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By Thunderhawk
Since you know the base game (Pandemic), I strongly suggest you take a look at the Legacy version too.
Here is a board game I played with my brother in law, nephew and my brother in law's brother. "Barnacle Bay" I think is what this game is called which is basically a D & D type Dungeon Crawl game where you "Hack and Slash" your way through the game leveling up and getting treasure, better weapons, armor and abilities. A mixture of D & D and video game role playing games put together into a board game.


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By fuser
btw, if enough people are interested, I am certainly down for a PoFo board game session using Tabletop simulator.
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By Saeko
Objectively, the most superior board game of all time:


This game is so hard that even after a lifetime of playing it, you won't be any better than a complete beginner.
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By Politics_Observer
What's so funny about my brother in law is that he is this big built dude who can be intimidating and yet he is the biggest turbo nerd along with the rest of our family of turbo nerds. He used to play football and was a popular football player in high school. A lot of his fellow football players were shocked to discover he was turbo nerd and board gaming geek. They would have never known unless he told them or went to his house to discover all his nerd stuff.

He and members of my family have been running for several months a D & D campaign where my brother in law plays a barbarian. I hadn't been able to join them and play because I don't have time due to my studies. But they got a pretty awesome D & D game and group going and they have stayed on it without missing a game for months now. They play once a week. I guess it goes to show you can't just categorize people into these "boxes" so to speak.
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By Politics_Observer

Dude I remember that game! I just totally forgot about it! That game has been around for a very long time for decades.


It seems this game might not have been around as long as I thought it was. Googling it up it says it was made in 2016. However, I thought it was made long before that. I guess my memory is playing tricks on me.

Here is a video of the game:

What I like about the explanation in this video is how the game illustrates that fascists try to pretend to be somebody or something they are not.
By late
Saeko wrote:
Objectively, the most superior board game of all time:

The best has been the best for a millenia:

By Patrickov
late wrote:The best has been the best for a millenia:


To be fair it has not taken a foothold in the West, unlike Lido or chess which are at worst adapted.
By Truth To Power
Patrickov wrote:To be fair it has not taken a foothold in the West, unlike Lido or chess which are at worst adapted.

Go has definitely taken a foothold in the west. Before COVID, it was gaining converts steadily -- though perhaps only among the best people. When I learned to play, there were NO Western-born pros, let alone pros living in the West. Now there are dozens.
By pugsville
I like Board games, played a lot of hex and counter, I like complex but I tend to lose (though I tend to only play my Brother who is dammed good) say World in Flames (with Days of Decsison III) OCS series or War in the Pacific, Russia 1917, I Holy grail game La Grand Guierre 14-18, GOT a lot games I won't get to, I like multi players stuff for beer and pretzel gaming , Machiavelli, Republic of Rome, Junta, Credo, Empire in Arms, (I got Europe Universalis but I can't convince people to play)

Board Game Geek is one of my favorite web sites,
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My favourite is Cosmic Encounters, which is like Risk in space. Every battle involves negotiating alliances and coalitions with other players so you're actually interacting with everyone else and not just pursuing your own strategy and comparing scores at the end. There are lots of interesting cards and powers that make each game unique.

I also enjoy Azul and Imhotep. Secret Hitler is definitely a good party game.
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By Igor Antunov
They're more viable online because its hard to get together with friends IRL and you can just chat in discord or on webcam while you play. All boardgames nowadays have perfect digital recreations and do all the monotonous things for you.

Monopoly is a favourite of mine.
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By Tainari88
Saeko wrote:Objectively, the most superior board game of all time:


This game is so hard that even after a lifetime of playing it, you won't be any better than a complete beginner.

I played that game when I was a kid. Lol. It is fun. Sort of like Parcheesi maybe?

The one I play with my little boy once in a while?

That little kid voice from the little boy sounds a lot like my son's best buddy in Mexico. They like playing that game a lot. It is cute. Mexican Tourist game. :D
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By MistyTiger
Wow, I forgot about Trouble! It was one of my favorites. I also loved Candy Land. It was truly a fun experience to play in the den with family or friends. The last board game I remember was The Game of Life.

My mother bought it for me when I was in my teens. I think she wanted to motivate me to find a good job. Career cards are included with the game. There was a subtle pressure there. I didn't really understand it but I know she was concerned about me. She knew that she did not spend enough time with me because my needy sister was distracting her.
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By Tainari88
MistyTiger wrote:Wow, I forgot about Trouble! It was one of my favorites. I also loved Candy Land. It was truly a fun experience to play in the den with family or friends. The last board game I remember was The Game of Life.

My mother bought it for me when I was in my teens. I think she wanted to motivate me to find a good job. Career cards are included with the game. There was a subtle pressure there. I didn't really understand it but I know she was concerned about me. She knew that she did not spend enough time with me because my needy sister was distracting her.

My son loves the Game of Life too. I have it in my house. He likes putting the stick figures in the car. Lol.
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I saw a review of Hegemony recently and it looks really interesting. It's an asymmetrical game in which each player controls a different class with different goals and abilities. The working class want more jobs, higher wages and higher welfare spending whilst the capitalists want cheaper labour and lower taxes. The middle class wants a bit of both and the government can help each class out to score points.

My favourite game currently is Power Grid in which you play as rival utility companies trying to build the largest electricity network. I really enjoy having to pay attention to the other players and blocking them whilst making sure I don't get blocked in as well. The player order changes each round with the leading player going 1st to the auction and is last to buy resources and build connections, which is a big disadvantage. Meanwhile the person in last place does the opposite and gets to buy the cheapest resources and build first. Often I'll avoid building so that I can have the advantage next turn.

I also enjoy Puerto Rico, Agricola and Lords of Waterdeep. I like Scythe and Root too but haven't been able to play those for a while.

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