.

But I am just as glad right now I am not a diplomat. Trump gutted the State Dept, and now they have more on their plate than at any time since the end of the post WW2 era. Which was, to be completely arbitrary, about 1960.
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By Heisenberg
Beren wrote:Johnson will serve whatever US administration + Zionists. Which will be easier for him to do with his magic kipper than it was for Blair who didn't have that.

Don't underestimate kippers, they're absolutely glorious. Breakfast of champions. :D
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By Beren
Heisenberg wrote:Don't underestimate kippers, they're absolutely glorious. Breakfast of champions. :D

I'd never dare underestimate the power of kipper symbolism in post-Brexit Britain, I wonder if Churchill or the Tudors also used it. How about Boudicca or some druids at Stonehenge? Did they fight the Normans at Hastings under the kipper perhaps? :eh:
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By Heisenberg
Beren wrote:Did they fight the Normans at Hastings under the kipper perhaps?

No - in fact, Harold lost at Hastings because he skipped his usual breakfast of smoked kippers and toast. And thus, the course of world history was changed... :eek:
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By Beren
Heisenberg wrote:No - in fact, Harold lost at Hastings because he skipped his usual breakfast of smoked kippers and toast.

It's a well-taught story in the UK, I guess. I wonder if how his French-speaking enemies from the Continent were involved in that. :lol:
By B0ycey
Beren wrote:It's a well-taught story in the UK, I guess. I wonder if how his French-speaking enemies from the continent were involved in that. :lol:

You need to check out the Bayeux Tapastry Beren. Clearly Harold is pulling out Kipper bones from his eye. William introduced the Kipper to England as a weapon and now we smoke them in his honor. There is more to 1066 than just Castles and that bloody Domesday book. That's why BoJo likes waving them. In honor to his French heritage.
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By ckaihatsu
late wrote:

You might want to take a brief look at history. You know, like which party invaded Iraq twice, or installed a dictator in Iran, that sort of thing. You know, facts...

Calling this a tough situation is an understatement.

So what I want to do is neither defend Biden, or attack your nonsense.

There are layers to this, a bunch of them. We are allied to the Sunni, Iran is Shia. That's a mistake, but it's one we've been doing since before anyone here was born. Even me, and I can remember dinosaurs.

Odds are, we approached Iran, and they weren't feeling cooperative. So we responded to their action.

Iran has about a million reasons to hate us, and they're basically all really good reasons. Most never knew how hard it was to get Iran to cut a deal over the nuke situation. But despite the hard work and skill, the timing was lucky. Most of the time, Iran has been too pissed. I suspect they may have gone back to being too pissed.

That's the thing with diplomacy, it has to be done in private. Premature disclosure would have killed nearly every agreement we've ever made, and there are thousands of them.

As a rule, a military attack does not move things towards a diplomatic resolution. But the middleast is a tangled mess, and after Trump thinking Iran is pissed is a very safe bet.

Biden will have the dipcorp keep talking to Iran, who knows, we might get lucky again.

But getting back to where we were before Trump will take time. Some of it will take decades, some of it will never happen, and it's not going to be clear when you start if it will be months, years, decades or never.

But I am just as glad right now I am not a diplomat. Trump gutted the State Dept, and now they have more on their plate than at any time since the end of the post WW2 era. Which was, to be completely arbitrary, about 1960.

Nice rant -- remember *this*...?

The United States announced its withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the "Iran nuclear deal" or the "Iran deal", on May 8, 2018.[1][2][3][4] The JCPOA is an agreement on Iran's nuclear program reached in July 2015 by Iran, the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany)[5][6] also called E3/EU+3. ... _of_Action
By late
ckaihatsu wrote:
1) Nice rant

2) -- remember *this*...?

1) It's an analysis, and reasonably accurate.

2) Yes, do you have a point?
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By ckaihatsu
late wrote:
1) It's an analysis, and reasonably accurate.

2) Yes, do you have a point?


Unthinking Majority wrote:
The establishment up to its old tricks I see. Biden picking up where Obama left off.
By late
ckaihatsu wrote:

Let's say we left Iraq manana.

Iraq was never much of a country, now it's a wreck held together by other countries. Iran helps the Shia, the Saudi help the Sunni, we're a buffer between them.

We leave, and there is a power vacuum, and Iran moves in. While the Saudi have great toys, they can't fight for beans. So what is going to stop Iran from taking over Saudi Arabia?

That's the question we have been facing since we wrecked Iraq.

The ME is a horror show, there are no good answers, just ones that suck less than others.
User avatar
By ckaihatsu
late wrote:
Let's say we left Iraq manana.

Iraq was never much of a country, now it's a wreck held together by other countries. Iran helps the Shia, the Saudi help the Sunni, we're a buffer between them.

We leave, and there is a power vacuum, and Iran moves in. While the Saudi have great toys, they can't fight for beans. So what is going to stop Iran from taking over Saudi Arabia?

That's the question we have been facing since we wrecked Iraq.

The ME is a horror show, there are no good answers, just ones that suck less than others.

Maybe the women drivers in Saudi Arabia would be liberated as a result.

Iraq has basically chosen Iran, anyway, so it's not nearly as controversial as you make it out to be. Biden's bombing run is geopolitical sour grapes at this point.
By late
ckaihatsu wrote:
Iraq has basically chosen Iran, anyway, so it's not nearly as controversial as you make it out to be. Biden's bombing run is geopolitical sour grapes at this point.

If Iran takes Iraq, why would they stop there? It's worth a lot of money, they hate each others guts, and the Saudi are lousy at fighting.
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