Meghan Markle abused & bullied Buckingham Palace staff to tears - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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The Times newspaper is the original source of this bullying story and I'm skeptical of the claims made by royal aides. The British newspaper is now owned by the Aussie media tycoon who has a racist agenda. The Times newspaper is as credible as the Sun and New York Post, which are also owned by News Corp.

Meghan Markle has been accused of bullying staff and “destroying” one individual, ahead of her “tell-all” television interview with Oprah Winfrey.

The Times newspaper alleges that during her time as a working royal, Meghan drove out two personal assistants and staff were “humiliated” on several occasions.

There has long been speculation about the atmosphere in the Sussex household after a number of staff left, and the newspaper chronicles what it describes as “turmoil” within palace walls.
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 04 Mar 2021 20:26, edited 1 time in total.
late wrote:We've seen this before, the Palace, the Firm if you want, undermining those they didn't like.

Before they got married, I wondered how they would handle the hue.

Not well, from the looks of it.

In all honesty, I see this almost every day here as an admin, people try to undermine figures of authority either just because they can(and they get a vanity hit from it) and in the case of Meghan also because she has fancied herself another Diana since a child. Meghan will do anything to be a victim of the royals because that is the narrative she has created for herself, that is why she came to settle in the UK as a princess but kept her entire crew on retainer in the US. It is quite clear everything she says is scripted. The Palace has offered them, titles, endowments, the public welcomed her in the UK as an icon, crowds gathered to love her and her issue is that some tabloids said something or whatever.

This story did not happen now, Harry & Meghan have known about this since 2018 when these people came forward then but were clearly told "to be quiet", now there is no reason for them to be kept quiet.

It is quite amazing how Meghan and Harry being Royals and having everything, they still manage to appear so cheap and petty.

He's a nobody as he totally lacks any intellect and she's a B actress. Even within the celebrity sphere they are both subpar in any possible regard one can think of and that is evidently why they are as cheap as they are; because no matter how much you brush a donkey's hair it will never turn into a mane.

"The Firm" has no power, it's only purpose is to be as dignified as they can be. Meghan is a troll and she is trolling 100 year old folks without remorse by trying to leverage the BLM & wokeness against them just for letting her in their house.
...anyway, rumor had it that Kim and Kayne might be getting back together but all it not what it seems guys.

Another feud, another brand, another trash piece. Although we still have another week of this until it get broadcasted and this interview is now being sold everywhere from that one snippet alone. Which means I worry about the human race and what their priorities are especially considering we are in a pamdemic.

The UK needs to become a Republic!
snapdragon wrote:You think becoming a republic will change anything?
We’d end up with president Boris Johnson.
I don’t fancy that at all.

What? And Prime Minister Boris Johnson sounds better? :eh:

The head of state would be elected. No born privileges, no mulit million pound handouts. And no fucking "Keeping Up with the Windsors" specials by Oprah. The need for a monarchy died with feudalism and ask any French person if they want to go back to what it was before cake? We won a civil war to get rid of them and brought them back for religious purposes. So we don't need them and did just fine without them with just our Lord and Commander thank you very much. Warts and all.

So yes, it would change something. It would bring us back to the 21st century and the Queen can take her unelected Lords with her whilst she is at it.
President Johnson sounds a whole lot worse.

No born priveleged? You having a giraffe? It’ll be a million times worse. At least now no matter how many arses they lick, how many palms they grease, how many favours they do, nobody can become my head of state.

If the queen was shown to be somehow corrupt and abusing her position, then maybe you’d have a point.

But she’s not and never has, no matter how much piddling rubbish the republican press try to dig up.

I’d prefer they concentrated on the disgraceful behaviour of the PM , for which he appears to getting away with Scot free.

Edit: Harry and Meghan wanted out of the royal firm and they went.
Nobody tried to stop them. They went with , publicly anyway, the warmest good wishes from Harry’s family.
All they’ve done since is complain and gripe
I'm still a monarchist. Last time we voted on it, I picked to keep the Queen. Never once regretted it in the 22 years since.

It's funny how the last two years have made it patiently obvious Prince William is the clearly the best choice as the next Monarch. Charles is still a twat. A more mature twat is still a twat.

I still suspect Elizabeth has hung around long enough to make sure William gets the crown next, since Charles is over retirement age now. He should retire.

Harry has shown us all he's the modern response to Edward the 8th, destroyed his reputation by marrying an American Divorced flousy. If the queen dies while Boris is PM, he should lobby hard for William and the certainty of another lengthy stable reign.
I've been drinking again. When I post inappropriate shit, I've usually been drinking. This is fine as a topic to discuss and stuff. I just can't help but being really flippant when it comes to the British Royal Family. But carry on, hombres. And I wish Mehgan and Harry all the best.
Last edited by Crantag on 07 Mar 2021 08:20, edited 1 time in total.
Rancid wrote:Angela Merkel is really throwing a wrench into that family.

Yeah, I've always wondered how Prince Harry ended up marrying the Chancellor of Germany. Nobody's ever explained that to my satisfaction. And Angela Merkel's plastic surgeon must really be good.... :eek:
One way to look at this is as a culture clash between the old, and the new.

The monarchy is an honorable institution, but it's old, and it's an awkward fit in the modern world...

Which is why this sort of thing keeps popping up, and will continue popping up. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it happens more often, as culture evolves, and the monarchy does not.

Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail, and much later, the vindictiveness won't.
Sod all this

Happy commonwealth day to everyone here who is part of it.

As the palace spokesman says: we’ve got more important things to worry about than that precious pair of cry babies. This, too, will pass.

Well, they didn’t actually say all that, but never mind. It’s true enough.
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